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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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rip ubuu security
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It's happening again.


Nope, just from news and the theme template, then I rebuilt the required things. Some people were still seeing the 404s (in their javascript console) from where I hadn't removed the js properly.

What exactly is "happening"? A cute image doesn't help fix anything, unfortunately. I'm not getting any errors on post and I'm not sure what error you're receiving. You also might be caching the error from when you had it, never know. Try clearing it and continuing. I asked a few others if they're having any issues and they're not.


>having to rebuild

tinyboard bad software tbh imo


The software caches all dynamic page data, such as posts and threads, into static HTML pages to reduce database load. These static pages are updated when the site detects a change in the page data, such as a new post. When you change something behind the scenes, such as including a snow script in the page template, you need to manually tell the software to regenerate the page since the change was not done through the site and cannot be detected automatically. It's a logical solution; the alternative would be to poll the database on every single page visit, creating a crippling amount of database traffic.


at least it works
remember the archive

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Wait, so why exactly is the catalog link gone even though it can still be accessed?

I'm really sorry for extreme slowpoke. I wanted to ask as soon as it happened but I put it off. ;_;

I really didn't want to make a new thread I swear, but I couldn't find any relevant threads to post in or an answer to my question.

Is it just that way until the code is improved?
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Settings in the config file just vanish once in a while. I can't explain it. Anyway the catalog link should be back now.



change file to read-only in between making changes maybe?

I don't know how to host websites I don't know ;_;



Would a search filter option be possible to find specific posts by keyword?



I'm hesitant to answer this. It's possible, because STI's done it with 4chon, but that script isn't public and he says it's terribly messy. The code for the search itself would be easy to write but I have no idea how to properly integrate it with the site API. So, it depends really, I could write a shit search function but I'd rather not.


in google:

site:archive.uboachan.net/board/ search terms

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Even though I designed the front page I have no idea what's going on with this. It seems like on rare occasions bottom:15px on frontpage.css causes #maintable to stretch to the window height, not the page height.

It's so rare I can't even replicate it after it happens the first time and I don't know what's causing it. Is it something to do with frames or js? idk seisatsu pls look into this when you get a chance its rly annoying


Just asking, what browser are you using, mudnut? It MIGHT be the way it reads the webpage.

I mean, I never faced this problem before, so it would be interesting to see if others users using the same browsers find this afterwards (or some others users that are not).


I haven't seen that before. It's hard to fix if I can't reproduce it. There isn't any dynamic content below the recent posts section, so it should render exactly the same each time. I'd assume it's a browser bug.

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Nam a bad mod please delete shouldn't have been hired in the first place.

Public moderation no. Anon shaming and increased amount of bans for made up rules no. Deleted posts are you fucking kidding me no.

I get /n/ and ubuu in general is a pretty shitty board, but deleting everything and banning everyone is counter-productive to the problem and it's slowly turning into a cancer. I don't know about everyone else, but I've never thought Nam was a particularly good mod with the whole Neku debacle. should have been fired with him imho tbqh.
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Granted I don't have access do the moderator logs so I can't say for certain that it's you, but I have notes from the admins and Seisatsu in particular saying your activity has gone up over the last couple of months. I've also seen my own posts being deleted first hand on /n/ and /media/ within a couple minutes of them being posted and all posts directed at it also being deleted. I also have word from Praesul and Writer that you were told to keep a closer eye on /n/.

I've seen a lot of questionable things from you since you were instated too, but if I'm wrong about the deletions and bans being you then I'll direct this elsewhere and apologize for putting you in the line of fire. But honestly there's nothing telling me otherwise. It's not that I have anything against you personally, but you're practically the only face for moderation outside of /sugg/ and SOMEONE is doing something wrong.


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I never told her to keep an eye on /n/. I made a common sense statement on how to handle /t/'s overwhelmingly degrading nature.

Praesul doesn't seem to know entirely what he's talking about. At least regarding what I've told people. I haven't said anything outside of what the staff can see in the mod panel.

I already discussed with you what I believe should be deleted and controlled on steam. Once we settle things out, we'll probably make a post in here.

To be honest, it'd be nice if our mod panel showed what the deleted post IS even if it was deleted from the public eye. That way we could handle this better than hearsay and vague action logs.


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Based on your post history and ban record, your use of that image is pretty ironic

Unless you have some actual discussion to contribute, please don't post in threads where people are trying to improve the quality of the board.


Calm down it's just a joke JO-KE, it means someone should find it funny, and this is not the first IP I use sir general I have contributed a lot to the community.

