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How come Seisatsu denies being STI when all the evidence is there and clearly shows that he was/is STI?
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>t. STI




oh, SaveTheInternet. he was a good lad.


I know you're richard stallman sei, I'm telling IBM to go after you.


Do you have any good STI stories you can tell?


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Hey everybody, I hope you all had happy holidays. Remembered this board while playing through .flow again. I've never been a NEET but I sorta became one during my first semester of college and I think prolonged NEETdom may be in my future if nothing changes.

I'm a 20 year old compsci major at a good university. I did my first year at community college and transferred to the university this year. I'm on winter break right now, and I go back to school tomorrow.

I know that there's a lot for me to be grateful for but I'm still unhappy and have been ever since leaving high school, and honestly before then too. It feels like despite having loving parents and despite never having any real traumas I'm still such a weak and ungrateful person. Reading the struggles on this board and /neet/ kind of make me realize how lucky I am in terms of finances and health. But realizing that doesn't really provoke any sort of true gratefulness or relief in me.

In fact, I've been thinking that if God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers then I must have such a weak and ugly soul to have the abundances I do and still hate my life this much, and that because of the weakness and ugliness of my soul I'm eventually destined for hell. I don't know if any christanons can relate. I think about God a lot, read the Bible, and consider myself Christian but not saved yet.

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Just a heads up for next time: sage goes in the email field, not the name field.
As for the whole developing discipline and having more willpower/energy thing, what's your diet like? Do you exercise in any capacity? I know it might seem irrelevant but those were some of the factors that personally allowed me to escape NEETdom.
Also, there's nothing wrong with having "useless" hobbies (as long as you genuinely enjoy them). Life is already shitty enough on its own. Not everything you do has to be in the pursue of money.


>Not everything you do has to be in the pursue of money.



What's this angel cat art from anon? Unique style I haven't seen before, would make a good game.


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the low-res textures being contrasted with the high-fidelity uv maps is really cool. i've been wanting to get into modelling for a while. what do you guys think of my birba?


I'd say you're already pretty into modelling! You're birba looks great.


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hi, new here. i noticed each door in the nexus has an opposite. is this significant?
>number (concrete) — mural (abstract)
>neon (cheerful) — snow (sad)
>shield-folk (bright?) — dark (dark?)
>candle (small fire?) — puddle (small water?)
>eyeball (spheres) — block (cubes)
>graffiti (man-made?) — forest (natural?)

also made an extended ver of nexus bg
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Neon world being "Cheerful" and the Snow world being "Sad" are very different from my experiences.

The Neon world feels crowded and over stimulating to me. The Snow world is cheerful and calming, maybe with a hint of melancholy.

Notably, calming/overstimulating can still be seen as opposites in my interpretation


To me, it's:
snow world = asleep
neon world = awake


tbh i get the opposite vibes


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Is it because of their colors?
For me it's:
Snow World:
- mostly still
- winter, nature is asleep
- one of the five beds
- Kamakurako, asleep
- sane (unawakened) Toriningen
Neon World:
- music is much more lively
- most populous (real) world in the game, all of the NPCs are moving around, a lot of movement onscreen


op necroposting. whatever are your subjective visions, the opposing worlds are clearly contrasting, even though some have a bit of atmosphere in common.

huh, is it all? opposites seem to me an important cue in understanding yume nikki.
also, 12 is divisible by 2, 3, 4 and 6, so you can group worlds by these numbers (distribute doors evenly).
the triadic worlds are
And these word combinations can evoke definite images.
Groups of 4 don't make much sense to me. They are opposites interweaved.
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some more test data


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Your request does not appear to be automated, publication accepted.


Your publication is accepted! \^o^/


test post pls let me


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looking for an image that had instructions on how to remove and optimize files and services in windows 7 that i didnt have the foresight to save. pretty sure it was posted somewhere on this chan, but i cant find it, and search engines have failed me so far

some details of the image i remember: it was black with white text, very small font, and had numbered sections. there was info on stuff like what default programs to remove, interface tweaks to make, and useless services to remove for less memory usage

id really appreciate anyone who could post the image here or at least point to a place where it can be found

(pic unrelated obvs)
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I have a shitty laptop that barely run anything with windows 7. I debloated it and managed to lower the memory usage to an average of 650mb and it could even play 720p properly. When I installed arch on it the memory usage went as low as 120mb but intel mesa drivers are fucking shit and barely managed awesome with one or two programs open. So even if it actually ran well on the fucking terminal it was practically useless because I couldn't do much other than write code on it, play hack variants and dwarf fortress. And I don't even want to talk about the problems I had with wine to run VNs.


That sounds like something going wrong, more than slow drivers.
I use Linux on a 2006 laptop with Intel graphics without any problems. It plays 720 video fine.

As for VNs, that's the unfortunate reality it seems. I keep a WinXP machine around for that purpose.


CrowdStrike BSODed my work pc.


