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/fg/ - Fangames


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Pic related - Ultra Violet is my favorite.


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While I like 2kki and .flow the most due to breadth/style/quality of content and would probably pick one of those as my top-favorite, I'm going to put in a mention for Elysium City. I really enjoyed what existed of it and would have loved to see the thing grow bigger and get new areas to explore.


Answered Prayers
Too bad it was dropped, like tons of other fgs.


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It wasn't dropped. It's still being worked on.

It'll update any day now. Just a little while longer.


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I'm pretty sure the author himself said the game was dropped a few years ago. And, even if "it wasn't", it's been 6 years since the last update, so the chances are minimal, if any.


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I think they said somewhere on their tumblr that they were wantin to do a remake of it someday.

Their patreon supported and possibly dead webcomic was supposed to be a spinoff in the same universe or remake or something. Can't remember what. I only read a couple of pages before I decided it probably wasn't worth my time so I have no clue how true it is.

They still draw Fluorette though, so it's nice that it's not completely forgotten.


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He finished the first chapter of Homunculus in April (49 pages). It's been slow-but-steady updates since he launched the Patreon, with a brief hiatus when he injured his hand in October. Last I heard of Answered Prayers, he wanted to get Homunculus done before working on it again.

If anyone's interested in Homonculus, the first few pages are here: http://klaufir.tumblr.com/post/95239390983/homunculus-pages-00-11-2016-update-homunculus


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