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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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In the past I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and more specifically social anxiety disorder.
It was so bad I couldn't even look people in the eye and I would start shaking whenever I feel like I am looked at, I would run out of classrooms at university because of anxiety attacks.
I can't remember what I was on back at the time.

I have now started a new course ( which basically guranatees a job ) and it's back. It's more under control because I am more mature and have learned to breathe, try to calm myself and distract myself but it still doesn't let me function as a human being. ( + )

I am too poor to afford therapy but my cousin works as a nurse. I have access to: paroxetine, citalopram, sertraline, venlafaxine, regabalin, tradozone and alprazolam.

( + ) I'm currently anticipating social situations and taking 0.50 of xanax ahead with like half or 3 quarters of an hour but this will not last me long because I'm developing resilience to the drug ( I used to take 0.25 ).

I exercise using the bodyweight fitness app whenever I can. I do not drink coffee, alcohol or energy drinks. I used to drink tea but at some point I realised black tea unsettles me and I kind of stopped.

My concerns are anhedonia and gaining weight because this happened last time.
I plan on informing myself for a few weeks first and I am seeking help.
If you can and want please share this post to communities which you think might me knowledgeable.
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Your backstory is so much alike mine it’s uncanny. How did you overcome the anxiety of taking classes again? Are drugs really the only way? I’ve been postponing any kind of formation or going back to a course because of this. I’m scared it’s gotten so bad to the point it developed to a phobia of school environments.


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Uuuuu igual depende. Mi última polola al inicio era una persona muy amable, pero con el pasar de los días se fue volviendo una relación super tóxica que duró sólo 3 meses, pero se sintió eterna.

Fue con una amiga que tenía como unos 21 años. Digámosle Feña.

En diciembre del año pasado, durante el velorio de mi abuelo le pedí internet a papá para revisar una cosa, y noté que en el inbox tenía un mensaje de un tipo al cual yo no conocía, en el cual contaba que la Feña mandó un video a un grupo de wsp la noche anterior, donde ella aparecía teniendo sexo con un tipo.

¿Lo cuático? El mensaje del cabro lo adjuntó junto al susodicho video, y reconocí la cara del weón. Resulta que era un híbrido flaite/emo del cual la Feña me hablaba de forma frecuente, y la fecha en la que lo conoció coincidía más o menos con la semana en la que su actitud hacia mí empezó a cambiar.

La bloqueé de todo y me fui del velorio sin despedirme de nadie. Todos andaban relativamente de buen humor en ese momento, así que no quise cagarles el ambiente.

En el tiempo que llevábamos juntos, nunca me dio un beso, ni siquiera un abrazo. Al inicio, cada vez que ella misma sugería esa idea, cuando estábamos a punto de hacer alguna de las 2 cosas sólo se retractaba y pedía perdón, con lo cual yo no tenía problema alguno. Pero luego del cambio de actitud, le daba la weá y me sacaba la chucha justificando que era porque le daba vergüenza. Usualmente acompañaba dichas sacadas de chucha con insultos y palabras como degenerado, gay, enfermo, etcétera. Osea qué cresta.

Lo peor era que me golpeaba en público, y ni siquiera podía defenderme de vuelta porque más de alguien podría malinterpretar la situación, y el hecho de que la cabra era medio victimista y mitómana no ayudaba en absoluto. También, constantemente desquitaba su enojo conmigo, tapándome en insultos y amenazas de diversos tipos.

Es primera vez que le cuento esto a alguien.
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Does anyone here struggle with any eating disorders?

I have been extremely thin for most of my life, mostly because I regularly skip meals and don't work out.

Being very thin has hurt my self confidence. Also, the only physical activities I like to do are walking and biking, I think this might also make me thin.

Also, this thread can be about general physical help too.
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I'm not sure if you can call it an ED but my doctor referred to it as such.

I have an incredible dislike of food (and eating too).
I hate the feeling of food on my tongue, I don't like taste either. I'm fine with crunchy stuff that barely tastes like anything, bread and fruits, vegetables and stuff, which sucks cause in Winter there are only disgusting fruits available from southern countries.
I can't stomach soup or any watery, wet stuff (sauce is sometimes alright if a little is put on a sandwich maybe but that's about it)

On some days I have to remind myself to eat. I'm underweight obviously.
People take it really badly if you don't eat in front of them. It might be a psychological factor from primitive times, sharing food so you know you can trust each other.


