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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Almost 30, severe social anxiety, hikki/NEET for over 10 years, no college or high school (I was homeschooled), no skills, no real job experience. So sheltered and isolated I can't relate to anyone on even the most basic level.

At this point, I'm thinking a lot about suicide, but I don't want to give up before I've at least made a real try of it.

I desperately need money. That's the main thing that needs to be addressed before I can think of anything else. It's not just for me. It's my family. I live with my grandparents, who have supported me my entire life, and they're in really poor health (my grandfather is currently in the hospital). We're pretty much getting by on their social security benefits and food stamps. I've gotten where I at least leave the house to go to the store and run errands for my grandparents, but other than that, my situation is more or less the same as it has been for the past decade or so. If they're were anything I could do online, that would be ideal, but depending on what it is, I'd even be willing to get a real world job, although there are some caveats there. I can't do any cashier type stuff due to my social anxiety and poor people skills. I still don't know how I'm going to explain to any prospective employer that I'm 30 years old and have pretty much never worked a real job in my life. It would be great if there were some organization that helped shut-ins enter the workforce, but I doubt anything like that exists. If I could just find some way to make even minimum wage, it would be life changing. The most important thing is that it would buy me time, and this is what I need more than anything.

Do you guys have any ideas?
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Nothing has helped me to get employment like knowing someone who works at a place and being friends with them.
The awards I got during highschool, my volunteer work, and the fact that none of my previous bosses had anything bad to say, even the time that I spent utilizing government programs.
I'm a dishwasher now after having been unemployed for years on end and even though I feel and smell like shit often when I'm done at work I wouldn't dare quit because I need the money and don't want to spend another three years unemployed.
Maybe you could try that if you can't socialize that well, the trouble is that it often takes social skills to get friends to get employment.
If you can't do that you might be in trouble.


Have you ever considered becoming a hermit?


You could try:
>affiliate marketing (ex. amazon affiliates)
>dropshipping (sell crap from aliexpress with markup on shopify or the like)

Or you could do some quasi-jobs like delivering papers (sibling made around $100 per week for 110 houses in canada when school was in. In summer it was $16.50 for the same amount of work due to glutton of younglings), shoveling walkways and the like. Whatever you do, you will end up sacrificing something for the money, be it excessive time, strength, dignity (due to your SA), or whatever. Whatever it is, just start. Even if it is as simple as a few menial nickels a day on clickworker. Think of life as a game where you must fight for and win your freedom.

If you are going to play any games, play the one that matters.


I've been considering making counterfeit quarters myself, as another nearly 30 that lives with mildly abusive parents that no longer act nice to keep me there as they realize I won't likely move away now, even though ironically they want me to stay.


>ironically they want me to stay
lol wut? Them letting you live with them means that they're already treating you nicely. Also, don't admit to considering crime on a public forum. God.

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Is anyone here a hikki/neet because of a disability? Mental, physical, whatever.
I've always struggled during my youth due to mood swings + learning disability, and some terrible things happened during my tweens. My mental health was rapidly deteriorating in high school, so I didn't plan ahead for college or anything like that.
I got SSI 2 years ago for my ptsd, anxiety, dysthymia and bpd. I'm able to survive on it and still have money leftover related to my interests, but I feel so useless. Even if I wanted to work, I probably couldn't.
I just want to know if anyone else here has similar struggles. Or if anyone wants to vent about it.
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lol keep projecting


What is it called when bad parents blame their child's "bad behavior" on autism?


desu I've got SAD and dyspraxia, both properly diagnosed, and I think a potential undiagnosed depressive disorder, and I'm neet but not hikki, and I think that they largely are responsible, and while I don't think I'm completely blameless, my SAD inhibits my ability to speak to people which is 99% of the reason you get or don't get a job, and the dyspraxia severely limits the work that I can do properly
I took counselling for about 3 years and have been on CBT for about 6 months, but I don't really know if it's improving me or not, and I'd like to improve, but I'm not certain I can
just venting I suppose


I have some depression but no official disabilit


I also want to know if there is a word for this
t. "autist"

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Has this board ever helped you, or were you only trolled or harassed? Also, should I be doing more to remove destructive users from this board?

Honestly, I hate where this board is going and I want to change something. Whether that's stricter rules, or more trigger-happy per-board bans for hooligans, or shutting down /hikki/ and telling everyone to go somewhere else, or even another board reset, is yet to be decided.

