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It's back, but this time on /ot/ instead of /hikki/. I don't really know why it was on /hikki/ in the first place. Please welcome our new, site-wide Chats & Communities Thread.

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The fediverse is the new image boards.


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Swedish meatballs

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Muse Dash,Tapsonic Bold
Kyuujitsu no Warumono-san
Jun - Twinkle Heart
c programming
frozen pizza
sparkling water
too tired
Disappointed. Bought a pair of k371 headphones and they sound very low quality. DT770 pro wins by far when it comes to audio. Too bad the DT770 clamps so fucking hard on the ears


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death must die rng survivor game trash but think im already done for tonight
scientific railgun, galaxy express, md geist, votoms, konosuba prequel, genji monogatari, cyber city oedo, future boy conan, dungeon meshi, etc. whatever i wind up being in the mood for
was listening to handpan music to try to keep some semblance of calm while playing rng
maybe some manga
sashimi and tempura
retarded for wanting to finish a game i dont enjoy playing




I don't really know what to watch. I need recommendations. I'm spoilt for choice.


A video of a guy with a cardboard box on his head screaming into a mic.


Noam Chomsky (lingustics not politics)


I'm going to go down to the station and take whatever random train will take me to a major city. I don't know where it will take me or what I will find there but that's what I'm going to do.


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<hotline miami 2
<cartoons and cartoon reviews
<new eminem album
<dexter novels
<hamburger plus some chips
<mtn dew
<preparing for my new PC
<lolisho hentai doujins


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Warframe 1999


Paris Olympics 2024 Opening Ceremony




Edith Pilaf


Croissant, plain

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Big fat list of imageboards, uboachan.net is on it too.
12 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I don't know…


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I like tinychan's animated-gif thumbnail system;


Needs updated. Anon.cafe was shut down on March 15th.


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Wake up. We have work to do.

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Genshin impact cute picture thread
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>>23984 I don't play but I bet it is.


Mihoyo still getting all that cash


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I forgot this game existed.
*Goes back under rock*


Is KLEE the grenade girl top-tier?


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It's been a while since the last time I played the game. I should come back to it at some point.
She can make some decent damage, but she's clunky to use and requires a lot of animation cancelling.

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looking for an image that had instructions on how to remove and optimize files and services in windows 7 that i didnt have the foresight to save. pretty sure it was posted somewhere on this chan, but i cant find it, and search engines have failed me so far

some details of the image i remember: it was black with white text, very small font, and had numbered sections. there was info on stuff like what default programs to remove, interface tweaks to make, and useless services to remove for less memory usage

id really appreciate anyone who could post the image here or at least point to a place where it can be found

(pic unrelated obvs)
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


thats exactly the image i was looking for, tysm

ty for the tip too, ill keep that in mind


I can't help but feel optimising or debloating Windows is a waste of time.

If you're interested in tinkering with your computer and running a lean system you should consider installing GNU/Linux instead.


I have a shitty laptop that barely run anything with windows 7. I debloated it and managed to lower the memory usage to an average of 650mb and it could even play 720p properly. When I installed arch on it the memory usage went as low as 120mb but intel mesa drivers are fucking shit and barely managed awesome with one or two programs open. So even if it actually ran well on the fucking terminal it was practically useless because I couldn't do much other than write code on it, play hack variants and dwarf fortress. And I don't even want to talk about the problems I had with wine to run VNs.


That sounds like something going wrong, more than slow drivers.
I use Linux on a 2006 laptop with Intel graphics without any problems. It plays 720 video fine.

As for VNs, that's the unfortunate reality it seems. I keep a WinXP machine around for that purpose.


CrowdStrike BSODed my work pc.

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Pic unrelated

What's the weirdest-sounding word you know? A word that just doesn't look or sound right, but does have a meaning.

Bibelot: A small object of curiosity, beauty, or rarity.
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




The fact that gormy and gormless mean the same thing has always baffled me.

How can having and not having gorm be the same?




More importantly: what is gorm?


Do you know all words are made up?

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Hey brosephs and sexy girls

You ready to party?

Bump while high thread
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wait wtf have i gotten into


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Totally sick party


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>blue background

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 No.16798[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Press ctrl+V. Whatever prints is what you post.

