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/warc/ - Wildcard Archive

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File: 1410857478774.jpg (46.95 KB, 500x500, clawdeen.jpg)


Is it just me or is there something satisfying about collecting Dolls and figurines. I mean they're pretty useless, beyond modeling miniature clothes for pattern practice. Still I just have to have as many as I can get.
Porcelain, vinyl, cheap plastic, you name it, if i have more than three chances are i'm going to grab the complete set. Any one else like this?
pic related:werewolf is best doll


File: 1410859775128.png (160 KB, 244x292, ryuushika12-4.PNG)

I could never look at that style of doll for very long. There are some figures I do like though. Those buckets of little green soldiers are pretty cool.

>"This is my diary. If you want your life to last longer than it takes to read it, you wont."
Okay. O-kay.


i feel that way about bratz, thou my lack of money makes me unable to get anymore and when i moved the first time i didn't think i'd ever want them so i gave them away. i miss them ;_;

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