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you guise i got .flow .17 and when i try to open it in winRAR a message box pops up saying ????RPG???????????? plz help i want to play this game so badly D: pic unrelated


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I have a question to ask.

Do any of you know whether or not we'll get a new .Flow update? Or is lol officially finished with the game.
10 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



The Yume Nikki novel was good. Especially the last scene when Madotsuki sinks into the blast furnace while doing a thumbs up, I cried.

Google Translate was more or less right, I think… but that sure is a weird tweet.


Oh also the bit that you're talking about roughly.

>There are play videos made by people from abroad on youtube, were you involved in the game translation of .flow from English to Japanese, or did someone else remake it?

>With regard to the English version, I had nothing to do with it.

>It seems another volunteer came along and did it. It's something I'm thankful for.


** from Japanese to English wtf am I doing


A guy trying to convice lol to sell .flow on Xbox
Smells fishy, since the guy wants to code .flow for Xbox and sell the game. I guess he's just trying to leech from lol

Thankfully lol said no.

Also, since when does he have a blog?


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Well done, lol, well done.
Somehow I have more appreciation than what I had for his person now.

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Now, I haven't played .flow yet (although I do plan to) but one thing that occurred to me is that both Yume Nikki and .flow have roughly analogous "guardian" monsters that patrol the worlds and will, if provoked, attack you. In Yume Nikki's case, we have the Toriningen. In the case of .flow, the Kaibutsu. Both are pretty horrific, but the question is, who out of the two would win in a dreamscape fight?

On the one hand, the Kaibutsu seem more willing to kill. Several of them will brutally slaughter the protagonist (can't remember the name) such as in the Corrupted School event. The Toriningen on the other hand will never actually harm Madotsuki (either out of care for Madotsuki or some other motive).

On the other hand, the Toriningen are far more physically imposing, towering over most other NPCs. In addition, they cannot be killed. Ever. At all. Whereas (I think, I haven't played .flow yet so don't kill me) you can kill Kaibutsu, no matter how many times you stab the Toriningen, they will not die.

Anyway, thoughts?


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As far as I know, you also can't kill Kaibutsu.
But here is what I think:
Kaibutsu: Better attack and speed in cost of HP and some intelligence. They are vicious, but some of them hold weapons (the kaibutsu at the bar, anyone?) and some turn into Rust Demons, which are slightly if not even worse than the shown kaibutsu.
Toriningen are more "simpatic" creatures, hell, even when they are lunatic, they are still kinda funny (except on the manga adaptation). So they can count on a suprise element. However, I doubt that beaks, as well as its body size, can rack up damage. Remember that big size=/=danger. But we can at least count on better defenses.


Hmm. Interesting point there. The Toriningen are certainly a lot less "threatening" than the Kaibutsu. The Kaibutsu are quite obviously enemies, and something to be feared, whereas the Toriningen are seemingly friendly, harmless, even benevolent creatures (One thing regarding the Toriningen that are already berserk is that they are often found near or in the way of effects. Given what happens in the ending, it could be that they know what will happen if Madotsuki collects all the effects, and are trying to save her).

One thing that had occurred to me is the level of "power" the Toriningen and Kaibutsu have in their respective worlds. The Kaibutsu seem to be fairly simple minded denizens of the dream world, simply inhabiting it and at the mercy of the world and its dangers. Near the end, they are themselves killed by the Red Demons, and they seem to live in fear of Smile. The Toriningen on the other hand, seem to serve some kind of special purpose in the dream world. I imagine them as guardians and overseers of the dreamscape, protecting it and looking after it, ready to fend off or temporarily detain Madotsuki should she start destroying things or going places she shouldn't. They seem capable of strategic planning (such as the Toriningen that will appear in one of the igloos if Madotsuki stabs the one outside, and the little team of Toriningen protecting the Guillotine Room) and are a lot more intelligent than their .flow brethren.

Of course, like I say, I have yet to play .flow (I can't get it to work) but from what I have seen, the Kaibutsu are more like simple predators and beasts, whereas the Toriningen are closer to enforcers and guardians.

But hey, just my opinion.


Personally, I think the authors were going for two very different atmospheres of threats for both monsters. To briefly sum up my theories on both the monsters:

Toriningen - A representation of older, more stylish girls that may or may not bully Madotsuki, but certainly don't care for her. They're goofy looking, but strangely stylish; they wear modern clothing, they're tall and slender, they have cartoony features, but this is probably just referring to something like an overuse of makeup. And notice their posture! They're not slouched over, they're poised nicely upright, and their clothes accent an almost fashionable kind of walk with how they curve at the bottoms. Their existence is a reminder of futility; Madotsuki can never join them (The Toriningen picnic) and if she tries to beat them, they come after her and don't cause her pain, just mental torment. They scare her, and torment her. Like, they're malevolent.

