Really like the look of the protagonist, good job.
>>13303Gee thanks, anon. There's going to be some more things in some days.
Could you please at least use tiles with more than one variation? And maybe use something with less contrast for the floor, so that the hero actually stands out? I mean, the original Yume Nikki had this concept nailed down, pretty much, yet people somehow keep making the same mistake in the fangames.
>>13305Oh you put into words something that's bothered me in a lot of rpgmaker games.
This looks pretty, good luck
>>13305 's advice. Hopefully this looks better overall.
Whoa, you actually did remake the floors today, I thought it was just sarcasm at first. Now I feel bad for doubting you. The walls look pretty sweet.
That said, the floor itself looks even worse now, I'm afraid. You actually did the opposite of what I've suggested for it. The floor is supposed to be the stage for the objects, therefore it's most logical to use a more muted pattern on it. Also if you were to render a scene like that in 3D, the directly lit pixels like those on the floor (the lighting on the objects suggests the light comes from above) would have less saturation compared to those in the shadow. So a pattern like the current one would be highly improbable.
I'd probably give the chairs a fuzzier shadow if I was doing this myself. (also give one to the speakers on the wall) It doesn't have to be accurate, but it really goes a long way to create a convincing feeling for the scene. Might be just personal preference though.
>>13311 Alright, anon, will look for a more neutral pattern and fix it in some time.
>>13307If you're accepting criticism, I have a few. My own suggestion would be to expand the color palette more and cut down on the filters. One thing I disliked about Me was the monochromaticness and the overusage of color filters, especially in areas where it wasn't super necessary. It might be a personal thing, but I just can't stand heavy color filters. I get that it implies darkness, but you end up losing a lot of detail and everything looks very bleh. I didn't even see the tables and cabinets until I looked closer, before then they just looked like holes in the floor. It just comes off as very tacky cliche J-horror game. It's subjective sure, but I still would try and give the map a bigger color palette to compensate if you're just gonna make everything blue.
Another thing I'd be concerned about is the collage style. Me also had this problem too. It might look good in something like Middens, and I can understand that dreams don't have to look like everything else in the world. However it can come off as being lazy and it can look like you didn't actually make some of these sprites. I'm not even sure you did some of them and I'm concerned that you're just reusing the free assets that came with it. And I guess that's ok, they're there and they're free use, but like I said, it can come off as lazy. Then again, there is also a huge thing in the YNFG community about how you ought to make everything from scratch like the original. I'm not sure if that's flawed thinking or not. And as I also said, the idea of dreams looking out of place is an excellent idea, the original had the witch event and of course Yume 2kki is full of massive contrasts because it's a collaborative project. Quality goes everywhere there and there are lots of things that don't look "natural" to Urotsuki's world, or even to the worlds they come from. Like the Face in the Dark Museum, the photorealistic heart, ZALGO, and the giant Hina Doll in Kyoto. However, these things are done in a very subtle way I guess? They obviously look out of the ordinary, and are treated as such. The Face is sorta a jumpscare and the Hina Doll is kind of a funny and meaningful thing that makes sense to the Japanese Village but simultaneously comes out of nowhere. You don't expect it or it's flying head and wacky antics. It's still treated as a significant thing though. Meanwhile, in Me and Somnium, these contrasts are all over the place. It's not a huge thing and kinda clusterfuck-y to be honest. And here we see COMICBOOKMAN in the Misao/Witch's House classroom with RPG slime monsters and silly scribbly octobears and COMICBOOKSPEAKERS on the wall. Although most of it, for me, personally, is how it fucks up my OCD/Perfectionism tendencies with all it's contrastingness. Again, this is all just personal preference and you have some neat aesthetics, this is just my opinions. The OP picks definitely look solid in terms of style consistency and art.
This is most definitely a wall of text, so TL;DR, colors, cut down on the color filters, and work on more tileset/map cohesion.
>>13313 To be fair I found the tint tacky as well - I will tone down on the blue overall as it was there as a test on "how cold can I make the ambient seem to be".
>>13315Perfect. 100% better!
>>13316Thank you. Now I'll work on the rest of the rooms.
I've meant to say this for a while, but I think the character's colors somehow clash with the environment/surroundings. It somehow feel like he's pasted onto the scene; I don't know if it's because of the thick black lines around the sprite or something else. Is it on purpose, or am I being too picky?
