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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General


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just made this character wgat should i name them
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I'm pretty sure I've seen this before in a how to draw manga textbook


dont hug me


don't hug me either

are you sad by any chance?


Brohemius Momentus the Roman Poet

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Is there a way I can run Yume Nikki on my Vita? I've heard there is a vpk for it somewhere but can't find it and you have to run it in rpgmaker player or something. Can anyone here help me out?


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Hey guys lets do something fun. These iceberg images are pretty popping right now, especially the Mario 64 one, so lets make one for Yume Nikki. I did a shitty fast rough draft of one. Got any suggestions? Things to add? Things to move?
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You really didn't have to post this.


This. Uboa was one of the few places that avoided that trash. Oh boy, every year I hate the Internet more and more. Somebody nuke it already.


this, anyone could come up with the most nonsensical theory and just say its obscure. Something like the original background image for the witches flight or lesser known bugs (as well as the stuff you mentioned ) would fit better.


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Ultimately all of these iceberg images are based on the old marianas web iceberg that circulated to troll newfags to Tor. This meme pretends to explain the "deep web" and "layers" that it has, with successive layers being more and more absurd, with the last layers mentioning technologies that don't really exist, etc.

The lower levels are supposed to be nonsense.


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Some of the earlier fandom/media icebergs were like that or more and more obscure and weirder stuff but then Youtubers discovered it and the thing got messed up quite a bit. One of the stupidest ones was a disturbing media iceberg a couple of slop merchants covered that had not only had referenced actual snuff films but outright Chris Paul. I will never understand how the brain of those types of creators works.

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Hey guys

Found this game through some TKMIZ art and thought it would be worth giving a try.

I get the vibe that this game is best played by going in blind, but I always have more trouble than most when doing so.

Without giving too much away, is there a recommended way to play the game or a certain mindset needed to play this? Any advice for someone new who wants to try this out?

Thanks anons
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How long does it take to beat? Or is it even beatable in the traditional sense?


the game is indeed beatable - you need to collect all 24 effects.
if you know what to do and have maps of areas it will take hour or two i think? when i was playing blind for first time it took several days as i remember.


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Don't be mistaken once you see "24" effects in your game menu - instructions counts as an effect too, so you have to have "25" effects. It's a common mistake among new players getting "all 24 effects" and then being unable to complete the game, because they forgot one more effect somewhere.

Another and more general advice would be to go blind and explore on your own as much as you can and gather as much effects as you can find. Like >>10454 said, have patience and be curious. Once you start to feel like you have explored everything and/or can't find any more effects - you can check the wiki page and complete the game with it's help.

Play alone in a dark room with headphones on and the game unwrapped in full screen for more atmospheric experience.

You can either download the game from here or Steam page. The only difference between the two versions are translation of some effect names.

Don't play the game in so-called "multiplayer". Multiplayer is for pookies.


My advice is that if you to get the bike first, as that will help you go from the nexus to a place you're exploring much faster. Naturally, I recommend exploring at your own pace, slowly. But it never hurts to have that thing available to speed up the process in the areas you're already familiar with.

Other than that, feel free to play around with the effects and if they change something in the NPCs around you, or the maps themselves.


What's wrong with being a pookie?

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What are you guys' opinions on "Poophair and…" by Ponesuke? I've never really cared for said NPC before, but this cute little doujin turned that around…

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does anyone have the source image for this pfp from 3 years ago? i've tried everything, google images, yandex reverse search, the boorus, but i still haven't found anything, it's like the image was wiped from the internet.
all i remember is madot holding an umbrella in the rain
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omg tysm i didn't even know a yn imageboard existed you're a lifesaver
may your days be filled with wondrous joy and nights be filled with lovely dreams


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What a retarded booru, trying to keep me from saving images.


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Direct image link is right here though…


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Oh. I would like to apologize to the booru. I guess I'm just drunk and haven't realized.


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Shit happens. Just be careful next time.
You're welcome.

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hey anons

im really feeling weird atm

i can't make my mind up about anything

and i've been playing yume nikki on steam

but reading the reviews…….

god dammit

i just get so pissed off????

like so many people come to yume nikki from omori, which is fair enough ig, but whenever the two are compared, it just pisses me off so much
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what? I mean yeah, but omori is so far ahead on the timeline that it matters less somehow honestly
*super rich asian-american girls, at least get the facts straight if you're gonna stay mad but I feel for you there as well


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My brother in Christ we are on a message board focused on discussing a 2003 RPGMaker game and how we find it relatable. OP is no sadder than any other person here


define far ahead in the timeline




Yes that's exactly what I mean.

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What's your most nostalgic memory from Yume Nikki?
For me it's when you meet KyuuKyuu-kun. Something always resonated with me, especially him rubbing the stairwell and seemingly spacing out. He seems nice :)
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those 2 rooms in mall where slowed down music of shield-folk world plays


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hanging out with mars-san


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Getting lost in Snow World looking for either the pink sea or the yukionna effect for half an hour


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The snow world was very comfy and I love how it was simple to get to other worlds through it. Yukionna is one of my favorite effects in the game. Same with the hat/scarf that turns you into a snowman
I just recently found out that if you go to the fire next to the stairs, the snowman melts and you have to transform back into a human


About the first 8 minutes or so of the OST and respective parts of Yume Nikki

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I'm making this post because I need help to find older artwork from a Japanese artist known nowadays as Funamusea (Deep-Sea Prisoner) previously known as Okegom. I ask this because it seems a lot of her older artworks have been lost to time and may not be archived as well. I have searched other boorus which do contain older art, but it seems to be reposted artwork from her or incredibly popular artwork. I have also search her own website where she has catalogued tons of artwork, however artwork seen in picrel do not appear.

The picture in question I believe is a screenshot of one of her folders containing older artwork of hers. This was posted to X I believe. If you look closely, you can see a ton of Yume Nikki artwork. However nowadays, she posts OC and commissions.

If anyone does have old artwork saved, please post below or please send links to where older art is archived/posted. Thank you.


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I've happened to have an archive which might have what you're looking for. I don't know if it has all Okegom's YN fanart or only a small portion of it, but you can have it anyway.


Thank you!!! There is some artwork in here I've never seen before. Though even if it doesn't contain some of the artwork pictured in my original post, I appreciate it nonetheless.

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I am a magical, spiritual entity


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Hey Kurt…
I wanna suck your tiny, horny cock


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I wanna suck your extremely large testicles…


Hey Kurt,
You look like a Milk Dud.


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Hola amigos


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