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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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I think that, on the yume 2kki and .flow boards, there should be a thread that is edited to contain a link to the most recent version of the game in the op. A bit like the games list thread /fg/ but less like a directory of the board and more of just a one-stop place to find the game. It can be irritating having to scour through so many threads to find the most recent version of the games. It can also maybe preserve older links too for legacy purposes, only adding on newer ones as they come. It can also help with board fragmentation and keep all the updates in one thread.
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There's no edit butan on uboa, though, so your point is moot. /tkki/ usually makes threads for different number versions (i.e. one for .100, one for .101), and .flow's updates are too sporadic in comparison to keep one thread and just update it whenever it does pop up.

Also, there's the link to the wiki in the help sticky on /tkki/ which almost always features the latest updates.


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>Edit Button
God knows I fucking miss that button.
Sei, is there a possibility to get that again, or we should've gave up on it already?


>those teef
P-Peacockfeather, is that you?


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Unfortunately it's not likely to happen any time soon, since it would require some involved modifications to Tinyboard.

Edit: Also, please note that you may ask an Administrator on IRC to edit your post for you (Praesul, Writer, Yui, or myself).

There is a mod edit feature that cannot easily be made per-user accessible.

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Hey, Sei, can you put here some word filter or the option to hide threads? Those corey-shit circlejerks are really cancerous and they're killing this site slowly. I don't know if we will be recovered.
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The Dollchan Extension lets you hide posts, threads, tripfags, etc.


Our board software has a feature like that, which I just enabled. Click the little [-] at the top left of the thread you want to hide.



This feels like heaven.
I was going to suggest >>>/fag/, as the shitposting board it is, to be the new place of the circlejerk, but whatever.




And, re-enabled. The configuration deleted itself somehow.

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For reasons unknown spoiler tags are not working for me.
I had to look at 4chan to see how to use them. Does it work differently on her? Englighten me please.


they work

Use >**
not the >[spoiler]

Read the FAQ, there is the 'Does Uboachan have any special markup, like spoilers or bold text?' thing.


Okay I see. I derped is all, ahaha.

Lemme do a little test here.

Like *this*?

Or **This?

I'll see once I post :P


That didn't work.


I'll sage this.

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Whose idea was it to make black on black text?


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Rozencrab's I think. He was owner when the dark theme was implemented.


The Uboachan Classic theme is so called because it is a manual adaptation of Old Uboachan's default theme.

Unfortunately, one must be careful when working with dark colors, because the appearance actually depends almost entirely on the end user's monitor. For example, this theme looks perfect on my laptop, but on my cell phone it's unreadable.

For this reason I made the "Uboachan Gray" theme, which uses light on dark colors. Whichever works better for you will depend on your device. I would actually appreciate more feedback regarding Uboachan Gray.

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I've been banned on IRC ;_;
Which is weird since I haven't been on IRC in several months.
What gives?


You got something that looked like *net split* right? It's just happened to me, too.


This is the message:
[03:00] == #uboachan Cannot join channel, you are banned from channel (+b)

I don't think that's a netsplit.


That's really weird, i haven't touched the ban list in months. Lemme see if I can figure this out…


You've been unbanned. Someone banned the username Owl, probably to stop any WHO IS OWL shit

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Our friend Seisatsu's on a field trip.

Please post in this thread:
- Your desired mod username
- Why you want to become a mod.
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I'm so sorry for continuing the joke.
Mr. Susan
Thank you >_<


who undid all my bans



don't tell lies


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We are like this only when there's some sake or L.S.D. or apple cider


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because I have mutton chops

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So I know a lot of chan-type boards have an autosage feature which occurs once a thread hits a pre-determined post limit, but I'm a bit unsure if Uboachan does as well. It seems autosage likely is implemented though, since there have been various threads not bumping; mostly longer ones in /fg/, I believe.

Basically, what I'm wondering is whether it seem like a good idea for autosage be in place on Uboachan. Since Uboachan is much less active than many other imageboards, it may help increase activity if autosage wasn't in place, or if the bump limit was at least increased on certain boards. At the very least, it may make sense to change it on a couple boards, such as /fg/, where it makes less sense to create many new threads, especially considering Uboachan doesn't delete threads past a certain page number. As it is now, when a game which garnered more discussion has an update, it either gets overlooked by many due to the thread not bumping, or a new thread needs to be made, which seems to rarely occur, at least in recent years.

Picture unrelated.
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The bump limit on /fg/ is already 10,000, or effectively infinite. There should not be any issues with bumplocking. Please inform me if bumplocking continues to occur.



Thanks for checking. It's good to know there isn't a sage limit on /fg/.

While I haven't noticed any newer threads not bumping since this topic was made, it still seems to be affecting older threads, since I made a non-sage post in one of them just a few minutes ago, without it bumping.

Here are all the threads that seem affected (at least, judging by the date of the last non-sage post):



Post too long. Click here to view the full text.




Ondine - Yume Nikki Crossplatform

The Other Line

nostAlgic and Parade

Owl's projects
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



It is a timeframe based problem after all. I have manually removed the bumplocks from all of the threads that you linked.



Hmm, that simple, huh? Good to see it was an easy (if slightly time consuming) fix.

I only tested it with one thread (last thing we need is a bunch of bumps due to test posts), though it's probably safe to say all the listed threads should be fixed now. I'll let you know if I notice any threads not bumping, though.

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So I followed your tip, right

>No one has banned you moron

But that's wrong, moron! I was banned permanently in that same thread, I answered stupid provocations, yes
No my posts weren't
Then I read you saying you would
>delete ubuu if we post this

I assumed it was you, the reason was SPAM, you can't avoid the fact someone banned me because of MY OPINION, you can't avoid the fact people in the other side of the opinion is acting with agressions too.
It wasn't you, ok, but someone did that
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No one was banned for their opinions. Stop jumping to conclusions when you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.

Thanks and have a nice day.



>Stop jumping to conclusions when you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.

Woah, chill out dude; since I can't see the IP list I just posted what I've read. Good to know no one was banned for opinions, though.


I get your logic but explaining things in such a rude, edgy faggot kind of way is completely unneccesary.


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This thread
Too funny

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Why does uboachan have so many boards when the traffic is so low? Maybe some of the boards should be merged together so they wouldn't be so slow.
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I'm gonna just write this here since making a new thread is part of the problem I'm about to address.

New threads or active threads should go to the first page. There are tons of threads with no replies because they get lost somewhere past page 7.

Also, we should have a catalog, and in-line quotation PLEASE. That would make this place so much more comfortable


Why don't we create an image board about Yume Nikki?


Worst idea ever and you should be ashamed


I know right?
Who would ever do a thing like that >_>


If we merged all our boards we'd just get Bunbunmaru. And thats slow.

Jokes aside I do agree that we have far too many boards and some of them should be grouped together. A chan of this size should probably only have five boards.

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I wish there was some kind of service that posted updates whenever any Yume Nikki related game (/fg/ and /og/) got updated. Like a bulletin board where a message with link is posted every time there's a new download. That way there's no need to check so many boards, and threads, hoping for updates. So it's just all in one place.
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Does red wine for heart problems counts as drunk?


This is like the 4th fucking thread you post this image in. It's not funny or original, you just look like a dumbass, posting the same photo on a board where threads expire very, very slowly.


Be nice :(


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here, I found a new version for you to use


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