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/warc/ - Wildcard Archive

Old /wild/ topics sleep here forever.
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File: 1420598533459.jpg (274.63 KB, 1024x768, pretty.jpg)


I have a wallpaper folder full of these, so I may as well dump them here.


File: 1420598546648.jpg (288.4 KB, 1024x768, pretty2.jpg)


File: 1420598582520.jpg (155.98 KB, 1280x960, pretty3.jpg)


File: 1420598626521.jpg (46.29 KB, 500x313, pretty4.jpg)


File: 1420598660156.jpg (305.75 KB, 1280x960, pretty5.jpg)


File: 1420598691985.jpg (72.13 KB, 1280x800, pretty6.jpg)


File: 1420598724721.jpg (1.26 MB, 1936x1296, pretty7.jpg)


File: 1420598768366.jpg (276.9 KB, 640x480, pretty8.jpg)

This particular one was done by a pixiv user named torinone (トリノネ).


File: 1420598824122.png (1.78 MB, 1280x720, pretty10.png)

A screen capture from Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion. Beautiful visuals, if not anything else.


File: 1420598854038.png (1.54 MB, 1280x720, pretty11.png)

Same as above.


File: 1420598877061.png (1.69 MB, 1280x720, pretty12.png)

Same as the above two.


File: 1420598904448.jpg (196.48 KB, 1280x795, pretty13.jpg)

And now, back to nature photography.


File: 1420598921605.jpg (156.39 KB, 1280x853, pretty14.jpg)


File: 1420598955657.jpg (194.7 KB, 1280x853, pretty15.jpg)


File: 1420598990722.jpg (233.49 KB, 1280x960, pretty17.jpg)


File: 1420599035240.jpg (509.33 KB, 1600x1012, pretty19.jpg)

I'm not sure where this piece of artwork is from.


File: 1420599053758.jpg (498.02 KB, 1024x722, pretty20.jpg)

More nature photography.


File: 1420599084747.jpg (84.32 KB, 640x427, pretty21.jpg)

This one is pure beauty.


File: 1420599157549.jpg (265.82 KB, 1280x960, pretty28.jpg)

Skipped several pieces of artwork by a deviantart user named "klaufir", who does some very beautiful scenic pieces. Here's the next scenic photo.


File: 1420599295954.jpg (273.87 KB, 1280x960, pretty29.jpg)

Final scenic photo in the folder.


File: 1420760900243.jpg (245.18 KB, 1200x772, pretty30.jpg)

A couple new additions; this is the first one.


File: 1420760912491.jpg (313.61 KB, 1280x850, pretty31.jpg)

Second one.

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