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/yndd/ - Yume Nikki - Dream Diary

New board for the 2018 game.

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I hope you're having a great day. I know I am. By the way, some of the YNDD reviews go against Steam's new review bombing rules.
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You don't even need an hour to know whether you like the game or not. The first 20 minutes are enough to judge it.


Not OP but I started liking the game a lot more after the first hour once things started clicking. Still a disappointing Limbo ripoff, but it would be lying to myself to say I didn't enjoy it on some levels.


If I had to say anything positive about it, is that I liked how the witches' forest looked, and 1 or 2 other areas (of which I only remember the forest, so they weren't that impressive either). But a map doesn't make a game, not even the music makes up for the terrible gameplay, and I held the same opinion 8 hours into the game as I held it 20 minutes in.
Sure, this depends on the person, but the game is bad, and it's extremely repetitive so it's not like that really makes that much of a difference. If it actually had something else that kicks later in the game, I'd agree with you or OP that you have to wait for it, but it actually doesn't.

20 bucks is mostly why people really shit on it, it wasn't worth that much. Had it been cheaper, people wouldn't have been so harsh.


For you



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I know feelings about this game are mixed, but I really want more to come from it. The game feels so lack-luster and unfinished that I really can't help but feel there will be another patch of content for this game or something. The new update is exactly on the right track. However, with the switch release, I only think that this game is solidified and unchangeable. If better reviews provide motivation for the devs to give fans more, than I'll take it.

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has anyone modded/found out a way to mod YNDD?


so YNDD using Unity as her game engine, so u can easily change game source code using dnSpy

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Well this is sudden, but on 2/21/19 -Dream Diary- will be ported over to Nintendo Switch.
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Wow. Ignoring the context. I don't even know if you're trolling or if you're just really dense. You're just repeating my words and trying to prove me wrong with my own arguments. I said:

>YN has horrible graphics, terrible MC speed, and surely many other things you can complain about, but it was a very nice experience.

I was implying that, while the game isn't a flawless masterpiece, if was good for what it is, contrary to YNDD. It doesn't have nice graphics, and a lot of people complained YNDD doesn't either (so you can't say YNDD failed for this; it had to be something else, as I mentioned in my post). Personally, I thought YNDD had a few areas that were really nice. Then I mention that the original game had terrible MC speed; personally, I think YNDD did too, but that's debatable and I haven't seen many people complaining about it.

There are many other problems like this. But whereas YN DID have these things, it was also well executed, something YNDD wasn't. Which is the point of my post. Had you bothered to finish reading it, you would have noticed I mention at the end that:

>So yes, ignorance is bliss for those that don't know the rpgmaker game and how it felt, and why it [YNDD] is so disappointing.

Yume nikki has terrible graphics, get over it. Kikiyama isn't Da Vinci or somebody with great accuracy in drawing. However he is good for his cryptic imagery with very surreal themes, and he executed his game well. That doesn't make him a great artist (and by this I mean whether he draws well or not, in case you want to nitpick again). Thus, YN has terrible graphics, you can't even show me a single screenshot to prove me wrong. That doesn't mean it's shit for it. As I already said, it's exactly that what makes it good. It's part of it's charm. My point is that It isn't a flawless masterpiece.

Want me to cherry-pick your words too?

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This thread is a mistake


It still doesn't have "terrible graphics" just because it's pixel art, you moron.


This entire board is a mistake, who even cares about YNDD?


I never implied that pixel art = bad graphics, you moron.
They're pretty mediocre, the fact you defend it so desperately shows you're either some fanboy kid or a shitty troll.

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Game Grumps just played Dream Diary.

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Who the fuck is this and why is it relevant?


Congratulations, you live in a box.


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For not wasting my time with e-celebs and retards being stupid on the internet? Why, thank you. Now, who the fuck is this and why is it relevant?


They're just a group of friends who sit on a couch together and stream with humorous commentary while they play a game. They've been around forever though and have over 5 million subs. So, that's possibly several million people hearing about the Yume Nikki franchise for the first time ever, all at once. That's why it's big.


