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Baroque, Classical, Romantic and 20th Century
Which do you like most? Baroque is my favorite,


Baroque has the best composers that ever existed, in my opinion. I always find myself going back and forth among the others but I always end visiting old Bach and Pachelbel to fill the day.


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What the hell is this dubstep shit?

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Felt like sharing this neat little genre. It originates from Black Metal. I came across this gem not too long ago, and can't help but love it. It's dull, but in an oddly comforting way.
My favorite Dungeon Synth artists are Hedge Wizard, Fier, and Depressive Silence.
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I tried looking for more information but I couldn't find anything on my first try (and I'm slightly busy right now). Why is this called dungeon synth and what's its aim?
Like, from listening to it, it seems to be trying to emulate medieval music through computed-generated sounds, like what you'd hear in old dungeon crawlers from the 90's (hence the name, I suppose). I can't see where the black metal fits in all of it, but I dig it nonetheless.


Right, nevermind, hit the dungeon synth wiki just after making this post. Disregard that.


That was actually really enjoyable, thanks for sharing it anon.


https://youtu.be/XKSu-wZChcQ here is a good one.


The genre kind of roots from Varg Vikernes. He made one of the first Dungeon Synth albums when he had nothing to make music with but a synth.

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I fucking love Yellow Submarine. It's definitely one of my favorite films. So many parts of it are incredibly reminiscent of Yume Nikki. The abstract, dream-like atmosphere, the bizarre creatures and sounds scattered everywhere, the soundtrack, the weird story, it feels so similar. It's practically the movie equivalent to a dream. Thank god those hacks who made the polar express movie didn't get their grubby, Hollywood jew fingers on it. Has anybody else here seen it? If you haven't, you definitely should.


I watched it years and years ago. In a sense, I got exactly what I expected of it, psychedelic shit made by a bunch of hippies. The film is alright on itself but it isn't mind-blowingly awesome, or at least it didn't touch me like that. Of course this was years before I even played Yume Nikki, so that may have a part of it.
Have you seen Kanashimi no Belladona? I feel you're going to enjoy it too.


Obviously, the whole movie is a compilation of independently brainstormed events - the deep ocean sections have nothing in common with the "void" section - just that the transitions between some of those were pretty harsh. I'm not sure if it's just a british thing to ignore appropriate scene transitions or what, but segues are very important to me. Yellow submarine has transitions that are so jolting that they eject me from the experience of the movie itself, and for that reason I have trouble finding desire to rewatch it.

While we're on the topic of atmospheric works, Angel's Egg should also be mentioned. If you try to watch this movie on youtube or crunchyroll or whatever "stream" service that takes a 640x480 compressed to hell VHS rip and upscales it to 1080p to save bandwidth, you are a fucking heretic and should be gassed. It was hand-drawn and painted, and should be given the same respect that a painting in an art museum should. Torrent a decent blu ray rip of it.


Thanks for the info. The jolting transitions from one location to another is probably one of the reasons why Yellow Submarine reminded me of Yume Nikki. One moment you're in this weird place, and in the next you're somewhere totally different.


The two having abrupt scene transitions didn't escape me, I'm just trying to imagine why YN's don't bother me at all.

It could be that it's because I actually see myself as exploring the world with Mado rather than simply watching her explore it, as I simply watch the events of Yellow Submarine take place.

Or, it could be the more simple and likely explanation that in YN, I can take my time exploring an area, and only move on when I am ready, whereas in the Yellow Submarine, whether I want to spend an hour in one of their environments, or if I want to get out of it immediately, I have no choice, and some of Y.S's environments are pretty terrible/abrasive/bothersome/repulsive to me.

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I desperately need new music!

What I'm looking for:
*Cute music (calm or upbeat) with female vocals
*Good J-pop and K-pop
*Really depressing but calming music
*Post-rock/ambient/creepy instrumental music
*Really kickass techno/electronica

Specify what you like and I'll try to recommend back!
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bruh this thread is from 2012


remember where you are


Thanks anon :-)


I've only been on this website a week and already I feel fucked.


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Hello.This is a music album. Genre: weird.
Lyrics about murder, rape, serial killing, pedophilia, necrophilia.
Including the big hit "I'm a Proud Pedophile".
Free download. Enjoy:



Can you please re-upload this album, OP?

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The creator tags it as ambient electric By Children Orchids

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Does anyone remember 24Effects?



nigga it has been in my music player since I got it a long time ago

Madotsuki in Wonderland, endleSSStation and 9AM are absolutely amazing. The whole album is godly


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I know people who stumbled upon 24Effects and listen to it routinely without ever having played the game. The music is just that good.

Personally I like pic related more.

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Hey, could anyone here recommend me some "cutup" music? It was really popular around 2010 in the netlabel scene and I recently got reminded how much I loved it back then

Here are some examples:



"cutup" music might be breakcore

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FM synthesis thread. Any chip is welcomed.
Discuss about different chips, favorite pieces/musicians, and, of course share your work.

No soundfont shit pls. Keep that crap away, and stick to files actually playable in their original hardware.
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Volca FM relevant to this thread? I kinda want one of these. Can load Yamaha DX7 sysex files



Although this thread is more oriented to computer chips, it does. It's Frequency Modulated, you have control over the envelopes, and it comes with operators and algorithms. Plus the sound is nice.



I think I'll have to buy this

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If you're still a virgin, this is your chance! Music for ELITE!

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