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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General


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Hey. Just wanted to know whether I should play the the 0.10 release uploaded here on this website, or the steam release. I read a few of the reviews on the Steam release's page that claimed that the "fan translation" was better or something like that. Wanted to know if the version provided on this forum is… well, that. Or if there really is any difference at all. Thanks.


Play the one uploaded here. The Steam version is full of graphical and technical errors that really ruin the mood of important parts of the game.


Thanks a lot! Have a nice one.


Is that actually true? I didn't experience anything unusual when I played the steam version.


The errors might be subtle, but don't go unnoticed for someone who's obsessed with the game like me. Right now I remember three:

1. The Towel effect should slow you down, but it doesn't.
2. The fade to black when you go to sleep in Masada's Spaceship is gone.
3. In the credits, one of the blocks of text appears abruptly, rather than slowly fading in like they're supposed to.


play the OG v0.10, I tried the Steam version and it just felt…weird. A few little things bugged me but I forgot what they were. I know that's not helpful, but just take my word for it and play the same game people have been playing since 2007 instead of the weird Steam update lol

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How did Yume nikki become known? Do you know, or can you see somewhere, what the first 2chan thread was where Kikiyama mentioned the game? Is there somewhere on the internet where Kikiyama presented his game that June 2004?
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I think the main question in the thread is answered. 2chan had as a section for interesting free internet games. We can also deduce from the archived threads that the game became really popular around 2005.


No, those are Yume Nikki generals. The first was made 11 months after the release date.


Well… it's something!


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This is an interview-style parody.
The original is a talk show between Akira Toriyama and Eiichiro Oda.
In this parody, the "Akira Toriyama" part is altered to "Kikiyama".


Makes sense.

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I've always really enjoyed the idea of a "deluxe mod" for Yume Nikki. It would reimplement cut and unused content from all previous versions into 0.10 and maybe add some quality of life improvements too
The goal of the mod would be to provide a somewhat fresh experience to anons who haven't played the game in a while.
What does Ubuu thinks?
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The game code for Yume Nikki is proprietary, even though EasyRPG Player is free. That is, the LDB, LMT and LMU files which contain stuff like tile placement, collision data, switches, variables, and most importantly, events, which is effectively a programming language and therefore these files count as software.
There are absolutely no RPGMaker games that are free software, except for .flow, so I’m basically starting with nothing.




So basically something like this? https://youtu.be/6OZiqfViKGc


i don't see the point of this when you could just make a fangame.


I don't think the original Yume Nikki really needs any adjustments. However, I would like to see some kind of condensed "best of" version of Yume 2kki. It's a great game but it's nowhere near as concise and focused as YN and many other fangames are. Not saying they need to do away with the regular version because I like it too and the huge dream world is pretty cool, but sometimes it can feel daunting to navigate through.

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In case you're not aware, i'm doing a yume nikki fanventure: http://mspfanventures.com/?s=18268
It's basically a mspaint styled comic where you give commands to a character.
You can leave commands here or in the Discord server: https://discord.gg/BZhJ8rg
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I'm gonna try posting more updates and speeding things up.
If we get like 2 effects a year then see you in guys in 10 years for the ending.


You'll be already dead by then.


Saw Deltaruined in my YouTube recommendations and remembered the fanventure. Small world, I guess.


>>6562 hey! you're the guy who animated a bit of team fabulous 2 reanimated :D!


op this comic is great but you don't have to describe homestuck

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dedicated server for yume nikki fans, welcome


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Found online, exactly as the title sounds

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Where did everyone go?


It seems Yume 2kki also got a version, but that’s being removed due to copyright infringement
I’d like to petition the devs to release Yume 2kki as a whole under the GNU GPL


at some hours of the day there are a lot of people!


theres rumors of a yume 2kki multiplayer being hosted again, where can one find that?


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Yume Nikki server:

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Kikiyama deleted his website…
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I beg you to cease this.


are you brasileiro macaco?



Giving us all a heart attack.
Are there any changes to the content of the site?


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you're half a decade late, my boy. relax, and enjoy the eternal silence


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i'm new here
so are we hoping for a new game or something?

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it's been 17 years, what's even left to discuss about this game anymore
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Huh, interesting take. Never thought of Block World in that way. To me it seemed like a school due to the background music, which gives me that japanese school bell vibe, and lead me to interpret Mafurako as an equally lonely/introverted friend or acquaintance of Madotsuki. The partial invisibility thing could mean that she was mostly ignored and referred to only by her clothes, like people wouldn't even bother remembering her name, or that she left that school or went missing and the fact that she's visible with the stoplight effect could mean that Madotsuki could have somehow "stopped" her from leaving if she tried.


what do you think about the witch event?
tis the season anyway.


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Kikiyama's Yumi Nikki

is Kikiyama's Yumi Nikki


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yume nikki


If you mean the one where you talk to that tree NPC who gives you the Witch effect, then… I don't know what to make of it. Maybe it gives credence to the speculation about Kikiyama being from the country (since you reach it via train), presumably where superstition is more common (hence the faceless witches) or their customs are perceived as such by the city folk.
If you mean the one where you fly at the mall rooftop, then I'm at a loss at what it could represent. Maybe a brief respite among the nightmarish dreams to actually have fun flying, or at one point Madotsuki felt something positive about her particular upbringing, be it the previously-mentioned countryside or her possible south american ancestry.

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