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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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From now on, the >>>/rec/ board should generally be used for conversations about recovery from NEETism. This is not a hard rule but you are likely to have a better experience.

Seeing as absolutely everyone misread the /hikki/ rules sticky and used it to draw apocalyptic conclusions about the death of all that was good about /n/, here's a less flippant sticky with less room for ambiguity, in the form of a Q&A. We've also made some concessions based on your feedback in thread >>13, which was moved to /sugg/ for being meta.

What is allowed on this board? What is its purpose?
On this board you can discuss and request or give advice regarding NEETism, Hikikomoriism, anxieties and social or mental issues arising from these conditions of living, and things closely related to these topics. If you're content with being a NEET at this stage in your life, that's ok, and you won't get in trouble for saying so. The board's primary focus is self-help and advice regarding these issues. Despite rumors, threads looking for help with suicidal feelings or drug addition are also allowed.

What is not allowed on this board?
* Encouraging others to become NEET.
* Attacking or discouraging others for being NEET.
* Giving or requesting advice on how to enter the NEET lifestyle.
* Encouraging or showcasing drug usage.
* Announcing your planned suicide.
* Helping others to plan or commit suicide.
* Topics not related to the purpose of the board. Such topics will be moved.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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do any of you guys clasp your hands together as you fall asleep to pretend someone else is there, holding your hand?
It's the only way I can fall asleep. I have a bunch of plushies I can hold too but even though I love them, holding my own hand is as close as I ever get.
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It does makes me feel better yeah! I like that it's something I can do any time, any day. No negative feelings attached either, I don't view it as a substitute or anything, I just enjoy it for what it is. I also rest my head on my shoulder at the same time, it's really cozy


I wanted to try self hand-holding too, but I could never quite figure it out. It always ends up feeling too symmetrical for me. When you hold your own hand, how do you do it?


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I like to imagine scenarios with someone doing things like playing, talking and sleeping. Then I actually fall k.o.


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I often sleep on my side with a hand on my face and pretend it's someone else's hand
also this >>8302



same hat, just imagining myself talking and laughing with someone in my usual dreamscapes makes me feel cozy.

sometimes i hold like… my opposite hand to my cheek (like left hand to right cheek) and it feels like someone else is holding my face

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I have nowhere to go, not even on chans or on forums or any online communities I have a place to be. All my life I was left alone, cast out, I must be a glitch in the universe, or just an experiment made by a higher being of sentience. Thinking that the way my life turned out or was since I was born in order to be molded into something else by God is a nice thought but at the end of the day I know it's just cope.

Perhaps instead of grieving over a social existence that never existed I should use my energy to search for the innerworkings of existence. Both physically and digitally. Do you guys think that the Omnissiah exists in some form? Maybe I can find some form of him, if I search hard enough. But I barely have any of the energy I just talked about. Maybe I wasted mine and your time with this post. But ultimately every bad thing I've done wouldn't have happened if I never was.

Even if I do find a real life Adeptus Mechanicus cult, I'm sure even they wouldn't accept me as one of theirs, even though I'm the only human that's aware they're out there somewhere. Despite my grief, and my desires for social cohesion, it's nothing more than a prize on a stick, constantly being dangled in front of me by a laughing omnipotent being.


Find Mebious. Look into The Lain. This is the closest you will get, to The Omnissiah. Also read about technomancy.

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I've been lurking here for a real long time but I finally decided to post because I think people here might understand my feelings. I want to make friends, but everyone online (and offline in the past) is so well adjusted and on track and sociable!! it makes me feel isolated and lonely !! if anyone sees this please tell me about your day or just say anything cool you know (this isn't me saying filler words I mean it)
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What sorts of visual novels, anon? Would you consider reading along together to be an option?


also wanna know any vn recs op. I've mainly played otomes and some indie english vns, but some of the dialogue in the latter has kinda… not appealed to me these days lmao. i wanna branch out!!


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I mostly hang out on Discord and rarely IRC (not sure about what other anons use), I wouldn't mind friending you and talking sometime, and I left my Email in case you want to talk.


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If it's any condolence, I feel you both very deeply on those points. I feel like I don't socialize the best, and when I do actually have good conversations I think people only talk to me out of pity. Online friendships can seem sorta shallow or stilted for me, so to a certain extent they end up burning out slowly, and I end up feeling like I wonder what I did wrong. Thoughts like was I too boring I even try hitting people up occasionally just to try and see if we can catch up and it all falls on deaf ears; making me feel like a nuisance. It especially sucks because it leaves me feeling isolated even when my friends list is about 20-25 people. At this point I can only be constructive i.e use this feeling to better myself or destructively i.e blame everyone else and close myself off.


I feel the opposite. Maybe it's just the people I talk to, but everyone seems lost, confused, sad, going through a mental meatgrinder. Myself included. It's all very tiring. I love all of you though and wish the best for you

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 No.254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How old are you?