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terrible name, but I've heard good things. It's a flexible meal replacement; provides calories and most of the necessary shit you can't get in a multivitamin.
There wasn't any money to prioritize, madre held the purse strings and she was fucked in the head. I ate what I could get, when I could get it, and cleaned the plate with a vengeance. I dunno, maybe when things were good temporarily and I'd gorge myself I stretched out my stomach. Because I don't feel full until it hurts

Shit, it is so hard to unlearn the habits that kept you alive, even when they start being a problem. I feel for you, at least my problem doesn't entail much work


wasn't until last year that I had difficulties, before then I can't think of any issues arising from eating, even minor ones
but as of about summer 2018 I now can't eat more than a meal a day generally, sometimes 2, sometimes not even a proper meal and just a single slice of toast or something
was 35kg at my lowest, now I generally don't go below 45, and I do stay in the 45-55kg range but it fluctuates so much I think I should just get another set of scales to be 100% honest
it's not great but there's nothing anybody can do so I suppose that's a closed book


I binge/stress eat an alarming amount. Last I checked I was around 300 lbs at 5'0 (this was sometime either last year or the year before, I'm terrified of checking again). Doesn't really help that I live with a neglectful family that sabotages attempts to get my proverbial shit together (including but not limited to keeping the vegetables for themselves or cooking them to taste like garbage). With how little I go outside on top of several other problems I'm honestly terrified that I'm never going to be able to recover. I try to exorcise, but I feel more lethargic and drained of will than ever lately. Fasting helps, but I also don't want to go from one extreme to the other.

Plus, being a girl, the potential side effects of my polycystic ovarian syndrome are constantly looming over me. I feel like I'm in a deadlock and it fucking sucks.


I'm very skinny (18 bmi) used to be even lower but gained a bit when I stopped smoking. I find eating a chore most of the time the only when I was doing nofap and exercising could I find the motivation to eat enough but it always stopped after a while. I think it has something to do with dopamine receptors/regulation which pornography,masturbation and sedentarism wreak havoc on. Reminds me of that study where they destroyed all the dopamine receptors in some rats and they wouldnt eat even if the food was in front of them but if they put the food in their mouth they'd chew and find it enjoyable. It has something to do with drive apparently.
My teeth are fucked up now and I don't have money to fix them so that makes me even more hesitant to eat. Other than that yeah it was and it still is somewhat of a factor of low self esteem.

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It's possible to have sort of a life being a hikki/neet. I've been on disability for a while. I've been on it since 18 and I'm 24 now. I had a girlfriend last summer (dating on and off). We finally met last summer, it was everything I could have ever imagined and more. It was magically, and then we rushed into something 'real' even though I was against it and it fell apart.

I met her 7 years ago online. I lost my virginity to her, and hers to me. It was sort of 'perfect' in a sense - but I don't believe there are actual women out there that can stand living in a NEETstyle. In bore down on us and created insane pressure, and we broke up over it. You'd have to be actually crazy hideous female, I think. My ex was thin, quite attractive, she had some skin problems and stuff. Nothing crazy though. I'm just fat, btw. Very, at that.

In my early years, probably highschool- I romanticized NEETdom and being Hikki. It's the worst thing you can do. I was a loser and friendless majority of my growing up and it fostered me into what I am today, but I'm working hard to change that. I DON'T want to be on disability, to be a NEET, etc… all that dysfunction that comes with it. For some it perhaps is inevitable. I am diagnosed mentally ill; some-what textbook Hikki. Honestly, it's the worst change you can have in your life. I loved that girl, and because of my NEET lifestyle it ruined it. I whole-heartily believe that it would have worked out if I wasn't a NEET and used to a terrible lifestyle.

anyways, I think it is possible to have a life being NEET… it's just exceptionally difficult… sorry if this was more of a rant. I am curious of other's struggles with neetdom and their personal victories.

I wish you all good luck and the willpower to improve.

