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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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File: 1365697601354.bmp (1.56 MB, 913x597, wetlands east refuge.bmp)


Hello Uboa-chan.

I just had the thought, while watching Yojimbo, to share with you my ongoing RPG Maker 2000 project, as a couple [?] of people who have seen it have commented that it was "YN-like"…I never knew what this statement meant, but in learning about Yume Nikki recently, and playing a bit of it, I think you may appreciate the dark currents and sometimes sprawling/looping maps which make up my CLASSIC GAME ascii-horror-roleplaying scenario:


This is music, images, and gameplay footage.

It is text-heavy, but I usually speed past text prompts in videos I take, for time's sake, if my camera can even pick it up.

http://i.imgur.com/dBMEB.png << The Hermit, south of his home.


Beautiful…. really interesting.
I want to try it out.
When do you think you will be able to post a download link?



This is a question I have asked myself many times. I have it broken into 3 Acts on paper (like Doom, or Commander Keen, or something), and have finished about 75% of the first one in playable game.

I felt that I could either [A] totally finish the first "Act", and put that up somewhere || [B] make a current-state download of it "incomplete/as-is", || [C] make a new demo-sized zone to run around in…but I've never come to a conclusion.

If I had to choose, I'd probably go with [B], but there would be blatant dead ends.


Also, word Chesir - NEET crossover happening ITT.

http://i.imgur.com/Ha60i.png <<< Hermit in Satanic Ritual Zone


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I love those dem graphics.

Also I sent you a message on youtube, check your mail box. You may find it iteresting.


I hope to bump this thread should a proper playable download materialize.


Wastefields > http://i.imgur.com/OfWAn.png

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