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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Since the last thread fucking sucked, here’s another attempt at a thread where we can ramble about our day-to-day existance. I’ll start.


>Hikki for 3 years
>Constantly exhausted even though I sleep on averege 12 hours a day, day and night have completely blended together
>Have always been a loner and incapable of understanding basic human communication
>Spiraled down into depression after my dad passed away
>Dropped out of school and started taking online courses instead
>Went from living an already lonely life to being completely isolated, not leaving my house for anything
>The only people in my life was immediate family who were busy grieving
>I literally cannot remember anything I’ve done the past three years apart from staring at screens and walls
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but anon, we all buttcoin gillionaires here


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>University student.
>Tried throughout my first year to live the normie life and met a ton of people.
>Can feel myself becoming physically drained every time I spend time with people.
>Feeling tired constantly.
>Takes me forever to fall asleep, causing me to have a horrible sleep schedule all of the year - always running on max 5 hours of sleep.
>Pretty much just do the bare minimum to pass my modules.
>Spend most of my free time between classes just in the library or walking around alone aimlessly.
>Stopped talking to people as much as possible simply cause I don't enjoy it.
>Spend my time when I'm too lazy to work reading modern classic novels or wasting hours on image boards. Even getting bored of anime.
>Come back to this place every 2 months or so to read the few new posts that have been posted.
>Reading the New Testament as I feel a strong urge to - an anxious feeling in me is driving me to.
>Been wanting to write a novel for 2 years now but that has gone no where.
>Not really enjoying university but don't want it to end and have to get a real job either.
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>New Testament
See that's the problem right there. You've gotta read the old testament or just pick up a Torah, which aren't translated in a biased, deceitful way like the, "old testament", is. you might wanna pick up a Kabbalah while you're at it. Listen, there's no, "good", and. "evil", side. God is everything, he is incomprehensible(book of Job). You can't try to simply god into this dumb, childish battle of good vs evil. Nobody can stand before god. Also, Satan is actually an angel. That's right; he's an angel whose job is to tempt humans as a means of testing them. Look it up. So much revisionism and misinterpretation and poor translation plagues the Christian faith. Did you even know that it's actually Yahweh, not, "Jehovah"?
jk, but still, think about it


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for me it's a similar situation except with painting. Ive been going to an art uni for a year now (still going through second semester) and everything relating to painting now seems to feel heavy and unenjoyable to me( even though i love painting and drawing overall and garnered decent skills over last few years). I feel like a dropout because i havent been attending painting classes for over 6 weeks now, im constantly anxious about professors not liking my ideas or way of painting (ive gotten that criticism from them before, i didnt take it as a personal offense or anything, but it was still difficult to stand up and go paint again). I'm starting to think, that these studies are not for me and it will only destroy my fondness of painting as a hobby, im glad that at least my drawing and sculpting classes are going fine overall and i notice improvements in them.


It's not even Yahweh, it's Adonai

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Who else gets social anxiety from buffet tables? Every time my family drags me to a shitty hotel, or a shitty cruise, or a wedding, or a bar mitzvah, or any kind of group event, I always dread the buffet. I just want to get seated at a table, have a guy come to me and ask what I want, bring me what I want and go away. I don't want to stand up, and grab a plate, and worry about looking like I don't know what i'm doing, and spend a bit a of time just looking everything over before put like two tiny portions of bread and pasta just so that I can get it over with as fast as possible. Not only that, but the whole format seems so wasteful to me. Just to save some money on man power they'd be willing to let so much food go cold and go to waste? Never mind if they would dare to warm food up multiple times. Actually good buffets are already bad enough. I'm not alone on this, right?
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Ugh, you don't get it. Talking to people isn't as bad as that feeling of exposure and vulnerability.


I probably don't understand what you feel. But I feel much more anxious ordering food at anywhere else where I actually have to speak to restaurant staff. At a buffet I can just take what I want, and I generally have a clear idea of what food I want.


So you don't hate walking in large crowds and having people look at you?


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I too hate buffet tables. I feel extremely self conscious whenever I conduct myself around them. Always confused which way I should circle the tables, as people always end up going the wrong way. I always feel awkward when plating up, nervous that I'm going to make a mess or taking too long. I always dread the possibility of tripping and begin to concentrate too much on how I'm walking resulting in me looking extremely weird. I always end up forgetting a piece of cutlery or a serviette that I didn't see was being handed out at the beginning of the line and have to fight my way back to grab it. My anxiety grows the longer I stay and people begin to look at my miserable face with contempt. I end up giving up and retreating back to my table as soon as I can without plating everything that I want because I hate the situation so much. I never end up enjoying the meal anyway because it is simply a hodge podge of random ingredients that don't work together and would much rather prefer ordering something better from a menu.


