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What do you think about El Che Guevara?


He's old media.


I personally think he's a fucking faggot.


I want to know more about him.


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He was a coward terrorist who was against a dictatorship because he wanted to have his own communist dictatorship, in the meantime he murdered kids, raped women and killed people for fun.
In the battlefield, he was more than a coward, he was a sniper who used his comrades as bait, always from behind.
Here's a resume http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/che-guevara-assassin-coward-imbecile

He's also idolized for that "revolution" and his face, ironically, used as a cool and trendy capitalist brand by edgy teens who dont know shit about him.

tl;dr a huge faggot, would piss his grave


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The most commercial pedo in the whole history of T-Shirts

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