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/yndd/ - Yume Nikki - Dream Diary

New board for the 2018 game.

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I hope you're having a great day. I know I am. By the way, some of the YNDD reviews go against Steam's new review bombing rules.


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No one cares and that game was bad.


You don't even need an hour to know whether you like the game or not. The first 20 minutes are enough to judge it.


Not OP but I started liking the game a lot more after the first hour once things started clicking. Still a disappointing Limbo ripoff, but it would be lying to myself to say I didn't enjoy it on some levels.


If I had to say anything positive about it, is that I liked how the witches' forest looked, and 1 or 2 other areas (of which I only remember the forest, so they weren't that impressive either). But a map doesn't make a game, not even the music makes up for the terrible gameplay, and I held the same opinion 8 hours into the game as I held it 20 minutes in.
Sure, this depends on the person, but the game is bad, and it's extremely repetitive so it's not like that really makes that much of a difference. If it actually had something else that kicks later in the game, I'd agree with you or OP that you have to wait for it, but it actually doesn't.

20 bucks is mostly why people really shit on it, it wasn't worth that much. Had it been cheaper, people wouldn't have been so harsh.


For you



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I know feelings about this game are mixed, but I really want more to come from it. The game feels so lack-luster and unfinished that I really can't help but feel there will be another patch of content for this game or something. The new update is exactly on the right track. However, with the switch release, I only think that this game is solidified and unchangeable. If better reviews provide motivation for the devs to give fans more, than I'll take it.

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