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Surprised we don't have a thread for this yet considering how popular and, to some extent, controversial they are in the RPG Maker space, plus the fact that a new manga is coming out (if the stars align) soon.

That being said what was your favorite game from the trilogy?.
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wow at least take me out for dinner first


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I've always been interested in this developer but I downloaded Wandanohara and never played (read the 1st manga though). Interested in learning more about this dev and their games. The designs are cute too.

Can you elaborate? How are they a crook?


>Interested in learning more about this dev and their games. The designs are cute too.
They've made a trilogy of indie horror games (Mogeko Castle, Wadanohara, Gray Graden) which were pretty influential in the rpg maker community during the early to late 2010's. She's also worked on a visual novel called Ice Scream, an unfinished manga "Obsolete Dream" and an unfinished animation series "Poison Bugs". But from what I've seen most people don't really seem to care about these three and only play the rpg maker trilogy or shitpost about the billions of characters she has.

>Can you elaborate? How are they a crook?

Not that anon but he's got a point. The mangaka's pretty infamous for being a textbook menhera and not fulfilling any of her promises. To give you an idea her completion rate for commissions on Skeb is 17%, we've gotten barely any updates on the new manga that was announced in 2023 and it's been 10 years since the sequel to Mogeko Castle was announced with the last update on its status being from 2020. Moreover, these things have caused people in the community to lose interest in her content over the years.

So yeah, while I enjoy DSP's games, manga and lore and don't mind the incest cunny rape present in them, even I have to admit she's got a couple screws loose.


she had some big family debts to pay off so she was busy with that.
right now she is back to work on the angels and demons manga.
she even streams at least once a week.

though she does shift focus between her projects a lot, going from one thing to another in the middle which drags things along.

either way i think the games are the weakest of her works, being pretty boring walking simulators. ice scream and all her manga are much more enjoyable, so it's a shame only her games get recognition.


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I personally found TGG pretty boring and unironically believe it'd have worked better as some sort of manga or animation. Mogeko Castle was good but all the endings felt unsatisfying and left me with more questions than answers. Out of the three main games i'd say Wadanohara is the one I liked the most. It has a lot of filler at the beginning but once it gets good it gets really good.
As >>6778 said Ice Scream is really good too and it's pretty sad it doesn't get as much recognition as the others.


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I can't help but have these insane expectations for my art, only to get upset that I can't meet them. I've gotten so much support and praise from so many amazing people. I wanted to study and improve, but I can never reach where I want to be. I feel like a fraud? So far, I just went silent on all of my social media (just watching Jerma vods for what feels like months lol). People have tried to message me, which is nice and it's something that has never happened to me before. But I feel like I'm doing is not enough to earn their praise.

I've had thought of rejoining twitter and posting again, but i dunno. Do you guys have any advice? Have you guys ever "ran away" from things like this?


I get your feeling.

Back in the days, i enjoyed drawing and it was pretty much the only real hobby i had for years. I had a lot of support from my friends and family.

Then i met a girl and we started going out. She was way better than me at art and already won several prizes at local and even national drawing contests. I feeled like a huge fraud, but this alone wasn't enough to make me quit.

One day, i showed her one of my latest work and she laughed. She told me to quit already, to stop trying doing a thing i wasn't made for. We stayed together for nearly two years then we broke.

17 years later, i've yet to use a pencil again and my old Wacom tablet is still stored in its box.

Sometimes, when i doodle for my 5 years old son, my wife says "hey, you're good, why aren't you drawing more often ?".

Sure, wanting to improve yourself and setting high goals is a good thing, but if you love what you're doing, just don't mind what the others think about it as you may lose something important to you.


So, let me reformulate in a less TL;DR way : if you're really passionate and honest about what you're doing, you're by no means a fraud.


This made me feel a lot better. Something I do know is that the fear of rejection comes from a desire to change and be better. That desire is not something the everyday person has, and I think it's beautiful(?) in some weird way.

Thank you for telling me about your art too. It sounds tough being with someone who tells you off for following your passion. I hope I can do the complete opposite. Maybe one day I can inspire people to draw or follow the things that make them feel complete. I just want to make people feel… things in the end.



The irony is that i finally gained a little bit of notoriety (not in art, though) when i stopped caring about what the others could think about my work and published things i just wanted to share.