>>13340It's on purpose - a visual shorthand that is shared on all characters that are to a certain extent, real or have less abstract counterparts as well as items/objects that should grab a player's attention such as cylinders that hold items.
Since DitS has a larger screen, this ends up giving the potential to more things to happen on-screen.
It also extends to the battle screen - the Player Character
s all have thicker outlines and a particular palette to boot to emphasize that they're not dream denizens at all.
As for the non-dream scenarios, it brings the distinction - they're lively characters despite their own setting.
>>13342Regardless of it being a WIP, that area looks really nice.
>>13339Reminds me of LISA a bit, so that's a good thing in my book.
Lookin' pretty good! There is some uncanny stuff going on with the protagonist's design (the black border/outline, goofy look, etc) in contrast with the environment but I think that can be applied in a positive manner to a great effect, especially for naturally surreal and absurdist games like these. Keep on doing the good stuff
>>13422Gee thanks. There's actually a reason for the contrast, and it's quite simple and explained in-game.
That aside, I should do some more area assets since I am done with a branch off Concrete World.
Shouldn't the panorama have a darker gamut than the foreground? The map looks really flat otherwise.
>>13425Yeah, you're right, will tone it down a bit.
>>13427Mc's overworld sprite fits in a lot better here.
>>13442Can't really tell what that's supposed to be. A water-fountain with floating wings and oven mitts?
>>13444This looks great. The aesthetics of your game remind me a bit of OFF. Do you think there's going to be lots of weird body horror stuff in the end product?
>>13445It depends where you look. My aim is more surreal than scary to say. But perhaps I won't disappoint…
>>13357I like the moai guy. I hope he's romanceble.
>>13451>>13442Not really a criticism, but I am curious. Was this guy inspired by Tokuto-kun? It's still a cool design regardless. I hope you keep his giant mouth for attacks and stuff.
>>13445I think that when M was young and her heart was an open book, she used to make an Off fangame?
>>13460In order: perhaps in an event, but certainly not now as-is. Perhaps in future demos that expand the first head and/or even latter heads.
It is based on tokuto-kun… if the little thing grew up to be a trashcan angel that eats flesh and lives in the middle of a pink desert which fittingly is not-pastel-shoal. Which may be a commentary on something about the community or not if taken on a meta way.
Yes, I made at least three off fangames and the style rubbed off on me (pun not intended before you decide to chuck things on me) but I decided to keep it because, well, it worked.
Now for actual content, have some screenies.
Hate to be that guy, but the art direction seems really uninspired so far. What have you shown so far: totally-not-Pink Sea, a color-inverted Mushroom World from 2kki, a classic isometric cube hive, and a bog-standard tiled building, RPG Maker style. Coloring work ranges from bland to non-existent. And the NPCs don't look very fresh either, at best they seem like rehashes of Yume Nikki's creatures with a touch of OFF's grotesque.
I hope you won't take this personally, but at this stage the art seems scarcely worth the effort to produce it. It's not gonna be fun to explore something that looks like what you've already seen hundreds of times.
>>13473The point is to kill, not to explore.
And the point is to look but not to kill.
Looking at one branch shows this, after all.
But let's drop the crypticness for a second.
First off, while this is a borderline ynfg, exploration is just one of the two things. Combat is also a necessity for a good reason.
2- I was not aware that a world that is literally a bunch of lilypads/a forest of lilypads with half buried rusted pieces of metal somehow constituted the same as a mushroom world.
The whole point of pink desert is that it's supposed to be a) a meta commentary in the state of the community b) a couple of implications about the person whose head is being visited and c) because afaik no one has done a wilderness/Pink Sea combo.
Sure, the purple houses aren't the most ORIGINAL DO NOT STEAL thing but that it has its own feeling it does.
And whether you like it or not, there isn't much else to look because at this point? There ain't nothing new under the sun. Chances are someone has done it already. If your focus is looking at "new" things then perhaps yume nikki fangames or borderline fangames are not the thing for you once you have played more than 30% of them.
Furthermore, you have only seen relatively few npcs in the first place - the rest are either some that I just chose not to put in order to be like more of a "surprise" to the player, or some that are just more relevant later. The interesting things the npcs do lies in battle, which is a part of the gameplay.
