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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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How about a roleplay board? It would probably keep the site active
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Do you really want to see the site become a shitty ERP room?


I second this.
I love the type of people that erp brings to a site.


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Well, my friend, this logic is flawed because there is no such thing as a shitty ERP room.


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Reminds me of that anon that suggested making ubuu a standard forum with accounts and shit.

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Well, we're still here.

Many people have told me over these past five years that the site is already dead, or that the users here are only shitposters, or that this place just isn't worth running anymore. But the Recent Posts bar continues crawling forward without fail, and it's not just full of bullshit, and it makes me feel like I'm still making a worthwhile use of my time and effort in despite of our detractors. I think that, even though Uboachan has changed so much, and many things have ended forever, there is even now still quality content and discussion to be appreciated.

That's not to say that everything has been great. The CP spam was unbearable for a while and we took too long to come up with a good solution. Questionable or, yeah, even bad decisions have been made in the running of this community. I've felt so uncertain sometimes and wondered if I was making the right choices, or if I was betraying my values or the values of this site in the name of peaceful conduct in times of trouble. There have been ugly and destructive public arguments between staff and users, and the staff have been divided in opinion on important issues and come to uneasy compromises.

Our two most involved moderators left a few weeks ago, and the staff room is very quiet now. But, maybe it's for the best if I run most of this show on my own from now on. The other staff members will continue to support my efforts to keep the wheels turning.

And I'm really still trying, you know, because I still love Uboachan! I hope that this can keep being a place that other people can love as well. You may not believe it, but without Uboachan I would not even have half of the IRL friends I have now, I would not be living with these cool roommates, I would never have met my previous or current girlfriend, and I may have never even moved out of my Mom's house, or gone on a real adventure in my entire life. The power of the Internet to connect people together is deeper than I can fathom. This place is so special to me, so I'm going to keep loving it and running it for as long as I can.

Let's see for a while longer where Uboachan can go from here.
- Seisatsu

(Wow, is that too mushy?)


>told me over these past five years that the site is already dead
Isn't that more or less the time chesir and seagal have been here?


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Ubuu died many times, but it's been peaceful lately.
Personally, I think that the site is much better when you take desicions 100% on your own.

Mods in this site have always been problem magnets anyway, and I don't see 8ch or tumblr around that much anymore.

The whole YN&fangames thing is also changing its fanbase, what was the last time an outstanding fangame appeared? I mean one that was worth discussion, last one I remember was Elysium City, and it's been a while.

I'd say we could keep the spirit high by trying a small event, or a contest to try and revive the thing, but I doubt anyone would participate, modern ubuu has no devs and the very reduced few we have(maybe 3…4?) are busy with their projects…

Most of modern YN fanbase is in tumblr, and they are faggots who get offended by the word faggot.

How will this end? We don't know, maybe good, maybe bad, maybe with some lulz…
Let's just chill and see where things go.


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"Uboachan" as we knew it has certainly died, but not the site. But we can strive to work on something out of it or not, if people is willing to contribute.

I think one of the major problems we're facing right now is that the Yume Nikki trend (because it was, sadly, a trend for most) is fading away, which leaves us with a really small number of people genuinely interested in the game, but who can't discuss anything because no new content is being generated + the content that was already there has been exhaustively covered.
As you can see, this means that boards like /yn/ are (virtually) dead. This is a really hard blow, because one of the things that characterized our site throughout the whole run and made us different from any other imageboard was "A community united through Yume Nikki". The only thing I can think of for improving this is to start looking for YN doujins (like that saddharma/dharma one) and other untranslated material and post those things here. Basically, monopolize the translations of anything related to Yume Nikki. That'd boost our activity and make us a place "worth of checking" once in a while to see if anything new happened, essentially making uboachan some sort of western point of interest for YN fans.

This, of course, would bring new problems:
1- Newfags, and I don't mean the normal-type, but tumblr-tier faggots.
2- You'd need an army of translators. Currently, I believe I'm the only person here capable of translating anything from Japanese who's willing to take a part on that [Although maybe (hopefully) there's more people].

Finally, I think we should at least add some policies to non-/ot/ boards regarding quality posting. Of course, I don't mean going to the extreme of saying "Shitposting is forbidden", but rather something like "It's discouraged." You can post some fun, just don't make the whole board a "fun"-posting place. If you wanna post about "muh freedoms" and how much you hate niggers, you have many other chans to do so. This isn't one of those.
If people see that the place has actually some discussion going on instead of being reddit 2.0, they will be more willing to stay.


This site is a relic of the past. It's not gonna have a flood of new people unless Kikiyama comes back from the dead and makes another update. But even when it dies, I hope it's kept running for nostalgia's sake.


If you have anything short and non-lewd, I could try my hand at it.


Ubuu Forever m8

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Should we just delete the Wildcard board? Seems like nobody cares anymore. Nobody posts, nobody suggests any topics, and nobody talks about it.

Edit: /co/ discussion near bottom of thread.
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/co/ is kill

sad day but such is fate



I'll take /co/, I'd hate to see it go to waste


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I'll take over /co/ for you Sei.


Nah, boards aren't for sale lol. And it doesn't matter who runs it since it has no users. A moderation change won't fix that. Uboachanners just don't want to talk about comics or animation anymore for some reason.


