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/fg/ - Fangames


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I have trouble with .flow
I don't understand why files/picture are missing, i have downloaded different version (eng) and its always like that. I managed to go to the sleeping world but its the same in it, the map texure are missing, only some items appear. Can someone help me ?


Those garbled names on your screenshot are supposed to be in Japanese. I'm using stuff like Applocale for this, and don't launch it with that EasyRPG thing. Are you playing on Windows?

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 No.6836[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fleshchild v0.00 - A YN Fangame

[This game uses RPG Maker 2003!]

The game is still very incomplete, but here is version 0.00 of my new game Fleshchild! Things work a bit differently in this game, for sure.

Here’s one helpful tip: BE CAREFUL WHEN EXPLORING NEW DREAM AREAS. Be sure to explore every part of one dream world before moving to a new location!

Or you might miss things. Hahaha.

Nitrosparxx - Composer and Beta Tester
Cheesydicks - Beta Tester
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Haven't posted in a while, I've heard that you've updated Fleschild even after the ywrd contreversy.

But I'm a bit worried about it being in /og/. But I also have a theory on Vis. ywrd said about stealth games; Vis' ability to form itself into a puddle of flesh seems to follow ywrd's exemplar.

Thank you.


I know Fleshchild has become something bigger than a fangame, so but I hope you still continue to advertise it as inspired by Yume Nikki so it can be classified as a miscellaneous game.


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>something bigger
That's debatable, it's just not a fangame anymore, but I agree with the rest, denying it's roots after getting so many fangame players would be a dishonest move.


Well, the game has been formally cancelled. I don't know how to feel about this. It was because Bleet was too stressed to do it. RIP Fleshchild.



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Kari's text:
0:18 This is the best show on t.v.
0:19 Well… Its also-

0:42 - 0:45
You are not real only D- Nothing in th-
Wow I have never seen- Ne as pretty as yo-

I think you are specia- What Are you rea-
Stop overthinking e- Hing You can do it-

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Hey all! I’m new to this place, so bear with me if I’m doing anything wrong.

I just have a quick question. I’ve been at my computer all week 5inking up a good YN Fangame,and I’ve recently fallen in love with Lcd Dem. I was wondering if I’d be able to make a fanmade sequel to Lcd Dem with a new plot and characters as well as locations.

Also, as it’s a ‘sequel’, would I be permitted to use the tilesets?



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Yes and yes, I grant you my permission. Good luck with your project!

t. koronba.


Ignore the koronbanon.

Many years ago, koronba (the creator of lcddem) disappeared from the internet entirely, requesting people to never speak of his projects again, I guess so they could be forgotten.

Obviously, this would mean nobody has permission to make a fan sequel, let alone use lcddem's assets. Plus, it would kinda defeat the purpose of the whole 'forget my works existed' request.

Of course, you could do it anyway, and I doubt koronba would notice. It would be rude though.


do it


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I'm making a Fan Game and working on sprites. I was just hoping to make a slash with this thread I guess. I've been in Uboa for a while (frequently using the MUD) and I just wanted to chat :)


This is a really early scan. Probably a year ago now. I have polished up my artwork now :)


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An early sprite sheet
(If you really want to use it feel free haha just give me a heads up)


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Some redrawn concepts for encounters. The character isn't named chris anymore haha

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I'm pretty sure the blue forest in Yume 2kki is the same forest from Rabbit's Moon


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 No.13252[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Not sure whether it'd fit in here or in /ig/ so please move if this is too far off.

That aside.

This is basically a buncha exploration where you look for things. Yes, there's going to be a demo. Yes, draw a conclusion from that fact.

