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/fg/ - Fangames


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please develop more fangames with black protagonists (especially females) i want more options to draw thank you
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Shit thread but black sabi is cute
White hair would contrast better though


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White hair predominates in white people. White people are racism.(???)


Good to know shitposting is allowed in all boards and not just /ot/


I’m sorry you get treated this way. I’d love to see more diverse and POC dreamers as well and hope it could be seen more.

There are many other online YN communities that will be more much receptive to this than an imageboard.


This is the worst. My apologies to OP. Threads like this make me sad to be running the place. More black protags would be neat. (Maybe the whole thread was a bait?)

Edit: Made some overzealous bans but they're all 1 days. I'm upset that I lost it to this extent. I made a /sugg/ thread.

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Newfag here. What version should I use to make Yume Nikki fangames? BTW I made an attempt at a fangame that went nowhere on MV, so I think I'll try to use 2003 next. https://www.mediafire.com/file/7akjicnkjcnmc5f/Project4.zip/file
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I've used MV and 2003 and I definitely prefer 2003 but honestly since there isn't usually gonna be a combat system in a yn fangame, it's not really gonna make much of a difference anyways.


im downloading it in a VM right now, will update


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looks promising


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so the entire game is based around "john wetton" and you play as "john wetton ball" in what i can only describe as the 8th circle of Dante's Inferno erased from the scripture to keep mankind sane. there is a white john wetton ball walking around randomly and if you touch it you will be teleported to a map where you can not move and can only watch john wetton background from left of your screen, i could only escape this cursed macabre fate by closing rpgmaker. the other actor which was 5 triangles, when touched brought me to a map with that thumbs up troll face. again i was cursed to the bindings of the wait command, seeming to no end. don't know if there is more to it



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I like it.

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OK. Here's an updated version of the Moga's Games thread. Image is from the thread in the archive.

May V.01 (Latest Version): http://www.mediafire.com/?h7p8pzcxp65jj27

Instead;Ghost Suburb: http://www.mediafire.com/?pl4n6ysubdvsn5u

Halloweens 2011: http://www.mediafire.com/?e7c4c06q783g82u

I'm Scared of Girls: http://rpgmaker.net/games/3427/

xOMBYCAPYSE: http://rpgmaker.net/games/4545/

Safety 1.1: http://www.mediafire.com/?gqamq0ix3weqycs

Safety 2.1 (Newest Version): http://www.2shared.com/file/C5M6oYeJ/safety_121.html
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What happened to your Tumblr page? Do you still check this?


Tumblr did a big blog purge a while back, Moga's blog probably got caught up in it

Though looks like their twitter is gone too, so maybe they just deleted


Wasn't their twitter banned instead?


Looks like Moga's got an itch.io and new website now:
(Warning for bright, flashing colors.)


New Twitter with lots of nice (and NSFW) art: https://twitter.com/angelicbile

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Not really a fangame, but still Nikki as fuck
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Boy I don't need to be Uboachan to know Omori doesn't belong in the YNFG board.
The bait would be better if you didn't call it a masterpiece, work on that Anon, here's your bite though because I like you.


pardon me if I'm wrong, but isn't this game /og/ material? It doesn't seem to be Yume nikki fangame at all


In order to prove that this is not a Yume Nikki fangame - and thereby not "on topic", you must first establish criteria for what a Yume Nikki fangame is and then establish that this game does not meet them. Otherwise, your claim - that this is not a Yume Nikki fangame - will be at best unproven and at worst false.

You have done neither of these things. Due credit: you appear to have at least attempted, in a very backhanded and evasive way, to do the first - the criterion you tacitly attempted to assert was that Omori is tainted with "Tumblr" in a way that Yume Nikki was not. However, even in this, you fucked up, because not only did you fail to address the surplus of Yume Nikki content on Tumblr and what it meant for the criterion you attempted to smuggle in through the back, you went on to say that Omori had, and I quote, an immensely smaller impact - this impact being, presumably, on Tumblr. That is to say that you admit, in your own words, that Tumblr cares less about Omori than Yume Nikki, meaning that you have yourself denied your original position, whatever it meant.