>he responds to me like I am serious
DAAAAAAMMMMMMMMmnnnn i have way better chances than i thought! this at least puts me in "we dont want you at all but we'll be professional anyway" tier!!

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Make sure to pull and configure the latest vichan commits. images are OCR'd (optical character recognition) so you can make it block those cp spam images super easily.
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>sei is managing sushi
Rip in pieces. When are we having sushi snow?


tfw Sei is loved and appreciated in Sushi.


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It's because they don't know yet.
They will understand in December.


To the best of my ability, both sites will always have the latest and greatest vichan.


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That's our Sei.

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vichan 5.0.0

Now available, a security update for how passwords are hashed/salted. Alot of talk in metachan channel @rizon because czaks seemed complacent and got shit talked alot about security until he put this update out.

Any plans on updating? Or migrating to something like lynx?
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BGS of this thread.


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Rest in fucking pieces.


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How come there is no .flow board anymore seeing as how a lot of fans consider it the true sequel to Yume Nikki (Don't start a fight whether it is or not save that for the /fg/ board c:)
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If you want to ban me go ahead but I assume being of age makes me allowed to be here but who knows.


I'm an extremely paranoid person sorry about that lol


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if ubuu banned every underage poster
how many do you think would be left


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The staff, the secret staff, and another 6 users.


Or as dogs. I raged against both, but that's over too.
I checked the rules and Neko was one of them to breach 1, however I spoke to Mannosuke for the original thread but there was no response.
There's more of us coming to think of it.

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So we removed and combined boards, and while I agree less is more in this case, what if we came up with one or two new boards? If we did, what could they be?
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Holy shit, who the fuck is managing the seisatsu clone series since I left?


Thanks, I checked the rules (2, 3, & 11) on the site, so that shouldn't be a problem either.

/h/ wasn't annexed but merged into /o/, I think.

There are some 'hidden' boards within the site, like the 'corey' board… I spoke to Presul about this before he retired ;)


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delete /hikki/


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>Not melons

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Want a thread moved to another board? Link it here.


It would be nice if the removed content thread from /2kki/ could be moved to /fg/.


https://uboachan.net/fg/res/11319.html Here it is but it's several pages down because it's older than other posts on /fg/.


Please move this somewhere.




should probably be in /og/ or /ig/ or whatever fucking garbage system you're running here nowadays

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So, upon further investigation, it turns out that the spam bots are using countermeasures to thwart the less intensive anti-spam measures we could use. Unfortunately this means that there is no easy solution. Currently I can see three possible remedies.

1) Use captchas. (Once-a-day captchas are a feature that is specific to 8chan and I don't know if we can implement them.)

2) Use an automated spam-detection service like Akismet. The con here is that we'd have to share every post's content with Akismet's servers in order to check it for spam, including the user's IP address.

3) Hire a ridiculous number of Janitors and try to manage them all.

Word/phrase filters are impossible because the bots are too smart. Any comments or alternative suggestions are welcome.
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I just cleaned a wave and I haven't been here in a few months so I got no idea how often its been. Just noticed that it was a lot easier to clean than it used to be


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>We haven't had spam in a good while.
See Sei?


spam came back because i decided to go give gardening advice in /hikki at 12AM on a thursday
look what i've done


Yeah the spam still happens several times a week, up to once a day. But, it hasn't been a problem since Jove made the IRC bot. Every time someone makes a post on the boards, the bot gives us a summary right away in the moderation channel. The spam posts are pretty obvious, and we have someone watching just about all the time, so we usually catch and stop new waves in their tracks in a couple minutes or less nowadays before anyone is likely to see them. For the most part it's put the issue to rest, though it would be great if the spambot would go away for good.


As a simpler solution to an IRC bot (I spoke to you on IRC about spamming like a week ago), I enabled the RSS theme on my board and installed an RSS client on my PC to show new posts.

Word filters are pretty useless since the bots adjust. Good thing is that they always post a generic message, so I can tell when a post is probably a spambot, click the rss popup and immediately D+B.

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Could we please address the rampant namefagging / borderling camwhoring infesting /cos/? It's not what chans are for.


I take it you've never lurked 4chan's /cgl/


Yes using the name field and trip codes, features clearly provided by any given imageboard, thus intended for use, as well people posting original content, is definitely not what imageboards are about.

They probably just wants to be recognized for their work an opinions because she knows people here want more of them. Cosplaying is exactly what people like for instance, Booger or Morgan, come here to do, because it's the only place Yume Nikki cosplayers can successfully congregate. So what if they want the attention they get for it in the one place they can get recognized for their work?

You're probably just jealous and honestly they're just seeking attention for their art, you're just seeking attention for the sake of it. If you don't like it lurk on another part of the site.

Cosplaying is a thing and people enjoy it, walk into any anime con and see.



Now that's a well constructed argument - not. Funny though, it's been a while since I met an online 12 year old whiteknight. You won't get any from them, sorry.


Just because a behavior is widespread doesn't mean it's good or that I should take it supine.


You know what's really stupid about this thread?

/cos/ is a fucking cosplay board. What did you expect? People to NOT show off their cosplay? This thread is pointless and doesn't need to be a topic of discussion, end of story.

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