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Out of respect towards fangame authors, /fg/ has a rule against ripping off resources from other fangames in our own fangames.

But could we please also have an additional rule on /fg/? "No links to gameplay videos that the fangame authors don't allow."

Because some Yume Nikki fan game authors don't allow certain gameplay videos to be posted online:

I think we should continue to respect the wishes of fangame authors.





About that rule, I don't know. If you want to sticky it it's ok I guess.

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* How would you unify the Uboachan Classic and Uboachan Gray site styles into one style?

* What would you change in both to make them more pleasing to the eyes?


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Why not have both?
And have a cookie stored on the one people choose so that when they return it's on the one that they prefer.


Oh grammar.
I meant to say that I think it could be possible for a cookie to be stored on the visitors computer / smartphone that would automatically change the presented theme to the theme that they last used.


are you fucking kidding me

the current style switcher sets cookies and does literally exactly what you just said



Yep. In fact, if you didn't have your cookies enabled, you would only see the Yotsuba B style.

As for the thread, I don't know. I enjoy how ubuu kills my eyes.


So why is this a problem, can't people just use other themes?

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I'd like to know how many users use each theme. I'd also like to see how many users used either Gurochan or Photon on the old board.


Writer edit: The embedded poll thing clearly didn't work, so here's a link instead.
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Yotsuba B. Easiest to read for me.






(Poll does not work.)
The blue-ish one.
I find the Uboa styles hard to read. (i like dark styles tho)


Now that we have a new theme, I was wondering if a new poll would be necessary; but I'm not really sure.
Sage because I don't want to necro.

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I fucking demand rename /ot/ as "Vomitive Shithole"
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Hello, Captain No Fun Allowed reporting in. Fixed /ot/'s title/subtitle.


>Were you expecting a witty subtitle?
I was ;_:


Preasul ban writer pls




Was the user hugged softly as with your beloved qt loli, or hardly, with your strong arms of mexican, prsl?

Also ban writer, k? thx.

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I've been absent from Uboachan for the better part of a year. Whether it was lack of interest or just forgetting about it, I haven't really thought about it until now. I decided to check up on what was new, and I've realized something.

I really really really don't like the community.
It's toxic like shit. Threads about how to commit suicide, invitations to group suicides, the /n/ board in its entirety, unfriendly people and unwarranted drama in the IRC, and many other things.

Why must the community be this way, Ubuu? Can you perhaps explain?
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Isn't allowing active discussion of methods going a bit far?


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I definitely think so!
But it's hard to get everyone on board with making rules about what discussions are allowed…
But I don't like the fact that the discussions here started with people trying to help eachother overcome suicidal thoughts, and now there's threads promoting suicide and giving advice on how to do it. It's scary.


Aaand my trip is changed again from posting anon. But yes, it is. I guess the maelstrom of personal issues is what makes the community somewhat likable in my horribly biased perception though, in contrast to OP's. It mostly just seemed unfriendly as all hell when I was still posting 100% anon, but maybe that's'ts evidence of the trip-circlejerk conspipary theory.


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Having a name/trip helps to recognize you and your opinions/thoughts. If someone likes your way of thinking, it's likely they're going to watch for your posts more than for some anon. That is the fate of those who chose to have no name.


I like a lot of anons from here, there are one or two that I've bugged to post again, in fact. I guess a good example would be that NEET kid living with his boyfriend because he's just adorable. But still, point taken.

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Hello Uboachanners,

I am calling for users to review our two original themes, Uboachan Classic and Uboachan Gray.

Since I adapted Rozencrab's theme from Old Uboachan, I've been getting constant complaints. Due to this, a while back I added a variation theme, Uboachan Gray.

Unfortunately, when working with dark colors, the appearance actually depends heavily on the end user's monitor. For example, the Uboachan Classic theme looks perfect on my laptop, but on my cell phone it's unreadable.

I would like to hear from you what you like, hate, and would change about whichever of the two themes you use often.

Thank you!
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No, the stylesheet there is Burichan. Yotsuba B is the blue one on the current site. The classic theme was lifted straight from the archive.


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Uboachan Classic displays pretty well here. I find UG really unseatting.

However, I know (as you've said) that there's people with issues there.
What mudnut said is pretty much what I think.


Classic is perfect here.
Grey looks bad on my monitor.


If someone wants to make up some alternative themes keeping with the spirit of the Uboachan theme, that would be nifty. It's easy with Firefox's built in style editor tool.

The stylesheet you want to edit is http://uboachan.net/stylesheets/uboachan.css

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