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ace combat anyone? i gotta admit my one of my alltime favorite games was megalith from ace combat 4
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I believe I can fly……


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Stick with the classic F-16.


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I know russian jet fighters are usually lacking in electronics and refinement. However they look really so aesthetic….


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Have good enough electronic warfare and you don't need stealth.


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Swedish meatballs

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Muse Dash,Tapsonic Bold
Kyuujitsu no Warumono-san
Jun - Twinkle Heart
c programming
frozen pizza
sparkling water
too tired
Disappointed. Bought a pair of k371 headphones and they sound very low quality. DT770 pro wins by far when it comes to audio. Too bad the DT770 clamps so fucking hard on the ears


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death must die rng survivor game trash but think im already done for tonight
scientific railgun, galaxy express, md geist, votoms, konosuba prequel, genji monogatari, cyber city oedo, future boy conan, dungeon meshi, etc. whatever i wind up being in the mood for
was listening to handpan music to try to keep some semblance of calm while playing rng
maybe some manga
sashimi and tempura
retarded for wanting to finish a game i dont enjoy playing




I don't really know what to watch. I need recommendations. I'm spoilt for choice.


A video of a guy with a cardboard box on his head screaming into a mic.


Noam Chomsky (lingustics not politics)


I'm going to go down to the station and take whatever random train will take me to a major city. I don't know where it will take me or what I will find there but that's what I'm going to do.


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<hotline miami 2
<cartoons and cartoon reviews
<new eminem album
<dexter novels
<hamburger plus some chips
<mtn dew
<preparing for my new PC
<lolisho hentai doujins


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Warframe 1999


Paris Olympics 2024 Opening Ceremony




Edith Pilaf


Croissant, plain

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 No.11317[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Shouldn't this be self-explanatory?
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How do u pronouce "2kki" ?
Just nikki, "twokki" or something else?


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What are some good Japanese yume nikki fangames ? I'm sure there's more but haven't found more than these yet:

- Mikan Muzou
- Debris
- Yuque
- Withers

pic related is from Mikan Muzou


.flow and yume 2kki both come to mind (with yume 2kki having a plethora of updates to this point). you can also check out https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LpBBf4gw9DJXRQY9ynpz20nlK-y3qCrmDwasHJkLH_0/edit?gid=0#gid=0 for any more.


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og yn fan who was obsessed for years (prob to cope w irl) here. bought yndd when i had some money despite the backlash and the loss of ambiguity that the original had.

i have to confess that i play this game on my switch lite in the middle of the night. lights off, no discord, no phone, nothing. just me and yndd. it's… kinda relaxing, i gotta say. i like to wander around and not think about solving the puzzles in a way or find stuff in a too serious way. because of the influence yn had on me growing up, the horror atmosphere feels… like home. so, i "explore" yn for maybe 30 minutes or so till i fall asleep. it really feels like going back home, and i feel safe. just like somehow i did back then while playing the original. like going on a walk while your parents fight or something terrible going on, but you're stuck in front of a screen, projecting your need for escapism onto yn.

can anyone relate to this very specific feeling?

i wish i could play yn or well-known fangames on a handheld console, but this is sadly the closest we'll probably ever get to that.


I know what you mean. I started revisiting old games again recently, relaxing until I'm ready for bed. Everyone does it, sometimes to reflect, sometimes to relax.

I'm surprised there isn't an .apk or something for YN yet, though. I'd never looked into it.


Hi OP, not sure if this is what you're looking for, but easyRPG has been able to play rpgmaker 2003 games such as yume nikki, and most of its well known fan games (as well as games like OFF, etc), on a wide range of portable devices for almost a decade now ranging from android to iOS and even the switch or 3ds/psvita/etc. (as long as you can homebrew your consoles.) I've played yume nikki tons of times on handhelds like this and it's pretty comfy.


