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/fg/ - Fangames


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So…how about a thread to report new fangames being made? I haven't seen any new relevant fangames in a while.
If this is too hard just tell me which fangames in production you expect to be completed.


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>So…how about a thread to report new fangames being made?

>If this is too hard just tell me which fangames in production you expect to be completed.


Fangames don't get completed. Only updated until the creator moves on.


What about DuGaSHoBa!? Its thread got updated literally a couple of hours ago.


This is so fucking sad.


Well, you can always start working like a slave on a game that only 5 people will play and revert the situation instead of bitching around like this, you know.


There's still glory to be had in it, but it's always better to make it from your actual desire to make it. Who cares if it makes you popular or not? If you want to make a fangame, go for it.

A few folks floating around still love 'em and play 'em, seeing as a couple hundred already downloaded DuGaSHoBa! within a month of 0.00.


Well, isn't popularity is one of the reasons you cancelled some of your games, though? Not even popularity as in "I'm famous" but "people actually play my games so I don't feel like I wasted my time working on it".


>Who cares if it makes you popular or not?
Every YNFG creator I know.


>isn't popularity is one of the reasons you cancelled some of your games, though?
In the distant past, there were some that I threw a tantrum about over numbers that didn't matter in the long run. I always came back to the games to update them at least once more but the only stuff that ever got cancelled for good as an on-the-spot decision was stuff I didn't want to bother putting effort into making anymore due to lack of desire.

Sometimes you kinda have to be patient—the YNFG community didn't really care that much about AiD but it still 'blew up' (relatively speaking) thanks to LPs over time, news articles, and the steam release. And that was the game I threw the most tantrums over early on.

>Every YNFG creator I know.
Their priorities are kinda misplaced then. If you set out to put a bunch of stuff in the game just to make it popular, it's going to have the opposite effect if it's thoughtless and halfhearted.


>If you set out to put a bunch of stuff in the game just to make it popular, it's going to have the opposite effect if it's thoughtless and halfhearted.
You should play Kio's Adventure.


Kikiyama didn't make Yume Nikki to get popular, so doesn't it make sense to copy their mentality when you're trying to create something similar? Otherwise, the only thing you make is something with superficial similarities. Why is it that yn fan game makers can't just only talk about their game after it's finished? Before the thing is done, what's the point in telling anybody about it? The only thing I can think of is that you want to have your dick sucked prematurely. That's actually bad for development because it gives you satisfaction for an unfinished product. Once you're satisfied, the drive to keep developing wanes.


You kinda need to tell folks about it to start the hype cycle, but at the same time YN games don't exactly play by usual gamedev rules since most developers are working alone and lack the discipline to stick with something after blowing their verbal load about it.

I wouldn't say it's a bad thing to talk about it before it's playable, unless you've never published a build of a playable game before.


>so doesn't it make sense to copy their mentality when you're trying to create something similar?
>Eat like kiki, sleep like kiki, be the kiki.
No, I am not going to jump off a cliff because Kikiyama does it, some developers aim to grow, not to simply connect in body and soul with Kikiyama. Kiki's not perfect either, YN has flaws, you can make a pong clone with YN characters and call it a fangame if you wish.


>Kikiyama didn't make Yume Nikki to get popular
We don't know that.


What's a, "hype-cycle", and why is it necessary?
I didn't say copy kikiyama in every way, I said that instead of thinking, "I can't wait until people start noticing and praising me", you could focus more on making something for the sake of creating an experience. When you make it for the attention you're more likely to put in stuff like theory bait or outright stating that a character was raped or something because that's the kind of stuff that gets noticed easily. That kind of stuff deviates the game from its inspiration. If people want to, "grow as an artist", they should make something totally original. If a fangame doesn't feel like the original, it's not a good fan game in my opinion. when I play a fan game, I'm hoping to feel like i'm playing the original for the first time again while still getting the sense that everything is fresh. Before you say i'm not entitled to anything, I am entitled to be able to speak my mind.
When making a fan game, there's a built in audience ready to pay attention to you. If you want attention by making a game, making a fan game is one of the easier ways of doing it. Kikiyama made an original game that's not tied into anything else. They would have no reason to assume that their game would be popular like somebody who makes fan games would. If they wanted popularity, it wouldn't make sense for them to go that route. It definitely wouldn't make sense for them to make something that's so lacking in mass appeal. Look at any person who obviously wants to be noticed and is motivated by a lust for attention, they stick to trends. Not only that, but kikiyama's interaction with yn fans is little to non-existent. Attention whores always leech off of the people who notice them. If you look at the behavior of any attention whore, it does not match up with kikiyama. You can make judgments about a person based on what they do. Actions speak louder than words.


