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/warc/ - Wildcard Archive

Old /wild/ topics sleep here forever.
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1404897396219.jpg (126.95 KB, 800x585, active-denial-system[1].jpg)


/story/ - Collaborative storytelling (i.e. someone posts a premise and each post continues the story where the last left off)

/robo/ - Robotics and machine consciousness

/neckbeard/ - Card games (Probably already done. Why the hell don't we have a list? It gets annoying to scroll through /warc/ every time.)

/voc/ - Vocaroo threads (Uboaters make music, get to hear what each other sounds like, do impressions, etc.)

/memo/ - Childhood memories. (I'm hoping it won't become a board entirely about child abuse, but this is Uboachan, so I wouldn't count on it.)

Also, have a microwave gun. It cooks your skin when you get too close.


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Wow that would've been great if I'd managed to ACTUALLY POST IT IN THE GOD DAMN THREAD

pls don't vaporize me Sei


/voc/ sounds like a nice idea to me, so does /story/ and /memo/


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/voc/ sounds good to me but we still have a lot of good unused ones in the thread on /sugg/


Did someone say story?

I'm down for some stories. Also I'd merge this into the other thread, but merging isn't a thing for tinyboard, I guess. Swore it was in a past version, who knows.

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