Another thing is, what constitutes as an "interesting NPC" in your opinion? Is a laser-shooting, killer trashcan angel somehow not interesting? Is a picasso-based mushroom moai thing that casts things not interesting? Is an odd looking snake that drains the essences of its enemies and chases a player holding up a weapon somehow less interesting than just "walking doll" or "just a bunch of hair with an eye on it"? Is a fishing, pink animal that kills itself by jumping off somehow not any matter of interesting?
Another thing is, what would you mean with "coloring needs work as if is too bland to non existant"? I just need to know - if your "non existant" complaint is about Concrete World then I don't think we are seeing eye to eye. If you brought up examples of the coloring in scenes and gave your opinion in a more in-depth manner then I would see what I could do and whenever I deem it appropriate or not.
Apologies if I somehow sound aggressive but I just want to know.
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Listening to some sort of music is an experience.
A few npc concepts for another place that will be done… after I do some more assets for things and things.
>>13474>Combat is also a necessity for a good reason.Well, I mean, even the action games become worse off if their artwork isn't up to par. You have to really ace it with the gameplay if your visuals aren't pretty to look at.
>And whether you like it or not, there isn't much else to look because at this point? There ain't nothing new under the sun. Chances are someone has done it already. If your focus is looking at "new" things then perhaps yume nikki fangames or borderline fangames are not the thing for you once you have played more than 30% of them.Yeah, but it's not really about being "new", it's more about not being lazy and following its own theme, rather than a theme set by someone else. All the popular fangames, as well as the original, as well as games like OFF – they all have a single theme unifying their content (except for 2kki, I guess, but then again you could break it down into multiple sub-fangames done by different people, and many of those sub-games would follow this rule). As such it stands to reason that to create something equaling those you have to follow the same structure.
You might ask, "but what's wrong with just creating things at random?" Well, there's nothing wrong with that – technical side notwithstanding. Unfortunately, your work so far doesn't really look random, it looks like a low-key imitation of popular games, which doesn't do it any favors.
>The whole point of pink desert is that it's supposed to be a) a meta commentary in the state of the community b) a couple of implications about the person whose head is being visited and c) because afaik no one has done a wilderness/Pink Sea combo.Meta commentary, huh? Oh well.
>Another thing is, what constitutes as an "interesting NPC" in your opinion? […]I never said all of them weren't interesting, nor do I recall drawing any parallels to "just a bunch of hair with an eye on it". But the trashcan angel looks like a blatant pastiche of OFF and YN style, which makes it look really lazy. The rest are pretty much impossible to assess without the context in which they would appear, so I can't really say anything.
>Another thing is, what would you mean with "coloring needs work as if is too bland to non existant"? […]It means a lot of things. Using color to emulate volume, using color to create fine texture, using color to emulate depth-of-field. But the way it looks now, something like 80% of your art consists of shapes filled with solid color. The lilypads you've mentioned don't even look the part, they are just a skewed solid oval on top of a stalk drawn with a single stroke (approximately, I know there's a gradient and everything). No volume, and no texture. You might say it's a stylistic choice, but guess what – this style was majorly used in OFF, which once again makes you look lazy.
It looks like you already have your own audience, so none of my concerns really matter. But just for the sake of your own creativity, I'd suggest to give some thought to this.
>>13478>It means a lot of things. Using color to emulate volume, using color to create fine texture, using color to emulate depth-of-field. But the way it looks now, something like 80% of your art consists of shapes filled with solid color. The lilypads you've mentioned don't even look the part, they are just a skewed solid oval on top of a stalk drawn with a single stroke (approximately, I know there's a gradient and everything). No volume, and no texture. You might say it's a stylistic choice, but guess what – this style was majorly used in OFF, which once again makes you look lazy.Pretty sure the style majorly used in OFF, map-wise, was actually bold shapes with colors in them, black outlined, simplified to a major T, the colors used often to a degree that can nearly burn one's eyes (if not already). The ONE time the "lineless but fairly simple sort-of-binary" style was arguarbly used was in one section of the game - the I have Three Friends segment outside (pratically only five maps in the whole game, only one tileset) which, what a surprise, doesn't necessarily even fit the style represented in the images of "Lilypad forest"
Npc-wise, only like, two characters (the aforementioned Hemilagno, picture related and the already shown Anjalixo) could fit and even then, there are pieces that make them not fit within the art style proper that would need a lot of changes.
