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/yndd/ - Yume Nikki - Dream Diary

New board for the 2018 game.

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 No.1757[View All]

So what do you guys think of Yume nikki dream diary?
71 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You're comparing Yuzo Kojiro with Umemoto Ryuu/Ryuu Takami, what differs here is the software (with time it improved, hence why some PC-98 music sounds "better") they used for composing (driver) and musical style (how each artist creates their instruments and how they play them). Hardware doesn't really have that much to do. For comparison, check Touhou 1 OST with Th 2-5, the only difference is the driver.


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That makes sense. The limits of hardware being pushed over time always happens.


I'm very neutral about this game. It is a complete different thing than the original YN and felt more like some quirky sequal or spin-off fangame more than a remake. The linear style of the game, the fusioning of different areas into one area and the new places killed the atmosphere. It didn't like the music as well because it was mostly playing at the wrong time, changed by a bit or completely new.

What I found nice was that it wasn't that lonely anymore, you could really interact with the NPCs and it didn't felt that isolated from the world outside mado's room. Even the new ending made the game really positive, thus it's spooky moments. As long as the isolated atmosphere of loneliness made the original game special for me, this game won't find any special place in my heart, therefore YNDD was kinda more bearable and pleasant.

HUUUURRRR, those Pink Sea lands were just gorgeous; same with the mall, masada-san and mado's room.


>wasn't that lonely anymore
I felt the opposite. Everything was trying to attack me and the passive NPCs you could interact with were little, which made me believe Mado's struggle was real.
In the OG Yume Nikki, all the (non-Tori's) NPC's were neutral, which made the game lonely in it's own way but wasn't the "no friends all enemies" vibe YNDD lets out.


That's just it though; you get that vibe in any horror game. 'No friends no enemies' is kind of the main point of the genre.

Original YN did it differently by having everything be silent and mysterious. I don't feel any struggle here, it's just cliched shit. The final boss is some generic shadow thing.


Except Yume Nikki was never meant to be a horror game, only people dumb enough to be game journalists think of it that way. It's an adventure game, a surreal adventure game, a lot like Osamu Satou's games. The new game being designed as a horror game just goes to show how little producers care about the concept.


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Uh oh.


Are you fucking kidding me



>Same engine

>Same system reqs
>Same price
>Similar character design
>Similar gameplay

Aint gonna listen any BS about this being a fucking coincidence.


fucking kadokawa, at least be subtle about the games you clone


AHAHAAH Anybody who has ever liked this game whole heatedly, or not questioned its development, is mentally deficient.


I'm fucking done


For what it was, it was nice. I liked experiencing YN in 3D, even if it didn't 100% fulfill my expectations.
The concept art was lovely, I enjoyed the music, and Poniko's house and bedroom were beautiful (Uboa was a disappointment, though). Sky Garden was amazing, too.

I feel like there was a lot of unmet potential in this. It shouldn't have been released this early, it could've been great if they had added more effects, events and generally just tried a little harder. As it is….I don't know. I can't call it shit because of the way it managed to make me feel, but I feel like it wasn't what it could've been.


uh oh.



10/10, game of the year for every year, would bastardize a niche but beloved series for a quick buck again.


oh my fucking god hahaahahaha


no u


Wow, it's almost like it's somewhat of a side squirreler like Detention and other games but no it the same game sine the pic does the same things and not like core game part of other game is different sine it's a platformer with one way of viewing, no, not at all


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I never said any of that, I merely pointed out how they blatantly copied (or rather, traced) things. You're the butthurt one defending this so desperately you find ghosts everywhere and in anyone who disagrees with you.


>I merely pointed out how they blatantly copied
That was my point you dumbass, it wasn't coping, there are other games in that path and others doing the same as that and the core things of the other game you shitted is different and if anything this feels more like game in late-90's if anything, not limbo 2. you are still bullshitting and ignored my own point.

>anyone who disagrees with you.

nigga i'm disagreeing you dumbass
And if there anyone who want anything, that is you making crap up to make yourself look cool by bullshitting reasons on why the game the succ.


Because there not even reasons in the first place, neither there are truthful.


Look faggot, do you realize… that I'm talking about the bloody picture? I never said anything about the damn game, you just assumed I did and argued me against imaginary points I "made".
You're the one seeing ghosts everywhere, calm the fuck down retard, there's no need to defend this game like a fucking white knight. Get your shit together, you have serious problems if you feel you have to argue on behalf of a game in the fucking internet.

And you still can't deny that it is a blatant copy because it's fucking obvious with just looking the damn pictures.



No one criticizes this game because they’re trying to “look cool”. This game gets trashed because it’s objectively bad. You’re entitled to your own opinion on the game, yes. But when other people fault the game for things it did wrong and features it blatantly stole from better games, denying that and saying that they’re just agreeing with others is simply delusional. Please get off of your high horse. You’re not better than everyone else here because you like this game.


