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/fg/ - Fangames


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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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 No.11317[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Shouldn't this be self-explanatory?
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Still miss Shield Owl though. It was my favorite starting area

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 No.11392[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Doesn't seem to be a general thread for .flow on the new /fg/ yet, so here

(this is mainly an excuse for me to upload this really cute picture of sabi)
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I also sweat slightly because there is so much shit in this fucking game

Flower girl? Rust? Deterioration? I'm losing it

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Ok since the thread last time had a picture and that made it weird, here is a new thread also bonus point here is the game list so far

>>178 Sickmind

>>915 The Looking Glass
>>810 Mewn
>>24 Yume Nisshi
>>852 Anarchy
>>31 N'oubliez Jamais
>>502 The Other Line
>>2068 Divinity Fatum Trilogy
>>1476 R.E.M
>>1991 Mochi Nikki
>>1786 Yumewo
>>2219 CHAIN (Lube's /fg/)
>>1628 nostAlgic and Parade
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Sorry but rules are rules. You only got 365 days in a single lifetime to use ubuu.

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 No.229[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The solution to all your Japanese fangames troubles are in this very thread! Links provided.
Implying you read it carefully and do stuff consequtively. Otherwise, it's your problem.
Still post here if something doesn't work.

There we go:

1) Make sure you have Japanese language installed on your system - what the hell are you doing in /fg/ without that anyway?..
In case you're still here w/out it:
But you most probably have it already.

2) Install Applocale - it works both for XP and Win7.
There is also a patch and some register keys on the same page, install'em all. Well, when you read that page, it's all pretty obvious.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Im just glad it works for you. I think its a great program im happy to share it

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Attention members!

Some new rules to the /fg/ Board are in effect immediately:

1. You will not use another Fangame Creator's materials without his written consent. This applies both to Uboachan Fangames and foreign Fangames.

2. Games are to go through considerable developmental progress before being posted. Members looking for help will post in the appropriate threads. Do remember we have an idea thread, too.

Threads who do not fall under these rules will be either Deleted or Locked, to the Moderation Team's discretion.

Note that while these rules are in effect immediately, they will not be applied retroactively.

Thank you for your time and enjoy your stay.


This is more of a request than a rule, but please don't bump months old threads asking about progress. The OP will post about progress if (or if you're lucky, when) any is made.

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 No.2494[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello there.
It's the sequal of Yume Nikki Gensou, atelierizumi's last work.

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It seems so


Here's the Russian translated…


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Это станет отличным дополнением к архиву фан-игр. Спасибо, что запостил это.


Now we need the English traslation


Hi! I have questions:

1) Name and goals of the blue haired girl?
2) Name and goals of the final boss?
3) What is the relationship between the blue haired girl and the final boss?
4) Why the final boss turns against the blue haired girl before the final battle?
5) What is the relationship between the blue haired girl and Poniko?
6) What is the relationship between the blue haired girl and Madotsuki?
7) What is the relationship between the final boss and Poniko?
8) What is the relationship between the final boss and Madotsuki?
9) Who is the Ghost Madotsuki fought in this game and its prequel?

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 No.172[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I've been working on it and I'd like your opinions on it.
Protagonist's name is Me (Eye).
The objective, like Lcd Dem is picking orbs. The effects is for helping it.
This game has some dialogue, but it is very rare seeing it happen.
So, tell me what do you think.
PS: The doors and the orbs have placeholder graphics. On future releases, the graphics will be better.
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I like these kind of photos actually




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a collab with my good Deviantartist zinzolino and if you are active rn you can join too and watch me in Deviantart


Should I play the old version, or the remake?


i recommend playing the old version first and the remake later

i think it would be pretty satisfying to see the differences between the versions of the game (at least for me) ^>^

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 No.124[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

【lcd dem】
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If you thought that's bad you aint seen nothing yet.


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I just noticed that someone is copyright claiming koronba music on YT as "xxxx" or "XxXX" (the autogenerated channel says "Joined 19 May 2024")
Obviously it's not him as that channel also has some random garbage on it


Also the "album" art for koronba tracks is some QR code looking shit, however no scanner I tried could recognize it (it's not DataMatrix either)

(That one thread is locked so hopefully I can post this here)


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Once again, youtube's copyright system is still too much easier to abuse than defend against and it pisses me off to no end. Similar things were happening to vocaloid producers, but since Koronba's decree of not wanting his work or name known, it makes it easy for someone to impersonate and copyright claim his music and little we can do because we aren't the rights holders and the actual right holder/creator is intentionally MIA. If this does warrant a response from Koronba, I think it will just be him/her taking down the channel but not reuploading anywhere. It's frustrating but not the first time something like this has happened on youtube, which as a platform, is notorious for not doing the right thing in favor of covering their ass legally. Youtube will just constantly let copyright trolls run rampant on their shit site destroying internet history because there may be an off chance that one claim could be a legit one from a rights holder. Abolish the fucking DMCA already.


hi good day to you. do you think i could download this on mac?


Check out >>>/yn/513 but yes, you should be able to. Either use WINE / Proton on the .exe or install EasyRPG.

There are (I believe) all versions of the game present in the archive.

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I've been working on a ynfg called Ritual Dreams for a couple of years now. It'll be done eventually. I'll share it here once it's finished.
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Beautiful squares


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still working slowly




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That forest looks gorgeous! Glad to see you're still working on it anon, hope to see more of your stuff.


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Very cool atmosphere, it's more… realistic in a way, i can see that being almost like an awake yume nikki experience

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what happened to pingupingn (the creator of yume tsushin)? he disappeared, his twitter account was deleted
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The usual japanese NPC behavior: deleting all their media out of the blue without explanation, either to make a new account later or ditch all the internet activity altogether.