Did you simply misspeak? Or is it the case, perhaps, that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and never did?


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I'm going to attempt to re-rail this thread by moving it to /og/ and asking us to stop arguing about whether or not it's a YN fangame, and talk about the game instead.

I used to understand why people were so upset about other communities like Tumblr enjoying the things we enjoy, but I forgot / don't really care anymore. We are a Yume Nikki fansite; if they like it, let them come.

Omori looks pretty good and I have been meaning to play it.


Moved to >>>/og/6299.

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sorry if this comes off as retarded, i just NEED to share this idea with SOMEONE, ANYONE… READ IT, DAMIT! ahem

I think a YN MMORPG would be pretty cool. Not "based on" or "inspired by"; an actual Yume Nikki MMO.

erryone gets their own OC and blank room on startup. Effects have a wide range of possibilities now - to build rooms you need to get to public dream worlds and poke around for a bit to find "room effects", basically tilesets. room owners can also hand out their own room effects, if they feel like it.

every room has an owner, and each room is connected to each other neocities-style. more visits = more effects potentally spawning in your room = more win

and some regular effects too, cosmetic effects are just cosmetics idk.

PVP would be fun. i imagine it like pic related (src: gobou's Dream Kombat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdWbeB95NbM), but
less buffed so the richkids don't become bloodthirsty assholes

neat shit eh?

(if anyone wants to make this, fucken do it. Get yoself a willing pixel artist, dev skills, and a good server or two. i'll join and build a cock palace)


Making a MMORPG is not a task for a small indie team, let alone for the people in here.


I'd play it, it sounds fun

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So…how about a thread to report new fangames being made? I haven't seen any new relevant fangames in a while.
If this is too hard just tell me which fangames in production you expect to be completed.
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Exactly! If you want to make a fangame, then go for it! I'm working on a game called More Lies that's heavily inspired by Yume Nikki, but I wouldn't call it a fangame. Probably in a similar branch as Fleshchild.


Every professional game developer in the industry.


If you're just in it for attention, you could just as well skip the foreplay and go full Phil Fish now.


Why of course, money is always good and seeking attention is how you sell things.


best of luck, look forward to it coming out

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Recently played Azusa 999. It's an rpgmaker game from 1997 and in a lot of ways a precursor to Yume Nikki. It's interesting to check out. I would say it's closer to games like Ib than Yume Nikki, but a lot of the themes and ideas are similar (another world that is sparse and unpopulated, non-human creatures, trauma around violence/bullying/suicide/depression/isolation, etc)

English translation download: https://obskyr.io/azusa999/
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I played it too, the first half was honestly tedious but thankfully not overly long. The second half however makes the game worth playing.
Since it's only about 2 hours long I can recommend taking a look.


this was extremely wonderful, thank you for the recc anon, bless you.


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omfg look at this insane flipnote(???) fanart for this game
made by @superkva64 on Twitter


This rules. Ty for posting


Just finished the game. Thank you for posting this, while it was a bit menial at parts, it really shines for a game from 1997. Reminded me a lot of Farethere City or End Roll with it's concept.

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What do you think about yume nikki megaman fangame? got inspired to make this after watching the gobou video.


Oh yes.
The art looks really good. I love megaman and I would love to play a ynfg like this


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fuck yes


Too bad it will never be made


Really cool idea. Mega Man and Yume Nikki are two of my favorite games.

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I can't find the artist of this image anywhere, it looks great and I wanna see more


>it looks great
no it looks like tumblr shit


That's why it looks great. Learn to nostalgia.

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 No.1120[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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These are nice points! I'm excited to see what the final updates of 2kki will be.


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Does anyone have a working DL link for the latest update in english?


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playing the 0.035 edition and whenever i have it full screen it does this thing. is there a way to fix it?


update: it works fine in the japanese one. might be something the translator did then?


if you play fangames with EasyRPG player, it plays it in hd so you shouldnt have that problem.

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So this upcoming dream jam has mtivated me to touch rpgmaker for the first time in a while, what should I do to ensure it doesn't blow over like my other projects?(image not related)
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Well, it's over anon. How'd it go?