The Kaibutsu, on the other hand, are supposed to be vicious. As you mentioned, they cause her physical pain, and most importantly, Sabi becomes one. This is the most important contrast with the Toriningen, I think; Sabi doesn't want to be like them, around them, or to even know of them, but she can't help it. They seem much more deserving of the title the fans gave them; they're monsters, in a very literal, straight forward sense.

The Kaibutsus' appearances interest me a lot more just because I'm more into morbidly creepy stuff, but I have to admit, I think the Toriningen had more thought put into their design, and are more unique. Like a lot of things in .flow, the Kaibutsu's main purpose is just to be scary, they're not really all that special. The idea of preppy, demented school children is… surprisingly common in Japanese games/anime. >_>

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I think it'd be sweet to have a Sabitsuki or SMILE shirt, no?
By the way, I love Sabitsuki.


i am in no way opposed to the idea of .flow tees if that's what you mean

but i think one would need lolrust's permission to distribute them


Yeah we'd probably need Lolrust's permission, especially if it got a bit more proper. I was wondering by posting this if there actually were any shirts already out there or any other memorabilia. Seeing as on /mado/ there was keychains and such of Madotsuki.


Considering it's a fangame of Yume Nikki, they would probably need Kikiyama's permission too. I really hope they would both give permission though and release some keychains or plushies or something.


There's no reason to ask Kikiyama anything. Sabitsuki is an original character created and owned by lolrust. Kikiyama doesn't have any right to .flow, even if he was an obvious inspiration to it.

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This might be a stupid idea for a thread, but oh well.

I don't think it's too outlandish to say that in terms of the graphics in flow, we're left kind of in the dark for much of the specifics about what things look like. Most objects are only rough representations of what they're supposed to be, and it all leaves us a bit detached from things. So I like to speculate about these specifics. To get really detailed about what things are, and go even beyond the visuals; what things are, what they feel like, the noise they produce, all sorts of things that I guess are… kinda silly, but fun to think about nonetheless, I think. :P Makes the game more immersive when I think of it that way. Sort of like the theory thread, except nothing about plot; just the pure, basic existence of things as they are.

Case in point are these three representations of Sabi I drew. Now I know not everyone can do stuff like that, but this is kinda sorta what I mean. While Sabi isn't much to note on her own, I view her transformation to Rust as being a bit less subtle than turning into a full fledged Red Demon, it's more of a parasite that isolates itself in her brain; Each time a demon gets her, she gets a headache that gradually worsens with each one from some kind of pressure building in her head. At first, subtle signs of blood occur, such as a nosebleed, then some running from her mouth, then some trickling out of her ears. The mass inside her head gradually dissolves her entire skull, but only her skull, causing her head, and nothing more, to bleed and rot from all sides, with a (literally) head splitting migraine, to boot. (The last time I played as Rust, I noticed that around the last couple of demons the back of her head actually seems to start hanging off her skull, like her entire scalp is rotting off!)

Oh my god writing this makes me feel like such a morbid weirdo right now
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But then how the infection counter that goes up based on events in the virtual world matchs with Sabi's state IRL? (the blood that keeps appearing)


Oh, I see. When I try to write I can only understand something if I'm present or/and if something conveys to me some feeling or idea. Let me try once more.

After touching the weird symbol there was suddenly a different world all around. The speed at which the world changed made Madotsuki's inwards feel weird but at the same time she became relieved. No weird symbols were within reach this time, nor was she stranded on an island of invisible walls. Surrounded by walls of blue that define a path looks better than the previous place where if you weren't blocked you'd have to wander aimlessly in a white world, trying to search weird symbols to just be able to escape from there. Not only that, but this air, it's easily breathable making for possible a small moment of relaxation, trying to forget that strange particle filled white world. Thinking about it still makes Madotsuki feel weirdly sick, so she begins to stroll through this light brimmed world. For a while there was an apathetic sense of peacefulness, there was nothing in sight, it wasn't cold but it wasn't hot either and no one was trying to chase her, but a maze stops being fun after some time. Madotsuki felt the desperation of the peace that reigned over this world. Not a sound could be heard, but strangely enough she couldn't hear herself breath. She felt that her time could be running out, trapped inside these walls, making her first leisurely walk gradually become a frantic run, stopping some times to try and check if she had passed those walls before. Suddenly there was a sun like symbol standing in front of her. Madotsuki rejoiced, not knowing how much time had passed since she had arrived there nor knowing how she stumbled upon this seemingly new section of the maze. She eagerly reached that faintly glowing symbol, Madotsuki felt that this symbol would take her to somewhere good, somewhere better. The blue wall maze was no more. The joy Madotsuki felt was abruptly sucked away. Uninterrupted machine noises could be heard everywhere but no machines could be seen. The metal like floor matched the cold metal walls, sometimes only covered by grated plates that would leak nothing but a faint molten metal like light. Not knowing if she was alone, the now uneasy Madotsuki set forth to explore what laid in front of her.

