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/fg/ - Fangames


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Ok since the thread last time had a picture and that made it weird, here is a new thread also bonus point here is the game list so far

>>178 Sickmind

>>915 The Looking Glass
>>810 Mewn
>>24 Yume Nisshi
>>852 Anarchy
>>31 N'oubliez Jamais
>>502 The Other Line
>>2068 Divinity Fatum Trilogy
>>1476 R.E.M
>>1991 Mochi Nikki
>>1786 Yumewo
>>2219 CHAIN (Lube's /fg/)
>>1628 nostAlgic and Parade
>>1457 Owl's /fg/
>>1950 Dream Buyer
>>1417 Dream VS Dream (Apparently Official Thread)
>>401 Hallucigenia
>>1678 FLUX
>>124 lcd dem
>>172 Me (caution: scary)
>>6 Broken Bottles
>>2357 Hell Diary
>>197 Answered Prayers (aka best fg)
>>2877 3D Yume Nikki
>>1950 Dream Buyer (locked)
>>172 Me and Remory
>>2357 Hell Diary
>>197 Answered Prayers
>>7734 Moga's Games
>>3188 Umbra
>>4184 Middens
>>3411 Elysium City
>>4732 Kataribesou
>>4378 Dreams
>>5287 Memoria
>>4052 Ultra Violet
>>5058 Nightmare Brawl
>>2494 Memories of Replica
>>3980 Nocturne
>>4335 / >>1120 Yume Graffiti/Dream Graffiti
>>4110 P's /fg/
>>698 Smash Dream

Writer edit: If you have a project that isn't in this list, feel free to post and I'll make sure to add it!


Wut, Illusions is not your fangame. :/

But thanks for posting the list. Instant links ftw!


I believe it's just a copy and paste of Silver's (the creator of Illusions) post from the old thread.


Rofl "lube's /fg/". We've decided on a name for it: "CHAIN".


I think this list was made before your fangame was named.


The name for "lube's /fg/" was decided on before this list was made, but the name wasn't posted anywhere on Uboachan; so it was essentially nameless until now.



Yeah, I figured that much out. I realized that we didn't say what the name of the game was up until now. I mostly am just wondering if we could get that updated, if it isn't too inconvenient.


Well I don't think the list will be updated for a while, since there is no "edit" button…



aw shit. I forgot. oh well.


yeah, sadly we won't have an edit button for a while, so if there are any suggestions 'n' stuff you'll just have to make comments

I have an awesome idea though

whenever you want a new thread and I don't notice it on my own, you can report this thread and put your reason as "Request New Thread Index" or something :)


Here's a website with links to a lot of the fangames' websites:



Where did Moga's thread go?


We're looking into that atm



So find out anything about that yet?


Who would delete Moga's thread?

If it was Moga himself that deleted it, then why would he do that?

I find it strange that it was deleted a bit after some "who deleted posts" discussion and kaguya placing it "under his protection"


>>3596 >>3594 Please hang tight, I'm going to ask Sei about this when I see him. I'll get to the bottom of this, so no worries! (I think that at the worst case it can be restored…I'm not entirely sure though so here's to wishful thinking)



It's good to know that restoring the thread might be a possibility, though honestly, my bigger concern is with the cause of the disappearance. If it was just a mistake or some forum glitch, then it's probably not too big a deal, but if someone did it intentionally, then they may be capable of deleting the thread or its posts, even if it does get brought back.

I realize you guys are probably doing what you can though, so this is me just saying my thoughts, more than anything else.


I actually suspect that he might have requested it, since I'd imagine that he'd know about it otherwise and talk to us about it. It's been a few days and nothing…
We'd need him for this (or Snow which is in contact with him a lot)
The thing is, non of the mods/admins I've asked knew of any such request.
So…For now all I can say is that I'm sorry, I can't do much on that aspect.



That is possible, though I'd find that pretty surprising if it was the case, especially considering Moga did an update a day or two before the thread dissapeared (I don't remember exactly what it said, but I think he mentioned being pretty close to releasing a playable version of a new game).

I guess we can't really know for sure unless we hear from Moga or someone in contact with him, though.



I'll ask moga or snow about it asap.

everyone calm down.


Moga and Snow are permanantly leaving the boards.

Moga and Snow plan to continue working on the games under a different name, seperated from uboachan altogether.

This is terribly sad for me, but also I admire them for taking aim for new heights, wherever they may be. Wish them luck!



[in that case can someone download their copy of latest version of may plz]


if I recall correctly may was being rebuilt and the new version didn't get released at all.

the older versions were scrapped entirely


Actually Moga released a download of a version of May that focused more on the mechanics and had very vibrant graphics and everything. Not sure what the version number was though.