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for a couple months last year, i had someone akin to my own misaki. i didn't know them irl, only talked to them online, but i was going out relatively frequently with their help, they calmed me down and helped me out in many different ways throughout my daily life, not just when i was outside, and i thought maybe it was the road to stopping being a hikikomori. they have some similar issues though, and in march of last year they started isolating themselves from everyone, online and irl (i talk to someone who is friends with them irl). so, for months now, i've been pondering, do i move on or continue waiting? i've been waiting for a long time now, but the extent they went too for me was something i've never had before, and doubt i'll ever have again. changing their sleep schedule to mine, legitimately always there when i needed them, kept me calm and relaxed, understood me and my emotional needs, went to great lengths to cater to my emotional needs, and did a great job at catering to those needs too, did so many things with me and for me, was very loyal, etc.
so, as i said earlier in the post, do i continue waiting or move on? i'm extremely dependent on other people, but that's a whole different thing to explain in itself. due to this extreme dependency, i really cannot see myself making any progress in my life without them, and i've only gotten worse since they've left..


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Move on. You have my sympathy and i'm sorry to say this, but that person was as dependent on others as you, possible more so. They were using you as a means of feeling useful and good, kind of like Misaka, sure, but Misaka was somewhat put together despite her issues. Having a sociopathic therapist treating a sociopathic patient is a recipe for disaster and this applies to pretty much every condition. Maybe she wasn't aware of it herself, but that was the underlying motivation behind her actions. Maybe her own life took a turn for the worse or maybe she just lost interest.

You probably wont meet a person who has the same coping mechanism as her: seemingly altruistically helping out social recluses. Being more independent is the only viable solution and I wish you luck with that.


i'm not sure how i can become independent though, that's not something i've ever really experienced in my life. do you have any advice on how to be more independent?


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You're going to have to set your own goals. I don't know what you want out of life or where you plan on being in the long run. The two things I think everyone should do though is live healthily and be financially independent, which means finding a source of income. You can try finding any job you can get, or you can try to develop marketable skills like translating ability or anything that requires higher education.

You'll need to be able to get yourself to do work and advance towards your goals without the help of other people too. This means self-discipline and holding yourself accountable, which takes training to develop. Eat well, sleep enough, exercise, cut out the things in your life that distract you.

To be independent, you'll have to think for yourself too. This might seem counterintuitive, but you should read more and learn about the world and how other people think. This will give you a basis for your own opinions. Don't just passively agree with people. I don't know what your life circumstances are, but I think anybody can develop these skills with enough persistence. To be completely honest, I don't know how much faith I have in your ability to succeed considering how these are things that even I struggle with to an extent., but it's not my job to believe in you, it's yours.


I've cut myself off from most people in my life, and when I get a way to support myself fully, I'll probably cut out the rest.
But part of me wants outside people to bust down these walls and rescue me from myself. Though even if they tried, I think i'd just run away again, or drive them away from me somehow.
Maybe your friend is as hopeless or me, or maybe they aren't.

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(I hope it's the right board.)

I think I've been followed/stalked for almost a year now. Possibly had one email hacked too, but I deleted immediately. I closed all my social media.

The problem is, I have absolutely no proof. No alerts, viruses or anything suspicious.

I know it's most likely a "problem" I invented myself but I have a few small reasons to believe it.

Did this happen to anyone else? Do you have any advice?
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what was that chatbro link




Don't worry about your stalker, anon. Kick his ass!


That's downright insulting. That's like saying "don't be sad" to a person with depression. You think you're cheering him up this way but that's quite the opposite. Judging by OP's story, he has no way to determine even who his stalker is so what do you mean by saying "Kick his ass!"?


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They've dealt with it already, so either way it doesn't matter~

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I'm going back to school in a few weeks after having been shut in my room for probably 5 years. I dropped out of high school a while back, and even before then my parents took me out of elementary school in favor of homeschooling, since then I've had trouble and barely kept up. I've taken online classes for most of it, but I'm being encouraged to go out and actually attend classes, most because I do want more opportunities out of the house, and my computer is busted.

I'll be taking a high school equivalency thing first before actual college, but the thing is, I have no idea what to expect. I haven't interacted with anyone my own age in real life since I started being homeschooled, so I have no social skills. Additionally, I lack confidence in my own skills and have always struggled. I slacked off a lot and now I'm so behind. I've been trying to study but I don't have experience with a lot of this. Nobody is really helping me, and I can't help but think that, since this is just high school, college will be harder and leave me more drained and depressed than ever before.