We didn't have a board like this at the beginning of the site; one of the admins added the original NEET board on their own some years back. I wonder if that was a mistake. /hikki/ was an attempt to scrub that board of the problems which are now, again, affecting it. I feel like nothing has really changed.

Is this just a place where depressed people simultaneously insult and validate each other's misery, while keeping each other down? Is it really doing more harm than good? Or, is it just a few bad users being disingenuous and drowning out what could have been a decent atmosphere? I wanted this board to be helpful but I'm not sure if that's what it's doing.

I want to hear what the people here think before I make a decision about the future of /hikki/. But, I can't let things keep going as they are now. Be honest, am I slacking off too much with the bans? Or is the problem with this place deeper than that?
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Alright, I will not destroy /hikki/. However, there seems to be a divide in opinion on whether or not there is anything to be done about it, so I'd like to hear more about that if anyone has specific ideas. Otherwise I'll continue to mostly leave it alone.


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/hikki/ is a paradox in that's it's meant to help people out, while most of the people/userbase are people that seek help themselves
Basically what i'm saying is that's there's little established "i got out of NEETdom" userbase that posts aside from those shit bragging threads that get everyone angry. Even if there's these types of users (there is), they probably just want to hang out at /ot/ rather than /hikki/ because there's not much reason to try to help an userbase that is mostly static and Status Quo-y from what i've seen.

I don't know what can be done to prevent this, but imageboards generally feel depressing to browse, even when you are in the fun areas.
>This board is the meat of ubuu along with ot
True, the activity has always been centered around /hikki/ and /ot/ before the YN:DD craze, because there is simply nothing left to discuss about YN. Yes, we could make that uboachan fangame (pls no) or do a fan update of Dickme Dicki but i think a lot of the userbase is centered and isolated in /hikki/ and /ot/ without any interaction with the rest of this site.
Plus it doesn't help that almost every ancient (named) user has sadly left.


Well I like image boards. Also, any thread made outside of hikki and ot are probably also from regulars. Nobody who has been around for a while sticks to one part of ubuu only. Recent is the only page I check.


Ultimately, if you ask everyone on /hikki/ what they like about it and what it should be about, you're probably going to get a lot of conflicting answers, and there's not a great deal anyone can do about that. I myself just like to talk about the NEET/hikikomori lifestyle, and all it ensues, and with talk about being a keyword here. I don't want any armchair diagnostician trying to 'fix' me with the same old empty platitudes they always give
But that's just my thoughts on the matter


I don't visit much anymore but I've met some of my closest friends from here.

This board has definitely helped me when I was down. There have been some pretty positive threads/posts about people improving their lives in the past which has given me some hope.

It's also nice to read about others in similar positions to your own and see how they are dealing with it.

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How do you deal with the isolation of this lifestyle? When I have nobody to talk to online I lose all motivation to enjoy myself, and the life is basically sucked out of me
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I'll get to it tomorrow.


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Ok. I have been worn out from wörk wörk wörk anyways so take your time.


Can't you loser exchange E-Mails or something?


lol why do you care?


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Because I told him that he couldn't play with us

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My friend was making depressive comments and talking about suicide from over three years ago. We thought it was him trying to get attention, but over time he became more and more serious, until I realized that it wasn't an act. Many of the people who surround him still treat it like he's pretending, but exam season is coming in, and the stress and pessimism is really getting to him. He's recently been talking about staying home because he feels ill, but when he's at home, he plays games until he gets depressed about how much time he's wasted. His parents pressure him about grades, and he's grown an inferiority complex and it's all slowly knawing away at him.
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That't mornic. Objects can be refurbished and people are in way as simplistic as onjects.


>are in no way as simplistic as objects


what a mornic thing to say


My keyboard isn't working properly right now. That doesn't change the fact that you are an idiot for thinking that people work in the same way as objects.


I am not the poster you were debating, you morn

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TL;DR Have any of you tried business? If so, what obstacles did you go through, and did it turn out in the end?

I am a NEET with bipolar disorder and possibly autism. I dropped out of high school and got my GED. I went to my local community college and placed into calculus 1. However, once my classes were mostly on campus which was after around 3 quarters I couldn't handle being around people and dropped out. Afterwards I've been doing shit jobs that I've managed only to tolerate max 2 months and that is pushing it. I don't even have my drivers license and I'm like 20. It really fucking sucks. I have great difficulty learning motor skills. I remember I didn't know how to tie my fucking shoes until I was in 6th grade. I am however a little more confident behind the wheel, but not yet to a agreeable level.

