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File: 1341113750103.jpg (841.85 KB, 2048x1536, 1338496098427.jpg)


Tea general.


What's the name of the green tea with popped rice in it? I had it once and it was delicious.


I have been meaning to try green tea. I imagine it's much nicer then the cheap tea bags I have been using for the last ten years.



I was just being a smart-ass posting a tea thread here, but you're right, high quality green tea that is brewed correctly, is delicious, and way better than anything you could buy in a normal store.


Rice krispies.


Genmaicha? Shit's nasty, yo.


File: 1341279763875.jpg (114.57 KB, 300x300, genmaicha-tea-caffeine.jpg)

No way, it's tasty.

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