I still want a download of it, since the link is gone now…

[Also why did Moga decide to leave

especially with SNOW of all people]


>>3667 Well, that's disappointing, but at least we know now.

I just hope we can find out soon about where to get Updates on May and Moga's other games.

Also, while Moga and Snow are no longer gonna be a part of Uboachan, it'd still be fine for someone to to go ahead to create a thread for discussing Moga's games, right?



If you read post >>3667, it should be pretty easy to figure out.



Hmm, maybe it is worth more clarification after all. The thing I was calling disappointing was the fact that he left. I've got no problem that he's teamed up with Snow.

I realize it isn't necessarily a bad thing though, and I'd probably be less disappointed if we currently had some way of hearing his progress and such, but even then I still would be somewhat, cause it was nice having him around.

But yeah, we'll probably hear news of some website or the like at some point or other, and most'll probably be less bothered once the initial surprise has worn off.


Hey, does anyone know what happened to Madoru-mu?


It sucked so hard it imploded.


Wow there are a lot of threads and posts being deleted…


Problem solved everybody go home.



>>406 Apparition
Is it deleted or something? I mean, I don't mind since I scrapped it and remade it COMPLETELY, but just wondering. o3o



As was mentioned earlier in this thread, there were some random deletions going on, so I wouldn't be surprised if Apparition's thread was one such casualty. "maidnaut's /fg/" looks like another in need of a new thread.

So yeah, I'd say just go ahead and make a new thread for either of those if you or anyone else wants to.

Also, I see we're still lacking a link here to the new thread for Moga's games, so lemme fix that.

Moga's Games Discussion Thread


another thread bites the dust


Wow this list really needs cleaning up.


I don't suppose someone would be kind enough to tell me what of these are in English? (and have endings?)


Well, most of these are on english/have english patches, except for Sickmind, Mochi Nikki, Parade, nostAlgic, Hallucigenia, and Yumewo.

As for endings, AFAIK, (I haven't played them all) Sickmind, lcd dem,
Yumewo, Dreams, Delusions After All, nostAlgic, N'oubliez Jamais and Me have endings.


I don't know, if anybody know a fangame "Dreams of Dead"
I accidentally found it somewhere
here's link
and here's Dll(put it in the game's foldere)


sorry, forgot the last link


This thread really needs updating - here's an updated list…

>>178 Sickmind

>>915 The Looking Glass
>>810 Mewn
>>24 Yume Nisshi
>>852 Anarchy
>>31 N'oubliez Jamais
>>502 The Other Line
>>2068 Divinity Fatum Trilogy
>>1927 Fantasy/Fantasie
>>1786 Yumewo
>>8 Bizarre
>>2219 CHAIN
>>1628 nostAlgic and Parade
>>1457 Miserere
>>1950 Dream Buyer
>>1417 Dream VS Dream
>>298 Visions
>>401 Hallucigenia
>>1678 FLUX
>>124 lcd dem
>>172 Me
>>6 Broken Bottles (Canceled)
>>2357 Hell Diary
>>197 Answered Prayers
>>2014 Cloud9
>>3837 Moga's Games V2
>>3188 Umbra
>>4184 Middens (Canceled)
>>3411 Elysium City
>>4732 Kataribesou
>>4378 Dreams


umm does anyone remember some game that got posted here awhile ago that had 3D parts as well as 2D parts only had like 3 rooms? the dev deleted their post before it ever grew, but it seemed cool

i still have the dl for it in my chrome dl info


i don't want to clutter up things by making a new thread for a WIP

but here's the devblog http://culdesacpseudogame.tumblr.com/ which itself is still pretty barren until i get a new scanner, ahah


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Ultra Violet thread, since I didn't see one here when I looked.


Crap, I didn't mean to post that in this thread. Sorry.


Updated list.

>>178 Sickmind

>>915 The Looking Glass
>>810 Mewn
>>24 Yume Nisshi
>>852 Anarchy
>>31 N'oubliez Jamais
>>502 The Other Line
>>2068 Divinity Fatum Trilogy
>>1786 Yumewo
>>8 Bizarre
>>2219 CHAIN
>>1628 nostAlgic and Parade
>>1457 Miserere
>>1713 Project7
>>1950 Dream Buyer (locked)
>>1417 Dream VS Dream
>>298 Visions
>>401 Hallucigenia
>>1678 FLUX
>>124 lcd dem
>>172 Me/め and Remory
>>6 Broken Bottles
>>2357 Hell Diary
>>197 Answered Prayers
>>2014 Cloud9
>>3837 Moga's Games V2
>>3188 Umbra
>>4184 Middens
>>3411 Elysium City
>>4732 Kataribesou
>>4378 Dreams
>>5287 Memoria
>>5191 Kyoufushou
>>4052 Ultra Violet
>>5058 Nightmare Brawl
>>2494 Memories of Replica
>>3980 Nocturne
>>4335 / >>1120 Yume Graffiti/Dream Graffiti
>>4110 P's /fg/
>>698 Smash Dream
>>3160 Yume Nikki Gensou
>>2560 Neta-Dream

