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/fg/ - Fangames


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You May, a fangame about a young girl named Yarn, trying to find her stuff before everything gets dark.

I've been working on this since around August 2011, and I take very, very long breaks. The first of two games in the you&me series. The second game, phthsc, will be a completely independent 2.5D-3D collectathon-esque game in the unforeseeable future.

Link to 13.12 (or 0.000 or whatever you want to call the tutorial): https://www.mediafire.com/?dhnzt9z6253gt6i

Dev blog: http://youmay-phthsc.tumblr.com/


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Now, some notes as posted on the dev blog:

-Main focus was the tutorial section, anything after is most likely unfinished and may lead to random errors. This is a beta in the sense that I just wanted to show something, so I chose the tutorial.
-Again, none of the maps are finished, but the ones chosen were at least presentable. I removed some events/teleports from these maps that weren’t presentable. Odd (western most one) was completely removed.
-Nothing is final. Nothing. Well, okay, some key characters and locations, sure, but still. Nothing. A lot of the emptiness (mostly in the Toy/Eye worlds) will be filled in, any dialogue is subject to change or be removed entirely (it is nowhere near complete). Animations are also definitely a WIP.
-No sounds, though a few from the RTP were used as placeholders. Music’s included, but most are very out of date and will be completely remade later on.
-No effects have been added yet, though they’re still in the events and some may or may not work. There will be eight in total, with a few extra items.

I probably should have waited, but I've been working on this game since August 2011 and after many long breaks I felt like it was time to show something for my efforts.

Next release will definitely have at least two fully explorable worlds, and at least five effects gatherable, if everything isn't already completely ready.


I like what I see so far. I'm looking forward to seeing what this'll turn out to be in the future.


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Thanks! Hopefully I'll be able to make something more complete soon.

And because I forgot to earlier, have some screenshots.


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And that's all for now.


Downloading. As fast as I finish it I'll post what I think.


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I really like the color palettes and art style for this. It looks really cute. I think I'll give it a try and see what I think of it.


Your game endeared itself to me very quickly. It seems like it could potentially become something very special, and I look forward to seeing where you go with it from here.


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Sorry the late response.

First of all, it is a pretty neat game. I love the graphics, aesthetics and general feel it gives.
Another thing I like is that you're not going for the classical fangame (Sad depresed hikiko grill wandering the neon world, the eye world and all), and, plus, you're adding your own touch to it! I really liked the way you enter to the nexus (and how it looks), and Choco as well.
The way you made the worlds is really cool too The thing you did in the southern world, where the panorama moves and it gives you the fake sensation that those are eyes that are moving… orgasmic. I can tell you this has a lot of potential.

Now, what I felt you should improve: First of all, the speed. Man, that killed me. The breaks from the narrations/dialoge and the transitions (going to the first floor in the house and such) were things that felt somehow pretty slow too.
Another thing (Which you shouldn't care too much now since this is the 0.00) is the emptiness of the worlds. As I said, yeah, 0.00, so is not so important. But, please, don't leave them empty when you update.
Another thing you MUST get as soon as you can is some music. Again, it's a 0.00, so it's not a big deal for now; but I do assure you that this thing with the apropiate BGMs will be splendid and extremely enjoyable.

>tl;dr It's 10/10 for a 0.00, and you have a lot of potential. With the appropriate resources you will make a really good game.

I'm pretty sleepy right now, tomorrow I'll re-play it and tell you more things. I wish you the best.


Thank you, everyone! Again, it's not much out, but I wanted to upload something. Glad you enjoyed.

Yeah, I had a feeling it'd be too slow. Original idea was starting out slow and groggy, and having players speed up then go to normal speed if they ate the chocolate located in the game (which I could have pointed out better), but I think I might just change that to turning normal speed once you leave the bedroom at the beginning.

Also, should probably alter the text dialogue speeds too… Or at least add a way that pressing a button speeds up text or shows it all at once.

But again, thanks! And don't worry, one of the problems I had releasing it so early was that everything was so empty. Shouldn't be a problem in the next release. Sound, though… Definitely my weak spot, but I've been slowly educating myself on it. Hopefully it'll also be ready by next release.


I personally think the initial slowness works well. The "grogginess" increases the impression of Yarn's helplessness. Same with the text speed - it makes Choco seem more "in control," like someone you/Yarn MUST listen to. That's what I took from it, anyway.



I felt really impatient during the start too but I didn't think of it that way.


Making it an option to speed up would probably be better because then you could still keep that feeling that you're trying to convey.


