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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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Why is it so hard for some people to find friends to play this game with?


Because you use shitty memes


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let's play as maymay friends from leddit xdxdxddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

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Hell Rising is a post-apocalyptic browser-based MMORPG inspired by Urban Dead. The game is set within a quarantined city of which the inhabitants have been mutated by a special type of fungal infection. You can play as either a human, zombie, or a unique infected type known as a vampire. You may choose to attempt survival as a human, or hunt those that do as one of the undead, but death only means you continue your existence as a different kind of monstrosity.

A set of work-in-progress beginner's guidelines can be found here:
And maps of the quarantine zone can be found here:

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Anyone played Crypt Worlds? Seems like the sort of thing Uboachan would really like from what I played so far. It's rather surreal exploration game where I'm still not quite sure what my objective is, but it's been enjoyable enough to simply explore. It's not often I see a game with so many uses for piss, either. Aside from pissing people off with your piss, I've also found a piss-activated door, for instance.

Game page:



Yeah, I've played it. Pretty good.

The goal is to collect the 6 relics and return to the goddess (or you can collect 3 chaos tears, and…)

The guy who made Space Funeral also made a little something for this game.

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What appears to be a cute little game about…dogs and wifi, with some dumb internet jokes and references thrown in. I've had a hell of a time trying to download this game, so I'm not sure what else there is to it. According to the dev, it was made with the goal of being the least scary thing ever produced on RPG Maker 2003. Knowing you guys and what this imageboard is inspired by, I guess we could all use a break from scary once in a while, no?
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The money he made from being a fucking idiot will last forever.

He's selling shit and making a huge profit, that's pretty maddening while everyone else is slaving away trying to go to college.


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or at least it WOULD last forever if he stopped giving it to BS charities


All these youtube personalities make me sick. Just the notion of people capitalizing on providing useless commentary on things they didn't create makes me feel suicidal. I spend years and years drawing and studying, trying to make a career out of my craft, and here's some fucking douchebag screaming rape into a microphone and making bank for it. This shit offends me on such a deep personal level I just want to scream.


at least he stopped the rape jokes.

do you still hate slowbeef for those homophobic remarks he made in the past?

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 No.1515[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

OFF my Mortis Ghost thread. I'm amazed this game doesn't get more love here. It's probably the second-best RPG Maker game (after Yume Nikki, of course). And it's also a highly surreal, moving, and original experience.
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So uh someone has started to make a fan sequel/spin-off for this game called Home. It takes place (at least based on what I've collected) in the reset world that takes place after the events of OFF and follows The Judge. Everything in the game is completely NOT canon when it comes to OFF.

Right now it's still in progress and at version .045 with a demo being out for bug testing. You can play up to finishing Zone 2 I think.

Info for it can be found here: http://felix0.tumblr.com/tagged/home-%28off-spinoff%29

and the current demo here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/15a0mmmkdtnnxg5/Home0.4.5.zip

I wasn't exactly sure where to put this so I'm posting it here. So far I'm really liking it. It feels a lot like how Space Funeral Earth Birth is to the original Space Funeral. Something familiar with something new to give us more of what we love.


I've also heard about Reset (another fangame). It's located here:


Too bad it's still in the development stage. I'm always apprehensive about fan-projects without demos as development hell is always frequent.

And if anybody is curious about Home the creator's page changed. It's now: http://felix-the-judge.tumblr.com/tagged/home-%28off-spinoff%29

and is now up to version 0.7.3 which will take you as far as finishing Zone 3 and a short sneak peak into Zone 4


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Not sure if this is even related to the game itself, but this and a few other RPG maker games have recently stopped working and spawn a bunch of error message pop ups instead. What's going on and how can I get around this?

Maybe that's what I get for trying to play at work, though.


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I have no problems with RPGmaker and unless you have screencaps of the problem it's really hard to help you. Have you done anything different with them?

In other news there's like a dozen more like 5 OFF fangames popping out of the woodwork. At the moment only one of them is complete "Unknown" (I can't remember if Clueless is also finished it might be) and HOME's development is still in progress at the creator's new url: http://thejudge.tumblr.com/tagged/home-%28off-spinoff%29

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Hey did you ever see a PS3 game?
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I seen a movie called Heavy Rain!


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But I'll be done seen about everrrthing…


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When I see a PS3 game!


That's amusing and all but this isn't /ot/ or /b/


Moved to >>>/ot/8666.

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This free fighter featuring famous slasher movie characters has been completed recently. What does everyone think of it?

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actually pretty amusing

the poorly rendered graphics adds to the weirdness. i like games like this.


hey thanks! got here from my referrals. thanks to the 17 other people who checked out my game. yume nikki was a big influence and uboachan is cool.


i'd like to recommend a game to everyone here! it's called soup


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I made a game, called Mutos. Play it and tell me what you think.

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I played it all the way through he end, I'm not really sure what to say about the game though. It was interesting? I guess it felt to short, didn't feel memorable.

Nice music choice though, especially in the blue dungeon.


I enjoyed this.
Interesting choice of imagery!


OP here.

Thank you, everyone. I tried uploading it to rpgmaker.net but they denied it, saying that the maps in the pictures are too "blocky". If they are going to fuss over small details and be autistic like that then I don't really want my games there. Anyways, are there other sites that could be used to share this game? I have already done so on Tumblr.



gamejolt.com is a nice place.



Yeah, I put my game on there about a month ago. Some people have whined about me using 2003, though, and want me to use XP or something instead.

I personally prefer 2003. It allows more room for sprites.

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