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/fg/ - Fangames


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 No.11317[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Shouldn't this be self-explanatory?
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It's nikki, obviously…

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Ok since the thread last time had a picture and that made it weird, here is a new thread also bonus point here is the game list so far

>>178 Sickmind

>>915 The Looking Glass
>>810 Mewn
>>24 Yume Nisshi
>>852 Anarchy
>>31 N'oubliez Jamais
>>502 The Other Line
>>2068 Divinity Fatum Trilogy
>>1476 R.E.M
>>1991 Mochi Nikki
>>1786 Yumewo
>>2219 CHAIN (Lube's /fg/)
>>1628 nostAlgic and Parade
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Sorry but rules are rules. You only got 365 days in a single lifetime to use ubuu.

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 No.11392[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Doesn't seem to be a general thread for .flow on the new /fg/ yet, so here

(this is mainly an excuse for me to upload this really cute picture of sabi)
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updated version:
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 No.229[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The solution to all your Japanese fangames troubles are in this very thread! Links provided.
Implying you read it carefully and do stuff consequtively. Otherwise, it's your problem.
Still post here if something doesn't work.

There we go:

1) Make sure you have Japanese language installed on your system - what the hell are you doing in /fg/ without that anyway?..
In case you're still here w/out it:
But you most probably have it already.

2) Install Applocale - it works both for XP and Win7.
There is also a patch and some register keys on the same page, install'em all. Well, when you read that page, it's all pretty obvious.
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Im just glad it works for you. I think its a great program im happy to share it

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Attention members!

Some new rules to the /fg/ Board are in effect immediately:

1. You will not use another Fangame Creator's materials without his written consent. This applies both to Uboachan Fangames and foreign Fangames.

2. Games are to go through considerable developmental progress before being posted. Members looking for help will post in the appropriate threads. Do remember we have an idea thread, too.

Threads who do not fall under these rules will be either Deleted or Locked, to the Moderation Team's discretion.

Note that while these rules are in effect immediately, they will not be applied retroactively.

Thank you for your time and enjoy your stay.


This is more of a request than a rule, but please don't bump months old threads asking about progress. The OP will post about progress if (or if you're lucky, when) any is made.

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What are some good Japanese yume nikki fangames ? I'm sure there's more but haven't found more than these yet:

- Mikan Muzou
- Debris
- Yuque
- Withers

pic related is from Mikan Muzou


.flow and yume 2kki both come to mind (with yume 2kki having a plethora of updates to this point). you can also check out https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LpBBf4gw9DJXRQY9ynpz20nlK-y3qCrmDwasHJkLH_0/edit?gid=0#gid=0 for any more.

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 No.16073[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hi, I'm the one who made the original Junko v 1.02 post (and who helped search for it on reddit). Since I haven't seen anyone comment on it, I recently went to the YNOnline page and saw that a mysterious door appears at the top and if you click on it, it takes you to a semi-mysterious image.

It turns out that this is about a new project called "Collective Unconscious" and of which I took some images on Twitter. What do you think?
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It should have been "Collective Unconscious has just updated and there's new locations", NOT removed maps because this game needs new locations.

In regards to post #16239 sage archived gen.loss, hopefully they can upload it here.

Yes, I checked CU and the wiki for it and I'm deeply upset at this.
-https://yume.wiki/unconscious/Orchid_Haven (https://yume.wiki/index.php?title=Collective_Unconscious:Orchid_Haven&oldid=475914)
-https://yume.wiki/unconscious/Body_Bog (https://yume.wiki/index.php?title=Collective_Unconscious:Body_Bog&oldid=478320)

It's like the Yume Nisshi problem all over again after Gen.loss was deleted: https://ynfg.yume.wiki/Gen.loss

I also wish for CU version 1 to be archived to keep the affected maps. I know the game's online-only, but this is of some importance, similar to Yume 2kki's previous builds with ORIGINAL connections/secrets to wataru's maps.

