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/fg/ - Fangames


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could anyone help me on making a fangame?
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I do certain graphics and music


No, but I have an email: tylermario740@yahoo.com.
When you have the chance, email me and we could work out the details.


and he was never heard from again


you need to be 18 years or older to use this site, artoax

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Hi. I'm making a YN fangame titled "ADHD: A Yume Nikki Fangame".
I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring out how the "Wake up" mechanic works.
I'll be looking for the solution right after I have posted this.
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>> So will this have "effects" or something similar?

Well, yeah. it is.

That's kind of a given.
<Section from list in notebook containing planning for this game

>> Please do not make a habit of coming to us whenever there is a problem, do your own research and work.

Sorry. I'm a nincompoot.


>> make two items for each one: they must both be associated to two switches, one of them should have the field box checked, the other shouldn't.

Actually, You might need to elaborate on that, Green.



Kevin MacLeod (incompetech) comes to mind.

Really. Several of his ambient tracks are rather Yume Nikki-like. I came really close to using his music in my own games.


The best advice I can give you is gutting other fangames that are in English and looking through the events to better understand how they pull off certain scenarios like waking up or killing NPCs and other graphical effects.


I'd be happy to make music for your game! Why didn't you say so? I'm working on a Yume Nikki inspired game myself, and I'm making all kinds of music for it! I'd be happy to help! How does that sound?

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It's Nightmare Castle! A new fangame I made, which is actually more on the traditional side than my other works.

Link here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wc5qwzqox28nb8x/Nightmare%20Castle1_01.zip

It's got effects, it's got puzzles, it's got treasure, and it's got a dream world for you to explore!

It's basically my side project whenever I can't work on my other games because of stress, etc. I'll update it until I'm sick of looking at it, so it'll never be done.

Here's a few things:
+This game doesn't need an RTP, just download and unpack to run
+This game's in 8 colours with AdLib sound! It's like an early PC-9801 game!
+The game's at version 1, version 2 is forthcoming
+Collect treasure to buy more effects from a randomly appearing shop
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I like how your style changed, but please don't abandon old projects, pic somewhat related.


I've re-orchestrated the track that plays in the Red Temple area to be more in line with my current professional work:



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Looks pretty legit. I'll give this shit a shot.


Man, Noyemi fucking off is still funny when I remember how it happened.

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Seeing the nice litle activity /fg/ is having, i figure i would point out something a lot of people overlook when theorizing about .flow.

What the fuck does the beginning mean?

I mean the sequence at the start where Sabitsuki is just hovering around in a black void.
When you press Z to continue, the static goes haywire, and the most interesting thing is, the visual effect that appears on the screen when you wake up is used to introduce you to Sabitsuki's Room.

Considering the already weak line between reality and dream .flow has (after collecting all effects you have to dream 3 times in a row (1 time inside your own dream) to begin the last part of the game) the intro sequence screws it even further.

Oh, and when you press Z and when the static is going haywire, Sabitsuki's model shortly changes to a sorta monochrome black haired girl.

Also, i wonder how .flow would play out if it relied less on gore and more on the technological / psychological factor, i really think the game is perfect as it is, just wondering.

Oh, and also.
when is .flow 0.20 going to come out
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You guys may be interested in knowing that lol is working in a short game titled Milya.


To Milya:

>ミーリャちゃん おたんじょうび おめでとう

Happy birthday, Milya-chan.
>わたしたちは あなたのために このお話を 作りました
We have created this story for you.

>ミーリャちゃんは ただ歩きながら

>お話を聞いてくれるだけで いいのです!
All you (Milya-chan) need to do is to walk around and listen to the story!

I just found out when I was sending him the mail that gidan's translation is technically done (all I need is some people testing the dialogues and telling me whether they sound weird or not, I'm not a native).


>Sabi uses PC to go into deeper .flow layers
>you use PC to start the game
>instead of "play" it reads ".flow"
no anon, you were the Sabi all along


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holy SHIT, you're right.

Thank you so much, lolrust-san… I'm finally the white-haired mentally scarred shut-in anime girl I've always wanted to be…


Dreams DO come true…


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bro literally all i got was girl escapes reality because terminal disease and shitty cards dealt and then legs get cut off cause lole ur not infecting the rest of these wonderful people and moral of the story and dedication to yume nikki is somewhere along the lines of "everybody has a reason to dream" the whole pc thing throws me off it seems that is the only thing thats open for speculation everything else seems obvious

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What the fuck happened to fangames in general?

Back when Yume 2kki and .flow were released and continuously updated (2kki will die soon, lol moved on to other stuff) they were very clearly "Yume Nikki fangames".

They had pratically the same style of gameplay (with some fringe cases in some areas or events like the abandoned streets in .flow) and never shied away their influence.
They had a unique aspect about them most of the time, but they still had some similiar gameplay.