It bombed, I realized I didn't habe a lot of time to work on the game because I took up a writing course and work was busy during the summer.


That sucks. As someone else who joined the Dream Jam, time management was one of the hardest challenges to overcome during development. I managed to get mine done, but it came at the cost of my personal health.

Not everyone will be so lucky in terms of time, but you seem to be working hard on yourself. Take solace in that fact, and keep your chin up for the next go around. I have faith you'll make something of worth. Godspeed anon.


which game was yours?



It was my first time making a game. Don't know if I'm exactly proud of the final product, but it was an experience if nothing else.

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Play my shitty YNFG please. It follows Bob and his weird visions after drinking spoiled milk.

It has 14 worlds, 10 effects, and one ending.


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 No.7735[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hey, has anyone heard about this?

>"LcdDem ver.0.030

>This is a “Yume Nikki” fangame.
>This isn’t “Yume Nikki”.

>To those know about/like LcdDem:

Please avoid talking about LcdDem as much as possible. Don’t say anything about it. "

Source: http://psiwolf.tumblr.com/post/48471399826/a-psa-from-koronba-lcddem-producer-psiwolfs

What do you guys think?
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・iofnrru Tn zeduaiolqs


Possible lead for at least Nishikigatsou: Mosenite, a contributor to Yume 2kki. Music and especially art shows some resemblances to Nishikigatsuo.


Which BGM is that, for example?
I listened to it, but I didn't find any songs that sounded like Nishikigatsuo.
I would like to know more about it.


can't anyone reach mods on this fucking website? i'm honest when i say this thread needs to be deleted. it's so incredibly disrespectful



Bold of you to assume Koronba didn't deliberately invoke the Streisand effect to become a legend.

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Which, if any, of the following traits preclude a game's status as a 'traditional' Yume Nikki fangame?
>being made with a 3D engine
>being made in an engine other than RPGmaker
>having a non-fixed viewpoint
>having dialogue/dialogue trees
>having non-chibi/large player models
>having a non-tile-based movement system
>having 'health points' that allow the player to take multiple hits
I have an idea for something but I'd prefer to stay within the constraints of classical YNF design.


>having dialogue/dialogue trees

Degrees vary, but this is the dealbreaker for me. As soon as it has more than 2-3 lines of writing in total it's not longer a 'traditional' fangame, even worse if the writing is dialogue.


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Thank you for replying. Here are a few more elements for your consideration.
>realtime/reflex-based gameplay
>inventory systems/non-effect items
>following NPCs
>combat beyond simple knife/knife-analogue usage

Also, what about system specifications? Yume Nikki is apparently good to go on a 200MHz machine with 32MB RAM and no video card. Is this the system profile a fangame maker ought to target?


eventually there's a line where it crosses from "fan game" to "inspired by"

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I have downloaded every single Yume Nikki Fan Game listed on the Yume Nikki Fan Game wiki. Since Yume Nikki has been acquired by Kadokawa, It is uncertain whether they may begin to take down fan games. Here is a torrent of all of them, every version, every available translation, in every available language.
31.4 GB - 244 Games

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"The whole Kancolle situation" is an entirely different matter though, because all circumstances point to the ban only existing out of fear that a fan could make a better KanColle game than the original (which wouldn't be any difficult at all). Kadokawa owns a fuckton of series and they don't care about fangames based on the vast majority of them, hell even Kemono Friends which they murdered so soon after it exploded is free game for fan games.
But yeah, in any case it's always great to have more mirrors. I've suffered a lot with the official downloads for 2kki in the past too so it feels nice having another place to download it from, so thanks for the paranoia.


The ssl cert for the subdomain expired. Can you please set up a cronjob for certbot so that doesn't happen any more.


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An archive update has been released!

New archive stats:
293 Games (677 Versions) - 50.6 GB




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I've stopped hosting these because they were using experimental options.
I'm going to host the collection with the default options since that's more sane.
As well as continue seeding the torrents for both, currently I have ~3TB of combined upload.


If the collection updates again I may stop hosting the old versions on BitTorrent since they take up duplicate space where the IPFS ones don't.


God bless, I'll mirror the IPFS stuff for forever.

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