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/yndd/ - Yume Nikki - Dream Diary

New board for the 2018 game.

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Well this is sudden, but on 2/21/19 -Dream Diary- will be ported over to Nintendo Switch.


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The back of the cover makes it even more apparent that YNDD was looking to be a Silent Hill lite. Why Switch though? It's not like there's any huge share there. It seems like a trendy console for indies lately.
YNDD was released almost a year ago


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Hi-Res scans.


Unity engine already ported to everything. At the moment of compilation. Why noone use it fo fan-games?


This release seems unusual, but what if outside our western weeb bubble the game is doing okay in the east? Just saying.


Switch is easy to get indie games due to its Nvidia graphics and Nintendo's leniency for releasing established indies. PS4 is proprietary and Microsoft are dicks.


Most of the reviews I read in japanese were harsher than most of western people. Outside ubuu and other "elitists" circles, most people were like "it wasn't good but it was okay-ish, sort of". Most of people from Japan, on the other hand, despised it.


Well, I guess they thought a 66 out of 100 is good enough to try with an indie friendly console. There's far, far smellier turds on the Switch eshop.


Why not the original game?


It would take the effort of rebuilding the game from scratch. Also, YNDD is available for pre-purchase today on Switch if it interests you.


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>It would take the effort of rebuilding the game from scratch
You know what "porting" actually means, right?


I don't think you can port RPG2k3 games to the Switch. Then again they did make some weird browser version and a buggy as shit phone version so maybe they did put it on MV or some other arcane toolbox.


>I don't think you can port RPG2k3 games to the Switch
You just port RM2k3 and automatically all games made with the engine have been ported, what's the point of remaking a game so it looks like the original in another platform? Nobody does that. Saying it's not possible to port some shitty engine to a console that handles Sega, PS2, PSP and Nintendo DS emulators is just silly.


You're bitching about the Switch's ability to do so, but unless you bitch to Kadokawa, you're just blowing hot air. Maybe it could come. Go ask for it. Make petitions. Prove we'd pay 5 dollars for the convenience of having YN on a semi-portable system. Put up or shut up.


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Yes mom, we will stop talking about something you can just ignore just to make you happy.


I was telling you to be productive with that energy, you toxic puddle of ebola blood!


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I want to port a PC-98 emulator to switch, so this *is* productive since I have to check my claims.


Your ability to bitch could still be used in a petition or anything similar to get messages heard. Homebrewing on Switch is not going to get you very far and only a niche group will use it. You really are a waste of energy.


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>Your ability to bitch could still be used in a petition or anything similar to get messages heard.
The only fag bitching here is you. When and where did I say I wanted anything done with the switch? What is the "message" you're talking about? I couldn't care less whether they port the memer or not, I only said it's doable.

>Homebrewing on Switch is not going to get you very far and only a niche group will use it. You really are a waste of energy.

Oh no, my hobbies are a waste of energy! I suppose I will have to quit programming and hardware benching for entertainment and focus on studying hardware design and programming like my career asks.

Oh wait.


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You call it not bitching, yet you call me gay and give me the finger with your Touhou pics. Get over yourself. You're the only one escalating things. Also, if I remember right, homophobic slurs are against the rules if used as an actual insult.


I doubt homebrewing a Switch is pertinent to your career. It's the homebrewing that's a waste of useful talent. You'd do just as good shoving your Switch up your ass. You probably get a rush out of breaking the rules. You're probably just a freelance hacker and not a professional, so you have no career. I may be wrong.


Okay I'm going to assume you are serious for a second under the risk of being called a retard for doing so.

You said porting the original game would be "ridiculously hard" because you would have to make it form scratch, I replied that it's not, then you say I'm bitching for explaining why and sent me to ask kadokawa to port their shitty engine from 16 years ago, then another faggot comes and starts more drama. Who's bitching again?

By the way, calling somebody a fag is and has always been common on chans (and permitted here), if you get offended by that you really should leave. Also, if I recall correctly, the reason those "guidelines" were added was because we had trans users and that was being used to attack them. Hell, one of the most annoying users we had was gay, and I'm surprised nobody used that card on him.
Unless I had direct proof you were homosexual and I was using that to attack you on a personal level, that does not apply here more than if I called you "autistic" or "a fucking retard" or whatever other "heavy" insult you can think of. Spicy language is allowed and I'm not abusing it, unless you take this explanation as a direct attack on your person, in which case you really should leave.