ADMIN NOTE: This discussion is OK again since the change to Rule #1.
ADMIN NOTE: Fuck sake don't post that you're under 18 in here, rules are different than the Discord.
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married and had children* not married to children



whats so funny anon !?


im old


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Well, for me things are looking neither particularly bleak nor bright.
I have one irl NEET friend who I can hang around with sometimes, but often he feels really distant. Though we've probably spent a month under the same roof together just this year

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hey uboachan net ^^ sorry if like… the newgen is just oozing off of me. its been… so hard to find NEET spaces with people who like… have the same rancid brain chemistry as me, but is also still trying to recover + maintain the same hobbies, just have a healthier relationship with it.

i've never used a board-formatted site before but the uboa rules made me wanna take the leap!! (^ ^) hope everyone's having a better day today. i didn't do anything besides windowshop on aliexpress for figures and gba repos uwohhhhh … i always wanted to have a more avid collection of figures, standees, and games. seeing my purchase history made me realize that i do kind of have that a bit now, but it still doesn't bring me peace yet because everything else doesn't feel balanced in my life rn.

came a little more to my senses and trying to set goals + bloat out things i wanna get done in the day with habitica. hopefully with some more structure. baby steps until furthering education ig


>i always wanted to have a more avid collection of figures, standees, and games.

This reminds a short but decent collection of games and some figures I had years ago that one day dissapear cuz family doens't give a nasu… Still mad about it. Hopefully you can get a good collection

and welcome anon

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So I made a cringe video as a joke years ago and it got viral, I get tons of hate because of it. I was never a good social person, I always had trouble getting along with people my age since elementary school. I don't know if I should let the hype for the video die (it's been like 3 years but people repost it) or make a youtube channel to come back at them and make the new video go viral so they forget the older one, I really hate the video it cringes me and I feel uncapable… like I feel the video being viral empowers the people that bullied me. Right now I am a NEET again as I finished doing something, I am unsure if I should get a job now or get a month of vacations… I think being a NEET worses my mental health since I don't get interaction with many people and I spend all the time online.
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>when did Ubuu start doing that? I never had that issue
Just now actually, yesterday or the day earlier


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Had to deal with "automatic-looking" request error for a while now, but the issue has become more severe after software upgrade. And apparently I'm not the only one having it.
> they keep re-sharing the video
Soon they'll find something else and eventually forget about whatever you made. Just give it some time.


>Had to deal with "automatic-looking" request error for a while now, but the issue has become more severe after software upgrade. And apparently I'm not the only one having it.
Are you still getting that error? I was the anon who initially complained about this issue on /test/ but the pop-up messages stopped appearing for me now. Maybe Seisatsu silently fixed it


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Still do, but a lot less frequently, and it usually being fixed by disabling my funny userscript before posting.

Maybe Uboachan doesn't like thread auto-update thing the userscript has.


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thank you for your optimism you sound very wholesome have a nice day fren, would also like to thank the other anons that gave advice.

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must have and ideal tech setup for neets and hiki.
to start things off, id have to say
-desktop PC
-backup HDD or SSD
-2nd monitor for laptop
-CRT for retro games and films
-2nd computer or 2nd laptop for use as media server
-comfortable chair or recliner
-steam deck
-decent speakers
-mechanical keyboard thatll last
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That 2nd bsts looks nice


i agree, functional and comfy!


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3 or 5 for me.


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what is the best monitor size? and why is the sweet spot 27-32?


Tf I thought they were origami templates bxjsiebdvwjnrj

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Does anyone else here have Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD)? I was recently diagnosed but I know I've had it for a long time (I've been a hikki/NEET for most of my life, unfortunately.)

idk just screaming into the void for solidarity im tired
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>oysaumi punpun
By the way, it's oyasumi punpun not oysaumi. Typo s are not good please respect


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Test. Nevermind.


Я индеец (бом-бом)


Idk what AvPD is exactly but I'm a diagnosed sperg and I just avoid all human contact. Anything that requires interaction with a person like emails or whatever. People stress me out.


how do you keep a job or anything? i cant even keep a bank account they always call me to bring my ID every 2 years and i hate going outside so they just block it lol. fuck i just want to die

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uuuuuhhhuuuh. Anyone here love fried by fluoride?..follow my tiwddar acc ghosthikki1164


Fuck off


sorry what i said was mean and i regret it


fuck "core"s
I loved animu"core" before it was even a thing. Like the types of anime the animeglitterwebcore scene jocks now were only appreciated by like ten people on this very website, before a few guys from imageboards hopped on twitter and made that alien nine meets selain style/aesthetic popular (i'll never forgive pantsuripper. and fuck u too kev)
if you exclusively use ms paint/oekaki to draw anime girls with oval eyes + spiky long hair smoking weed and sipping monster energy whilst staring at their computer monitors, you're a waste of life

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