>>7390You need to have Linux skills if you want to host a chan. Knowing how to program (preferably in the same language that the chan software uses) is only beneficial but it's not a hard requirement. Also, knowing some SQL can be beneficial as well (but it's not a hard requirement either).
Some resources:
- Start with
https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp and the w3schools CSS tutorial. But don't use the rest of w3schools tutorials because they suck.
Another great resource is
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn- Learn Linux skills:
https://xubuntu.org/ +
https://www.virtualbox.org/ +
https://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php(you can also dual-boot Linux and Windows. You just need to use Windows disk management utilities to shrink a partition. Reserve 20GB or more for Linux. Use the existing EFI System Partition and make at least the / (root) file system. But the Xubuntu installer should ask if you want to use the free space and it should do the partitioning automatically in that case). You can use Rufus (
https://rufus.ie/en/) to make a flash drive that contains the Xubuntu installer and the live environment. You can use PowersHell to check the integrity of the installation iso file: Get-FileHash xubuntu.iso -Algorithm SHA256
(You can first practice installing Xubuntu using VirtualBox virtual machine without making any changes your real HDD)
- (optionally) Learn how to program:
https://automatetheboringstuff.com/Post too long. Click here to view the full text.