Now we have fangames literally based off other fangames (can i even call them that?), stuff like Hell Diary.
I was ranting about this with a friend and he said:

"most people just make plain "horror" games now, walking sims with artsy baitsy aspects"

I guess he was sort of right, not that i hate today's lack of actual fangames, or do i hate today's "fangames" that are actually thinly veiled "horror" games that literally have almost nothing to do with Yume Nikki no sigo porque hablar Inglés es muy difícil putos trolls que violáron el mado check y dubs.
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Programmer didn't want to work on it anymore.


That's a shame. I guess it was fun while it lasted.


Not really related to the topic, but
>2kki will die soon, lol moved on to other stuff
There were a lot of times when 2kki's updates slowed down to a crawl, yet it's still kicking even after 10 years, and if I recall correctly, lol's most recent update to .flow came after he released those other games of his. So it's probably still too early to bury those two.


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but you raise the great question as to why no one has bothered with mugen characters. kinda think someone would have thought of/done/started that by now

according to a DL site lol has linked on their page the most recent (up)dates have been
.flow: 2014-22-11
gidan: 2016-09-23
kidan: 2016-09-20
milya: 2017-05-18

smidge of a difference there. only what, two years. damn.


I guess my memory tricked me after all. Oh well.

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yo so people are still making fangames right?? Like it wouldn't be weird if i made one in the current year??? I already have some sprites, npcs and uhhh ideas i guess.

umm one of my big ideas is to not have the MC be a hikikomori. which has probably been done before but idk i guess i'll do it as well or uhhh yea.

and i have a general theme for the game in place so yea that will work out . maybe. .

also idk if im posting this in the right place, im just really tired so i'll delete it if it is , in, ,,,the,, ,, , ,wrong ,, place?
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I like the colour scheme. If you think s?he is too bland you could do a shirt pattern or an unzipped hoodie or something, but personally I think it looks fine.


>Also has there been a fangame where gloves were used as a the murder thing?
iirc, Mikan Muzou sorta did.


oh yea Mikan Muzou had the brass knuckles. uhh i might just make the mechanics of the gloves different from the brass knuckles or come up with something new entirely.

i'll wait and see i suppose haha


It's not bland at all, it has shading and colors that are okay, which is more than we can expect from most, but it's a mado recolor. A lot of people don't like those and even make a moral issue out of them.


>i could post spritesheets but im paranoid af for some reason?
As long as it's not stolen stuff it should be fine and we have seen a lot of things.

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What BGM's gave you the most chills/feels out of all the fangames?


I want a pai-paizuri from Sabitsuki!


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the bgms that correspond to the locations in these screenshots feel pretty dang chilling to me

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Sick Mind generates this error message when opened, help please


It's a problem with the executable - RPG_RT, I believe. Just copy the executable from a fangame that works, and paste the copied executable into the sickmind folder. This will replace the broken executable with a functional executable if you didn't stick your dick in a toaster.

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Are all 35 effects attainable? No spoilers please. Thanks.



All effects are attainable, though the requirements for some have changed.

Whether the game is 'complete' depends on your definition. Since Wataru left the game pretty much slid into suspended animation, a few of the old areas were remade (usually for the worst) but very little has happened lately.


Thank you very much anon. Much appreciated.

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Pic related - Ultra Violet is my favorite.
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It wasn't dropped. It's still being worked on.

It'll update any day now. Just a little while longer.


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I'm pretty sure the author himself said the game was dropped a few years ago. And, even if "it wasn't", it's been 6 years since the last update, so the chances are minimal, if any.


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I think they said somewhere on their tumblr that they were wantin to do a remake of it someday.

Their patreon supported and possibly dead webcomic was supposed to be a spinoff in the same universe or remake or something. Can't remember what. I only read a couple of pages before I decided it probably wasn't worth my time so I have no clue how true it is.

They still draw Fluorette though, so it's nice that it's not completely forgotten.


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He finished the first chapter of Homunculus in April (49 pages). It's been slow-but-steady updates since he launched the Patreon, with a brief hiatus when he injured his hand in October. Last I heard of Answered Prayers, he wanted to get Homunculus done before working on it again.

If anyone's interested in Homonculus, the first few pages are here: http://klaufir.tumblr.com/post/95239390983/homunculus-pages-00-11-2016-update-homunculus


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I may or may not be slightly responsible for this thing's existence.

Sorry, everyone.


Moved to >>>/ot/17597.

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(Newfag/lurker so I don't know where to post this)
What do you guys think happened to a project called "Dream vs. Dream".
I've seen a sort of mockup recently but the video was made in 2015 (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1wo4sAcgn4) It did have a lot of progress and promise but it just stopped maybe I'm not up to date or something. The "team's" Tumblr hasn't been active either. Thoughts?


