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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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If anyone here still plays Doom I/II, I recommend the Unloved megawad.

Has a hub/nexus level (your home), it's insanely well done for a doom map pack, it has a creepy and mindfucky story and an ending.


(GZDoom and Brutal Doom mod makes it even more difficult and enjoyable.)
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Will try it today!


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Why did Id / Bethesda use the same name?

And Hell Followed:


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also very recommendable:
A pimped version of SUAB!



If you guys are still around you definitely need to check this wad for next halloween.

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 No.937[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Found this on youtube:


Might be a bit YN inspired, but aside of that has the approach of "diving into the secrets of an art gallery".
Looks interesting, I might play it later today and take some screenshots.
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I dont know really,
but I would like a sequel or well a spin-off, but dont
have to be related to any ending of the original game, and with anothers protagonist.
Because I really want to see new "arts" to explore, with new characters to know.


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Ver 1.04 released


>The music is compressed, so the filesize is smaller.

>There are new paintings and conversations to find in old areas.
>A new branch is available that leads to two new endings.
>After any good ending (read: Ib escapes), you can start the game over, keeping track of your endings and such.
>After you beat the game once and continue as mentioned above, a new dungeon becomes accessible in the final area.


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Hi, since I play Ib, I become aware that I have a problem with the font of the game, that show strangeshaped letters, that I have some difficulties to read properly.
So, I need the original font of the game.
Can anybody help me with this problem?


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Ver. 1.05 released


It’s really just a bunch of bugfixes, though. Nothing to get excited about. Also, saves from 1.04 will work.

>Garry won’t comment on the Liars’ Room unless you actually do it.
>You can no longer save as solo Mary, since you’re locked onto an ending you can’t continue from.
>When on a second playthrough, the portraits for the save files have a + in the corner. For old saves, this will only take effect when Ib, Garry, and Mary first join (Ib “joining” when you get an ending).
>The new dungeon is a little easier; there are more vases (one at the start, and a second in Abyssal Park… if Garry’s dead), and the croquis room has one less red guy and no stools to get in the way.
>There are pamphlets in the true exhibition explaining New Game Plus and stuff.
>The music list in the true gallery is fancier-looking now.
>Some things that got left out of the true gallery were added, including a very special guest.

Lastly, kouri confirmed he has no plans for any further updates.


For anyone who is having trouble with the font, download and install this font and it'll go back to what it't ment to be:

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It has maany references to the original Zelda and the Oracle Series of Zelda. I love it.

And the basement theme, oh god.
The basement theme.
I get the chills and goosebumps all over listening to this awesome track.



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I could marry this game. Here's a demo for those who want to try it!



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An' what's wrong with bein' a jew, sonny? I'll have you know that some of my closest, dearest friends are jewish. I WILL CUT YOU.

And yeah. This game is really awesome.


That pic
Hot damn


well dang, this game blew up a little

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Let's share some old retro computer games from the 80's and 90's. DOS, DOS/V, PC-88, macshit, point and click, action, shooter, adventure, horror, abandonware, still maintained: anything will do.
Just post an image, the system, some synopsis or resume and, if possible, your opinion. Bonus if the game is one of those surreal/weird experiments from the golden era.
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I could have sworn there was an better thread for this but I couldn't find it. Whatever.

Worlds is very surreal and reminds me a lot of LSD dream emulator and YN. In fact someone recreated the first level of LSD in it. I remember a long time ago finding the site but never going past that because you had to download a client. Recently I started playing it with a friend and it's really weird. Imagine LSD Dream Emulator meets Second Life. There's nothing to do but chat with people and anything else (such as the blair witch world where you collect stuff like in slender) is pointless. There was a specific world that I went to. I decided to explore by myself without my friend and went to "Hanson World II" because the idea of Hanson in this game was funny. I then walked up this staircase, into a wall that led me to another staircase. When I walked out the door I was in a white desert. I immediately thought of a specific world that I can't remember the name of right now. Another weird place was this weird world with 3 people who looked like Jesus being crucified and someone (using my name) preaching. It was bizarre and we got trapped and had to teleport out of there.


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Madou Monogatari is a series of dungeon crawlers produced by compile from 1989 to somewhere mid-90's when Sega bought the rights and used the characters for the Puyo Puyo series. The games have been ported to many systems since then and even compiled in special floppy disks, such as this version (which includes the first 3 games). There are slight differences among the versions for each platform, but my favorite is still this one. Well, at least the first game, I really hated Arle's portrait on the second and third game, even though the rest of the art is okay. I also love how the devs played with the "cute" character in such a dark environment like it was nothing… in fact, I wish more games did things like these.
The music is also fantastic.

Gameplay-wise it's pretty simple; Arle is taking her test to graduate from kindergarten, which consists on entering the magical tower, taking a few magical balls hidden in the dungeon, and escape. I've read many critics about how the lack of any numbers other than gold is bad, but honestly it's pretty easy to figure out your or your enemies' condition by reading what they say and looking at the portrait.