Could anybody ask the CU devs if the game's first version assets/maps/etc. can be on GitHub? It would be great if you did. Thanks in advance.
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> In regards to post #16239 sage archived gen.loss, hopefully they can upload it here.
gen.loss is in the archive. Not only that, you can play it right now in your browser.
> I also wish for CU version 1 to be archived to keep the affected maps.
It's in the archive under "ver.Release Build (10.06.2024)" name. Feel free to dig in.


Got both of them, really great that they both run on the EasyRPG emulator than one for full screen RPGMaker YNFGs.

Okay, a few questions:
>When will new maps be released?
>When will the Shadow Sentinel event be fixed?
>Could anybody update the wiki for this YNFG with a Version History page and/or update the pages for maps in post #16239?

Also, some OSTs got removed in the recent build FYI.

I felt that it seemed similar to Wataru's removal of their maps/OSTs back in an old version of Yume 2kki (before a year later that they reuploaded them again). Speaking of, I am really keen to know what happened to Wataru before removing their assets. Was this because those were stolen assets? Or was it because they left the team?


theres something about this pic thats intensely mesmering i wonder why


[…] i think its the very seductive, ambiguous inviting gaze coupled with the low quality [of meme content] thats. hinting simultaneously to eternal salvation or eternal hell

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Since the original YNFG Archive has been long abandoned, I've decided to revive it by creating a new one. Not to "provide a decentralized backup", as the OG archive stated, but rather for the sake of history preservation.

Feel free to download at https://archive.yumeboo.ru/
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I've finally done it. With the future public update of the archive, I will link it on the archive's main page.


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Yume Nikki Fangames Archive has been updated.

This update includes all fangames that were submitted for the recent Dream Diary Jam 8, a spoonful of fangames that were basically "lost media", a handful of other old and new fangames with their updates, but more importantly: CUnnygame Collective Unconscious is in the archive too! Including development builds!

Direct downloading from the website and online play are yet to become available. For now you can download the archive via torrent, but be prepared: this thing now takes up a whopping 344 GB of disk space.

Download links are on the main page as usual: https://archive.yumeboo.ru/
And of course you can see all the changes in the changelog: https://archive.yumeboo.ru/changelog/


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I should probably consider hosting everything locally instead of relying on VPS.


Thank you so much for that. Collective Unconscious lost a few levels and that was troubling me because it was great fun with some world maps by orchidmantis because "copying map ideas from a YNFG had ruined things" nonsense. Interestingly, on my hard drive I archived all of COLD's older builds in the recent one (I played through all the builds, only cons are the Engrish in-game and the speed effect is like a cruel panic attack but I LOVED the toy box effect because of the YNFG doll collectathon).

Thank you everybody for helping out on this, and thank you Sage for this feat too!

Take care and keep dreaming!


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You're welcome.

Should've been tell about that before, but online-play and direct downloading are now available. Including the gen.loss fangame by the same developer you've mentioned.

I'm also thinking about changing approach to the archive updates. Since browsing and direct downloading individual files and folders from the archive is available, I could've make small and more frequent updates instead of big and rare ones. And to not ditch downloading via torrent completely, I'd update a torrent file once in a month or something.

Any feedback on this particular idea?

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(it may not look like you're walking but you are walking and you'll find something trust me)

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Is this game ever gonna get updated?
It's been 5 fucking years since it's last update
(0.00a doesn't count btw you dumbasses)
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if it counts then is there anything interesting to it?
i've played it but i can't seem to find anything interesting about (unless i've missed something)


yeah i agree nothing seems to be documented out of 0.00a like there's no walkthrough whatsoever
maybe that's why op thinks 0.00a doesn't count


welp if it's not fully documented then it's underrated as fuck


no prolly not lol


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 No.3411[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

After some thinking, I decided to start a thread for my game "Elysium City". Though I actually started making this game less than a week ago, I've been planning on making something like this well before I even knew about YN fangames.

Anyways, You play as a girl named Anne who is an inventor and also a squatter, which means that her current residence is an abandoned house. In her backyard she managed to invent a machine that allows her to teleport to a different land. The place she arrives to is a city where none of the buildings lead you to different worlds.

