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/warc/ - Wildcard Archive

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File: 1422131928743.jpg (83.51 KB, 600x399, powerline_00.jpg)


Landscapes/Cityscapes with powerlines.


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Obligatory .flow gamefile

These are really nice. I don't know why (it's kind of a weird thing to like) but powerlines always looked so majestic to me, especially at sunset/dusk.


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Agreed, ever since eva I've really loved them.


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Something interesting I learned while searching around for pictures: apparently those long fluorescent bulbs can gather EM radiation and eventually light up slightly if you hold them under an area dense enough with powerlines. Anyone know if this is actually true, or is it just an urban legend?


It's true, I've seen a TV program where they explained it throughfully. I've never seen it in person because we don't have these powerlines here, though


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File: 1422250492461.jpg (1.03 MB, 893x1247, Power_Lines_3.jpg)

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