How to play: Insert the system disk (MADO*_SY.fdi) into the first drive (A:) and the data disk (MADO*_SA.fdi) into the second drive (B:). When saving, expulse the data disk and insert the save.fdi into the drive B, then eject and insert the data disk again.


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Madou Monogatari ARS is an omake game produced by the same team that made 1-2-3. It contains 3 episodes, each telling the story of the protagonists from the series (Thus ARS – Arle, Rulue and Shezo) before 1-2-3. Some characters from other games made by compile also appear as an extra.

The mechanics are similar (if slightly better) than 1-2-3, but what really pays off is the amount of effort put into the animations of this game.


How to play: First insert ARS_DEMO.fdi into drive A, then ARS_AD.fdi into drive B. That will start the opening. Once it's finished, you will be prompted to select one character. Once you make your choice, you will be told to insert the system (ARS_*D.FDI) and game data (ARS_*G.FDI) disks into drive A and B respectively. Once done, press bar again and it will start.
Saving is done in the same fashion as in 1-2-3.


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Not much to say, Arle feels like storming a dungeon and there you go.



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A strategy game and sequel of Dai Madou Senryaku Monogatari (which, unfortunately, I don't have around).


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Just a lil something I've started working on lately, for no apparent reason. Feel free to try it out (it's short as f**k tho).



I feel dead while playing this.
So, yeah, you could say it's a success.



In other words, I like it.


Bump it because i can

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Am i the only one unironically excited for this?
When i played .flow i spent 1 hour playing Shinsoku Neko before i even began the game out of boredom.


Making simple games is a very good way of learning how to develop in a new environment. That's probably why he's suffering so much.

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So, i was looking for more info (or a general explanation) of this game.
Its called 極・魔導物語の
which is translated to something like "Polar Madou Monogatari"
Now, i know Madou Monogatari is a series of old Dungeon crawler/RPG titles for old consoles.
"Polar Madou Monogatari" is made with RPG maker. I have seen random japanese youtebers fooling around with. The first think i notice is that the plot is either a parody or a knock-off of "Peret em Heru - For the Prisoners"
Teacher and bunch of cliche students go to explore ruins, end up trapped, monsters pop up, etc
Depending on actions you take or not it seems some of the students die and come back later as enemies near the end.
You also have to fight the characters zombie/ghosts form the Madou Monogatari series. The art of some of the zombies/revived characters is very amateur
I have not understanding of japanese, and was simply curious cause it looked pretty weird.
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So, 10 minutes into the game and I'm being asked to be fucked in the ass by another guy because "we're both virgins and just thought I'd rather do an asshole than a pussy".
I was right, quality kusoge.


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woah that was sick





is this like tha Egyptian game?
i mean, do you have a chance to save the characters?


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A few things:
First, the game is a parody of Madou Monogatari only because the backstory and some characters appear on it, but that's just about that. Arle stayed pure.

I do suppose that the Peret em Heru reference of a professor is there, but I'm not entirely sure. First and foremost, the students are transported to Satan's castle as a consequence of something unknown (Haven't played since I posted the pics). The professor came by own volition to study some ruins with other 2 students that died; neither party knew the other was there. So while I see that cold come as a reference, it's certainly not the same thing.

And, I don't remember if that guy particularly can be saved, but a few objects can be obtained only if you trigger some events that end in the death of someone, so I'm not entirely sure if it's possible to save them or not as I haven't beaten it yet (been more engaged in the original madou monogatari), but I think a saw some pics in the files that suggest some of those that died in my gameplay don't necessarily die, but I'm not sure if it's because other died or if they can be saved.

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SO, Uboachan, it has been a long time. usually i occasionally pop in to look for good game suggestions or see nice fanart, but this time i need help!

i am looking for a game that was posted here once upon a time ago. i don't remember the name though. what i DO remember is that it has a nearly entirely monochrome palatte, and it was very exquisitely pixelled. there is something about demons, i think? that is literally all i remember since i never finished it, it was a little tough for me (i am very casual, though, so others may remember it as easy). im currently making a game and wanted to see it for inspiration.

any suggestions or leads would be very, very, very appreciated. once we find the game this automatically becomes a game suggestion thread.

gif 100% absolutely unrelated.




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Do we have plans to translate lol_rust's new game Milya?
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its more like a 30 min game
lol_rust recently (i think 1 week ago) uploaded Milya on his website


What he meant: Chesir pls translate Milya


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How about no?


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Y'all should check out Space Funeral. It's an hour and a half-long psychedelic RPG. Lots of bizarre characters and Lynchian dialogue.
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Best game ive played in a long time.


movin on up!


Thecatamites takes on 3D. I will be forever scarred. http://harmonyzone.org/Pleasuredromes.html


Dear sweet goodness why have I not played this game till now????



This is seriously one of my favorite games period

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