I'd also argue that the simplified look actually helps establish the scenery I had in mind - a calm locale, simple and perhaps quite soft, contrasting with the pieces of rusted, broken metal, buried within, nature that simply exists, after the rain as seen via the drops of orange. But I can understand not feeling like this or another world isn't your cup of tea or even disliking an art style.
also at >get your theme
There is a certain theme in this "head" but it's something that would require playing and taking in consideration the reveal of whose head it is to fully grasp it.
To finish, while I get your opinion, I say fret not - more original content may be coming out soon, as noted from the recently posted NPC concept art. That aside, perhaps future posts of mine might interest you. If not, that's fine.
Thank you very much for clarifying your opinion and critique, I shall keep it in mind. Have a nice day!
Alright, thanks for keeping it level-headed. It's been a pleasure.
>>13475The game is looking great, though I do have a couple criticisms about this guy. Nothing major though, I really do like the concept of… Homer Simpson/Hat In Time Guy? He's cute. But the proportions are a bit wonky. Also I feel like you should probably give him more hats/costumes if he gets a special suit for spellcasting. If his outfit gets shapeshifting abilities, you should really make the most of it.
>>13477I love these NPCs. They remind me of 2kki's Graveyard suits.
I think it's nice to make a game that's a bit of a meta commentary on fangames and fangame makers, as well as a non-traditional fg. I actually had an idea like that a while back, but you're making it better than I could. Just don't lose sight of concept though. There are plenty of similar works on here that started out so differently from the main formula, they evolved into their own attention seeking original projects. Especially Middens, which this sorta reminds me though.
I already like this better, since as far as I know, you don't have dubious but pretty likely rape allegations and/or are a con artist.
>>13482He will get more different hats and outfits in some time, don't worry!
And to be fair, Dye in the Sky is really bordering the line on not being one in several ways and you could argue a lot about what being a ynfg even means considering DitS's approach to the formula
such as basically involving more than one protagonist, involving other people visiting other people's minds rather than their own, what one would call a plot, the lack of madorecolor that ends in -tsuki, even the fact that it involves combat, etc… Heck, I don't know even if it would fit in the /fg/ board to begin with. is non-orthodox in several ways even though some of these are found in several ynfgs already.
But then again, I never made Me to be more than what it was intended - as a YNFG first and foremost - and thus it ended up being finished (and as years went past, doing quite a bit better than other contemporaries that decided to suddenly not be a yume nikki fangame)
As for the meta commentary, perhaps I will include more of those things, but they may not be as on-the-nose as the Bubble Womb Desert is.
Anyway, since this is getting long, have some animations I have finished of another character. With some luck I shall resume working on areas.
i think that the protag looks a little bit out of place, maybe because of his colour scheme and thick black outline
that being said, your animations are pretty and would totally work in a flash platformer game of sort
>>13596The black and green thing on the left of the first screenshot looks awesome.
This is showing a lot of interesting improvement over "Me".
>>13597That large object is thanks to a beloved person who helped me with these larger objects - she's working as a co-artist/concept maker, giving me ideas sometimes and has contributed some art for the game but it's still 95% me when it comes to tilesets/drawn objects in the game.
That aside, I agree that it makes a lot of interesting development/evolution since 2011 or so.
Oh wow M-256, I'm so happy to see "Dye in the Sky" coming along! (I dropped off checking Tumblr when it was still in its conceptual stages of development.) I'm as stoked to play this as I was your other games. Protag looks phenomenal. Glad to see this one's breaking the mold a bit after three true-blue YN fangames, haha.
>>13700Those look beautiful.
Oh man, just look at all these checkerboard floors. I just can't get enough of those!
>>13781Heh, yeah, putting effort into your designs is so overrated. :)
>>13783Pls, you're in the fanbase where 99.9% of all ynfg protags are mado recolors and the rest tend to be incridebly nondescript. If you want to jerk off to floor tiles, look somewhere else, because here is checkered floors or gtfo
>>13784>Pls, you're in the fanbase where 99.9% of all ynfg protags are mado recolors and the rest tend to be incridebly nondescriptEven so, they usually look good at least.
>If you want to jerk off to floor tiles, look somewhere else, because here is checkered floors or gtfoYeah, well, if that's what you consider to be quality artwork, more power to you. I'm just a little perplexed is all.
>>13787I feel like you're using your game's 'meta' status to advert criticism. Sure checkered floor tiles are common, but don't you want to do better than the norm? Personally I'm not bothered by it, but the way you justify it seems to be enabling mediocrity.
