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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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Who here has played Cosmology of Kyoto?

It's an adventure game where you explore a circa 900 AD Kyoto, and witness all kind of fucked up stuff. I don't wanna go into any detail and risk spoiling, but game is weeeird. And I don't think there are any endings, I mean you're not given any objectives or anything… it's just walk around, talk to people.
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Oh and also if that still doesn't work, try setting your display to 256 colors.



DOSBox might help but the biggest problem is gonna be non-Unicode Japanese file names fucking up paths to game resources


Vista. And damn, that's a shame.

Yeah, I tried to run it in compatibility mode and that's how I got the error.

Fuuuu. So, basically it probably won't work out?



Well, first off, there shouldn't be any issues with Japanese file paths since the game has an official English release, so if you downloaded the Japanese version, that may be your main problem.

If you have a 64-bit OS though, then you'll likely have to do more to get it working; if that's the case, try downloading this, then following the instructions in the readme:


Since it's essentially running the game through Windows 3.1 and DOSBox, I think this would work for 32-bit OSes as well, but it's probably overkill. Still though, may wanna try it if you're having trouble running the game.


Thanks! It works.

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Translation, synopsis, walkthrough here
Looks pretty cool
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Yeah, I found multiple glitches as well, though that one there's more amusing than the few I found; most were just things like walkable tiles that should've been solid.

The picture's the one of the more interesting ones I came across (has an end-game spoiler in a sense, though)

Basically, during the segment in which you control Paul, you can freely backtrack and examine the entire building even after Marion heads back. Seems the creator never took that into account, so stuff like what's in the pic can happen.

All in all, the game was still fairly enjoyable though, and none of the glitches I found seemed to be game-breaking.



There are two possibilities:

1. You haven't hit him enough. The crooked man takes a good deal of hits before he goes down. It takes a total of 10 shots, if I remember correctly.

2. You've encountered a glitch. Did you open your inventory at all during the fight? Cause I noticed that the gun can fire as you're pushing keys within the menu, and if you shoot him enough times while the menu's up, it'll glitch the fight, and make it impossible to win.


Am I the only one who thought the ending was kinda lame? I was expecting smething completely different.
Also, what are the changes between the first and second playthroughs? I'm too lazy to play again.


Well maybe indeed it suffered out of the "good thing that has no idea how to end it" syndrome.


I've had the Crooked Man's HP glitch out during the fight with him in the hotel too. I don't think the action sequences (fights) are programmed extremely well. I've also shot Fluffy through the Crooked Man.

Instead of finding the corpse of Duke Mcwhatever in his house, you actually meet him and talk. That's pretty much all.

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A really cute game where you play as a detective named Mackenzie who likes to touch things.
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Basically it's a puzzle game with fun dialogue, nice music, and cute characters.

There are… Five episodes in the first game, I think?

The whole plot is basically Mackenzie trying to solve each of the five cases she will have in order to be accepted into the Great Detective Society.


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I'm playing it. Pervert jokes alert


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Gotta get the fuck out of here


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Gotta touch em all! wait…


Never thought I'd see it posted here. I wish there was another sequel, honestly.

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Yume Nikki floors and walls for your Simmies. (Sims 2 only).


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/og/ is over there


is this a joke or something
honestly it's like the fourth time an ib thread starts in /fg/
i'm starting to worry


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Fucking project yumenikki summmer

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mod mark started a thread about grand exchange ciming back into 2007 scape and you will need a total over 100 to vote about this http://oldschool-runescape.com/m=forum/c=twOpkwN/forums.ws?74,505

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Hey I'm looking for an indie game; it was a flash game with point and click elements where you played the cephalopod-like creature make his way around different environments. I know for certain there is a hotel level. I think it ends with the creature escaping on a flying seed. I haven't the slightest idea what it was called and I can't find the site that originally linked me to the game. If anyone knows what game I'm talking about it would be greatly appreciated.

I wasn't sure where to put this but I figured if nothing else people can use this thread to ask for help when looking for games. *shrug*

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 No.443[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Now this is not quite a game, it is a chat client from 1994 similar to Second Life. It is one of the very first 3D chat clients out there and surprisingly, the servers are still up.
It recently got a lot of attention for it's out dated graphics, eerie music, strange worlds and most of all, very weird regulars who have been online for years, organizing events and contest as if nothing happened despite the client being almost deserted.
289 posts and 113 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


anyone here from nexpo?



there is no cult in worlds, it is just stupid internet shit. worlds.com is full of nice and weird people. they are a great small community, welcoming everyone.


Worlds sign up seems to be down at the moment, as in, no code phrase is being sent by email. Anyone else experiencing this issue?


Email support@worlds.com and let them know what email you've used to register so they can send the code your way. KEEP IN MIND THAT REPLIES MIGHT TAKE UP UNTIL A WEEK, there's only one person dealing with everyone so please be patient!

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I made a thing.
Not very long or difficult, more of a test and made to kill some time. Should be easy to finish in about 10 minutes.
It's called Orpheus.

Your name is Dan, and you will bring your beloved Lily back.

It's my first game, and it's not a big deal but I thought I should share it anyway.



I… don't know man. It was like everyone's first game.

But keep going, you could do great things later if you practice storytelling and all. The whole game was so bare and simple that I couldn't even "feel" it.

But hey, it was made by yourself and had wise solutions like the lighting in the cave. I won't say that the ending was unexpected or that I enjoyed it that much but seriously keep going. If you haven't had the potential I would have stopped playing it in like the first two minutes.


Neat story. The whole thing is a bit too minimalist for my tastes, though. Also, the narration and storytelling, like that other Anon said, could be better.


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Orpheus? More like [spoiler]orifice[/spoiler]

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I'm sure you all have played "You Have To Burn The Rope" by Marzapan. If you haven't, take two minutes out of your day and click this link: http://www.kongregate.com/games/Mazapan/you-have-to-burn-the-rope.

A lot of people complain about You Have To Burn The Rope for being too short or too simple of an experience. It really is simplistic, and according to the creator, it is meant to be. While that is true, there is a possible interpretation of the game that might make you look at it in a different light and perhaps give you more enjoyment out of its 2 minute-long playtime. That alternative interpretation is as follows:

You Have To Burn The Rope is about a video game hell.

Or, at the very least it is about a cyclical, Sisyphean game with images and themes of torture, descent, the occult, and repetition.

Note: You don't have to believe, or even like everything in this interpretation, but it does make the game a lot more interesting.

TL;DR - You Have To Burn The Rope alternate analysis
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I was just skimming through this post before bed. The use of a bowler may be an homage to A Clockwork Orange. Kubrick's work has a lot of occult symbolism, and Kubrick himself was interested in conspiracy theories and such. Nothing major like lizard people blah blah blah, but he did use some cool stuff.

Not sure if that character is supposed to have one eye bigger than the other, or if it's just weird perspective. But it does remind me of Alex.


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Forgot picture.


Good catch! You actually may be on to something. Perhaps the bowler hat is a reference to the mindless violence that Alex from A Clockwork Orange is known for. That would feed in to him being in hell, as well the idea of your main character in YHTBTR being a souless husk.


It may be a coincidence but A Clockwork Orange has a lot of themes in common that would be interesting to people who lived through criticism about violence in videogames in general.

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