No one has even told me what to expect. It's like they just keep dancing around the issue whenever I ask how bad it will be, which isn't helping my anxiety. And I keep stressing out over how much this'll cut into my time and what to do with my life, and hours and weeks and homework and getting high grades. I don't want to just waste any of my time here, but I guess I have to do this if I want to be a functioning member of society and get money. But I just wish someone would help me.

Is it really as bad as I'm thinking? If So, how do I hold out these next few years wasting my life on things I won't ever need to really know without breaking down and killing myself?
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>computer science
Oof, have fun getting interviewed by Rahul. That field's been getting more fucked since y2k, anon.
source: my seasoned cousin who's in between jobs and does consultation calls to get by


Anecdotal evidence. I know plenty of people who got good careers as software developers. Don't try to discourage people. I think this board should be about encouraging each other to do well, not telling people that they're going to fail.


Anecdotal evidence has value when it comes from an insider. My cousin knows plenty of people in the same situation. Maybe software developers have it better for now than in banks and other type of firms that need an IT department. Companies are certainly looking into outsourcing development though, even if that's not widely implemented right now. I'm not sure how much upward mobility that has anyway. Unrealistic optimism isn't that useful either. I'll ask my cousin about developers.


Yeah, he said software developers are also having a harder time, but the biggest issue is getting hired into a senior position. Indians work for less and companies are eager to abuse the work visa system. I don't know what your friends are doing or what their background is, but these problems certainly exist and are getting worse.


Only the low-tier companies outsource their work to India via HCL/infosys/etc. Most of this work is braindead enterprise CRUD stuff anyway. Startups and reputed firms that need quality devs usually shy away from outsourcing, though that doesn't mean they still don't abuse the visa system. Also most of the people in the field nowadays are asians, and the bar keeps getting higher as more as more people enter the field.

Computer Science is still a fun and practical degree though, and at least for the next ~5 years or so it won't be *impossible* to get a job. I'd suggest not specializing in machine learning though since that bubble is probably going to pop soon.

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How does one prevent themselves from becoming hikikomori? Did anyone narrowly avoid it or have any advice for those that they would have liked to give their past selves?

just going to give the tl;dr because nobody would read what I typed
>wasted my time on a degree I don't want a job in
>learned nothing
>no confidence
>no skills
>co-workers hate me
>ugly and self-conscious about it
>living at home is really appealing right now
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I wasn't even trying to sage the thread to begin with also to respond to your point that's why i said from a more western perspective social and societal pressure exist everywhere anon therefore due to society's social and societal pressures anyone could become a hikikomori regardless of what country they live in but you are correct that in most western countries parents wouldn't enable this behavior and that's why i said while hikikomori do exist outside Japan they are extremely rare and of course i am not proud of it it is not something to be proud of however i just accept the fact that it is who i am. As far as people appropriating the term well wouldn't you get mad too if you were dealing with a psychological problem and people were running around on the internet calling themselves that psychological problem because they think it is a cool new buzzword or an alternative lifestyle which it isn't so i have every right to be offended it literally is no different than someone running around yelling hey everybody i am depressed isn't that cool? hell yeah LOLOL it is disrespectful to those who actually suffer with the condition i have Japanese hikikomori friends and they hate people like you guys because they see it as a form of mocking and disrespect also yes a hikikomori can leave their room to use the bathroom and some do leave the house for necessities or emergencies at night.


>hikikomori friends


Aside from the rare person who calls himself a "semi-hikki", I don't really see people going around here calling themselves a hikkimori. The board's called /hikki/, but that's pretty much it. Where did you hear this was a site dedicated to that very specific group of people? Where does it claim that? You're making up an issue because you can't handle how this site deals with these types of issues and that the people giving advice don't themselves have said issues, which makes no sense to me. That's what you're really offended by and you said as much in your first post. You're driving this thread off-topic for the sake of bitching about your own personal problems with ubuu and insulting the users. If you don't like it here, fuck off back to your wizchan circlejerk.



Almost every single english speaking Neet and hiki community is full os normalfags and people pretending anon.


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Jesus, I thought we already got over this truneet / semihikki ordeal. Truth is, most users here don't really relish in feeling like a loser, if you've inspected the catalog. There are feel threads but most look over to the positive pasture instead of whining about wageslaves. Some are content with what they have and would like to remain on the status quo, and that's fine, we don't give them shit. If you want to discuss bodypillows, onaholes or you just want to vent, that's fine, you can do it here. If you want to incessantly whine in a srs_bsns manner on how jews/females/trannies/niggers/normies are Satan, then maybe Ubuu is not your cup of tea.