Needless to say I'm living with my parents. I do feel somewhat guilty, but after large amounts of self reflection I feel that it isn't worth it. No amount of sulking and pitying is going to change anything. I'm not ashamed of being alive and honestly I couldn't care less if I was homeless. I walked alone in the dark in the middle of winter for like 6 hours just reflecting on my own fears and inhibitions. So what if I die within this moment? So what if society is bigoted and repulsed by eccentrics like us? It is better to go off with a bang than a whimper.

During my time working shit jobs I bought an impressive library of books covering everything from FPGAs, how to write a compiler, to even the internals workings of operating systems. I am very interested in computers and I was thinking of taking toastmaster courses to help me with my non existent social skills. Maybe even getting neetbux for a short while. I really want to roll the dice hard on this one. I am planning on becoming a badass technical contractor, so badass they will be uncompetitive if they choose to pass me up. So that even with my flaws, they are fucked without me.

So, any of you had any success with business? I feel like setting up an LLC and putting myself out there to be optimal. Even if it feels scary inside. Even if it is incredibly irritating and annoying. Even if it is harder than doing the shit jobs I was once doing.


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I built two home based businesses - a b&b and a cageless vacation home for dogs. They required little investment (the b&b is also my family house), so the hardest part was actually building up a list of clients. It took time but I got there eventually, and now I can make a decent living with earnings from the two combined. Best part is, I am entirely my own boss, so I can simply turn people down if I can afford it and don't feel like working for a certain period. It goes without saying that, to make something obut of a business like that, you need to have *excellent* people skills, something I was mostly simply born with.

I've been also part timing here and there, mostly to put something in my curriculum that showed I can work under a boss.


If you have skills with the hardware you could try flipping computers. I does, however, require upfront purchases and a constant trickle of money for parts. The customers can be rather unfriendly sometimes because they think that you are to blame when they download stuff from every clickbait ad they see on their social media.

Flipping things in general might be a good "soft start" for business. Buy things locally from CL, kijiji, thrift stores, estate sales, people in need of money for rent, etc. Clean the stuff up and sell for profit locally or online. Some practice in good ol' buy low sell high. The best way to learn business is to be in business. This will help with your social skills. Sales is an amazing skill.

If you want a few dollars from your pc, your could look into amazon mturk or clickworker. They allow you to do menial tasks for menial pay (below min wage by a lot).

You may also want to look into amazon KDP and writing some ebooks. Write your book in a normal text editor (they can even be article sized nowadays), upload and convert with their tools, "publish" and wala. They get 30%, you get 70%. It might only get you a few bucks a month per work, but hey, it's something.

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I want to go blind. Everything's too overwhelming at this point. Is there a way to go blind without pain? One that doesn't involve stabbing.
If I don't go blind, or become crippled down the legs, I'll kill myself the new year. I hope there is a good way to do this.


I'm sorry, but we can't give you that kind of advice here. Anyone who tried to would be banned. Ask instead how to feel less overwhelmed. Maybe someone has better ideas than yours.

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I've been a neet for 4 years, and only recently has a family emergency made me terrified of how i've managed money up to this point. I've always lived in the moment and might have fucked myself over.

So, /hikki/:
-How do you split your neetbucks between savings and day to day living?
-How much recreationally spending money do you allow yourself?
-Do you worry about how easily any day an accident could ruin you? Any other advice?
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Same thing here. I save around 50-60% of everything that I make now. Most of what I spend now is on food, gas, and helping my folks. I might buy a new game once a year or so.
Wish I had figured this obvious shit out when I was younger, I was buying all that shit to escape with instead of dealing with the severe dysfunction in my life.


>-How do you split your neetbucks between savings and day to day living?
There are no neetbux. My dad pays for my groceries and I have no other expenses or bills.
>-How much recreationally spending money do you allow yourself?
I usually buy 1-2 $5 steam games a year.
>-Do you worry about how easily any day an accident could ruin you? Any other advice?
I've already had accidents. I just have to deal with them as best I can on my own. I've already had to deal with fainting and cracking my head open completely on my own.


my life is basically over already.
I quit my job to go to college which I failed. Finding a job as a dropout is very hard because everyone suspects you of beeing a failure (which I in fact am). I asked myself often why I even continue to exist. Nothing gives me pleasure anymore and I have nothing to look forward to for the future. I thought of getting back into the labour force and save up money so I can retire early but then I will be in the same situation like today, just with more money. I will still have nothing to do and I will still be waiting for death.