Finally somebody gets it. Moving around tons of people while you're all holding plates and taking stuff is infinitely more uncomfortable and awkward than sitting in a stationary position and having things set on the table for you.

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Who else has escaped from NEET? I was NEET for over a year but I went to university afterwards and now I am placed as a software engineer. I lost 50 pounds and have a significant other.




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I'm working on it now. I'm studying for A+ cert and have an interview scheduled for a simple job to keep cash flowing. I started dating a cute girl I went to school with. From here on out it's just a matter of keeping up with both discipline and commitment


>over a year

You are a like a little babby


I'm not going to say the struggles don't vary in severity over time, but I'm just gonna say neetdom should not be a contest. If I managed to get out a year and a half in it still would be hard as fuck for me

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Until a month ago I used to be a neet, now I studying again. I want my neet life back.
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Believe me, man… This part happens to everybody. Lasts longer for some than it does others, but it never lasts forever. Right now you're just going through the toughest part of going back into society. And it has nothing to do with you; it's just from being isolated for so long. Just remember to keep on telling yourself that the panic is normal, and that it won't last forever.


bingo. It's totally normal to feel a little panicky for the first few weeks of changing your lifestyle.


When I'm a neet the mental stress and pressure from my parents makes me want to work, then when I get work I want to be a neet again. But I can't, because I know that being a neet will be worse. I stare at the calendar multiple times a day counting down the weeks left until my contract ends, but I know that the moment it does I'll have to find work again. Life is absurd, but what can you do.


I get the feeling. I'm not a hikki anymore and haven't been for the past year and a half or so. I had gone from being a neet for four years living off my mom to still living off my mom but now in college. I'm doing very well in school especially since I taught myself to program while a neet as a way to feel like I'm not useless. I somehow got an internship last summer and am now working with a professor writing code for them.
To be honest, I don't know how I feel. I hated being a neet and it caused me constant stress so I'd work constantly at little projects hoping that it would get me somewhere in life. I guess it's working but I have this constant pressure to succeed and to be perfect so that I don't revert back to being a neet. It's also incredibly painful to still have to rely off my mother despite being in school.
I don't want to be a neet again. It made me feel depressed, shitty, and useless. Now that I'm not a neet, I feel an intense fear of failure in addition to depression and feelings of uselessness. I wanna wish for something but I don't know what… I guess I just want everything to stop.


your posting is quite accurate. I was neet for nearly 3 years. Mostly in isolation. Found a job again in september and I have been there for nearly half a year now. It still feels tedious sometimes to get up early and actually do something the entire day. Sometimes I also feel like quitting again because I am so weak. I mean, the job itself is comfy and the people are nice to me but I just feel like nothing matters anymore and I might die as well tomorrow and nothing would be different. Pay is also okay for me but I have nothing to spend it on as I lost joy in pretty much all my former hobbies.

I am not sure if this phase will end eventually just as you described. I mean, beeing neet has ruined me completely. It is like tasting a drug and then always longing for the feelings you felt on your first hit. Forever hoping you will experience it again. It was not that exciting to be neet but I really enjoyed the freedom and carelessness I had. I could oversleep and spend half a day in front of the screen and still have time to go for a walk in the park or work out. When you spend your entire day with work or work related stuff you never have the time for anything and even if you did, you would most likely be too tired. Then on weekends you sleep until 11am, go to a fast food place for lunch and half the day is already over.

NEET life just felt like one giantic vacation. Like when I was a kid and we had summer vacation just without ending after a few weeks. I would love to be neet again but I also understand that it would not be good for me so I will stick with this job at least for a few years. Might also save up money for my next neet vacation.

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positivity thread. only positivity is allowed in the positivity thread. there are other threads for non-positivity. only positivity in the positivity thread.
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bless you guys, hoping everyone who sees this has a good week and make sure to treat yourself to something special even if you don't think you deserve it


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thank you, i really needed this right now

let's all take a warm bath and touch something soft


>a warm bath
I do this once a week. I just fill the tub and lay in there for about 2 hours. Sometimes I fall asleep and spend more than 3 hours in there. It is very relaxing and calming.


that feel when I haven't had a warm bath in two years.
feels bad my juggalo sad woop woop


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Hope you guys all find love and happiness

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Anyone have major issues with productivity? It's like my mind just rejects doing anything to better myself.