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Easy, two people did the real work and the rest were kids thinking that talking about memes all the day was "game development". Then the people who really did the work got tired and said "fuck it, I'm not an slave".


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>two real programmers and a "team" of "maymay" kids = abandoned projects
This must be common with YN fan games then.

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Can someone please explain the smile-potassium connection? I've had this photo saved, and have seen the macro about .flow sites, but have never really understood it.


iirc, it started as a misheard thing from https://youtube.com/watch?v=pZd5VtHfHGY


it's a misheard version of smile's speech when he kills you, which is lolrust speaking some broken english

iirc it was "you're a sick girl, i'll see you again" or something like that


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just played .flow 0.19 for nostalgia, attacked smile in his house and just got some kaibutsu laugh mixed with smile's.
I went on to check the files for the legendary line but i sadly didn't find it, so i extracted .flow 0.16 and it still had the Potassium Ion in it's full glory

I guess 0.19 proves Smile doesn't like bananas

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This is the new thread for my Tsunagari Game Engine. As development continues, I'll post updates and new downloads in this thread. You can also see progress on the official website, linked below.

Tsunagari is a tiling game engine inspired by the cult classic game Yume Nikki. It is intended as an open source alternative to the popular proprietary RPGMaker game development suite that the original and most fangames were/are written on. The initial focus is support for all of the features of Yume Nikki, and beyond that it strives to become a fully-featured 2D game development suite. Tsunagari is written in C++, using the Gosu framework.

Tsunagari will be a comprehensive game design suite for singleplayer 2D games. The engine will support several styles, such as roguelikes, and old console-style RPGs. Multiplayer support is planned for the second stable release. Tsunagari allows Python scripting for the event system, and for additional custom functionality. As a suite, Tsunagari aims to allow as much game variation as possible without direct modifications to the engine source code. Game design will require manual file editing during the Alpha and Beta phases, but a game editor suite will be shipped with the first major release.

Website: http://tileengine.org/
Official IRC: http://webirc.datnode.net/?channels=tsunagari
Source Repository: https://github.com/omegasdg/Tsunagari
AlphaP4-R4 Source GIT Tag: https://github.com/omegasdg/Tsunagari/tree/AlphaP4-Rev4
AlphaP4-R4 Windows Binary: http://omegasdg.com/files/Tsunagari-AlphaP4-Rev4-Bin.zip
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wow, congrats for the company, I really, really hope this gets a lot of development since it's kind of an empty niche in the gaming community.



>real company

o k you have fun there sei


Wow rude. Even Amazon is an LLC.


It's been a long time, so I feel I should make one more post here about where Tsunagari has gone.

It's gone. To make a long story short, I feel that perhaps a two-man team like us were out of our league trying to make a do-everything engine by ourselves, as our first project, in C++. Our constantly changing design quickly turned into a spaghetti clusterfuck, to the point that the engine could no longer be modified without a monumental effort.

On the up-side, I think we've both learned an awful lot about designing software. Keeping in mind the mistakes of Tsunagari, a couple months ago I started on a new tile engine, "Driftwood 2D", written in Python with a cleaner and more common-sense design. This new project is quickly approaching the capability that Tsunagari had, growing as much in months as the old engine did in years.

If Driftwood 2D surpasses Tsunagari, I will make a thread about it here.


Necrobump because I made good on >>9129.

See >>>/ig/638

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I remember triggering an event in .flow about a year ago, but I don't see it on the wiki, or the place it happened on the map sections of the wiki. It went like this-

I managed to get to a part of the game where it was brick walls, sort of like a back street, or alleyways, and there were people that looked like fat men wearing coats.
They were different colors I think, like two? There were also girls in a red dress with long black hair, like the ones you see in other sections of the game. Reminded me of prostitution
I eventually ran across a door I couldn't interact with, so I left it. As I explored, I found a street that looped, but each time it got darker and darker, and it eventually took me to a room where there was traffic cones, blood, and one of those coat people lying on the far left side
I think I remember something about this room normally being blocked off by a maid. I went over and examined the hooded guy, but nothing happened. I went to leave, and as I was nearing the door, the thing got up and zoomed at me, and my screen went black. I was then transported to a maze looking thing, with a ton of those hooded people slowly coming after me. the ghost effect didn't work on them. I saw a door, and i got to it easily.
when I entered it, the screen cut to black and you could hear Sabitsuki walking slowly, and when they exited the door I saw earlier, she was slightly bloody and with her rusty pipe equipped.

Feel like I'm going partially blind because I swear I had read about it before, but I see nothing on the wiki. My friend also was there to witness this.

Does anyone remember this and have a way to get to it?
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>>12149 That's it! Thanks, I thought I was going batty.


>>12150 That's a shame. I could have sworn I read it somewhere.


If it's a wiki, why not update it?


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That's a very good idea, why don't you update it yourself?


Because I'm not the one with the Knowledge of Things.

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