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/fg/ - Fangames


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Why aren't we supposed to talk about it? According to the Yume Nikki Fangame Wikia the creators don't want us to talk about it. WTF? Anybody know why?


Because the creator doesn't want foreigners downloading or playing his game, IIRC. The whole mess happened a while ago.


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No, that wasn't LCD Dem. That was Yume Nisshi.

Koronba had a massive emotional breakdown from what we saw and kinda made himself disappear. Had nothing to do with us.

Unless it did, ya see, we don't know much of anything about it. Just that Koronba deleted everything; His music, his game, his accounts, just everything.

I feel nothing but sympathy for the poor fellow honestly.

Now the guy who made Yume Nisshi? He can go fuck himself.

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