>>13788Dude, I just like checkered floor tiles. It's a minor thing I enjoy and unlike things like large looping maps or hell mazes, it doesn't hurt anyone. No one cares about floor tiles in a game that much beyond color.
Real talk, you're too stuck in a single unimportant detail rather than staring at the whole picture whatsoever.
Furthermore if you had put some thought to it, you'd realize two things:
1- Checkerboard floors have appeared in the "real life" room of the head you are visiting (whose screenshots can be found further up the thread), giving it credibility to the reocurring pattern, similar to the paracas textiles in yn which come from Mado's rug, y2k's references to the twin mountainset found outside Uro's veranda and so on.
2-the whole area is a reference to Remedios Varo's paintings to some extent, which along the reocurring themes one can find that show up in the area (warm tones, nighttime, elongated faces) are, unsurprisingly, checkerboard floors.
3- I just like checkerboard floors and nothing will change my mind about it.
>tl;drWho cares about floor tiles that much?
>and unlike things like large looping maps or hell mazes, it doesn't hurt anyone
"My lazy design choices are so much better than those other lazy design choices!"
Can one possibly have less self-awareness than this? What do I know though, I'm just an emotional response. Better post another smug face so as to look superior.
>>13790You're the one gettin' mad at floor tiles here bud, not me.
>>13792It's not interesting, but it bothered you enough to make you all passive aggressive about it for two whole posts.
There's a reason I brushed off your critique and it's called "Nobody cares about floors that much unless they do something or clash with the setting or they are too detailed/busy in the eyes".
Furthermore you presented something that is nitpicking/personal taste at worst and tried to pass it as an objective design flaw - ignoring the reasons presented for the design in first place.
To add, you went "you're using your game's meta image to dodge critique" when this doesn't even apply to the situation in question. The other games example was to show reocurring imagery that is manifested through small things found in the games' real life sections (Rug, Background Scenery)
And last but certainly not least, you're the one assuming that you, the one who are just doing basic nitpicks, is a self-important critic. You're just trying to nitpick something and gettin' all huffy all because I had the choice not to give a shit. And I'll bet you'll go fearmongering like "ooh you won't improve if you listen to me" but the bigger picture is that people don't care about floors that much.
>tl;drRead the fucking post
>>13802Oh man, I thought I'd just move on, but if people like you are gonna whiteknight for our artist friend, I guess I'll make myself extra clear.
> not make any objective points in his speech (besides "but it looks boring and baaad!")No, dude, that's not what I've said at all. I've said that the art is lazy, or low-effort. And something being low-effort is not a subjective metric, it's actually pretty easy to measure how much work and how much thought has gone into producing something.
I admit it's rude and petty of me to give feedback in this way, but hey, it's not like everyone is obligated to be part of our artist friend's fan club, is it? Since no one else brought it up so far, I thought I might as well. Mr. Artist doesn't seem to care either way; his work is clearly perfect in his head, and everyone who disagress is just emotionally defective after all.
>>13789>Furthermore if you had put some thought to it, you'd realizeWell, that's a cool rebuttal, except for the following:
1. This logic only works if the detail in question is something specific, something that stands out on its own. Like the examples you've mentioned, the mountains in 2kki and the textiles in Nikki. But checkerboards are by their very definition generic, and if you try to use them as a recurring detail, it just doesn't have the same effect. It's like if you said "the hero has some generic rock outside his house, so the dream world is full of generic rocks". It might be the case, but it's still not gonna be read that way by the audience, cause the detail you're using just doesn't stand out.
2. So what you're saying is that lazy and mediocre designs are cool as long as some other artist did it before? All the while there's not even any logical relation between your game and that woman's work? Man, you must be a really creative person.
3. Hey, good for you, totally beside the point though.
Oh boy, look at all this text you're not even gonna read! Can I get another smug face response, please?
This isn't Tumblr, it'd be cool to stop making such a big deal of something so silly.
>>13803>low-effort>objectiveWell, Yume Nikki is objectively low-effort, you can say that. At least I've heard people saying that. What a dumb thing to say, isn't it? And even is it is low effort, does that means it's bad and thoughtless? No. How can you say that something is "low effort" to begin with? Do you know how much effort other person put into something? Look at the logos for example: is Nike's logo looks complicated to you? It isn't, isn't it? Yet every designer thinks deep into the logos and symbols to make sure that it sticks with audience. But you can say that logos are "low effort" because of how simple they are. That's is you indicate how low effort things are judging by how complicated they look.