No, this isn't the protagonist's own head - it's someone else's. No relation at all. What an asshole.
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there's a point in development where you're in it for the long term. after that point it'd be easier just to start over from scratch. i don't know how far into development you are, but from your screenshots, it looks fairly significant. you might still be ok, but if you'll have to redo a large enough amount of areas, it's better to just scrap what you got and start again, or plow on through.

the different styles between areas have always concerned me. stylistically, some things just don't belong, and i was worried it'd eventually take it's toll on the project. in regards to the battles, you're pitting chibi final fantasy sprites against works of art. middens and off did similar, but kept a similar palette throughout to make differences less jarring. i don't know if that's the problem you're talking about however, but that's what I'm worried about. what do YOU think is wrong with the battle system? if you uploaded a picture of it, it might be easier to tell what's gone wrong and how to fix it. also keep in mind, you can position the characters and enemies sprites anywhere on the field. you don't have to just line them up on one side.

i really don't mean to sound overly critical. I'm a bit of a pessimist. still, what you have shown us so far is great, and I'm looking forward to more of it. i do have high hopes for the game, even if it doesn't sound like it. you are an amazing artist.
my complaint about the bedroom is that it's a bit flat. perhaps add more colorful decorations to it to make it feel more 'lived in', such as pillows or a carpet, or books, clothes, or a lamp.


Forgot to add about battle systems, it might also be easier to do what games like earthbound had and do a first person dungeon crawler system.


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Hello once more. My issue with the battle system isn't its style (because after all it becomes interchangeable) but its implementation - How to for example make it so it's not too intrusive for the people who want to explore but not too much "just tacked on and easily ignorable" which is a delicate balance with a game of such a nature. As for the picture shown in my previous post, it was just there as an example of how my pixel art would look like (veterans however, might realize that this is a mockup of one of my earlier games )

Gif and picture here is how the battle system is like in its current state.


plz keep making your game, it looks rad


wew lad, sick yume nikki reference!

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I'm trying to open it with Applocale (japanese language) and I see an error. I translated and that means something like "File room can not be opened" ? How do I fix that?


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You lurk moar, faggit.

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TL;DR: pic related.

I've been thinking about the much reviled "western 2kki" lately, and I've come up with an idea for a process that may allow for a game like this to be made. This thread isn't for starting such a game, but for review, criticism and suggestions concerning these ideas.

The process goes a bit like this:

1 - I (or any one organizer) makes a thread where people can send submissions for in-game maps that they made themselves.

2 - One week later, a new thread is made, where a small RPGM game is posted. This one-week period will be called a "phase" hereafter. The game consists of a Nexus which connects to each individual map that has been submitted through numbered doors. The thread's OP also contains a strawpoll for voting on which map do players think is the best. The one with the best score wins. It also contains another call for map submissions.

3 - Repeat step 2 for 4 phases, then go to step 4.

4 - The winners of the last 4 phases (now refered to as devs) get together in an online chat like a Discord server or IRC, and put the winning maps together in order to create a playable game. See pic related, fig. 1, for an example of what this would be like after 4 phases and fig. 2 for what the same project would look like after 8 phases. Noticed how nothing from fig. 1 is changed. What has already been released cannot be changed.

These devs have a deadline of 2 phases to do this, after which an official release is posted in the appropriate thread. The chat is managed by the organizer, who has no input in the actual conversations taking place.
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All those filters for content are beyond pointless when there's no content to behin with. And the reason there is no content is that people have no ideas to begin with. Nor any passion for the genre, really. That's the biggest limiter to the idea of Western 2kki.


>And the reason there is no content is that people have no ideas to begin with. Nor any passion for the genre, really.
Pretty much this. The devs who worked on fangames aren't really interested in them that much anymore (we've been doing this for, what, about 10 years?). 2kki survives because the devs there love what they do, but people don't really like RPGM that much in the west nowadays (mostly for the reputation of steam games with default tilesets and such).
Your idea would work, hypothetically, if we had a bigger userbase/developers that would like to contribute, but sadly that's not the case anymore.


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At first I thought it wasn't that bad but seeing how little attention this thread has gotten now makes me think I've probably been wasting my time. Part of me still wants to try it out though just to see what the fuck happens.


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It's a dead fandom and an even quieter board. Nobody makes fangames anymore aside from people who missed Yume Nikki's limelight by a decade. Most people make fangames for attention (and that's not something bad), and the attention pool has mostly run out. If you want to try somewhere with active devs to ask, try going on tumblr or the uboachan discord.

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just found out
some nationally ambiguous person, kinda recently, did… this


you're mentally ambiguous for not posting minecraft


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MP4 for people who don't want to niconico.