Such is life.


No shade, but why are nearly all of them so autistic? Like you get what I mean?


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They are extremely sensitive about their works to the point of absurdity. They demand other people to ask their permission for every minuscule action, such as using their work as a profile picture on any social media, and if you dare to do something without their permission - this is going to be a tragedy for them equal to atomic bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

And it's kind of sad to see such behavior being accepted among westerners.


>hujle moaning and whining about issues that don't matter and that nobody has cared about in a long time
>all because somebody deleted their twitter account


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This thread exists solely because somebody deleted their shitter account, silly.

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What are some good Japanese yume nikki fangames ? I'm sure there's more but haven't found more than these yet:

- Mikan Muzou
- Debris
- Yuque
- Withers

pic related is from Mikan Muzou
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minus ichi is my favourite fan game
beautiful art, interesting events and cool effects
definitely try it


What happened to ねじりす a.k.a. nejirisu?


lcd.dem's creator really inspired me in my own approach to music composition. its a shame they wanted everything deleted and want nobody to type their name. I'll never get that.


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I guess I must ask but has anyone here ever played this fan game? How do you feel about it?
I really like the sketch book like aesthetic to it


Definitely gonna play this. Thanks for bringing it up

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I'm making a Yume Nikki porn game where Madotsuki gets raped by many different dream creatures that appear in the original game, is there anything you'd like to see in it?
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I doubt that fg will ever see the light of day. I'd play it, but the dev hasn't updated on its progress in a long time.


we're working on it, though not as fast or as heavily as before, mostly because we've been more busy as of late

and we've only released new versions for a small few people for testing as of now


Oh shit you are the guy? neat to see you here lol. Hope to see it finished some day.


>which is an adult
Interest: lost


At least I'm glad that this trend of "I'm gonna make a game XD even though I haven't started and don't plan to" has stopped for a while, it was getting tiring back then.

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 No.16073[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hi, I'm the one who made the original Junko v 1.02 post (and who helped search for it on reddit). Since I haven't seen anyone comment on it, I recently went to the YNOnline page and saw that a mysterious door appears at the top and if you click on it, it takes you to a semi-mysterious image.

It turns out that this is about a new project called "Collective Unconscious" and of which I took some images on Twitter. What do you think?
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Had anyone tried speaking about the the recent patch/bugfixes to keroronpa?

>Not my fault the guy has gone crazy over "offensive term for a game"

Here's one that went over a lot - "Collect my Unconscious". Not offensive but pun-based jokes because the massive hype at first launch.

Not really mad, but I got defensive at least, sorry. However, I'm looking forward to new improvements in the future like Yume 2kki/Dream Diary 2 does every once in a while, so what are the improvements for Collective Unconscious version 0.21? I'm glad version 0.20 fixed the softlock bug in Sun Forest.


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Midnight Street is such a good theme.


Well, at least the latest YNO update is a great QoL for famgames overall even if CU itself still without any new content


Glad to hear about it! YNOProject had recently added new YNFGs but Collective Unconscious still remains the best YNFG for many years to come; hopefully they'll add new content and entice new and existing players into the game in the future. (I wish the devs spent time adding new content much like Yume 2kki does, sadly they're not up to speed)


Now the wiki's got a version history page:

This came from a Google Drive link since that's present in the link above.

Anyway, I found on Twitter that new maps are on the way.

Actually, I've read that the update included general bugfixes (except the Shadow Sentinel event for unknown errors IDs, which still needs a fix), like OSTs not unlocking properly.

Still enjoying V0.1, but now *cough* autism *cough* I feel like wanting some maps back in an update because this was like a shot to my heart (which V0.1 still has).

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 No.7886[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fangames screenshot general, anyone?
I need eyegasm.
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these are really nice to look at. with so much detail however I feel like it starts to look a bit overworked, and it loses some of the ambiguity I personally think yn fangames should try to keep. in the same line as that stream of consciousness stuff mentioned by other anons upthread, I guess. it probably took forever to get everything in those screenshots so finished looking though, the work put into it shows.


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I love Yellow Sails so much. I'm eternally saddened that its been four years now without a update because it's so beautiful and the music is wonderful. The nautical theming and overall mood just hits the right spot for me


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Made a fangame lads.

It's a about a girl called Amari who uses a headset to explore a virtual world in her computer known as the "Enhanced Reality".

There are 12 effects to collect.

The game has 2 endings depending on how the game was played.

There are 3 minigames.

I hope you enjoy it.

If you find any bugs, glitches or any weird shit like that please feel free to tell me.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/file/iru45gyfupv77d7/Log.%5Bin%5D.rar/file
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Here's a shitty short walkthrough I wrote for both endings.
Hopefully it will help you lads.


Very promising game, I was impressed. What a nice surprise, I'm eager to look into it more. You put a lot of thought into this and while it feels like a fangame there's enough it in to help it stand out. We need more like this.

My only real complaint is a nitpick, but I don't like the protagonists sprite much. Mostly the eyes. Again just a nitpick though.


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-Fixed door opening animation stuttering.

-Fixed 2 maps where the Data Stream effect sound wouldnt work.

-Fixed an instance where you weren't supposed to be able to use the 9 key.

-Fixed an error with the couch in the left most world.

Hopefully this covers all the fuck ups I had in the game. Thank you all so much for playing lads. I'm really glad people are enjoying it.

To update from a previous version you can replace the files of the previous version with the files of this download. Your save should still work.

Art by Another Mind


How the fuck is this not popular yet


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i don't know if the creator of this game is still active but i want to say the game is very good and wish it has a new update XD

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