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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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Don't just drop a link, say something about it next time.

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A good and free metroidvania

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Sluggish Morss - http://gamejolt.com/games/other/sluggish-morss/12218/
Slugghist Morss: A Delicate Time in History - http://gamejolt.com/games/other/sluggish-morss-a-delicate-time-in-history/12298/

Two really weird games I haven't seen posted here before. Much like games such as Off, Space Funeral, and Middens they are DEFINITELY not for everyone.. or even most people probably. If you do like that type of game these are probably worth a play though.
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dude you hit the nail on the head. i loved those games to death! they really are something special and amazing, and i feel jack king spooner is incredible underrated. i adore will you ever return and it's sequel.

have you played hylics by any chance? it's not by him but it's similar in that it's also claymation. i really love that game, hope you do as well!



I agree, jack is so underrated it hurts but i feel like that adds to the charm of his games. each time i play them i feel like im being let in on a little secret that few other people know. will you ever return and its sequels were really good. I really enjoyed mammoth as well.

ive never heard of hylics but thanks for telling me about it, ill check it out sometime.


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I've been feeling pretty nostalgic for these weird indie games lately. The last one I got into was Hylics, but I don't think anything's similar has come out lately. I figure the rpgmaker scene's dead.



Jake Clover is pretty good, his stuff is a lot more basic but they have a lot of charm and delightful weirdness to them


Jake Clover is really nice, he used some music of mine in one of his games, Gradient Addiction

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like Yume Nikki, but you are a cat! it has two endings


Link? Or something?


Not OP but I found it, no idea how it is, though.



i really need more games like this in my life

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Anyone play Mitadake High? Best info here and such. I'm Mr. Faec

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This game was so amazing.

Too bad it's dead now.


Ive been trying out Pyrce High as it is seemingly more active
and Ive never seen so many self righteous meme spouting children in one place.
I was the killer one round and after actually making a move, I was killed and scolded for trying to kill someone without setting up the situation(i did hint pretty heavily i was about to harm the person)
then this person explained to me that you shouldnt try to kill certain users???
what the hell is the point then?


I've watched a game, but it just seems like the community isn't too good like you said. To be honest all the new modes and items also got me a bit confused. ;w;


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Im trying to bring Mitadake High back…

MH Discord Channel is here



To anyone who cares. There's long since been a 'pseudo' remake of Mitadake called Misuterii high. The Tv tropes is pretty outdated, but the game itself tends to dip in and out of being dead and alive.

It's fairly faithful to Mita, with some additions including a pretty good list of actually not trash user made modes.

Like the guy above me, here's the discord to the Misuterii (Which is quite frankly much more alive then that graveyard.)

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Have any over you played Hylics? Its like £2 on steam / itch.io, you of all people would appreciate it.


I have a few weird games in queue but I will get it eventually, ill get it after finishing Stray Cat Crossing



That looks absolutely awesome! Hoping it's not just looks and plays awesome too.

Was I the only one that was a bit disappointed with Stray Cat Crossing? I loved everything about it, but it just felt too short. Maybe it was because I played the demo so the beginning wasn't new.

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VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s85Pyo6G7is

Hey there! I just wanted to let you all know about a game I'm working on using RPG Maker 2003. It's very inspired by Yume Nikki, but I don't think I would really call it a fangame. I think it's around the same lines as Fleshchild or something. It's also inspired by Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, a creepy little web series I'd recommend you'd all check out. This game is called More Lies. In this game you play as a boy named Henry who is trying to find the 10 "Lies". I will have a bunch of cool worlds, minigames, battles and more added to it eventually. I'm going to post the first actual version on rpgmaker.net ASAP! But until then, what do you guys think?
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Yeah, you got me there! I was going to post about this a lot later but I couldn't help myself! xD I will try my best to see what I can do about making everything match well. And I'm not just working on updating graphics, it's music and sound effects too. I'd say take this post as a grain of salt compared to what this will look like once it's complete. You're right, I should've posted about this later. Just sometimes I get too overexcited. You seem very knowledgeable! Wish we could communicate some other way! Maybe you could give me advice and even be a play tester for this project! That would be awesome~


Frankly, i'm not interested enough in this project to invest any amount of time playing it, let alone being an active part of its development. Fangames(in the loosest interpretation of that word) are already a dime a dozen, and i'm a bit burnt out with the whole thing. I just felt like giving you some advice. I have to give you credit for being more receptive to criticism than Noyemi. Maybe i'll reconsider at a later date.