>the bloody picture
Yes and i was talking about that, i know and if looked/played at the games at all it's still bullshit.

>I never said anything about the damn game,

I never said you did, you dumbass

>argue on behalf of a game in the fucking internet.

This isn't white jizzing or i'm speak on behalf of anything. I'm speaking because you don't what the hell you are saying, nor talking about, with the CRAPPY POST THAT YOU DID.

>And you still can't deny that it is a blatant copy because it's fucking obvious with just looking the damn pictures.

It's a copy because you just aimed it that why, if you watch anything, both the game are different. READ THE LAST POST AND STILL IGNORING.

>This game gets trashed because it’s objectively bad

No, it an alright game that people shitted, because muh 20 rolbuxs and making up random crap like: >>2224
that not true, it's people hated for this for no real reason, and no criticism, just random crap to fuck some shit up

>simply delusional

So is making random crap up and ignoring everything to make others delusional.


*I'm speaking because you don't know what the hell you are saying, nor talking about

It's a copy because you just aimed it that way, if you watched anything, both the game are different. READ THE LAST POST AND YOU'RE STILL IGNORING MY POSTS.*


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Are you so mad you can't even write properly or something? Also, love the caps.

>Yes and i was talking about that

No, all you told me is the games aren't similar and that I, buhh buhh, "was an ignorant fag" for not agreeing with your shitty opinion.

>i know and if looked/played at the games at all it's still bullshit.

Irrelevant, I'm talking about the picture, not the games, it's the second time I spell this to you.

>I never said you did, you dumbass

Oh no, you just argued me about why I was stupid for thinking things I never said of the games portrayed in those pictures. Right here >>2239
>Wow, it's almost like it's somewhat of a side squirreler like Detention and other games but no it the same game sine the pic does the same things and not like core game part of other game is different sine it's a platformer with one way of viewing, no, not at all
And here >>2244
>there are other games in that path and others doing the same as that and the core things of the other game you shitted (note: where did I shit it? See, this is what I'm talking about) is different and if anything this feels more like game in late-90's if anything, not limbo 2.
I like how you say "you are still bullshitting and ignored my own point", aren't you projecting here?

>I'm speaking because you don't know what the hell you are saying, nor talking about, with the CRAPPY POST THAT YOU DID.

Nice strawman, I never even said anything about anything at all other than pointing out YNDD picture almost traces the other one. I never said it was neither a good or a bad thing, this is just YOU projecting.

>It's a copy because you just aimed it that why

What? This doesn't make any sense. It is a copy because the pose, composition and even colors are awfully similar, the only difference is that they weren't done by the same artist, a priori (I don't know who made either so…).
>if you watch anything, both the game are different. READ THE LAST POST AND STILL IGNORING.
>both the game are different
>both the game
Since you can't deny it now you… you… you…? Are you a retard? This is the third time I say I am talking about the pictures, not the games… you… you have autism or something? Or are you some developer from playism or something? The broken english speaks by itself. マジでこれが嫌いだったらあっちいけよ、自分に困惑しているんだけだぞ。


Maybe you should do the same yourself and realize I'm not talking about the games. I literally addressed your whole post to you, so don't come with this bullshit.


>smug animu girl
>shitty opinion
ur gay, go back to /a/ i bet u like reddit

>Maybe you should do the same yourself and realize I'm not talking about the games. I literally addressed your whole post to you, so don't come with this bullshit.

I didn't say you were talking about the game you're not reading anything, and just saying the same crap again.
This just proves you just making crap up.

>Are you so mad you can't even write properly or something?

Wow you i wonder did get that idea.

>Also, love the caps.

me two.

>aren't you projecting here?

No, i am not, you still just did it again in this post you made, just fucking read at this point. I already said my shit for multiple times.

>Since you can't deny it now you… you… you…? Are you a retard? This is the third time I say I am talking about the pictures, not the games… you… you have autism or something? Or are you some developer from playism or something? The broken english speaks by itself. マジでこれが嫌いだったらあっちいけよ、自分に困惑しているんだけだぞ。

i'm making witty cumback so pls don't talk 2 me, becuz me then you cuz i made insalt

>Nice strawman, I never even said anything about anything at all other than pointing out YNDD picture almost traces the other one. I never said it was neither a good or a bad thing, this is just YOU projecting.

Isn't that what you did time by time, you made a crappy red herring and made a strawman, and still it traces almost traces because you angel it that way, it's not tracing and there still different games, it not a rip off as you're trying obviously imply with the tracing crap, there are different game before limbo 2 and that uses side scrolling. Read >>2239

>Right here >>2239

>i missing the point on prepiss
There are not ripping off/tracing anything, just because you did x in one way does not make it the same thing or the same game, you do this with any side scrolling game. They are different games from the beginning and there are different that are side scrolling adventurers, claiming there are even tracing is stupid.
Stop strawmaning and using it wrong like redditor.