I'm not a programmer so your would point is invalid and I could care less or not if "homebrewing" pertains my career or portfolio or whatever about freelance hoxxr, it's just for entertainment and to reverse engineer, because it's fun to figure out how nintendo designs their consoles on the whole level, not just checking addresses and low level software, and if I can do something with that in the mean time for entertainment while learning, even better.

And even then, I study other things so I don't see why my hobbies should matter that much to you.


I'm pretty serious. I thought people were actually interested in the game and was legitimately suggesting to petition Kadokawa if it interests them. Then, not wanting to take the assertiveness lying down, you got mildly annoyed or however your mind refers to it and decided to try to completely invalidate me. I'm against the ethics of fucking with something the creators are trying really hard to protect, especially if it's for fun. Hacking has been plaguing Nintendo and homebrewing, regardless of good intent, leads to pirates and malicious cheaters. I'm also trans.


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>I'm against the ethics of fucking with something the creators are trying really hard to protect, especially if it's for fun. Hacking has been plaguing Nintendo and homebrewing, regardless of good intent, leads to pirates and malicious cheaters.
It's not different from people reverse engineering PCs from the 80's with no documentation, and I'm not publishing anything I do anywhere so I fail to see why you see this as malicious. Physics and electronics are incredible fun and if I can figure out why something works the way it does it and discern the logic it uses to work, that's enough for me. Making something on it the perfect way to test whether or not what I thought was right.


It's your Switch at that point, but the moment you release your homebrew to the public, you open the door to all kinds of malicious activity. I had no reason to assume you were keeping your homebrew to yourself until you implied so.


Well, Yumenikki Dream Diary was released today on Switch. Some of the textures took a minor hit, while they tried to improve on other visual effects so that it matched what the native tech could do. My biggest complaint is how they were too lazy to change the button schematics so that A is confirm and B is cancel. B is confirm and A is cancel. Overall an okay port, but they could have compressed the textures better so that they'd look nice in spite of the downgrade in hardware.


Played this in handheld mode in my friend's lap. It's a good game to cuddle to, since there's not a lot going on. It was annoying having gameplay segments but I could still fall asleep to it.


This could be applied word for word to the original Yume Nikki if it were on a handheld device. You made it sound similar to the original.


People with no expectations are calling it a decent weird Japanese thing and similar to Little Nightmares.


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Good for them, at least they could enjoy this garbage, if only for ignorance, but then again, ignorance is bliss.


Ignorance of what? The fact that it was loosely based on a third rate RPG Maker game that has atmosphere and nothing else?


If you did not enjoy the original YN and don't understand what I said, then what are you doing on this site?


YNDD wasn't that bad to the point of being irredeemable. It's a Limbo ripoff, but there were some nice locations overall, the music was soothing and some segments were memorable. Pretty short too, so even the bad didn't last that long. It was disappointing as shit, but it gets too much unnecessary hate for what essentially is just an average puzzle game.


Fully understanding a game means accepting its flaws. I find the community and fan content interesting in spite of said flaws.


You seem mad that you didn't get it, which is a shame because it was a much deeper experience than YNDD.


YNDD is a third-rate puzzle game with little more than atmosphere, and at least 75% of that atmosphere is borrowed from the RPGmaker game, but with very little new atmosphere to offer beyond the novelty of a tiny selection of the old worlds being in 3D. If you're gonna make a new game for a franchise(?) that hasn't had any new interactive content in over 10 years, you should go all out. YNDD just doesn't.


All the depth is artificial. We as fans try to interpret the game because it's so intriguing yet leaves us asking questions. Kikiyama actually went on record saying that it's a walking game and nothing more. Also, don't play that card with me again because I deeply love YN and its legacy. Being able to criticize one of your favorite works makes you a fully understanding fan, however. You're just taken aback that I'm not a fangirl who sees the game through rose tinted lenses.


I would have been more happy with just a music album than having them release this game.

>but it gets too much unnecessary hate for what essentially is just an average puzzle game.

But the problem is that those "average puzzle games" are terribly bad, which inherently means YNDD is a bad game too because it doesn't even offer anything interesting gameplay-wise, which is what everybody is disappointed with. Sure, the witch's forest was nice, the pink sea too, and the music isn't bad, but the game is just plain terrible and it hardly has anything to offer besides that. If they had dropped the silly puzzles and instead focused on maps, exploration and creating events like in the original (EVEN if they're not the original events of the RPGmaker game) without delving too much into the oh-so-spooky SH gimmics, that would have been faaaar more interesting.

