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/fg/ - Fangames


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yo so people are still making fangames right?? Like it wouldn't be weird if i made one in the current year??? I already have some sprites, npcs and uhhh ideas i guess.

umm one of my big ideas is to not have the MC be a hikikomori. which has probably been done before but idk i guess i'll do it as well or uhhh yea.

and i have a general theme for the game in place so yea that will work out . maybe. .

also idk if im posting this in the right place, im just really tired so i'll delete it if it is , in, ,,,the,, ,, , ,wrong ,, place?


It is the right board, don't worry.

Well it wouldn't be 'weird', and also that is a terrible reason not to do it. If you want to make one then make one.

>umm one of my big ideas is to not have the MC be a hikikomori

How would you show this in game? Would you be able to leave the room and walk around town or whatever while awake?


Oh ok that's good.

So I think maybe the MC would be able to walk around the entire house but if he tries to exit the house he either gets yelled at or someone (possibly the father?)physically stops him from leaving.

Also when he enters the dream world, the house itself could serve as the nexus (like maybe opening the fridge would take him to a world orr soemthing?)

So rather than him refusing to leave his home, he's just not allowed to. Too much exploration in the real world would take away focus from the dreams maybe.. .. .


Can we see some sprites?


There are many ways you can do that, MC could have been kidnapped, or something could be simply blocking the door, or MC could be wanting to stay inside because of a storm like in Answered Prayers.

There are other games that didn't have a hikikomori, like TLG, Hell Diary or Gnosis, all for different circumstances, it's not a new concept but all of them execute it with originality.


File: 1503328009774.gif (87.2 KB, 504x672, $dwyer walking clone.gif)

uhhhh here's the MC if you're curious, although he is kind of bland looking haha. i could post spritesheets but im paranoid af for some reason?

I'll hopefully find an original way to utilize the concept heh

Also has there been a fangame where gloves were used as a the murder thing? Out of the games i've played it hasn't been done, but there are so many that i uhhhhhhh y'know?? it would be a thing where when you're wearing the gloves you can beat things up or strangle them i guess. (still working out the details oh boy)


I like the colour scheme. If you think s?he is too bland you could do a shirt pattern or an unzipped hoodie or something, but personally I think it looks fine.


>Also has there been a fangame where gloves were used as a the murder thing?
iirc, Mikan Muzou sorta did.


oh yea Mikan Muzou had the brass knuckles. uhh i might just make the mechanics of the gloves different from the brass knuckles or come up with something new entirely.

i'll wait and see i suppose haha


It's not bland at all, it has shading and colors that are okay, which is more than we can expect from most, but it's a mado recolor. A lot of people don't like those and even make a moral issue out of them.


>i could post spritesheets but im paranoid af for some reason?
As long as it's not stolen stuff it should be fine and we have seen a lot of things.

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