Thread is locked as its derailed too far, feel free to start a new thread with the same topic. Anyone that tries to derail future threads under the pretense of NEET/normalfag crusades will be dealt with more harshly from now on.

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I'm back to the NEET life after 2 whole years of hard work to replenish my unemployment rights, man it's hard to be a decent NEET these days, this was so hard on me that I am now on anti-depressants…

What do you guys do to earn money and stay at home?
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anti-depressants don't work. it's placebo.



Nah, I'm French, but yeah I'm in Europe ^^


I wouldn't be so sure, it kinda works for me, doesn't solve everything but helps me cope and deal with it more easily which is already a relief.


which kind are you on if you dont mind?



It's called Fluoxetine, but well it's basically Prozac, I get a pill of 20mg each day since 2 months…

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I don't think I can endure it any longer. Life is just too much of a drag for me.

I stopped going to a therapist almost a year ago because he moved into another office, so the reservations were cleared. There are no other therapists in my town and going somewhere else is just too expensive. I've been trying to call him for several months, but he hasn't responded to me once. Maybe he doesn't want to interact with me anymore since I'm so broken.

My social skills are progressively getting worse. It's so severe that I'm even anxious when I talk to a friend on Discord. Most of the time even the simplest messages contain grammar errors, are unfinished, and sometimes even completely unrelated to previous ones.
As for the real life conversations, they share most of the same problems but it's accompanied by stuttering and similar speech impediments.

I have a crush on a Twitter mutual (yeah, I'm that sad) and I fucking regret it. She's an artist and I really look up to her, so I started to practice my drawing skills for a while so I can get noticed by her, but no one ever even noticed them (the way I draw is shit anyway, so I believe didn't have any chances lol). I replied to like 2 of her tweets with my shitty jokes that she for some reason really liked, or maybe she just pretended so I can feel noticed/respected/whatever. I wanna talk to her but I don't know how. Even a simple thought like DMing her saying "hi" makes my heart beat like a nuclear bomb.

I was never diagnosed with it, nor do I want to self diagnose myself, but there's a high chance that I'm on the Autism spectrum. I have a plenty of similar symptoms to Asperger's and PDD-NOS. The thought of that makes me extremely depressed all the time and I don't wanna exist anymore.

I haven't been suicidal for about 9 months, but the wish to end myself has returned about 2-3 days ago. I'm only 18 and I don't see any glimmers of hope in the distance anymore. Every single day since I graduated highschool exactly 5 months ago I've been doing nothing but laying in bed and playing some shit idle game without any sort of changes in daily routine. I don't even know what I should do anymore.

(sorry for the terrible composition and grammar, i havent written anything serious in a long time)
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> I'll try to message her when/if I gather enough courage.
you are doing it wrong
you need to do this asap or you will forever delay it and say "it is just not the right timing". One day she will dissappear and you will hate yourself forever for not trying. So next time you both are online just do it.
Even if she does not like you, it is worth to get out of your comfort zone and be bold once every now and then.


Yeah, I'd go with that. I used to have things I delayed until forever, and they disappeared quickly like snap of the fingers. Drink something for courage if you have to.


OP here again. It's too late for me to message her. She posted an update on Twitter today saying something about her new boyfriend. I can't help but feel extremely guilty since you've told me to message her as soon as possible.

Well, I can't do anything about it so I'll give up. I need to stay away from everyone so I don't get hurt anymore.


please be safe op


Relationships don't mean anything, stop comparing yourself to others. Isolation does wonders for the mind, you can free yourself through it.

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I do nothing, my routine doesn't change. Waste all of my days sleeping. I'm too paralyzed to try new things due to a combo of apathy and general disinterest. I try to force myself but it never seems to stick. This lifestyle is miserable, I'm long passed the comfortable NEET life phase but I don't have the strength to change. I hope I won:t always be a loser and someday gather the willpower to make myself happy.


What time do you go to bed and what do you do when you're not sleeping?


Just wondering, how long have you been a NEET?


are you diagnosed with any mental illness?


start small and throw wrenches in your routine and keep at it for as long as you can

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