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/fg/ - Fangames


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If you were given the chance to ‘revive’ one or two YNFGs that are abandoned/canceled/stuck in development limbo and immediately play a polished complete version of it, which would you pick? While there are many unfinished YNFGs that I greatly enjoyed like Answered Prayers and Broken Bottles, the game I found myself yearning for the most was Elysium City. I know its status as a fangame is highly arguable, but there was something special about seeing a game that combines the beautiful atmosphere of a top tier YNFG with an actual plot with its own unique cast of characters.
And what about you, which game would you love to bring back from the dead?


.flow, and maybe a few of bleet's games.
Elysium City looks so good


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Answered Prayers


why did .flow die


Yume Nisshi the game has a ton of potential but it's too bad that the game is cancelled because of an american fan used the sprites of that game


because i guess lol moved on to other games, have you checked his game that was recently translated on /og/?


Why are people saying .flow? It's finished.


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.flow has endings yes, but its very much not finished
some areas could use a lot more polish, plus there was some stuff added in 0.19 that were new events then it just abruptly stopped development even though it already teased us with new content to come (that town area, vomit girl/SIAS, etc) and i recall seeing in a Yume Nisshi thread (i think it can be found in /ot/ by now) that lol_rust said .flow wasn't going anywhere

For personal opinions on areas which should be expanded, it should be the School (the empty box there is well…empty, and the school feels very desolate and devoid of anything interesting), make the Vomit Girl area a more prominent one, expand on the town area full of discounted weird red demon things, if the game wishes to break the formula of 24 effects then end, then a bit more effects, expanding the end-game of the Rust scenario, and making the multiple endings actually different

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