While I want this game to have a dream-like feel to it, I'm going to have it focus a lot on urban exploration/decay. I will post more details of the game later.
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fascinating bread. i had an idea for a game similar to this (not exactly the same though). i hope i live to see the end result.


fuck, Elysium City. if the artist/author is still around at all I want you to know that this is one of the few games I've always super hopeful for from the beginnning. it's one of the things I look forward to whenever I come back to ubuu and look at fangames.


damn, what happened to this?


OP-san, if you are still here, I think your game looks really cool and the 3D version is definitely something I'd play. Hopefully the development is going well for you, but if you're not working on it anymore I understand.


it's been 5 years give up bro

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Some madlad at pokecommunity actually revealed to have a Pokémon Firered romhack in the works themed around YN and decided to wait until the anniversary to do it

I'm not the author but I WILL shill it here because holy fuck never expected something like that


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This will make a great addition to my collection.


Well, I guess Pokémon’s as good of a base as any for a Yume Nikki fangame.

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If you're are not be careful from this person and you will be killed and eliminated by 8-bit person, The image shows a nighttime outdoor scene with a streetlamp illuminating a grassy area and part of a house in the background. The most striking feature is a pixelated character with black eyes and white pupil eyes standing in the grass, which appears to be digitally added. The character resembles an 8-bit or 16-bit sprite from a retro video game, with distinct features including a large hat, dark clothing, and a colorful belt or accessory. The contrast between the realistic background and the pixelated character creates a surreal and unexpected effect.


Thanks ChatGPT


He posted it on plebbit too
Some say its a arg but I think its just shitposting


I dont see any large hat


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Don't forget their friend, the Not-8-bit person. A disgusting creature with swollen, bloated limbs as though drowned long ago, wrapped in a plastecine shell (a failed attempt at appearing human) that only barely contains what horrors lie beneath it's grotesque frame. Dark, empty, beady eyes the only thing able to be seen from within. Two long tendrils hang from both sides of its head which it can extend to grab it's prey. If you see them, even for just a moment from the corner of your eye, you're already dead.

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"Uroqsuki" (ウロツキ) is evil version of Urotsuki with green eyes that was inspired by Fliqpy from HTF; who killed innocent people or Yume Nikki fangame character, including stalking and targeting his "enemy" Madotsuki, Poniko, Monoko and Monoe who immortal, there was an uroqsuki thing start; where she see gun, knife, chainsaw, grenade, etc. that about to start evil alter ago.

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Do you think there'll ever be another fangame to the scale and ambition of Yume 2kki? Do you think there should be?
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I have a rather novel idea. How about we take a leaf out of GNUs book and make our work opensourced? Create a repository for maps and sprites and sound effects, that anyone can use or alter in any form so long as people are properly credited. People would have zero restrictions for creations, and any person or team could take their work and edit and amalgamate it in an way for them to make their own final product.

As for a way to differentiate the game a bit and break the mold some, I'd like to be able to explore the whole protaganists house while awake, though still not able to leave. During dreams you could access the different world's by entering different rooms of the house or exiting. Having a non-static nexus or house as in not all words can be accessed from the nexus every time you dream. It could be a simple rotation, done randomly, or if an lsd em "tracker" is put in place it could relate to that. Or possibly just the scenery of the house and outside changes.

I don't think a tracker should be done in a 1 dimensional happy/sad fashion, but it should be a 2 dimensional map more like.


Multiple 'western 2kkis' have been made, like Yume 4kki. They just never last.


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It's disingenuous to bring stuff like Yume4kki as comparison. 99% of 'western 2kkis' lack the scope, ambition and manpower this project does. Not that i don't expect it to fail anyways… But it's probably the best attempt that's been given by the fandom.


>Not that i think anons are wrong, as i have seen the inner makings of this project and expect nothing short of an absolute shitshow.

wdym? drama? wanna know


People with opinions to the left of Yukio Mishima worked on the game and that scares the /v/tard.

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