I wouldn't say Broken Bottles and Middens are canceled;
they are still in development,
but the creators don't give updates in their
Uboachan threads anymore.

There's an Ultra Violet thread.
In case you didn't find it yet,
the link is in the updated list [in this post].


>>5148 Mugensou


>5332 If and Double Dream




Middens is NOT cancelled. The RMN page is still updated regularly,


Nobody said it was?


Looks like it was listed as cancelled in >>4865 .

It was already called out and corrected in the most updated list however, as you can see at >>5324


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How about a section for DreaMarbleng?


Excuse me I am illiterate
Does Ib count as /fg/ material?


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How in god's name did you manage to completely miss the shitshow that was >>5728 in your clearly well thought out quest to discover if Ib was a fangame
It's not a fucking YN fangame why can't you people use google holy shit


Excuse me, I'll be committing suicide on the third room to the left.


please someone here has the Mewn game? I wanna play it but all links are dead QAQ



If you're still looking I posted one in the thread here >>7073

(decided to post here too in case my reply gets buried or something)


Threads needs an update, here's a somewhat updated list:

>>178 Sickmind

>>915 The Looking Glass
>>810 Mewn
>>24 Yume Nisshi
>>852 Anarchy
>>31 N'oubliez Jamais
>>502 The Other Line
>>2068 Divinity Fatum Trilogy
>>1786 Yumewo
>>2219 CHAIN
>>1628 nostAlgic and Parade
>>1457 Miserere
>>1713 Project7
>>1950 Dream Buyer (locked)
>>1417 Dream VS Dream
>>401 Hallucigenia
>>1678 FLUX
>>124 LCDDEM
>>172 Me and Remory
>>6 Broken Bottles
>>2357 Hell Diary
>>197 Answered Prayers
>>3837 Moga's Games V2 (outdated, check moga.tumblr.com for recent)
>>3188 Umbra
>>4184 Middens
>>3411 Elysium City
>>4732 Kataribesou
>>4378 Dreams
>>5287 Memoria
>>4052 Ultra Violet
>>5058 Nightmare Brawl
>>2494 Memories of Replica
>>3980 Nocturne
>>4335 / >>1120 Yume Graffiti/Dream Graffiti
>>4110 P's /fg/
>>698 Smash Dream


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I updated the thread's first post (thanks anon for the useful list!) and trimmed the dead links. Here they are for posterity.

>>406 Apparition

>>871 maidnaut's /fg/
>>1363 Dreams, Delusions After All
>>1633 Paranoia
>>1542 Phobia
>>1927 Fantasy/Fantasie
>>1993 Vanity
>>8 Bizarre
>>2307 Insomnia
>>2213 Nocturne
>>1713 Project7
>>298 Visions
>>3 Moga's Amazing Games
>>615 project1
>>103 Illusion
>>2014 Cloud9

Also it might be hard to keep adding more links to the first post, because there's apparently a dumb 'cite' (crosslinking) limit when I edit the first post.


Ah, cool.

The link on the first post to Moga's games, however, should be updated to

>>7734 Moga's Games

as this is the most recent, updated thread.


There's a lot of green text in the list that needs to be rid of. Also, I think some new fangames aren't on here?


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(sorry in advance if I fucked up/missed anything)

>>6 Broken Bottles
>>24 | >>9680 Yume Nisshi
>>124 | >>7735 lcd dem
>>172 Me
>>197 | >>8347 Answered Prayers
>>401 Hallucigenia
>>502 The Other Line*
>>915 The Looking Glass
>>1120 Dream Grafitti
>>1457 Miserere
>>1628 nostAlgic and Parade
>>1786 Yumewo
>>2068 Divinity Fatum Trilogy
>>2494 Memories of Replica
>>3411 Elysium City
>>4052 | >>10150 Ultra Violet + [eng translation]
>>4184 Middens
>>6153 Someday
>>6693 Somnium
>>6751 Amihailu in Dreamland
>>6836 Fleshchild
>>6903 Debris
>>6910 Time Traveller/T+T
>>7734 Moga's Games
>>7836 Usagi
>>7871 NDE
>>8253 Kataribesou
>>8432 Yume Nikki 3D
>>8833 You May
>>8923 Sick Mind [eng translation]
>>8938 Dreams, Delusions after all (夢、所詮妄想) [eng translation]
>>9083 Muyuu (ムユウ), Kyomu/Imaginary Dream (虚夢), Dreambook [eng translation]
>>9208 Dream vs Dream (http://dreamvsdream.org/)
>>9452 Coma
>>9502 Iter Itineris