Oh I see.
Honestly, this community is dying, so there's not much to protect from a possible "invasion" that we haven't had before, and I doubt a quarter of those will actually care for the game and will forget it as soon as the video ends.

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Too much sex on the picture.
>vaginal coil
>vaginal fluids
>chunks of sperm
>16 seconds of floating in mid air
>ultimately erecred something far behing


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Who raped who here?


Pyramids… maybe?

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Mark my words, YN is going to be destroyed beyond redemption with this new game.

They have basically made a compendium of the most disgusting sexualizing artwork (miniskirt) and theories (HURR EVERYTHINK IS SEXUUL, SHE WUZ RAPED SEE? SHE'S CRYING IN FRONT OF KEEUKEEUKUN THIS MEANS SHE WUZ RAPED AND EVRYTHINK IS BCUZ OF THAT). And hamfisted bullying shit (just wait until you see the school scenario, 5 gold coins say it's going to be a guilt trip about how madotsuki was bullied by birdfaced girls). This is going to be youtuber bait, it's reputation tarnished. Ironic weebs are going to laugh at the whole concept while getting youtube money making facial reactions to "le epic weird weeb game".

This game has so many things wrong that the question is, what did they get right? This game is supposed to be about exploration, the player must decide by himself how is he feeling about it, the player must not have some tard theories hamfisted onto him by showing madotsuki cry or something like that.
>b-but muh normies won't figure things out without help
I don't give a fuck, the original game was emotion-less, madotsuki's facial expression didn't change, she didn't cry. This way you decided what zones and enviroments wanted to convey or meant. This is tainting and sullying the original game and madotsuki herself, we don't know why madotsuki refused to get out of her room or why she jumped off her balcony, AND THAT'S THE WAY IT'S MEANT TO BE, we shouldn't know. (And no, she wasn't raped, stop projecting your shitty fetishes and freudian fraud imagery onto madotsuki, you disgusting cuck).

Even thought I used some strong language I hope this thread doesn't get deleted because of it. It's just how I feel about this and I'd like to see how people here feel about this too.
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Why did you stop putting effort into your posts? You wrote some decent stuff in the past.


I support sexy mado and sex sells after all, good for kikiyama.

What can we conclude out of her fashion? Madokas dreams are warm and nice.


>a run-of-the-mill miniskirt is somehow the epitome of "sexy"
Am I missing something? Since when did everyone here become a devout Muslim? Like, really, all those reactions make no sense at all.


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>(c) Project Yumenikki


I haven't been up to date with hardware requirements for recent games, but these specs look ridiculously beefy. Is Yume Nikki going to be the new Microsoft Flight Simulator?

>Since when did everyone here become a devout Muslim?
made my morning

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Something interesting about Yume Nikki: Dream Diary is that the music is all done by Diana June except for the main theme which is composed by "AQUILA".
Why do they go out of their way to emphasize that this person made the theme if they are so unknown and seem to have no other music out there? I looked up bands or artists called AQUILA and found one band that seemed to have nothing to do with it.
In the credits, after Kikiyama is credited, Aquila comes on the page after and is at the same space where Kikiyama's credit was before.
This also happens in the trailer of the game, after "full co-operation with Kikiyama" comes "main theme: AQUILA", or it's on the same page.

It's also put in the news release and on the steam page. It seems really odd that someone would be advertised like that like it's a big deal, but have no music available.
Something I did notice however was that when searching for it in Japanese, AQUILA sounds a lot like "Akira".
An officially licensed story to Yume Nikki was released January 7 this year. Around the same time the game came out for free on Steam. The author goes by the name "Akira" and nothing else.
AQUILA? AKIRA? Pretty similar.


pretty suspicion…

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The recent reviews are very positive. What are you going to do about it, haters?
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>All reviews(Mixed)
>Literally 6/10
>The recent reviews are very positive
The key is language here


You know it is possible to leave your review up after you've refunded, right?


They released an update that actually did fix a lot of issues for free, which is a really good step forwards.



>that mental gymnastics of haters


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>facebook tier trolling

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There's a new countdown on YNDD's site.
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Mask of fear


> sewer room with all the sentry monsters
where is that room?


