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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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Can anyone tell what version a harvest moon ds game is if the number's ABCENOJ11 (pic not related)


So you know, that's likely a zero (0) and not a letter "O".

I couldn't find any direct confirmation for that version number with some quick searching, but I did find this list (for the NA versions):

ABCEN0J13 - Version 1.0
ABCEN0J22 - Version 1.05
ABCEN1J09 - Version 1.1
ABCEN1J12 - Version 1.15
ABCEN1J22 - Version 1.2

Based on the pattern of those version numbers, I'd guess yours is an early 1.0 version.


Thanks for the info you gave me

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I don't know where else to talk about this so I'll just do it here.

Are there any fans of Len'en series out there? I personally think the new game, Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle, is so damn great. The new game is kind of like breaking out from 2hu and becoming more and more unique on its own.

To those who aren't aware of Len'en series but are fans of 2hu games, I suggest picking up the games. There are 3 complete games made by Jynx in total and all of them are free as far as I know. Although I can't really recall where I did download. Might drop off links if anyone is interested.
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Sucks that I don't even know Jynx's site even though I avidly like his games. Thanks for dropping the link.


It gets better from 1. Actually I honestly think 1 is the hardest with how bullshit some spellcards are.

Stage 1 boss is not a fucking stage 1 boss in 2hu standards.


Eh, I played it in the equivalent of lunatic, and the difficulty was pretty nice.
Then I played it in normal, and even the stage 2 boss managed to get me confused.
I like the challenge, I'm on the side that touhou should be harder (AKA th11 tier) than it actually is, but ZUN is too worried to please the fans, which is a put off.

As for the game, what fucks it up the most is the controls. The "get line" is higher than where it tells you, the speed is kinda shitty, and overall, the dev was kind enough to not let you pick up items by going all the way up because some nigger will spawn and kill you anyway, lol. Nice one.
Also the frame refresh is kinda bugged as well when there are a bunch of bullets on the screen. I don't know if Jinx ever worked in other game before, but I'm guessing this must be his first so it's understandable.

I figured that since this is the first game that it wouldn't be so as good as the others so don't worry; once I cleared this one I'll try the others. If anything, I didn't like the music that much compared to 2ho, but the difficulty really picked me up.


Yeah. I believe thats what sets len'en series from 2hu project.


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>lenen 1
>final boss
>last life no continues left
>she uses her blackhole spellcard
Oh my fucking god.

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It's a pretty awesome Horror/RPG game in which a group of 11 people delve inside a pyramid in search of treasure, only to have to survive all the traps, undead and such inside.

The characters are pretty likable and interesting, and most of them have changeable fates too, meaning whether they live or die depends on whether you successfully save them (it changes things enough that I really recommend playing through this game twice, once in which you save everyone, and another where you let everyone die).

This was made on the PC-98 RPG Maker, so the whole game's got classic PC-98 aesthetics; the art and music is really nice, too. The English version comes packed with an already set up emulator though, so it's easy to play even on modern computers.

English version download/info here:



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The neko project they linked is configured so wrong that it won't run well in a bunch of computers. The CPU is overclocked a bit too much. It also depends on each computer, but still 78MHZ for this is way beyond necessary.

That aside, the game looks really insteresting, and the graphics are pretty nice.
One thing I love about Dante is that you can check the MML since it is interpreted instead of being compiled.


Just finished playing it. The art and music direction in this were amazing and genuinely creepy. A+.

I got the ending where everyone died, might go back for another spin.


I got the ending where only the fat slob died because I honestly forgot about him. It was a good end.


Same here.

But because I wanted to see all the splatter.

Really good. A+, 10/10.

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Any fans of Disgaea around here? I'd say it's one of the best strategy RPGs around.

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Post YN freakyforms if you have one.


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Stumbled on a surreal exploration game. Entirely procedurally generated, with a very strange atmosphere that feels like it belongs here.



pretty neat, after checking out a handful of houses and all the generated paintings+soundclips I walked into the sea and got lost hoping there was something beyond


I like the auto-run mechanic when outside of a building. More exploration games should have something like that.

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I don't see a thread about this game here, so I will make one. It just recently was translated and I have been making videos of it on my channel. It's really fun and interesting.

If you want to see my progress, it's right here in a playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKTcFwC4Ho4QkHDgjHO7_I1PITKjkOHX-

Also included in the description is a link to an easy to use RPG maker RTP installer for basically all the RTPs you will need to play rpg maker games.

For those who don't want to check out the videos:

Get the translation here : http://nobihaza.wordpress.com/2014/02/21/doraemon-nobitas-resident-evil-english-release/

Get the RPG maker RTP easy to use installer here!: http://rpg-maker-games.tumblr.com/post/72821746882/rpgmaker-mega-rtp


It's a pretty good game.. shame the mods never got translated like was talked about.

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Anyone else into tabletop gaming? Wraith will get a 20th Anniversary edition and I just can't sleep from all the excitement.


I would be if I had people to play with. I've wanted to get into it for years, the most I've ever done is play half a session of DnD with two other people, one of whom got incredibly pissed by us not going by his exact plans for us and did the tabletop game equivalent of throwing the board over.


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>I would be if I had people to play with.

That's what I hear from everyone but really how is this possible on the internet? There is http://roll20.net/ or just skype or whatever, it's so strange that we can't make a group to play something.

It's of course nothing like some irl ("table-top") gaming but still viable.

Oh, the kickstarter for the new Wraith edition: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/deluxe-wraith-the-oblivion-20th-anniversary-editio

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Thought I would post this thread in /og/ because people would drop by with Viva Pinata stuff.
Viva Pinata: TIP Camera photos are also welcome.
17 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You can show me your garden layout + stuff.

Also, Viva Pinata: TIP Camera photos are very welcome on this thread, please drop by.


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<overlook of the VP: TIP Demo Garden.


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<part of a message when you turn on the Fashion SLR in the VP: TIP Demo Garden. Typically how Piñata Vision works.


If you turn on the Fashion SLR in your Garden other than the Demo Garden, it gets activated, doesn't explain to you what Piñata Vision is and how it works unlike the demo.


www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxJs_R7Ssyk is part of my sheriffbullock creepypasta/ARC, but it's not part of this thread.

(The reason I placed this was because I didn't feel like putting out a full link (creepypasta-wise). I will post up a new thread regarding Viva Pinata Garden Designs very soon)

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I don't know if there's a board with this topic already so does anyone know if there's a translation for this game yet
link: http://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/3921
(pic kinda related)


There was a translation group called Shangrila Team that was going to release an English at some point. They haven't made any updates in months and it seems that their website is down, at least for now.


Thanks. I was wondering why the site was down.

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