Also you've accused author of being boring and not trying to design properly to which he clearly replied with his thoughts about why he made floor this way. So he clearly did this intentionally. That's if your understanding of "low effort" is something that haven't got any thoughts behind it.
Trust me, I'm not defending the author and I'm not saying that his designs are perfect (nobody's perfect I bet if you tried to put your thoughts in constructive manner at least everything would've be better), I'm just explaining his reaction and what did he meant by >presented something that is nitpicking/personal taste at worst and tried to pass it as an objective design flaw.
Please, think about your mindset, I'm just triggered by the people like you, as an designer/artist myself.
Please, don't critique anyone if you don't know how to do that properly or just want to be rude or say how do you hate said artist's vision.
>>13805>And even is it is low effort, does that means it's bad and thoughtless?I consider thought part of the effort involved, so anything low-effort would also be thoughtless by definition. Or I wouldn't call it low-effort. Like for example, Yume Nikki's art may be simplistic, or low-effort from a technical standpoint, but it does have some sort of overaching thought to it (otherwise why would people go to such length in making up theories), as such it hardly counts as low-effort.
>How can you say that something is "low effort" to begin with?The same way one can say whether a piece of music is harmonious or not, the same way one can say whether a color combination is pleasing to the eye or not. It's mostly feeling based, but there actually is a rigorous math underneath it all; if one is so inclined, it's very possible to measure artistic harmony.
> Look at the logos for example: is Nike's logo looks complicated to you? It isn't, isn't it? Yet every designer thinks deep into the logos and symbols to make sure that it sticks with audience. But you can say that logos are "low effort" because of how simple they areOn top of what I've said about thought being part of the effort, your comparison is scarcely valid, as a logo is an entirely different art form. That's like comparing a haiku to a full-fledged novel; even if they use the same language, their structures will still be fundamentally different.
>Also you've accused author of being boring and not trying to design properly to which he clearly replied with his thoughts about why he made floor this wayBoring is a subjective category, and it's not even the real problem in question. It seems that the author just doesn't have any original ideas to his work. That's why the whole "meta-commentary" is a thing, it's not stealing other people's styles if you do commentary on it, right? Fair Use, yo.
Also, as you might see, I've went back and deconstructed that reasoning, because it doesn't sound very logical.
> I'm just explaining his reaction and what did he meant by >presented something that is nitpicking/personal taste at worst and tried to pass it as an objective design flaw.I've made my case for why it is, in fact, a flaw. Dismissing everything is easy, what matters is whether there is some logic to back it up.
>Please, think about your mindset, I'm just triggered by the people like you, as an designer/artist myself.Well, that makes it two of us, or three with OP. And guess what – I'm triggered by people like him, who leech off other people's creativity while pretending to be some kind of certified expert about it.
>>13805Even if somebody complained about the dumbest, most minute detail, that's not a good reason to get all pissy, or 'triggered'
vomit about it. Low or high effort is very arbitrary, but what's not is that simply making those sorts of tiles isn't very difficult for an average person. You could also say it looks boring. Subjectivist reasoning is moronic because it implies that something like Policenauts looks no better than Undertale. Flat, checkered patterns aren't creative and they don't give much to feast your eyes on. Low or high effort, YN always gave something interesting and distinct to see. I'm noticing from a lot of screenshots that a flat checkered floor or some other plain grid is used often.
Honestly I'm pretty certain this is just trolling. M has put checkered tiles into all her other games and no one's said anything until now. It might not be something I really care, but she does and she's perfectly allowed to put them in because she likes them, and she's actually the one making this game and putting in work into the rest of it, and it's not so offensive that it automatically makes this the worst thing in the history of uboachan or mankind in general. It's just a designer thing, like lol puts in edgy loli girls, rust, and viscera into his games and wataru makes beautiful garden post-apocalyptic garden areas you can't see shit in. Besides that, the game itself is looking pretty good all in all, even better than Me (which, by the way, is also filled with tile patterns, blood, and eyes that I don't see many people complaining about.)
I hope M doesn't pull a Mishka on us and fuck off forever, which is probably what this guy's wanting. One could even say that it might just be the same person, because ubuu is easy as hell to screw with because of the massive circlejerking. Don't be a slut M, please.
