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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Hello fellows NEETs I have a very singular problem. My reason for not going outside as much and working is not anxiety or fear of the outside world, though I am indeed very shy and awkward and seldom socialize.
I've been interned into mental hospitals and the like because this kind of living is making me do things that are considered too strange and worrisome, I'ts driving me crazy.
Anyway, I have a strange problem, when I go outside for too long I get very painful headaches and I have to go home early, not normal headaches but something on another whole level. I've been to psychiatrists and psychologist and regular doctor and they find nothing wrong with me, they say it's a psychological reaction.
This problem has prevented me from having a job or just going grocery shopping with the family and I don't know what to do. I'm taking medication for it but it's not working at all.
Do you have any ideas of what I can do or do other NEETs here are NEET because of other particular reasons?


When did these headaches start?


In a way, I've always had them it's just that now they hurt and last more. I had little headaches as a child.


Did you always have headaches elicited by going outside?


Yes. I've always got tired of going outside and socializing and it leads to headaches ever since I can remember.


Could be the light, have you tried wearing shades, or even welding goggles?



hey anon, I don't know if you're still around here or if you have the same problem still, but I have a very similar issue with headaches

I don't know what the cause is for me either really, but it might be genetic since my dad them at the same age
one thing that helps me is caffeine pills
sometimes they don't really work but when they work I can go ten or so hours without any pain


So, I cannot smoke. Listen for a sec, may be worth reading. When I was little it was presented to me by everyone as the biggest sin EVER, and when I heard that it also risks lifespan of ones I hated it. But not normal hate, I would go outta my way to hate the people around me too (smokers, not all of them). Now I don't hate the people anymore, but purely I just go crazy coughs around anything tobacco, even if I have perfect health and no real problems. Its all in my head and it also manifests for real from all those years of hate and rejection.


Maybe you're allergic to the sun anon?
Have you tried doing trials where you go outside during the day once and during the night another time?

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