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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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 No.1274[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

195 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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It is alright, my friend! I just falsely assumed it was the general meta thread because of all the replies and thought it was better than making a whole new thread. I lost the pw so I can't delete it myself.


SnOwO what's this?


Finally, snow


Did I make this post?

I hope I did.


Sorry friend but that was my post.

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It's about time we start removing deleted and moved posts from the Recent posts bars. Makes browsing seriously much more annoying.

Thank you for your cooperation
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loving site!


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>>3991 laughing site


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Popular and trendy site!


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Why was post in the self-harm thread deleted.

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So, recently I got nostalgic about some old YN fanworks that had been translated into English a couple years ago. And that's how I found out the online reader hosted here is completely broken and dead


Yeah, it has been an issues since atleast early 2022. I guess none of the site’s admins were paying the reader enough mind to even notice it going out.

If my memory served me right, uboachan’s scanlation group also uploaded their work on mangadex. Maybe you could try to look for YN doujins there?


I think the team's spirits kinda got broken when the popular author of nearly all of the Yume Nikki fanworks we had scanlated requested a takedown. We invested a lot of time and effort (and money) into those and we couldn't understand how it affects the author negatively for us to share scans in another language with people who were never going to see their work otherwise, so it really felt like a slap in the face. Things slowed to a stop in the year or so that followed. Most likely it broke during the server transfer and I missed it. I'll take a look.

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We should have a containment board that your post gets sent to automatically if you fill in the email field

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Why is my thread >>>/ot/22712 now autosaging?
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Here's my two cents.
The reason why this campaign is going so terribly in here is because Uboachan is a Yume Nikki fansite, it gathered a bunch of people with similar interests, mostly generally interested in discussing shitty RPG Maker games, NEET/Hiki lifestyles and the struggles that come with it, mental health especially associated with those things and LARP as game developers, away from socio-political controversies and current things.
The type of people who are mostly counting their energy in spoons, it is very unlikely that ANY kind of activism will fly here even in the case some actually agree with you.
I recommend you research the websites before you engage to avoid wasting your time.


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Mfw Sei incurs the non-specific wrath of bum lad


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It's autosaging because I autosaged it, because you're extremely spammy and your topic is really uncomfortable, and "discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely" is despite my acquiescence in our earlier discussion, in retrospect inherently homophobic. Yeah fucking someone too hard in the ass can cause injury but that's kind of obvious to anyone who cares about other people's safety during sex. I have been fucked in the ass far more than enough times to tell you that neither I nor anyone I know needs telling that it can injure you if you are careless and that it is a good idea to take a rest/healing period afterwards, and to also tell you that we as a society are not going to stop doing it.

But besides all that we don't want your topic here. I don't know what happened to you in the past to make you care this deeply about this particular subject, but this is not the place for it. Like, even in a place like Uboachan which is comfy in certain ways and kind of intentionally uncomfortable in others, this weird butt stuff really throws off the vibe, especially when it takes up so much real estate in the recent posts box. Please go find a better outlet for your problematic medical and societal health monologues.

I will accept a place on your shitlist with courage and honor. Bring it on, assman. The consequences will never be the same. "Anorectal Violence" has been added to a new banned topics section I made on the rules page just for you, your thread is locked, your empire is dirt, your staff is broken, and you are banned. Good day to you sir.


>I have been fucked in the ass far more than enough times to tell you that
Maybe thats something you should keep to yourself seisatsu


My post was calculated. Nothing more to see here.

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> tl;dr anal sex should be criminalized
Misrepresentation #1: I wrote in my now-locked thread >>>/ot/22712 that erotic anorectal violence, which I defined as anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration, "should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved." As I pointed out elsewhere concerning such violence:

There can even be fatal consequences [for a person on the receiving end of such violence]. See for example the quote from PMID 20512029 in Anorectal Risks 3 [included in post >>>/ot/22887 here] for that possibility — probably not only from anal rape, but also from rough anal intercourse that is so common in pornography (which may itself constitute rape if the possibility and/or actual result of causing an injury to another person with serious and even fatal consequences invalidates legal consent): "We describe a case of a 45-year-old white woman who sustained devastating homicidal colorectal trauma that served as a primary cause of death in the setting of rape. Our patient sustained a 15-cm laceration of the anterior rectal wall and ultimately died of peritonitis and sepsis."
> thinly veiled anti-homosexual rant utilizing appeal to nature tactics
Misrepresentation #2:
1. I myself wrote about the appeal to nature in my Wikipedia critique in this post: >>>/ot/22722 — I made no such appeal in my own writings.
2. I did not write anything even remotely resembling an "anti-homosexual rant." Plenty of heterosexuals engage in anorectal eroticism, including the violent kind. That much should be very obvious merely from looking at material included in the "Trends & Associations" quote collection in this post: >>>/ot/22713
> This thread precariously tickles the anus of rule 7
I strongly disagree: I posted nothing constituting "hate speech."
> enough for me to feel justified in locking it
I am _very_ disappointed in you, Seisatsu. I though that my thread on this site had been going just fine, and I was behaving reasonably enough. Your administrative interference unjusPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