Tried to create a difference between we and Madotsuki but I still think I'Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



BLUH. Yeah that one became much more of a theories thing than I wanted it to. I'll just stick by what I said about when she goes in and comes out. She sits down at her computer, spaces out, and comes back all like "Bwaoshit". I don't think that's too much of a stretch. I hope.


I think you're doing it exactly right, though you mixed up some protagonists there. c: The area you reach after Microscopic world really is eerie, isn't it? It strangely reminds me of heaven, with how it's so etherial and mysterious with the faint piano music in the background, but it still strikes me as being some place that you don't want to be. And of course, the Rust Maze is NEVER a place you want to be. xD

Even though I've talked about some of the aspects related to it, I'll go over the "True" ending.

Sabi tries to enter .flow, but something goes wrong. She doesn't wake up on her porch like usual, she instead, wakes up right at her computer desk. Assuming that she made some sort of a mistake, she carelessly re-enters .flow, not realizing that she's entering a layer of .flow that she was previously unable to reach. When Sabi enters .flow this time, she finds that something is *very* wrong indeed. It doesn't feel as calm as usual. Not that her balcony was ever particularly welcoming, but this time is different. Without a doubt, there's something here that's very much a threat to her. (The music in this ending makes me think this is the case.) Upon looking out from her porch, she can't see the usual ambient lighting off in the distance; instead, there is nothing. She has absolutely no sense of there being anything beyond the edge of her balcony. If she were to jump, she just might never hit the ground. Instead of leaving her room like usual, she warily enters the elevator door that is suddenly present, and soon recognizes the pristine white color, telling her that this elevator leads to the hospital that she dreads so much. Before she can leave, the door slams shut behind her, and the elevator starts a shaky descent downwards. Her visit to the hospital goes horribly awry before she even arrives as the elevator starts to shake and plummet downwards due to a detached cable, and upon hitting the ground, she is knocked unconscious.

Upon waking up, Rust finds the ePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Edited/deleted because that was a real huge fail. I'll read yours later because I can't atm… Thanks a lot for pointing that mistake out.

Oh, I see. When I try to write I can only understand something if I'm present or/and if something conveys to me some feeling or idea. Let me try once more.

After touching the weird symbol there was suddenly a different world all around. The speed at which the world changed made Sabitsuki's inwards feel weird but at the same time she became relieved. No weird symbols were within reach this time, nor was she stranded on an island of invisible walls. Surrounded by walls of blue that define a path looks better than the previous place where if you weren't blocked you'd have to wander aimlessly in a white world, trying to search weird symbols to just be able to escape from there. Not only that, but this air, it's easily breathable making for possible a small moment of relaxation, trying to forget that strange particle filled white world. Thinking about it still makes Sabitsuki feel weirdly sick, so she begins to stroll through this light brimmed world. For a while there was an apathetic sense of peacefulness, there was nothing in sight, it wasn't cold but it wasn't hot either and no one was trying to chase her, but a maze stops being fun after some time. Sabitsuki felt the desperation of the peace that reigned over this world. Not a sound could be heard, but strangely enough she couldn't hear herself breath. She felt that her time could be running out, trapped inside these walls, making her first leisurely walk gradually become a frantic run, stopping some times to try and check if she had passed those walls before. Suddenly there was a sun like symbol standing in front of her. Sabitsuki, not knowing how much time had passed since she had arrived there nor knowing how she stumbled upon this seemingly new section of the maze. She eagerly reached that faintly glowing symbol, Sabitsuki felt that this symbol would take her to somewhere good, somewhere better. The blue wall maze was no more. The joy Sabitsuki felt was abruptly sucked away. Uninterrupted machine noises could be heard everywhere but no machines could be seen. The metal like floor matched the cold metal walls, sometimes only covered by grated plates that would leak noPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


There was just one awkward thing about your text that really threw me out: "the walls give out and the building collapses on top of Rust"
After reading that part i started imagining one of those mainstream hollywood movies… You're texts are always cute though ^^

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There's a mado cameo thread on /mado/, so let's see if we can get a sabi cameo thread going!
Throwin' this in. No I have no idea where it's from.