>>13823Goddamnit I posted the same image twice! Oh well.
>>13486So did Toby Fox rip you off in his new game or what? Because that guy looks a lot like the wizard character in deltarune.
>>13836Yeah, I know. I just found the comparison itself hilarious.
Have some eggs. Development has slowed down quite a bit, but I believe by tuesday I'll have some stuff to show.
>>13837>>13836>>13835>>13834wait. wait.
i think i found something. like i've cracked some sort of code here.
>>13842Of course! Jubei was pulling the strings the whole time! It all makes sense now…
>>13923Awesome enemy dude. Although I feel like it'd look better animated, however I'm not sure if that's a possibility.
You may want to consider, maybe not a different pose, but perhaps giving it a little more definition in some areas. Silhouettes are hard to do because of how simple and plain they can be. You may want some pop of color on it's lower body to make it stand out a bit. If this is a common enemy, I hope you make different color variations of it.
I do like the way the butterfly head is drawn and the overall 'Gekidan Inu Curry' feel to it. It reminds me a little of Umineko too actually. Have you considered naming it Beatrice?
>>13925I'll keep it in mind as I make more edits to compensate its lack of animation.
The idea behind the butterfly maiden(s) is to invoke the works of Romero Britto.
That aside, currently I ponder if only bosses should be animated. Right now a few enemies are actually animated such as the Anjas, the 3d NPCS and whatnot.
>>13926>Romero BrittoHey, I know that!
Although, now I'm concerned there might be too little color if you're going for him. Perhaps putting a pattern on the dress may help? If you feel ambitious, you may want to make multiple pattern variations, in addition to color variations.
The other enemies and bosses look great. I guess if you wanted to animate them, perhaps consider making Anjas a special type of enemy akin to Off's Secretaries, Dragon Quests rare slimes, or other rare/secret bosses disguised as regular mooks. Just something to give them a special or unnatural quality.
>>13930That makes sense! I will do that to the Anjas, don't worry. They will be minibosses.
On the area side, I am currently working on a particular area that leads to an effect.
>>13989That's a pretty cool looking character.
>>14049The large, looming "not-cousin itt" or the smaller but large ghost?
>>14060The background one. I loved those kinda charas in Hallucigenia, and I wish more fangames used them.
>>14070You'll be happy to find out there is more of them.
For now, have this.
>>14081you should switch-blade your fingers off to ensure you can never curse the world with another shitty pixel art ever again
>>14081there's a point in development where you're in it for the long term. after that point it'd be easier just to start over from scratch. i don't know how far into development you are, but from your screenshots, it looks fairly significant. you might still be ok, but if you'll have to redo a large enough amount of areas, it's better to just scrap what you got and start again, or plow on through.
the different styles between areas have always concerned me. stylistically, some things just don't belong, and i was worried it'd eventually take it's toll on the project. in regards to the battles, you're pitting chibi final fantasy sprites against works of art. middens and off did similar, but kept a similar palette throughout to make differences less jarring. i don't know if that's the problem you're talking about however, but that's what I'm worried about. what do YOU think is wrong with the battle system? if you uploaded a picture of it, it might be easier to tell what's gone wrong and how to fix it. also keep in mind, you can position the characters and enemies sprites anywhere on the field. you don't have to just line them up on one side.
i really don't mean to sound overly critical. I'm a bit of a pessimist. still, what you have shown us so far is great, and I'm looking forward to more of it. i do have high hopes for the game, even if it doesn't sound like it. you are an amazing artist.
my complaint about the bedroom is that it's a bit flat. perhaps add more colorful decorations to it to make it feel more 'lived in', such as pillows or a carpet, or books, clothes, or a lamp.
>>14086Forgot to add about battle systems, it might also be easier to do what games like earthbound had and do a first person dungeon crawler system.
>>14086Hello once more. My issue with the battle system isn't its style (because after all it becomes interchangeable) but its implementation - How to for example make it so it's not too intrusive for the people who want to explore but not too much "just tacked on and easily ignorable" which is a delicate balance with a game of such a nature. As for the picture shown in my previous post, it was just there as an example of how my pixel art would look like (veterans however, might realize
that this is a mockup of one of my earlier games )
Gif and picture here is how the battle system is like in its current state.
>>14091plz keep making your game, it looks rad
>>14084wew lad, sick yume nikki reference!