*creator stated that TOL is no longer /fg/, but keeping it here for posterity.



wow I remember about a year or two ago when that original list had only a couple deleted threads. look at it now.


here's all he dead ones ;-;
the ones with *s have a new thread up.

>>3 Moga's Amazing Games*

>>8 Bizarre
>>31 N'oubliez Jamais
>>103 Illusion
>>178 Sickmind*
>>298 Visions
>>406 Apparition
>>615 project1
>>698 Smash Dream
>>810 Mewn
>>852 Anarchy
>>871 maidnaut's /fg/
>>1363 Dreams, Delusions After All*
>>1417 Dream VS Dream *
>>1476 R.E.M
>>1542 Phobia
>>1633 Paranoia
>>1678 FLUX
>>1713 Project7
>>1927 Fantasy/Fantasie
>>1950 Dream Buyer (locked)
>>1991 Mochi Nikki
>>1993 Vanity
>>2014 Cloud9
>>2213 Nocturne
>>2219 CHAIN
>>2307 Insomnia
>>2357 Hell Diary*
>>2560 Neta-Dream
>>3160 Yume Nikki Gensou
>>3188 Umbra
>>3837 Moga's Games V2 (outdated, check moga.tumblr.com for recent)*
>>3980 Nocturne
>>4110 P's /fg/
>>4335 / >>1120 Yume Graffiti/Dream Graffiti*
>>4378 Dreams
>>4732 Kataribesou*
>>5058 Nightmare Brawl
>>5287 Memoria
>>5191 Kyoufushou


RIP in peace.


what happened to dream vs dream?
Last time I checked, it seemed to be "completed" with a couple characters


Its been abandoned and forgotten like numerous fangames.




>>10640 Progress is just slow.


progress is very slow like what >>10643 said

as someone from the team, it seems like everyone's busy taking care of their own separate projects/things


>>11072 FOG

I will usually update in monthly iterations, or even biweekly if I'm up to it.


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Just gonna make a list of the ones I don't see in the previous lists

>>8943 Dickme Dicki (Most likely made as a joke)
>>9058 Seagal
>>9071 UnExpected
>>9076 De I Cide
>>9346 Asleep
>>9635 Witoru (get the second zip on the onedrive page)
>>9770 Amnesia
>>11002 Outotsu Yume
>>11072 FOG
>>11225 Anon Pixiv Digger finds
>>11851 Dream in Dream

Some of these are on the later pages, so go ahead and reply to them to save them from being pruned. I just did it for Somnium on page 12, it made me feel warm inside.


>Dickme Dicki (Most likely made as a joke)
You can't be serious…


>saging a pinned thread

It functions as a game, so I put it on the list.


You can be seriously considering it "a possible joke". You don't even need to the context to understand it's a plain joke.


File: 1485396496611.jpg (17.14 KB, 300x300, seagal.jpg)

See Sei?


File: 1485397141962.gif (1.94 MB, 235x180, 1374252007870.gif)

I put that there in case someone thought "Oh the first fg in this list is pure garbage, the rest are bound to have the same kind of crap quality".

I assure you, there are, unfortunately, people out there with this mindset, so I came prepared.
Better to be safe than sorry, kids.


File: 1485455494891.png (291.36 KB, 640x446, sei r u mad.png)

Did you… did you seriously mistook an username for the title of a fangame?


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Ah crap, I did.
The others had their game title on the subject line and I thought that one was the same.

Is there a way to edit the post to replace Seagal with Gnosis?


You should play Maidnaut, best fangame ever.


How about yumme nikki games on VRChat Unity Engine? Does tthey exists?


Suprised nobody mentioned the three very good Roblox games : Dream Game, Project Somnia and DREAM WORLD.


File: 1717107360800.png (51.67 KB, 158x162, 456789046785.png)

You have to be 18 years old to post here.




>You have to be 18 years old to post here.
Does that mean that if I turn 19, I have to stop posting? That's an awfully small time window…


Sorry but rules are rules. You only got 365 days in a single lifetime to use ubuu.

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