>If a fangame doesn't feel like the original, it's not a good fan game in my opinion. when I play a fan game, I'm hoping to feel like i'm playing the original for the first time again while still getting the sense that everything is fresh.
Following that idea, Dream Vs Dream wouldn't be a fangame… if it existed.
A fangame is a game made by fans, regardless of how it's put (or how bad it is). And honestly, making a fangame is a clear sign of "Now I want to get some dick-sucking for making a fangame of this thing that has already a fanbase ready to lick my genitals", even supposing you're making it "out of respect/love for the original", simply because if you really were working for something like that, then you may as well never make it public in the first place, because the satisfaction is working in the game and not getting fame, innit? We seem to agree on this.

As for kiki "not wanting fame", who do you think started spamming YN in 2chn? Hmm? Surely you don't think somebody magically noticed a random personal webpage back in 2003 (god forbid, the time those were everywhere) that casually had a download link for an unknown game, right? And, if (IF) we assume the magazine thing are real, then he's the one who sent it to get a broader public. By the same line of logic from my previous paragraph, surely you can't deny he actually tried making it public? And there aren't many reasons somebody would do that. Also, YN is a weird game, the kind once people notice tend to pass around (like they did), so it's not like it's an hidden gem under 200 feet of solid rock known solely by the most adventurous gamers and unbeknownst by most. It's actually the kind of game that would make you popular if the idea wasn't so overused nowadays, just like it was back then. As for him not interacting with the public now, he did in the past, very seldom and through limited means (mails), so he just could be dead now for all we know.

I'm not saying he's an attention whore, but he's not a holy hermit who found nirvana and made a game without expecting some cock-sucking.


>if you really were working for something like that, then you may as well never make it public in the first place
Well, it would be a little selfish to withhold that from other people. If you make the best fan game ever, then you should let others partake. You can wait till the game is finished and post a link anonymously on this board. Simple as that. You shouldn't even respond to questions in my opinion. Let your game speak for you and all that.
>I'm not saying he's an attention whore, but he's not a holy hermit who found nirvana and made a game without expecting some cock-sucking.
Did they really spam it? That's something to think about. Well, people at the very least shouldn't be purely motivated by attention like some are. You probably shouldn't sacrifice artistic integrity by making changes to the game for the sake of garnering more attention or to pander either.


I feel like we have the age-old convo of 'how much should you seek to emulate Kikiyama vs. doing your thing' a lot, whenever we're not talking about specific FGs. It's never not going to be a relevant conversation, and I think it's useful stuff for a newbie to read if they have ambitions of being 'the next Kikiyama'.

That being said, the thing that shows the most integrity and works best for your game is figuring out how much and what ways you'd like to interact with your followers. Everyone can't be a mountain hermit, especially if you actually want people to play the game you worked so hard on. And you do, because you get better at making games by finding an optimization between your desires, your skills, and the desire you fostered in your players.


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Shit, i guess it's time to have another ranty thread?
Personally, i always had this feeling that after the big 3/major FG's were established (2kki, flow, lcddem, nisshi?) most guys were in it for the dicksucking when it became trendy and at the point we're at now, most "fangames" are either inherently disconnected from YN and just seem like some meme-tier baits to a dead audience or are just made just 'cause it's fun or something.
I've been trying to lurk the archives for a while now, but i can't see at what point it stopped being so and so ghetto as fuck fangames who got like a dozen or so guys interested in it to…this.
I guess we're at the point in time where even the memesters don't make fangames.

That being said, yuque is a relatively new fangame and it looks cool, haven't downloaded it because i'm burned out of FGs overall. The whole "collect le effects > ending > observe atmosphere / areas > make theory on how Memetsuki has dark past" thing is kinda tiring when like 3 fangames already did all that's possible (flow is the edgy one, lcddem is the light one and 2kki is the one who does both) for variation.

God blessin' all the FG nibbas.


If the old-versions-bullshit revealed something is that at least YN was sent to specialized magazines for promotion, you don't know if he interacted with players at all, it happened in japan over 10 years ago, all we know it was shared in 2ch as well a long time ago.

Kikiyama was clearly not an advanced developer, a lot of people don't know how to market their games properly, but we also know he had a website, which he used to update.

All of this may be vague but there is as much evidence that he wanted to spread Yume Nikki as there is that he didn't want to and all we got are assumptions.


I'm working on one, I've had the idea on my mind for years but now I finally got the time and inspiration to do it. I seriously hope you guys will find this very tired green eyed girl's delusions enjoyable and fascinating. this will be my love letter to yume nikki.


That's the spirit! Hope you don't give up halfway.


>Who cares if it makes you popular or not? If you want to make a fangame, go for it.
This. I had tried making fangames many times in the past, to no success. When I finally produced something, I felt proud. Even if it was just generic and lackluster, I was happy with my work. Knowing that a small amount of people have at least tried it is enough for me.


Exactly! If you want to make a fangame, then go for it! I'm working on a game called More Lies that's heavily inspired by Yume Nikki, but I wouldn't call it a fangame. Probably in a similar branch as Fleshchild.


Every professional game developer in the industry.


If you're just in it for attention, you could just as well skip the foreplay and go full Phil Fish now.


Why of course, money is always good and seeking attention is how you sell things.


best of luck, look forward to it coming out

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