>>2625 It feels so homely, especially the barracks settlement.

its also nice to think that DD is the game where mado gets the courage to leave, so she's able to come and go there when she needs to like us, sorta


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do any of you guys clasp your hands together as you fall asleep to pretend someone else is there, holding your hand?
It's the only way I can fall asleep. I have a bunch of plushies I can hold too but even though I love them, holding my own hand is as close as I ever get.
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It does makes me feel better yeah! I like that it's something I can do any time, any day. No negative feelings attached either, I don't view it as a substitute or anything, I just enjoy it for what it is. I also rest my head on my shoulder at the same time, it's really cozy


I wanted to try self hand-holding too, but I could never quite figure it out. It always ends up feeling too symmetrical for me. When you hold your own hand, how do you do it?


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I like to imagine scenarios with someone doing things like playing, talking and sleeping. Then I actually fall k.o.


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I often sleep on my side with a hand on my face and pretend it's someone else's hand
also this >>8302



same hat, just imagining myself talking and laughing with someone in my usual dreamscapes makes me feel cozy.

sometimes i hold like… my opposite hand to my cheek (like left hand to right cheek) and it feels like someone else is holding my face


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Xela - Tangled Wool
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Portable Breathing Equipment6:44


Takashi Kokubo - 匠



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Flashbulb - Six months without light


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Deadmau5 - I remember


Really. Thats cool I appreciate it thanks.

You know any hnw artists who also do ambient ?


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 No.16073[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hi, I'm the one who made the original Junko v 1.02 post (and who helped search for it on reddit). Since I haven't seen anyone comment on it, I recently went to the YNOnline page and saw that a mysterious door appears at the top and if you click on it, it takes you to a semi-mysterious image.

It turns out that this is about a new project called "Collective Unconscious" and of which I took some images on Twitter. What do you think?
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It should have been "Collective Unconscious has just updated and there's new locations", NOT removed maps because this game needs new locations.

In regards to post #16239 sage archived gen.loss, hopefully they can upload it here.

Yes, I checked CU and the wiki for it and I'm deeply upset at this.
-https://yume.wiki/unconscious/Orchid_Haven (https://yume.wiki/index.php?title=Collective_Unconscious:Orchid_Haven&oldid=475914)
-https://yume.wiki/unconscious/Body_Bog (https://yume.wiki/index.php?title=Collective_Unconscious:Body_Bog&oldid=478320)

It's like the Yume Nisshi problem all over again after Gen.loss was deleted: https://ynfg.yume.wiki/Gen.loss

I also wish for CU version 1 to be archived to keep the affected maps. I know the game's online-only, but this is of some importance, similar to Yume 2kki's previous builds with ORIGINAL connections/secrets to wataru's maps.

Could anybody ask the CU devs if the game's first version assets/maps/etc. can be on GitHub? It would be great if you did. Thanks in advance.
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> In regards to post #16239 sage archived gen.loss, hopefully they can upload it here.
gen.loss is in the archive. Not only that, you can play it right now in your browser.
> I also wish for CU version 1 to be archived to keep the affected maps.
It's in the archive under "ver.Release Build (10.06.2024)" name. Feel free to dig in.


Got both of them, really great that they both run on the EasyRPG emulator than one for full screen RPGMaker YNFGs.

Okay, a few questions:
>When will new maps be released?
>When will the Shadow Sentinel event be fixed?
>Could anybody update the wiki for this YNFG with a Version History page and/or update the pages for maps in post #16239?

Also, some OSTs got removed in the recent build FYI.

I felt that it seemed similar to Wataru's removal of their maps/OSTs back in an old version of Yume 2kki (before a year later that they reuploaded them again). Speaking of, I am really keen to know what happened to Wataru before removing their assets. Was this because those were stolen assets? Or was it because they left the team?


theres something about this pic thats intensely mesmering i wonder why


[…] i think its the very seductive, ambiguous inviting gaze coupled with the low quality [of meme content] thats. hinting simultaneously to eternal salvation or eternal hell


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Kitten Adoration Interpreter
Sort of a tribute game to Kitten Love Emulator. Kind of sucks, but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me test multiplayer.
From what's been tested so far, it works pretty well but I've only had about 6 players. Very early so it's pretty buggy.


