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/warc/ - Wildcard Archive

Old /wild/ topics sleep here forever.
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File: 1341361490355.jpg (770.86 KB, 1000x1414, 22e7f9dfa884328e041de56574….jpg)


I like it. However, does it make me look fat?

Perhaps I should cut back on the cookies…



File: 1341392582773.png (565.2 KB, 987x335, Sensa.PNG)


Yes, way to chubby, I reccomend you start sprinkling this stuff on your food. It's safe, trust me, it's clinically proven and I'm a doctor.

You also need to fix your fucked eyebrows and weird tits.


This is health related, sorry. I'm a doctor by the way, I would know.


Jesus christ that woman looks like a plastic piece of shit. She looks like a beaver with an easter island statue nose.


File: 1341836429368.jpg (18.62 KB, 212x220, 220px-American_Beaver.jpg)

This could have been funny if I wasn't so bad at editing.

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