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/warc/ - Wildcard Archive

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the thing I'm currently interested in: the Permean-Triassic mass extinction, which killed 90% of all life on Earth a quarter billion years ago, including
← those guys

This all happened before mammals even existed… if it hadn't, life on Earth might be considerably different than it is today


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Natural selection is a bitch.<br/><br/>The earth changes and shifts in temperature and population all the time. Those who manage to adapt survive. <br/><br/>Most of those fellas didn't, and those who did evolved into what we have now. <br/><br/>There probably will be more changes in the future, I've heard predictions about a new ice age, but humans aren't as dependent on nature as we used to be. So we'll probably live. As for other species&hellip; \( . .)/


my chemistry instructor mentioned a theory the other day, that extinction of dinosaurs was due to farts<br/><br/>they polluted their atmosphere to the point it was uninhabitable



haha I've heard that one too.

also volcanoes, meteors, sea floor earthfart, and of course aliens lol

in any case, dino juice runs everything now… I guess dinosaurs still rule the earth, even liquified


thanks for that… dinosaurs run everything, I'll pass that on

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