I think that's Killua from Hunter x Hunter?


That person's eyes aren't even red.

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On the disease theory;
What if the disease can't affect people past a certain age?
In the hospital all the patients are children.
The Kaibutsu all wear school uniforms.
What if adults can't be infected?

pic unrelated


>What if adults can't be infected?

Let me just take a guess here, maybe they all die before they reach adulthood.


That doesn't really have to do with what I'm saying, I'm saying what if adults, like the Doctor and Nurse, couldn't be infected with the virus when it sprang up because it can't effect adults.
Maybe most adults have something in their immune system that keeps them from getting infected.


They die before turning into adults.
So perhaps it's not that adults can be infected, but that rust is a congenital disease.

Sabi-in-a-tube in the lab suggests they were experimented on.

And smile has a different thing, if any.

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>implying that sister has crosses over her eyes too

can you fucking not
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>being this mad



worrying about someone's well-being


If the wikis are bad, why don't you, idunno, fix 'em?


the wiki is so far gone- filled with shitty headcanons, inaccurate information, terribad grammar and spelling, and general stupidity- that it would be easier to just make a whole new one at this point. imho



I agree, it's beyond saving. There's only one thing we can do now…

(PS I mean spamming .flow porn all over the site, or possibly just YN porn in general. I'm pretty sure the wiki no longer has active admins who give anything remotely resembling a fuck, and the wiki might as well be good for something, right?)

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There aren't really specific "boys" and "girls" hairstyles, y'know.



But that still largely influences how we view the characters genders. Kaibutsu B, the one with pigtails, has quite rarely been seen as male purely because of her hairstyle. The other two Kaibutsu's hairstyles are certainly shorter and more androgynous, but when looking at them from the sides, they still seem far too long for most boys to wear. (Though I'll admit that in anime, they're a bit more lenient about boys having long hairstyles. :B)

I'm gonna make a quick drawing to show what I mean.


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That took a while, but as you can see here, there's a lot that goes into this. I tried drawing each of them to the exact shape of their sprite's hair, and it can make a huge difference just seeing how far the hair extends below the head. The doctor's hair extends only to the base of his head, and Smile's, though it's so messy, does the same, height wise. While Sabi's hair doesn't go past her head, all three of the Kaibutsu have hair extending past their head, down to their shoulders. This seems like a bit of a stretch of a hair cut for a boy to wear!

Of course, I understand what you mean in that there's no hair style that a gender is physically unable to have, but in terms of characterization, lol designed these sprites with the intent of depicting them as one particular gender. As others have mentioned, they're all most definitely wearing skirts, including the one at the bar, which I honestly think is just Kaibutsu A on her break. The Smile and the Doctor are both specifically wearing pants, and if they're both following these "rules", I think it's safe to say that all of the Kaibutsu do as well.

In addition to the skirts they wear you notice that their laugh is very high pitched, whereas Smile's is distinctly much lower.

But as one other thing to support the theory of them all being female, just think about how they compare to Yume Nikki. In Yumme Nikki, the Toriningen are all obviously girls, so it wouldn't surprise me to find that lol planned on having all of the chasers in this game be female as well! I just don't see anything swaying in the direction of them being male.


I'm not sure where you live, but hair to shoulders or even mid-back is relatively common for guys around here, especially if they're into metal music. Or hippies / surfer wannabes; they tend to have it in a ponytail.


I'm just saying that in terms of lol's character designs, her female characters tend to all share those traits, whereas the male characters do not. This isn't a question so much about how it is that people wear their hair, so much as about the way lol him/herself views it. And by looking through lol's artwork, sprite sheets, and what may have possibly been a photo of lol himself, this seems to be the way he thinks. No offense to him, but he's not exactly the most adventurous in terms of character design. :P

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Stage 1
Every 1d hours, the victim must pass a HT test or cough up blood (Taking 1Damage). After this happens for the first time, The Rust is now being carried on the victim’s breath, as well as his blood. People who get within one hex of him (or his blood) must make an HT-3 Test or be infected, covering mouth and nose with a thick cloth gives a +2 bonus, and wearing a gas mask negates the test entirely. Touching the victim makes a HT-4 Test, and touching his blood makes a HT-5 test. Wearing protective gloves negates the test entirely. Even people with Immunity to Disease can be infected with Rust (though they get a +2 to tests to avoid being infected).