Hmmm, it's just, if we were to do that, then how? I really appreciate your comments! It's a great way to know what to change and it gives me feedback. Would I have to give you my email? Or if you're on YouTube you can comment on that video and I could find you that way or something. What do you think?


Here's my throwaway email. If you have something specific to ask me, i'll answer it, but I wont go out of my way to tell you to change something.


Thank you! I'll email you eventually if I need your opinion or anything. I'll probably even give you a special thanks at the credits of my game if I ever get that far! You've just made a new friend. Thank you so much! I'm gonna be going to bed soon, so this is where my messages end. Thanks for the suggestions Anon! Seriously, I don't see how anyone can get anywhere without criticism. Once again, thanks. :-)

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Lets play some games together! Use this thread to organise some game meetups with other uboanons.


OP again, forgot to actually propose a game to play. Its probabaly obvious from the image what I was going to suggest, does anyone here want to do some online animal crossing?


I always wanted to try tenhou since I was always too shy to join any of the already formed lobbies and never had the chance to learn how it works, so maybe it's time to give it a try.
Anyone else interested in playing mahjong?


Ugh. How about chess?


I don't mind chess, but I've been wanting to try mahjong with real people rather than CPU for a while. I'm even willing to translate the full GUI if necessary so people can understand what things do.
What good online servers for chess are out there we can use? Sorry, I don't know any.


>What good online servers for chess are out there we can use?
I think this could work.

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has anyone played middens here


Lurk more.

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Okay, so I've been putting this off for a while now out of embarrassment, but fuck it. I like the mgq games. At first I only played them out of morbid curiosity and the novelty of a pornographic rpg, but then I got into the plot and I liked it quit a bit. Honestly, the porn part of the game is totally unappealing to me. The art is kind of mediocre in a lot of places and the fetishes aren't really my thing either. The rape scenes just felt like an extra punishment for losing and they kind of pissed me off because of how invested I was in the characters. I would really like it if someone put the game into book form because I enjoyed it in the same way that I would a book. The battles were just an obstacle. Game play wise paradox is way superior. It doesn't just come down to trial and error and random bullshit that the player couldn't possibly know about. The story does have its faults, but it's still really compelling. Some of the music is nice too. I'm wondering if anybody else here shares this guilty pleasure. I know that there was already a thread on this like six years ago.
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No not really. I don't think shoving tentacles up somebodies ass or whatever counts as a position.


Everyone's entitled to their opinion anon.


There is no shame in having fun. I had a similar experience with MGQ.

Since you liked it, why not check out the fanmade sequel? It's really good, some even consider it better than the original, with it's own plot, multiple waifu choices, a bunch of new good H scenes with non eldritch monsters and much more.



The "trailer" for the game: https://track5.mixtape.moe/ukzeld.webm

They also have a discord: https://discord.gg/Xd2rKj2
The Discord seems to have some kind of issue with people being sent to some bugged empty chat. You'll get messaged by an auto bot though, which will put you in the real chat.


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I read about ng+ on the wiki. To be frank it's not really my kind of thing. I'm generally not that into fanfictiony stuff and it's not even finished. If it's not canon it just feels dirty to me. Also, playing through basically the same story doesn't seem like it's worth the massive time sink. The Micaela scene seems pretty good though from what I've saw of it. I think ecstasy hired her actual artist to do it.

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