I hate USA software


I hate Adobe and Microsoft…………


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Black to play
D Malla vs W Kobese
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White to play
H Gusain vs R Vasquez Schroeder


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nothing gave me quite the same sense of visceral dread as watching these videos; while im sure that there are some significantly subtler and scarier digital horrors out there, like chezzkids, this one really hits home fo me personally.
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>is it worth making one on real hardware?
if you can, please do this, people will notice the extra effort
and you can share the SWFs around too, if you want

the one thing i don't like about laceys games is how the creator went "yeah i'll just chuck some shit on premiere pro, nobody cares if its real flash" but it's painfully obvious it's not a real flash game and barely even tries to look like one (see also: "so retro")

hyper specific autism powered rant over

>>494 seconded


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just stumbled upon this thread today which is convenient because i just binged the entire lacey's games series a few days ago and yeah i loved every bit of it. some parts did genuinely get to me scare-wise but most of my reactions fell on a spectrum of "woah that's so cool" to "damn, it really is like that :C"

i think something weird about independent internet-disseminated horror projects is that they are simultaneously made more scary and less scary by the fact that they speak so closely to my tastes and concepts of horror. like with lacey's games in particular, it was both weirdly comforting and absolutely haunting that the ideas in the work are either ideas i have had or ideas so close to my own. it brings me more connection with the art, which brings more comfort and more horror as a result.


i'm not into tech so idk but isn't flash dead?




haha forgot i made this thread.


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 No.7914[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

must have and ideal tech setup for neets and hiki.
to start things off, id have to say
-desktop PC
-backup HDD or SSD
-2nd monitor for laptop
-CRT for retro games and films
-2nd computer or 2nd laptop for use as media server
-comfortable chair or recliner
-steam deck
-decent speakers
-mechanical keyboard thatll last
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does anyone know if ps3 minecraft cna be played on ps4? i like the crunchy unreadable old textures and the too-bright colours


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Unfortunately no. And yeah, the PS3 Legacy edition had his charm with that high gamma and menus designs. There's even a mod that recreate that for the Java Edition.



damn. what a shame. i miss legacy switch version too. i don't mind bedrock but the tiny worlds and little quirks were so charming. thanks for the mod, i find java combat untenable, does it fix that?


If I knew what Bedrock would become, I would keep up the Legacy version without any doubt. And no, the 1.9 combat will stay on during sex until it (probably) get ported to older versions.


I am genuine;y really miffed about the marketplace. It could have been such a good way for creators to make money off of modding but instead we get Epic Hacker Tools add-on 9000 420 or whatever.


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What games in your opinion have the best animation? This is from Street Fighter III: Third Strike.
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El Fuerte!


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The Mexican Jumping Bean!


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How has no one mentioned Kof XIII yet? Definitely one of my favourite looking fighting games, even if it doesn't please the sprite purists
This is way too good for an erogame


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No 3d animation allowed here?


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Moving… like fire and wind.


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hello, ladies and gentlemen.
how're you?
I want to say you… HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


I am writing a manifesto.


cool :D


2025 is 45 squared.


1) is a square: 45^2

2) is the product of two squares: 92 x 52

3) is the sum of 3-squares: 402+202+52

4) is the sum of cubes of all the single digits: 13+23+33+43+53+63+73+83+93

5) sum of the single digits squared: (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9)^2

6) sum of the first 45 odd numbers: 1+3+5+…+89

7) is a Harshad number: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harshad_number


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A thread for sharing good music and finding people with similar taste. Feel free to post your usernames and discuss your favourite music here.
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【ブラック★ロックシューター】 22 - Alien class.A XNFE - SAHA



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ace combat anyone? i gotta admit my one of my alltime favorite games was megalith from ace combat 4
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Griffin gliding on a gust


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Royal Bahraini AF F-16 Block 70 without its Conformal Fuel Tank. Bahrain was the first county to place an order for new-built F-16Vs in 2018. The first batch of jets was delivered in 2024.


I really hate the intakes on those F-16s. Its so ugly.


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These boards are still active? Color me surprised.
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I exist, I survive, I thrive


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Always lurking in the shadows


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I lurk like a submarine….


Are you a submarine? i love you


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yes, we are here. i want to die


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Hello lovely people, I just wanted to make this thread to remind you that it's all going to be OK.

Can you share some positive improvements that have happened in your life recently? Personally I am working on getting more professional help for my issues and it's working out well. I'd love to hear some positivity of you people.
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Congrats. You are at where I hope to be in a couple years.


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congrats anon!

i never would have thought i'd become such a normie. soon to be working a full-time job in an open-office sort of space… then, next year i am going to start a new program to learn echocardiography…


I've had a work at home job for a bit now that I'm using to save money to go back to school. It feels like the only way for me to ever get a chance at socially integrating with the world again is to go back to college. I am nervous at the prospect of being 28 or even 29 by the time it finally happens though. What? I'll graduate at 32-33? Better late than never but sad to think about really even if everything goes well. The idea that others are done at 22 is insane to me, I'm filled with both envy and horror all at once when I let myself think about it.


My friend who I met going back is in the thick of it at 33. Another thing you probably don't want to think about is that we'll have much shorter lives than normies.


>we'll have much shorter lives than normies
says who


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Nostalgia 90s-2008s thread:


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pretty sure i posted some in >>8229 https://uboachan.net/hikki/res/7914.html comfy memories.


I swear my bro still plays that.



Had those same white speakers back in 1997.


Time to be kicked into 2025….

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