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Yesterday I literally just found about Neko Yume and getting kinda engaged with it, especially with some OST. This reminds me to it strongely.

Must be a sign


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A thread for sharing good music and finding people with similar taste. Feel free to post your usernames and discuss your favourite music here.
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I have nowhere to go, not even on chans or on forums or any online communities I have a place to be. All my life I was left alone, cast out, I must be a glitch in the universe, or just an experiment made by a higher being of sentience. Thinking that the way my life turned out or was since I was born in order to be molded into something else by God is a nice thought but at the end of the day I know it's just cope.

Perhaps instead of grieving over a social existence that never existed I should use my energy to search for the innerworkings of existence. Both physically and digitally. Do you guys think that the Omnissiah exists in some form? Maybe I can find some form of him, if I search hard enough. But I barely have any of the energy I just talked about. Maybe I wasted mine and your time with this post. But ultimately every bad thing I've done wouldn't have happened if I never was.

Even if I do find a real life Adeptus Mechanicus cult, I'm sure even they wouldn't accept me as one of theirs, even though I'm the only human that's aware they're out there somewhere. Despite my grief, and my desires for social cohesion, it's nothing more than a prize on a stick, constantly being dangled in front of me by a laughing omnipotent being.


Find Mebious. Look into The Lain. This is the closest you will get, to The Omnissiah. Also read about technomancy.


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I've been lurking here for a real long time but I finally decided to post because I think people here might understand my feelings. I want to make friends, but everyone online (and offline in the past) is so well adjusted and on track and sociable!! it makes me feel isolated and lonely !! if anyone sees this please tell me about your day or just say anything cool you know (this isn't me saying filler words I mean it)
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What sorts of visual novels, anon? Would you consider reading along together to be an option?


also wanna know any vn recs op. I've mainly played otomes and some indie english vns, but some of the dialogue in the latter has kinda… not appealed to me these days lmao. i wanna branch out!!


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I mostly hang out on Discord and rarely IRC (not sure about what other anons use), I wouldn't mind friending you and talking sometime, and I left my Email in case you want to talk.


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If it's any condolence, I feel you both very deeply on those points. I feel like I don't socialize the best, and when I do actually have good conversations I think people only talk to me out of pity. Online friendships can seem sorta shallow or stilted for me, so to a certain extent they end up burning out slowly, and I end up feeling like I wonder what I did wrong. Thoughts like was I too boring I even try hitting people up occasionally just to try and see if we can catch up and it all falls on deaf ears; making me feel like a nuisance. It especially sucks because it leaves me feeling isolated even when my friends list is about 20-25 people. At this point I can only be constructive i.e use this feeling to better myself or destructively i.e blame everyone else and close myself off.


I feel the opposite. Maybe it's just the people I talk to, but everyone seems lost, confused, sad, going through a mental meatgrinder. Myself included. It's all very tiring. I love all of you though and wish the best for you


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Jesus can save you.
Satan will slave you.
The world is rhythm, frequency, repetitions and the Prince of air has authority over it all, everything is stacked against you and deigned to drive you further away from God
>But we’ve already been saved
no matter how much the wicked toil, scheme, and manipulate the forces of the world are powerless against God. Accept Christ and you accept new everlasting life.

>God loves you


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As a newer YN Fan, Uboa is confusing. I know it is one of the most popular events in-game, but I’m confused on the symbolism. Mado crying in the closet is probably dysphoria, and Shitai-san is probably car-related trauma, but what is Uboa?
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Poniko has BPD


i always viewed it as madotsuki wanting to badly reunite with her friends, but uboachan is kinda represents fear and dread. That if she ever did get out of her room and reached out to poniko, she’d be met with complete and utter rejection


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Saw him on the market




so true!


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Big fat list of imageboards, uboachan.net is on it too.
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I don't know…


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I like tinychan's animated-gif thumbnail system;


Needs updated. Anon.cafe was shut down on March 15th.


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Wake up. We have work to do.

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