With the addition of the Snow World leading to the Pink Sea, is there any confirmation what happened to the original route? I'm curious what they did - if they put something new or left it exactly the same.

Some room accessible in the sewer only by freezing over the trench of water. I believe you take the path to the right when you first enter the sewer.


from what i've seen. they left the light house route untouched.

I wish they'd move Yuki Onna to snow world. and make the Light house route lead to somewhere else. maybe endless road.


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Maybe in the future. I'm hoping they'll be adding more, and that 2.0 wasn't just a one off appeasement for the bad steam reviewers. I like what they added, and the new stuff is less linear which is a massive improvement that they can learn from and utilize in future areas.

They just need to stop with the godawful platforming and "game" elements already holy shit. That one in the block world was ridiculous. They claim it's a hardware issue with keyboards, but at least they made it shorter it in the last update. Yet it still only worked for me when I used the numpad arrows of a random ancient keyboard I had lying around. Makes no sense. Wasn't even about the height, she just wouldn't grab onto the fucking ledge.

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(Part 1/4, rest is the first couple replies)

-So I never pulled this much from the original game, but in this reimagining I am pretty sure there are strong themes here of gender identity. I know many people have joked about this theory before, but I think there's actual evidence here. The only bathrooms Madotsuki ever enters in YYDD are men's restrooms. To get the secret ending (and to finish the game) you have to activate the symbol of Venus aka the symbol representing female, and then enter into a giant Venus symbol to enter. In the sketchbook there's two pictures you get of Madotsuki that are practically the same, but one with her eyes closed and one with them open. Most related pictures are next to each other in her Dream Diary, but for this one a picture of her eyes closed are next to KyuuKyuu-kun, and her picture of her eyes open is a few pages later next to the picture of the feminine mannequin. Literally eyes closed next to the most phallic character in the game, eyes opened next to the character most with a 'female form'. Add to this the area you get the flute in the mall looks even more like a clinic than the original, and to add to this O-Man's updated look looks a lot more like a doctor, there's character's alluding to genitalia-esque objects on the walls, and E-Man who you go to see in the clinic gives you the Flute. I don't know quite yet on this one if I'm reaching here, but all I'll say is I never got this theory in the original but have it pretty strongly in YNDD.

-I'm going to cover this more in the following points, but I think Madotsuki is a shut-off NEET not because she was raped (I don't think there's evidence for that) or even because of gender identity things. I think it's more straight forward, she experienced multiple scars over the years that made her more reclusive and eventually just shut off from the world. Rather than one traumatic event she experienced several over-time events that made her close off. This also ties in well to unlocking the final door by re-experiencing everything and then when you go out of your apartment having to survive your inner fears (that shadow thing) to get the happy ending.

-Monoko is dead. In the original game the stop/start light changing her form was a bit suspicious and the specifics of the differences, but this remake somewhat spells it out where you can reach her by going to the world end event related to death to find her, and when we see her Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Gender dysphoria *creates* mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, it's by no means a mental health disorder on its own and that's been proven if you read any given paper on the fucking subject instead of screaming soy and sjw. People that transition with the help of hormones report lowered depression and the suicide rate goes down as a result.

How old are you? Did you ever hear about the pride riots in the 80s? Started by a trans woman? This shit is older than 2008, the scientific progress and history was destroyed by the nazi's in germany, and we're just now seeing it become more socially acceptable again. Hell, trans people have existed since civilization has existed.

And seriously? Soy? Are you actually dumb enough to believe that meme, or do you just beg daddy Paul Joseph Watson to force feed you more brainforce+ all the time.


lol at these snowflakes getting mad that some people want to change their bodies. do you guys get angry about how "unnatural" tattoos and piercings are too?

people like you are gonna lose your shit in a few decades when robotic enhancements and shit start becoming commonplace


Soyboy doesn't specifically refer to soy itself you mongoloid. It refers to someone who has his hormonal system disrupted due to nutrition and xenoestrogens from non-food sources. And to people who were born with these hormonal disorders.


lol, i'm not a, "mongoloid", because I don't know the exact definition of your pol lingo. Fuck off back there already.


>pol lingo
Definitely mongoloid.

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