Even if you're not the best artist out there, be honest and inspiring, i think it will be more than enough (even if unfortunately, social media like twitters are full of toxic people wanting to hurt you just for sport).

That's the first time ever i confessed this story to anyone other than a few close friends, i'm really happy if the experience i've drawn from this old wound can help someone feels better.


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Bad news. The archive seems to be dead.


which one?


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Uboachan's one, duh. The main page responds with 502, but the boards are still accessible if you know it's URL. Tried to access /mono/ and it worked just fine.


I think it's fixed now. Hung seevice on the backend.


Damn, that was fast. Thank you for fixing it.


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The reader for the scanned doujins is also broken. Haven't seen anyone report this so I thought I'd bring it up ITT.


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 No.16798[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Press ctrl+V. Whatever prints is what you post.

>EAT YOUR own ass

Ok then.
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power creep
1996 vs 2024


Carlito & Addiction - U Got Me Thinking


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Yuki vs Minene | The Future Diaryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mbv_qQUN4pQ


Alone with your thoughts isn't really being alone at all.



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So, guys… i would like to play games similar to Ib or Yume Nikki, but i'm not interested AT ALL in yume nikki fangames.

Btw, i've played .flow and i love it.

Can you suggest me something?
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Play Hello Charlotte! and it's sequels.


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L Depth came out and got a translation recently. It's pretty spooky.


>13. 茜街奇譚 -Akanemachi kitan-

This was the only download link I could find on the Wayback. It's on version v1.03.


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Witch's Heart. If you've read Umineko you'll probably find it interesting since it was heavily influenced by it.


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Just got a job today. I'm probably going to quit or get fired again, but, let's see how this goes

I will try to keep this thread up as a "journal" in hopes of helping or motivation another anon to do as I did today
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I should mention, I was also really anxious on the first time I asked for a job at a computer store. Remember to collect yourselves before doing stuff like this, I got too excited and didn't think of it. Maybe I would've gotten the job perhaps? But that's not what I'll think of right now. I can't control everything and that's fine.

(also, correction I meant to reply to 424 on the second reply. to clear confusion)


>but we all get better with practice right?

Yes we do. I'm glad I know this first hand. I hope I've helped or motivated some of you to do so as well


Hope life is going well for you textile anon


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It couldn't be going worse anon


Wanna talk about it friend?


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Got a part time job that is very decent and things seem to be going in the right direction. I have to deal with my parents asking me to get started on my drivers license, not gonna do that until my mind is stable enough.

Months ago I fell in love with someone online but we cant date because of distance, it is quite difficult having to accept that i can only be friends with them but this relationship is too precious to lose and if I tried to get them out of my life I would lose my only my social circle.

While adult life is scary and the future feels unpredictable I encourauge all of you anons to keep going step by step, I promise you that we can find happiness.


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A thread for sharing good music and finding people with similar taste. Feel free to post your usernames and discuss your favourite music here.
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PAS TASTA - B.B.M. ft. ピノキオピー



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 No.8376[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Trans Mega Thread!

So, let's try something here.

Frequently a trans-related topic comes up in a thread here in /hikki/, and the thread will quickly get derailed by malicious comments or by the diversion in topic just taking over. There is clearly a lot of interest in discussing trans topics, as well as a lot of unwelcome interest in shutting them down. But they do tend to take over threads either way. So, while we figure out how to handle this from a moderation standpoint, I am going to make a trans discussion mega thread here to contain such conversations. This might end up being permanent. If you find that a thread makes you want to discuss a trans-related topic, make a post here instead.

Rules 6 and 7 are strictly enforced in this thread, and violations will result in longer bans. However, uncomfortable questions are also allowed within reason.

Also if a trans topic starts to derail a thread from now on we may delete those posts.

Also Sei is trans. So I might make some posts in here as well.
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Just for clarity >>8624 is not me, I am holding back counterarguments in the hope that this shit dies.

Sorry anon.


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I know, IA generated content is controversial and many don't consider it to be art, but i feel depressed just by looking at this one.

Prompt is embedded in the picture if needed.
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Sounds good, but Pony Diffusion serves me just fine for now.



Well, SDXL based models have tons of LoRa, are versatiles and still quite capables (indeed Pony is pretty good), but diffuser-transformers are a big step forward.


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But can it do this?