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>Yeah, I had a feeling it'd be too slow. Original idea was starting out slow and groggy, and having players speed up then go to normal speed if they ate the chocolate located in the game (which I could have pointed out better), but I think I might just change that to turning normal speed once you leave the bedroom at the beginning.

Starting slow and groggy is ok, but when it is SO slow is when it's offputting (at least, that's how I feel it). I'd say you can increase the speed level by 1 and it would be ok. Leave the chocolates as they are, or dunno, you can increase the time it works or provide other speed effect.
If in any case you think you will leave it as it is now, it's ok. But the transitions (trying to open the door, going between floors or entering the nexus), they, at least from what I feel, should happen a bit faster.

Now that I've given the general opinion I have of this game, I'll proceed my previous post with bugs I found and some errors.

In the first pic, I don't know if you are supposed to be able to walk there or not. At first I thought I could, but then I realized you can't. I don't know if this is a bug but I'll leave it there.

In the second picture, you can see the tile error. At first it seems you can pass through the green border (and, in fact, you can in some points), so I tried to walk there. Of course I was unable to.
Basically, here you have a layer problem. RM does not know what to do with it, since half of it is supposed to be one layer upper the player while the other is one down. You will have to check your tileset in the databae.

Now, in the last picture, it is (I think) partially my fault. Since I wanted to explore this faster and feeling free, I opened it via RPGmaker and added an event which increased my speed. However, when I tried loading my saved game again, I noticed it had a noclip bug. When I deleted said event, I still had this problem. Yeah, basically my fault, so I don't recommend doing this. But if someone has this problem and they didn't try to cheat, it may mean something's off there.


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And this. The first error happened when I tried to go up the stairs in the eye world. I checked the panorama folder, and said picture is not there. I don't know if you removed it before uploading the game since you felt it wasn't presentable or what.

I don't remember how I got the second error, but the map 13 is missing too. Again, I don't know if you thought it was not something you should show or not.

I will start again and see if I find any other error.



First off, thanks for taking the time to find these errors. I really appreciate it. As for the speed issue, it's set at one lower than normal walk speed, so won't be able to do that. I'll mess around and see if I can make it more reasonable, though, since, yeah, it is a bit slow and the tutorial is pretty tedious to travel around.

First picture's intentional, just unfinished. It's meant to be an alley, and the blue's just placeholders for things like dumpsters and other things. A lot of the random solid color squares are usually placeholders in that world.

Second one has been something that gives me trouble, and I think the solution lies in using events for certain corner pieces, but I haven't tried it. Trust me, it's been bothering me a lot. In that instance that end would lead to another map (though I can't believe I didn't notice the sunflower area was visible from that side, only meant to be visible from the right as a hint), so I should probably raise that area a bit so it doesn't lead to that confusion…

And yeah move events in my game are weird. Change one thing and everything breaks so I keep having to find ways to not break everything. Maybe it's from the walk speed being set to a common event? Just modify the common event to change the speed.

Thanks for pointing those things out though. Also, yeah, there are a few areas where I forgot to remove teleport events. The panorama one is weird though, it was a placeholder image that I thought I got rid of in all the maps, but apparently I didn't. The area is unfinished anyway, so at least you aren't missing much.

And sorry for any errors teleportation might cause, really should've made sure they were all deleted before uploading.



>First off, thanks for taking the time to find these errors

Nah, it's nothing. I'm actually used to betatest games so it's not a problem.

>Second one has been something that gives me trouble, and I think the solution lies in using events for certain corner pieces, but I haven't tried it

Yeah, as a placeholder it will work.
The first time I worked with RPGmaker I had this kind of problems too. I will see later if I can fix it myself.

>And yeah move events in my game are weird. Change one thing and everything breaks so I keep having to find ways to not break everything. Maybe it's from the walk speed being set to a common event? Just modify the common event to change the speed.

Oh, I'll do that. And yes, common events tend to fuck things up easily, so be careful with that. If you've actually made up a lot of work leave it like that for now, but try to evade using common events in the future with these kind of things.

>And sorry for any errors teleportation might cause, really should've made sure they were all deleted before uploading.

Those errors are pretty common with 0.00's and untested betas. You have to get a betatester (which is basically what we're doing here right now on /fg/), or more than one, which would be much better. I bet there is a lot of people here who will gladly try this out for you as testers.


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Well, in the end, I found a way to fix your problem. It was actually easier than what I thought, and you will be amazed to see how simple it is.

I think I'm off until I find another thing or you have an update.

Good luck.


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Oh, yeah, by the way (and to evade any possible misunderstanding), this is what you have in the first layer.

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