I've attempted timers as a way to limit the ways I waste these precious seconds of my life but I just end up adding ten minutes to them, and pushing whatever needs to get done to a few nights before its due date.

Anyone manage to overcome this? What should I do?

I've also tried telling myself constantly that "I'm a productive human being, I can get X and X done today", but it never works.


You have to think about what you do end up using your time on and limiting your access to that thing. Getting enough energy through sleep and a decent diet is a must for productivity as well. Laziness is the body's way of conserving energy.

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Is there specific things that you deeply want to do but feel held back by your circumstances? I would love to go camping with some buddies, but I have no buddies and also feel too trapped to do so. It kills me a little that if I don't get better I'll miss out on many things
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I don't do tox unfortunately. Outside of imageboards I pretty much just PM people through steam or discord


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Wow, I relate to a lot of the things you said. When I entered university, I thought I could do everything alone and I could just enjoy life by watching anime and just going to classes. I lasted 2 years and I managed to pass my classes but the fact that I don't have a single friend is becoming soul-crushing. I can't even fall back on my family since my relationship with them is almost non existent. I want to make online friends but I'm too afraid to make an account on any website and even if I manage to get some friends I don't even know what I would talk to them about
Piano is one of the things that's holding me through, I enjoy playing since it's a moment where I can forget every shitty part of my life and focus on the sheet that's in front on me. I'm not that good but it's still something I enjoy doing.
So yeah, I think we have very similar problems, I don't have any solution to give though. I'm getting so tired lately but I hope that someday, we'll finally be able to find at least one relationship that we can call genuine. That's honestly all I am asking for of this world.


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>relationship that we can call genuine
Impossible. People aren't genuine. What would you even call genuine? Nobody really cares about the random friends they've acquired in school and work over the years. They just have them for entertainment. If they get bored with you, they'll just abandon you on the side of a road. Whenever I asked somebody what the point of friendships are if people just inevitably drift apart, I always get the same answer. Memories and fun. If you had a good time and got a hefty dose of validation, that's apparently enough. The actual relationship is shallow and the by-product of circumstance. Once circumstances change, it vanishes. Nobody really cares, and they definitely don't care about how anything makes you feel. Even if people feel fleeting sympathy, it is fickle and soon forgotten about. Human relationships will soon be rendered obsolete by technology. When that finally happens, we can finally feel emotionally satisfied. It's a natural progression. Actually living has become much more convenient, but fulfilling your emotional needs has in some ways become much harder.


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I tried living as an hermit during several years. I can't handle it. Maybe some people can but I realized that my brain is hardwired to crave relationships. If I could turn a switch off in order to stop feeling this way, I would've done it but unfortunately it's not possible. I could entertain myself for several weeks but in the end there's always this pain, this feeling that I'm not living correctly that comes back sooner or later.
Maybe this idealized vision of a genuine relationship is out of reach outside of animu but I think there is some merit to try to look for one. Even if only one out of hundreds of relationship could be called genuine, I want to make it my goal to find that one.
I think we're still a long way off creating a suitable replacement for human company. Virtual reality and AI is all the rage but this cyberpunk world where we could talk to cyborg counterparts is not gonna be achieved during our lifetime in my opinion. If we could build such a thing in the next few years I would be impressed
I'm saying all that but I think I'm still too scared to take any action to change my life in a meaningful way, at the end of the day my post is a ramble about relationships from someone who don't have a single one of these. But I find your perspective interesting, and I think you're a strong person if you truly live and believe by what you say.


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I feel lonely sometimes too and it's not like I actively push people away, but from experience, I know better than to expend any kind of emotional effort on people. It would be one thing if working to build a relationship was just one step in a process, but sucking the effort out of other people for your own amusement is the entire point of relationships. There is no line you cross where it's done and an unbreakable bond is formed. You constantly need to bend other and go out together and talk to them regularly and think of new tricks to keep their attention and make sure not to overstep the countless boundaries between you. It's like being a circus animal. There is no this is it, we are bound together. It's all about being entertained and fulfilling that desire you described. You don't want the people, you want the feeling to go away. Look at any how to date guide for example: Take them to interesting places, talk about what they like, don't go to the same place twice in a row, be confident, don't come off as clingy, don't call them too often, do everything possible to avoid looking socially unacceptable, give gifts, don't expect anything in return. Toxic extroversion is an irrational dependency on something that just takes and takes without giving a fraction back or so much as appreciates it.