> Yes there are medical risks to anal sex
"Women in the UK are suffering injuries and other health problems as a result of the growing popularity of anal sex among straight couples, two NHS [British National Health Service] surgeons have warned. The consequences include [fecal] incontinence and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as pain and bleeding because they have experienced bodily trauma while engaging in the practice, the doctors write in an article in the British Medical Journal. Tabitha Gana and Lesley Hunt also argued that doctors’ reluctance to discuss the risks associated with anal sex was leading to women being harmed by the practice and letting down a generation of women who are not aware of the potential problems."
… "National Survey of Sexual Attitudes research undertaken in Britain has found that the proportion of 16- to 24-year-olds engaging in heterosexual anal intercourse has risen from 12.5% to 28.5% over recent decades. Similarly, in the US 30% to 45% of both sexes have experienced it. “It is no longer considered an extreme behaviour but increasingly portrayed as a prized and pleasurable experience,” wrote Hunt, a surgeon in Sheffield, and Gana, a trainee colorectal surgeon in Yorkshire."
"Many doctors, though, especially GPs and hospital doctors, are reluctant to talk to women about the risks involved, partly because they do not want to seem judgmental or homophobic, they add. “However, with such a high proportion of young women now having anal sex, failure to discuss it when they present with anorectal symptoms exposes women to missed diagnoses, futile treatments and further harm arising from a lack of medical advice,” the surgeons said. NHS patient information about the risks of anal sex is incomplete because it only cites STIs, and makes “no mention of anal trauma, [fecal] incontinence or the psychological aftermath of the coercion young women report in relation to this activity”. Health professionals’ disinclination to discuss the practice openly with patients “may be failing a generation of young women, who are unaware of the risks”."
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


> ultimately the choice lies with the receptive participant
I wrote this recently elsewhere: many—probably even most—receptive people are not aware of all of the risks involved, particularly the traumatic risks to themselves. As I pointed out numerous times over the years with varying wording, there wouldn't be so many people engaging in clearly destructive anoreceptive acts if they were aware of all of the risks involved to themselves — most especially the traumatic risks.

This currently is included in Trends & Associations (did you even bother to look at it?):

"Pornography has become a primary source of sexual education. At the same time, mainstream commercial pornography has coalesced around a relatively homogenous script involving violence and female degradation. Yet, little work has been done exploring the associations between pornography and dyadic sexual encounters: What role does pornography play inside real-world sexual encounters between a man and a woman? Cognitive script theory argues media scripts create a readily accessible heuristic model for decision-making. The more a user watches a particular media script, the more embedded those codes of behavior become in their worldview and the more likely they are to use those scripts to act upon real life experiences. We argue pornography creates a sexual script that then guides sexual experiences. To test this, we surveyed 487 college men (ages 18-29 years) in the United States to compare their rate of pornography use with sexual preferences and concerns. Results showed the more pornography a man watches, the more likely he was to use it during sex, request particular pornographic sex acts of his partner, [and] deliberately conjure images of pornography during sex to maintain arousal…"
"Pornography and the Male Sexual Script: An Analysis of Consumption and Sexual Relations." Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2016 May; 45(4): 983-94. PMID 25466233. doi:10.1007/s10508-014-0391-2.
[The abstract text was corrected — "Erratum To: Pornography and the Male Sexual Script: An Analysis of Consumption and Sexual Relations." Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2016 May; 45(4): 995. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0744-0. (PMID 27025728)]


> This currently is included in Trends & Associations (did you even bother to look at it?)
This too:

"Experts say teenage girls are copying what they see in pornography and seeking treatment from family doctors for injuries sustained during “rough sex”. They believe it’s part of the dark side of the sexualisation of the internet generation."
… "According to Reality and Risk, more than 90 per cent of boys and 60 per cent of girls have watched pornography online. Of those videos, more than 88 per cent include physical aggression."
… "Allison Pearson, a columnist for The Telegraph in London, wrote earlier this year that young women are engaging in sex that their bodies are “simply not designed for”. She said a GP she spoke with confessed a growing number of teenage girls were being treated for internal injuries caused by frequent anal sex “not because (they) wanted to, or because (they) enjoyed it — on the contrary — because a boy expected (them) to”."
… "[Dr Meagan Tyler, a research fellow at RMIT University] said research shows women are suffering from faecal incontinence as a result of anal sex and that they’re “uncomfortable” with the assumption that it’s become “the norm”. “That’s the brutal material reality for what it means for these young women’s lives.”"
… "Dr Tyler said tackling the problem is not easy but it’s time educators had a more realistic conversation with young people about what they’re seeing online. “You can’t pretend pornography doesn’t exist,” she said. “I think we’re getting somewhere in that there’s more public discussion about it (but) we’re going to need to start talking about more serious and comprehensive sex education.”"
https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/sex/boner-garage-posts-a-window-into-the-world-of-sexualised-young-women-online/news-story/f7d83a68c48e378027430fd8e93da349 (June 02, 2015)


> the original thread had been locked
Yes it has been, for invalid reasons as I explained. I expect it to be unlocked.
> posting lorum ipsum
I did not post that. Somebody else did.
> threaten the chan as a whole to go on your shit list
I do not lightly include a site in that list. Seisatsu, if (s)he does not reverse course, has earned this site's inclusion in it for reasons that ought to be very obvious from what I pointed out previously.
> do tell what you intend to do if this chan is on your shit list, good Samaritan?
Speaking of someone ignoring what I wrote… As I pointed out countless times before, ultimately this is not about me. See also what was written about logically-fallacious diversionary tactics, reproduced below.

Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics:
• A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example.
• An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that some supposed attribute(s) of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, a better idea may be to mention the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy, i.e. favoring some personal anecdote(s) over evidence based on science and logic.)
• Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims without proof may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant.)

It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy andPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



You're right, I did not read your entire article and full thread in the little time I have each day to make moderation decisions, I spent about 10 minutes gathering what I could from the posts (admittedly while still waking up) and made a judgment based on my personal biases, and drew on my experiences with ways that people try to mask propaganda. This is very spammy and uncomfortable but I guess it's valuable info and really doesn't violate any rules. I really don't have the time or energy to fully examine something this girthy so I'll take your word for your motivations. Sorry I locked your thread, I will unlock it now and lock this one.

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I'm tired, folks. Sometimes I wonder how many users would actually be left if I kicked out all the racist / sexist / homophobic / malicious pity cases who pick fights and brag about hating everyone else so they can forget for a moment how much they hate themselves. And anyway they would just come back with new IP addresses unless I could summon the wit and energy to be consistent. As I move forward with my life, every incident reminds me that running this place can be a double strain on my reputation and my conscience.

I love Yume Nikki and spooky indie games and the people who like them, and I don't want to take away the online home from the NEETs who congregate here, I don't want you to be alone because I used to be you and be alone, and I can see that a lot of good things have happened and still happen on this site, and I really owe it a lot. And I know there are much worse places you all could end up if I pulled the plug. But, fuck, I am really tempted sometimes to just burn it all down and put this chapter of my life behind me. My love and my weariness fight for a delicate balance. Some of you can be so fucking mean that it just sickens me sometimes.

I'm really pissed off right now and might delete this post in the morning.
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No thanks.


As a black trans-racial queer woman I find the sexual fetishisation of People of Color to be just as bad as the blatant racism. The whole thread should have just been deleted.


I don't understand, so you're black or you're white and you want to be black?


they're michael jackson


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check your email sei


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If you say "where's the snow" three times in front of a mirror at midnight while holding a melon he will appear behind you.


Thank you I will try this tonight


Thanks, /recent/ is fixed.

Stop summoning me I got shit to do.

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Where is desuchan..what happened to it?
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Extremely sad to see it go.

It's things like this that really make me think that imageboards will become almost completely extinct in the coming years.

Godspeed anons.


Please never let uboachan die



>Godspeed anons.

dont say that :(
uboa is strong! we will be popular again… like in 2012!! im sure…… i hope..


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Let's do our best anons.


Like it or not I think 4chan is too big and infamous to die even if all the others fade out like the old forums.

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Is there any way to turn this off?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


This is worse when you have a small monitor/low screen resolution…


I can turn it down, but my blood oath with Chesir and Seagal prevents me from turning it off until late January.


You can learn to use an AdBlock.


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Sei did something funny nearly a decade ago, now everybody must pay, forever.


You should've left it, I like the </div>ening

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