Sadly I am too much of a coward to finnish myself off so I wonder how I will end in a few years when my savings run out.


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>How do you split your neetbucks between savings and day to day living?

No NEETbux, I live by a mix of parental support and my small home business. I do have some property to my name, which counts as savings I guess.

>How much recreationally spending money do you allow yourself?

Few hundreds a month, mostly because I can afford it.

>Do you worry about how easily any day an accident could ruin you? Any other advice?

Not particularly, because accidents happen and I think it's pointless living in fear / in function of them.


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-cant save anything, living on welfare
-20€ a month
-yes, its frightening

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So I've been a hikki NEET since May 2015 or so, but that's gonna change in about 3 weeks.

I know 2 years isn't that much compared to most of you guys, but I'm scared. My already mediocre social skills have probably taken a hit since then, so I don't know how will I react around people etc.

These 2 years have been fun in the end, even though I've hardly done anything relevant at all. But now's time to be a member of society again and I'm not sure I can handle it.

I'll be studying software engineering if anyone's interested.

Has anyone here gone through something similar?
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It's always good to have some backup-money that could get you through a month or two if the worst case scenario occured (like, say, you lose your job or your car breaks down, similiar to that)
But if you got enough money you can try out new things! Go travel or buy books about new topics you don't know much about, just to see if it interests you.


I went on a trip to Seattle recently, I felt happy just wandering around the streets. First time I had felt that way in a long time


OP here - once again.
Some days I just feel like quitting, I can't really stand dealing with people 5 days a week.

But I also know that I should get used to this since it will be the norm from now on. I'm not sure I miss my NEET days, but deep inside I know I don't want to go back. I do miss having all that free time to just to whatever and not worry about anything, though.

For people on a similar situation, try what this poster said. I can't say I'm the most popular guy, but at least I'm not completely alone either.

It's very interesting to hear your stories, please keep them coming.


I've noticed in the first few months of having the job that my bad social skills had taken a hit in the 3 years I'd been NEETing. There were little bits of fairly toxic behavior that I didn't really notice until about a month ago and I decided that I would simply do better.

I'm slightly better socially now and even online I seem to have eliminated a lot of the stuff I was prone to (part of the reason why I decided to start isolating myself in the first place).

The biggest problem I've got now is figuring out what the fuck to go back to school for, and also to figure out how to cut back on some of the bad habbits that I had while a NEET so I can wake up earlier despite having to work until late at night.


Do you have any idea of what you want to do, or not do?

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Why are people proud of being neet? Why do they boast about being neet?

I've been neet for 7 years and have never been proud of it or thought it was worth telling others about.
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>I believe that politics are relevant here when they're used to justify neetdom. Neetdom is very much relevant to this board.
You would have a point if you were at least discussing politics related to neetdom, but you are just arguing why socialism is shit (and before you shoot me, I agree, it's shit) with other anon who hates the idea that we humans are humans and things never come free. If you are derailing a thread and going completely off topic, and specially with politics, you two would better go discuss this to other place where sperging about the same things again and again ad nauseam isn't a bother the rest of the site (just look at how many people are bitching about it already).
It's not that we don't care about politics, it's that this isn't the best place to discuss them because they're not even in the spirit of this place. Yes, /n/ was always shit, but we had more activity on the past and it didn't matter much. Now, when an autism battle hijacks the front page, it isn't as cool.


I know it sucks that threads are being filled with politics, but its mostly just one guy whos baiting because he got banned from a political board that was linked to from here. The best thing to do wold be to just not respond to him.


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I was never proud of it. Because if i would be someone who insisted on having something to be proud of, then I would not have become a NEET.
If i would be a person that highly values the opinion of other people over his own and therefore prefere to work and to be respektet in society instead of doing what i really want to do, i wouldn't have become a NEET in the first place.


>getting up at half past 7
get on my level, my clock bells at 5 am


You should be proud of how honest you are with yourself. By the way, what do you like to do anon?

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