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>23 no real experience working, always at home browsing or trying to learn something in order to make things pass by.
How do you keep with your lifestyle as a neet or hikki without leaving the house? Is it true that you can acquire some dough online? If so how do you do it? or if you could suggest some ideas would be really appreciated as someone who mostly is disgusted by other people and just wants to have a feel of fullfillment from doing something by myself and learning in the process.
Hope we can help to nurture each other by having some general ideas.
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I'm starting to look at buying and selling land. It seems pretty simple, is almost all online, and has only a few startup costs.



you have to put fish guts and mayonnaise or something on the bottom part for realism just don't overdo it


can't you just wear them yourself and maybe do some exercise in them to make them smell worse?


Perverts know what dirty woman ass smells like. A dishonest stolen panty vendor is not a stolen panty vendor for long.


Balls smell are nothing like vagoo smell, a few days without bathing and checking the fragance of your stuff should make it obvious to you how a female is NOT supposed to smell. And any male perverted enough to buy panties already knows how balls smell. So no, that wouldn't work.

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Alright, so I’ve been lurking subtly on Ubuu for years now, just really becoming active now, desu.

But, I’m currently in a point in my life where I just feel like I’m stuck.
It all started a few months ago.
Everything started to slowly lose interest to me.
I had gotten back into Touhou around then, but trying to 1cc games started feeling boring and tedious.
Days feel like they blend together, life feels like it’s been draining of its color.
About a month in, no game interested me anymore.
As a matter of fact, nothing in life kept me intrigued.
It got to the point where the only thing that gave me solace was talking with my few friends on Discord.
Now, at this point I had started to indulge in a long forgotten passtime of mine; Roleplaying.
It felt rejuvinating, engaging even, to roleplay.
Roleplaying gave me a way to live a life of someone I wasn’t.
So I perfected the craft, making almost everything I did paragraph tier. It wasn’t even ERP, either, just normal, typical RPs.
It became addicting.
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I’ll check them out if I find them.
Thanks for the recommendations.


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Take care of yourself anon. – Self-care and building yourself up will lead to something. its hard, take baby steps of course, start small, but you can do it. Be kind to yourself as you would be to someone else. Spend a little time away from the computer each day, (doesn't have to be for long) go for a short walk every day, even if you feel theres no reason to.

In my personal experience: making a small project and self publishing helps me cope. – If you like to RP, then perhaps find something to do with writing, even if its just silly / for yourself, make a zine/compile your thoughts and produce something, even if you dont think its great, other people will share your interests no doubt. – it doesn't have to be perfect. – And just making something could put you in a better place. :)

anyway just sharing my thoughts, from one person with depression to another, wishing you well.


You never was in deep depression, didn't you?
It's not like tons of free time to put in your development. It's constant desire to stop existing, not some cool vacation.


Op asked for advice, I gave it. It's not like you're doing anything to help them, Mr.Ultraunderstanding. You don't even know if op actually has clinical depression or not. Also, learn how to write a coherent sentence. Maybe you'd also benefit from a little reading?


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Actually, I have been writing something for about a year or so, but as I mentioned it sort of stopped when I got block.
I think I might actually continue it.

Thank you so much for the advice and the draw.

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When did dealing with your emotions become so difficult? It seemed like I always dealt with my emotions fine but all of a sudden im smoking a bowl and bullshitting here to run away from real life problems.


I doubt the shift actually came out of the blue. Something bad must have happened to you.


Maybe you've always had issues with it but are unable to scrape by anymore due to increasing expectations? I've always had stress issues but eventually it became too much and I caved inwards


Probably around 3rd year of highschool. I had always been pretty lonley and quiet but I always thought I would find some friends and a gf eventually but by junior year it had fully set in that I would most likely be alone forever, sure I have a couple good friends but they're just as hopeless as I am and I doubt itll last forever, every year it seems we talk less and less, my online friends grow distant as well. Other than my family, which I can hardly relate to at all, It's just a matter of time until I will be truely alone.


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