>EAT YOUR own ass

Ok then.
143 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ya comete el maldito bolillo


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01 Jul, 2024

I grew up just outside of Johannesburg, which is touted to be "the greenest city in the world". During the summer, when seen from above, it's a verdant, green landscape, with the tops of buildings popping through the canopy.

Joburg trees

Yes, there's a full city beneath those trees.

However, this is not what the land originally looked like.

To cut a long story short, Johannesburg was established following the discovery of gold in 1886. It's known colloquially as eGoli, or "The City of Gold". Gold extraction here is vastly different to other parts of the world. We don't have gold veins running through the rock like in old Western movies. Instead it's mineralised into the rock itself which requires significant processing to extract.

This form of extraction leads to the crushing of millions of tons of rock, which is then dumped creating large, dusty hills around the city. These hills are (especially to the communities surrounding them) toxic and radioactive1, and when the wind picks up yellow dust clouds used to envelop the city.
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This is beautifully written anon. Did you make this?


No. I just came across it and downloaded it for posterity.


Eu dou a bunda pra vários homens, chupo um monte de pinto, dou a bunda pros caras, eu vou bater o recorde mundial em dar a bunda. Eu sou um estuprado, eu sou um arrombado, eu dou a bunda para 2050 homens diferentes. Os cavalos comeram minha bunda, eu dei a bunda pros cavalos, os cavalos gozaram dentro da minha bunda. Eu dei a bunda para 2050 homens diferentes, 2050 homens diferentes comeram minha bunda e gozaram dentro. Eu dei a bunda para 2050 homens diferentes. Eu dei a bunda para 15 cavalos diferentes, 15 cavalos diferentes comeram minha bunda e gozaram dentro, 15 cavalos diferentes comeram minha bunda e gozaram dentro. Eu dei a bunda para 15 cavalos diferentes, 15 cavalos diferentes comeram minha bunda e gozaram dentro. Eu sou um arrombado, eu sou o cara mais arrombado do mundo, eu tenho a bunda arrombada de tanto dada, estou com a bunda comida. Eu tenho a bunda violentada, tenho a bunda rasgada, eu tenho a bunda comida por 2050 homens diferentes. Eu dou a bunda no meio da rua, dou a bunda no matagal, eu dou a bunda para vários homens no matagal, no matagal eu dou a bunda para 2050 homens diferentes, eu bati o recorde mundial em dar o CU. Eu sou um estuprado, eu gosto de ser estuprado, eu amo ser estuprado, eu AMO ser estuprado. Eu sou um estuprado, eu tenho a bunda arrombada, eu sou um estuprado. Eu estou oferecendo minha bunda para vários homens. Homens, vêm comer minha bunda, eu estou oferecendo minha bunda para vocês, homens. Homens, comam bastante minha bunda; gozem dentro de mim, homens. Homens, venham gozar dentro de mim, gozem a vontade dentro da minha bunda que eu gosto. Gozem dentro de mim, homens. Homens, venham gozar dentro da minha bunda, encham meu cu de esperma, homens. Homens, tô pedindo para vocês, venham comer minha bunda e gozar dentro. Fiquem à vontade, comam minha bunda e gozem bastante dentro. Homens. Homens comendo minha bunda e gozando dentro(3x). Eu dou a bunda. Eu dou a bunda para 2050 homens diferentes comerem e gozarem dentro. Eu bato recorde mundial em dar a bunda. Eu sou o cara que mais dá a bunda no mundo. Eu bato o recorde mundial em dar a bunda. Eu tenho a bunda comida, eu tenho a bunda deleitada, eu sou um arrombado. Eu dou o cu. Eu dou o cu no matagal. Eu dou o cu para um monte de homens, os homens comem à vontade meu cu e gozam dentro. Esperma dentro do meu cu. Cavalos comendo meu cu e gozando dentro, eu dou a bunda para os cavalos, eu dou a bunda para os cavalos. Os cavalos gozam dentro do meu cu. Os cavalos comem oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Why haven't you ended it all yet? It's not that hard
24 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Thanks for reminding me why I still run this shit.


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coming back here after years, i hope you all are well


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Praise the Lord and pass the ammo


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1/2-way there

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Black to play
D Malla vs W Kobese
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White to play
I Ivanisevic vs D Derakhshani


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