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File: 1605124263165.jpg (45.12 KB, 384x382, 186106984.jpg)


Everything I've seen written about this album describes it in a mostly negative light, but I find the Madotsuki Gamer Rap to be absolutely transfixing. Not a day goes by where I am not thankful for having heard this strange, strange work of art.


File: 1605159830751.png (161.1 KB, 800x600, arekoretakotsubo 9.png)

If nothing else, さかさまのゆめ was and still is really enjoyable.


I used to listen this while finishing up community college and liked it a lot. Lost a lot of my music collection somehow and poked around here to see if I could find some of what I had lost. The rap was sort of out there but was pretty fun to listen to every time. Has some very strong sing/chant along parts. さかさまのゆめ and マイ・ワールド・ドローン are also pretty memorable and enjoyable. I can sort of see some people not liking it if they don't like vocals in their YN inspired songs but it seems odd that other people think negatively on the album. Super glad I ever found it and found it again.

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