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Yes, if you want to have nightmares, it can do way worse.


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Black to play
D Malla vs W Kobese
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both. both are good.


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I like the first one more, but the second one is alright


pilotredsun x yn lets go!!


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Now that the dust has settled and the game is 6 years old. How did you feel about it?.
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I just remember seeing those screenshots in Uboacord. Too bad they're gone now, I'd like to see them again.


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And more SFM shenanigans with MaddySucky.


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Honestly I still haven't played even though I've been interested in trying it out. I do not like mado's realistic model (they should've went with something more anime-equivalent or rpg-like imo) but the game itself looks alright yet more puzzle psych-horror than exploration-based. I also refuse to believe that Kadokawa somehow got in contact with Kikiyama before Uboachan was able to, but somehow Toby Fox did too so who knows if it's really Kikiyama but that always seemed really off to me that someone this elusive just pops out of nowhere. If there is one conspiracy theory I truly believe in, I believe it would be that Kadokawa bullshitted getting Kikiyama and that the real Kikiyama was never found. It makes sense that a creator who is this elusive wouldn't care or go through legal trouble to fight an impersonator

Skibidi biden



Lmao the cum chalice one is excellent.

I agree and I think Toby got Kadokakiyama'd too. It's possible that he found him through high level gaming industry connections (he did play smash bros at Sakurai's house) but I think it's way more likely that Famitsu got the contact from Kadokawa. Would the real Kikiyama even have any way to prove it's him?


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>Would the real Kikiyama even have any way to prove it's him?
Assuming he still has access to either his old email account or his website, yes. Otherwise, things get a lot more complicated.


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It's back, but this time on /ot/ instead of /hikki/. I don't really know why it was on /hikki/ in the first place. Please welcome our new, site-wide Chats & Communities Thread.

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here. Ads are not allowed elsewhere on the site.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never.

If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted.

Posts to this thread do not appear in recent posts on the front page.
93 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Isn't this a grooming server? Why are you spamming this here?


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 No.16073[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hi, I'm the one who made the original Junko v 1.02 post (and who helped search for it on reddit). Since I haven't seen anyone comment on it, I recently went to the YNOnline page and saw that a mysterious door appears at the top and if you click on it, it takes you to a semi-mysterious image.

It turns out that this is about a new project called "Collective Unconscious" and of which I took some images on Twitter. What do you think?
132 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Hujle just enjoys making people mad, best to just ignore him lol


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keroronpa, aka pancakes guy.
I have no intention to make anyone mad. Not my fault the guy has gone crazy over "CUnny game".


Had anyone tried speaking about the the recent patch/bugfixes to keroronpa?

>Not my fault the guy has gone crazy over "offensive term for a game"

Here's one that went over a lot - "Collect my Unconscious". Not offensive but pun-based jokes because the massive hype at first launch.

Not really mad, but I got defensive at least, sorry. However, I'm looking forward to new improvements in the future like Yume 2kki/Dream Diary 2 does every once in a while, so what are the improvements for Collective Unconscious version 0.21? I'm glad version 0.20 fixed the softlock bug in Sun Forest.


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Midnight Street is such a good theme.


Well, at least the latest YNO update is a great QoL for famgames overall even if CU itself still without any new content


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https://archive.org/details/christian-books-collection-pdf(The anal crusader was banned for this post.)


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wake up!! we are about to enter tribulation and the Christian church has completely mislead you, you need to repent so God doesn't pour his wrath out on you
we are required to keep the Sabbath (Isaiah 56, acts 13:42-44)
and to abstain from pork shrimp shellfish (Isaiah 66, acts 15)
Paul specified in Galatians 3:19 that sacrificial law ended meaning we are still bound by the holy covenants
we still have to keep the ten commandments Matthew 5:19
in Ephesians 2:12-13 it says we are grafted into Israel meaning the prophecy and covenants given to Israel still apply to us
and Isaiah 11:11-13 says that you are apart of the lost sheep of Israel
christmas easter halloween are unbiblical idolatry, christ wasn't even born in December and these celebrations come from paganism such as yule, saturnalia and ishtar
The trinity is an unbiblical idolatrous doctrine (numbers 23:19, mark 10:18, Matthew 26:39)
the messiah's name is Yeshua not Jesus read John 5:42-43 about this

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