YN has horrible graphics, terrible MC speed, and surely many other things you can complain about, but it was a very nice experience. The remake is a SH fangame with YN skins over it that "borrows" too much from western indie games like little nightmares. Sure, people can enjoy it if they don't know YN, but it's still a terrible re-imagining (or however they called it), and the worst part is that it doesn't even feel original either. So yes, ignorance is bliss for those that don't know the rpgmaker game and how it felt, and why it is so disappointing.


Whatever makes you feel right, about that ignorance is bliss train of thought.


>Kikiyama actually went on record saying that it's a walking game and nothing more.

People misunderstand this so badly. He just meant there is no 'narrative' plot. Not that there aren't potentially deeper themes.



I don't think that you do, or you'd know what he was actually saying was >>2561


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Not that anon, but you guys are stretching this a little. I feel this misunderstanding stems from the fact most people haven't read the original line at all. Kiki said there's no solid story or base for the game, or objectives per se; it's an exploration game. Of course you can tie clues and form theories (which is what the fandom has been doing all along anyway), but ultimately there really isn't anything there.


>There's no particular story or objective. This is a merely a game about exploring.


>YN has horrible graphics


Show me a single picture with good (and I mean, good) graphics from YN and I'm going to believe you.

Kiki isn't known for being some "pro artist", he's known for making cryptic imagery with very surreal themes, which is why YN is good. If you really think it has awesome graphics then I'm afraid you haven't played anything good.



Talent =/= competence. Kikiyama might not be the most talented pixel artist, but the visuals in YN are superior to 90% of the games I play (including ones with very good graphics) and probably 90% of the ones you play. This is not due to the graphical assets being remarkably well-drawn, it's due to the creativity and originality behind them. If you want to argue that Kiki is lacking in technical prowess, that's cool, but you ought to be more specific.


>Talent =/= competence. Kikiyama might not be the most talented pixel artist, but the visuals in YN are superior to 90%
I never said that. In fact, you agree with me from what it seems; YN isn't top notch art, but it's good for what it is. Why are you even arguing?


Because you said

>YN has horrible graphics

which is wrong from my point of view. My definition of "graphics" is more than just technical quality.


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Wow. Ignoring the context. I don't even know if you're trolling or if you're just really dense. You're just repeating my words and trying to prove me wrong with my own arguments. I said:

>YN has horrible graphics, terrible MC speed, and surely many other things you can complain about, but it was a very nice experience.

I was implying that, while the game isn't a flawless masterpiece, if was good for what it is, contrary to YNDD. It doesn't have nice graphics, and a lot of people complained YNDD doesn't either (so you can't say YNDD failed for this; it had to be something else, as I mentioned in my post). Personally, I thought YNDD had a few areas that were really nice. Then I mention that the original game had terrible MC speed; personally, I think YNDD did too, but that's debatable and I haven't seen many people complaining about it.

There are many other problems like this. But whereas YN DID have these things, it was also well executed, something YNDD wasn't. Which is the point of my post. Had you bothered to finish reading it, you would have noticed I mention at the end that:

>So yes, ignorance is bliss for those that don't know the rpgmaker game and how it felt, and why it [YNDD] is so disappointing.

Yume nikki has terrible graphics, get over it. Kikiyama isn't Da Vinci or somebody with great accuracy in drawing. However he is good for his cryptic imagery with very surreal themes, and he executed his game well. That doesn't make him a great artist (and by this I mean whether he draws well or not, in case you want to nitpick again). Thus, YN has terrible graphics, you can't even show me a single screenshot to prove me wrong. That doesn't mean it's shit for it. As I already said, it's exactly that what makes it good. It's part of it's charm. My point is that It isn't a flawless masterpiece.

Want me to cherry-pick your words too?

>Kiki is lacking in technical prowess

Omg lol you are contradicting yourself, so fun.


This thread is a mistake


It still doesn't have "terrible graphics" just because it's pixel art, you moron.


This entire board is a mistake, who even cares about YNDD?


I never implied that pixel art = bad graphics, you moron.
They're pretty mediocre, the fact you defend it so desperately shows you're either some fanboy kid or a shitty troll.

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