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hey this is my first post here and i know its probably not the first time some said this but on the game .flow that i recently downloaded it gives me a error after the static screen and when i try to load the saves already on there it gives me the same error. the error looks like this "???? ..tm ??????" any idea what this is and how to fix it would help. and if is some sorrta anti pirating thing or somthing let me know because i just downloaded it off the internet.


Set your locale to Japanese and then try again, from the start.


use locale emulator, just download it here https://pooi.moe/Locale-Emulator/ and once it's downloaded right click on the .flow application file and select "run in japanese"

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please understand my English is not for my first language. I am by heiwajima, japan. IP verification of moderators can confirm.

users of 2ch. sometimes visit this web page.

I am producing dream compilation game.

please explain what is a good idea in it and what is not in easy english. No more messages but reading all response.

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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My only advice is that huge mazes that make your eyes hurt when you look at them are not good.




This might actually happen, good luck OP.


Don't be racist, just because the dev is Japanese doesn't automatically mean the game will have good art or last long. Lots of Japanese fangames die out after the first couple of releases.

Don't be afraid to do the unexpected. There's too many of the same things in a lot of games. Try for brighter colors and less eye/gore/blood gimmicks. Don't go with big empty areas and painful mazes (to navigate and look at). Consider also a protagonist who isn't a recolor.

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This is a fangame im working on. It stars Angelica, a cute yet strong girl. The main focus of this game, aside from collecting effects, is defeating bosses. Yup, this YNFG will have battles. I'm only going to add boss battles, saving the rest of the game for npcs and such. As of right now, all I've done is a mockup of the title screen (image) and a character sprite, which is on my other pc which i dont have with me right now, so i'll probably show that tonight. I'll start actually working on the game either tonight or tomorrow. Stay tuned for updates! Sorry about the shitty image, I made it in a hurry on google drawing and i'll try to make a better one.
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I love the horse idea! I dont really have too much yet. I'm working on her bedroom, the nexus, and a few worlds. I'm sorry about not having a prototype right away. Again, I have a very busy and difficult life, so development will be rather slow, but today i'll start pushing other nonimportant things out of the way.


Milo here. Unfortunately, I won't be able to provide updates for a little while due to internet addiction. I have a notepad where i write and sketch ideas, and i'm committed to get a working demo going. I'm sorry for disappointing everyone, but i have to put my own health in front of my fangame.


>due to internet addiction
>due to internet addiction
>due to internet addiction


No worries, nobody had faith in you and your fangame in a first place (considering you had nothing to show us) so you didn't disappointed anyone


You all are right. I shouldn't have announced this. i'll keep my mouth shut until i have something worth showing.

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Anyone have a good example?

First one that comes to mind is this gem


90% of dream jam entries


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A good bunch of the short burst of western Post (And some Pre-)Answered Prayers fangames too. Some weren't ever finished, but what little was there (Anarchy comes to mind, so does N'Oubliez Jamais to a certain extent. While the latter is still influential, it certainly hasn't aged very well.)… For every semi-decent idea that somehow was never developed or even posted a demo, you'd get some really stupid things. Or even decent games that had its moments.

Also, The Door of Thoughts. Dear mother of fuck, that game. I know I was in that phase, still doesn't excuse it. While Remedy had its luck onto being partially undone and thus its newer version is lost, this first game is basically an ol' shame o' mine. It's interesting to see how far have I come, though.

Parade and Double Dream come to mind in the eastern side - not because of the typical SO EDGY, but because of the peculiar soundtrack and some of the artwork.

Also nonny, you should get the 2k3 version for the maximum face implosion moment. Trust me, you're missin' on some.


For what its worth, I still like Me a whole lot M-256, even it is a lil edgy and a lot awkward in engrish



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So i've been having an issue.

I'm playing Yume 2kki on easyrpg for android. the app updated one day and now whenever i switch effects or unequip an effect it plays the crashes saying the usual "unfortunately easyrpg has stopped" thing. when i get the chance, ill reinstall yume 2kki and/or find an apk of an earlier version of easyrpg, but in the meantime, any solutions?

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