After one week, the victim’s hair turns white. At this point The Rust has traveled through his bloodstream and reached his brain, giving him horribly gory nightmares where the victim’s worst memories are used to wear away at his mind. Whenever the victim sleeps, he must pass a Will Test or gain 1 Fatigue upon waking up.


Stage 2
After another week, the victim enters Stage 2. If the victim is a PC or very important NPC, he gains Split Personality (Rust) instead of entering Stage 2. Either way, he gains Immunity to Disease and his eyes turn red.

Split Personality (Rust)

Note that when the PC is in control, Rust is not only still aware, but can talk mentally with his host! Rust has ST+1, DX+1, IQ 14, HT+1, Move +2. He has all the Physical Advantages, Disadvantages, and Skills of the PC but none of the Mental Advantages and Disadvantages. He has the Mental Skills at the host’s level-1. He has the Social Advantages and Disadvantages, too, until people realize he isn’t the host. Rust also has the Odious Personality Habit -4 (Completely Uncaring about the Well-Being of Others), Slow Regeneration, Strong Will 2, and Immunity to Disease. His personality is alert, teasing, condescending, and ready to chase and destroy, much like a regular Kaibutsu. Rust also has two very special powers that he can only use when he isn’t in control of the host:

Diseased Healing
If the host is willing, Rust can cause the infected cells in his host’s body to multiply absurdly fast to seal wounds. This heals 3d damage. The host then gets a -2 penalty on all tests made to resist The Rust for a number of hours equal to the damage healed. Multiple uses of this power simply increase that duration.
Rusting Vigor
Rust can also fill his host with a burst of unwholesome energy (again, only if the host is willing). The host gains +1 ST, -1 IQ, +1 HT, and +1 Move for 3d turns. Afterward, the host gets a -2 penalty on all tests made to resist The Rust for a number of hours equal to the turns the host had the bonuses. Multiple uses of this power simply increase that duration. However, if both Diseased Healing and Rusted Vigor are used, then the penalties do stack.


During Stage 2, the nightmares get much worse. Now, the victim must make a Will-2 Test or gain 1d Fatigue. He must also make a Will Test every 1d days or lose one point of Will permanently! Once the victim’s Will score hits zero, he becomes a Kaibutsu.

Kaibutsu have ST+1, DX+1, IQ+0, HT+1, Move+1. They lose their Mental Advantages, Disadvantages, and Skills, but keep their Physical ones. They also have Berserk and Immunity to Disease. They don’t look any different than the victim…at first. At this point, the Kaibutsu can still be reasoned with. Every week, the victim’s Appearance drops one level. At Hideous, the Kaibutsu goes insane. It gets +1 ST, -2 IQ, and +1 HT. It loses all of its Skills other than Brawling, Running, Climbing, Jumping, and Swimming. It also becomes berserk at all times. One week later, the Kaibutsu enters Stage 3.


Stage 3
The Kaibutsu’s body warps itself into The Mutation Form. Rust controls it directly now. The Mutation Form has ST+6, IQ 14, DX+4, HT+6, and Move+1. It has Blindness, Immunity to Disease, Unaging, Mute, and Normal Regeneration. It also has Telepathy 20 and Telerecieve 20 (Can only sense the location of others) and Telesend 20. It understands all languages. It has Running-HT, Climbing-DX+2, Jumping-DX+1, and Swimming-HT-1. Its claws do sw+4 cut and its bite does thr+6 Imp. It can also gore things with its horns for thr+4 Imp. Anything damaged by The Mutation Form is automatically infected with The Rust.

It normally stands on four legs, but can be bipedal when necessary, its paws transform into hands when it does this. It won’t normally attack people infected with The Rust unless they are troublesome. It can also make a Will Test to force a Kaibutsu within 10 hexes to enter Stage 3.


If there is already a Mutation Form when a Kaibutsu enters Stage 3, it becomes a Rust Demon instead. Rust Demons have ST+3, DX+2, IQ 4, HT+3, and Move+1. They have Blindness, Immunity to Disease, Unaging, Mute, and Slow Regeneration. They also have Telepathy 20 and Telerecieve 20 (Can only sense the location of others, except for the Mutation Form’s commands). They have Running-HT-1, Climbing-DX+1, Jumping-DX, and Swimming-HT-2. . Their claws do sw+2 cut and its bite does thr+4 Imp. It can also gore things with its horns for thr+2 Imp. Anything damaged by a Rust Demon must make an HT-8 Test or be infected by The Rust.


I don't even know what this is and it still manages to sound unbalanced as fuck



We should make our own homebrew Yume RPG system.

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