>most thing in this post is i didn't readz XD and i'm going to say the same crap while putting insalts'' as filler as still ignore everything while still misrepresented from what I've said like a strawman.


It's pretty obvious you can't even handle english so I'm not even going to not bother anymore. Nothing of what you say makes any sense at all and you literally warp yourself in this shitty logic fallacies and conveniently ignore things and sound like underage cancer, it's as bad as talking with legit retarded people. I seriously hope you're just a troll, because it'd be very sad otherwise.


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>just still making shitty unrelated insalts again
Wow reddit must love you, you are the smartest person in /a/. Thanks for post that had nothing to do with other post to get the last word.


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The smell of 4cuck is heavy in the air. Sei, please bring out the air freshener. Two faggots slapping their cocks together just creates such an unpleasant odor.


and you think you know everything samefag anon.

>unpleasant odor

it's my seaman


>you think you know everything


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Rule 6 will be enforced below this line. Think critically, respond intelligently, play nice.


And some peeople act like having new users out of this could ever be good.
They can't be good, they don't lurk, they think this is 4chan, and derail posts.
I insist on this since Project Yume Nikki started.

Newfags are cancer.


>No, it an alright game that people shitted, because muh 20 rolbuxs and making up random crap like:

>it's people hated for this for no real reason, and no criticism, just random crap to fuck some shit up

I don't think you've been here enough time anon, this is a commercial fangame aimed to a mainstream normie audience and doesn't represent Yume Nikki well, I don't judge, they want to sell and that's okay.

All the relevant YNFGs knew how to capture what people like of YN and what it was, the exploration is nowhere near open, the game is too linear, the puzzles look like they don't belong in a YN universe, and most importantly and probably the one thing that makes it unforgivable, it's too focused on being spooky or horror like.
Not saying these are bad things, but they are things that don't belong in a Yume Nikki REMAKE, if it was a fangame with another main character, let's name her "4chantsuki" and with a different name, I'd be completely okay with it.

Let's not even talk about reducing the single most iconic event in the game to a shitty jumpscare with a still image or the completely random and out of place Ao Oni reference.

Wether is a bad game or not is open to debate, but it's an extremely mediocre remake.

tl;dr the Dragonball Evolution of Yume Nikki.



I don't agree with that. Although this game completely deviates from the formula that Yume Nikki is known for, it still had a shot at offering a fresh perspective on the Yume Nikki world, which it claims to do. The Pink Sea in particular has a great atmosphere.

Unfortunately, this game is bent on offering the player a very direct sort of horror that fails entirely both because there is no actual threat to the player character because Madotsuki is dreaming and that several of them (Monoe and the mannequins come to mind) are very uninspired and frankly, not very frightening. Combine this with unenjoyable platforming and fetch quests, throw in a spoopy metaphor monster that chases you, and you have a horror game, I guess.

I don't find that there's very much to defend about this game.


>implying u not samefag

>Newfags are cancer.

like u

> this is a commercial fangame aimed to a mainstream normie audience

No, it never tried to be mainstream hell if even looking at the gameplay you can even tell it's really mainstream in the first place.

>tl;dr the X of Yume Nikki.

>I don't judge
>Not saying these are bad things
Yeah no, you don't know what you even talking about, everyone knew from the beginning that Dragonball Evolution was going to be crap and was crap when it played. Not extremely mediocre remake, and hell i won't call it even a remake in the first place.

>it's too focused on being spooky or horror like

No, it still in end doesn't go too far, there some more spooky shit but not into high amounts like other games and fan game.

>Ao Oni

>Out of no where
Too be honest i didn't mind sine it was of just a small easter egg
>but it out of nowhere
Just like othereaster egg and guess what it's something that you would have find in the first place it isn't leading you to it, nor a main part of the game.

>I don't find that there's very much to defend about this game.
Because the game really isn't god-like, it's just a ok game that people take to whole another level and give flimsy reasons at best.


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Sei said to keep things civil and in order, so please ignore obvious baits and keep discussing the game.

Eh, that is strange, the game really has its highlights, the pink sea was a cool location,
I think the reason for the inconsistency could be that many developers were working on it, thee product was obviously rushed, so maybe there was an actual fan in the dev team.


Have we considered how much executive meddling could have been involved? Not to let the devs fully off the hook but it makes a lot of sense. The Ao Oni shit smells of this, to me at least.


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Do you think that this project could have started as a legit attempt to recreate Yume Nikki, but got shat all over by Kadokawa for the money™?
Little Nightmares and Inside were super popular and they just had the Game Maker license lying around.
Just combine known names and profit guaranteed amirite


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I feel that a lot of the team behind it were genuine fans of Yume Nikki who wanted to make this a real thing. All the interviews point to the fact, and it's been mentioned by multiple people that the art director moved to Japan because of Yume Nikki (and that he had his own idea in mind for the Effects, and a scrapped concept of different outfits, and whatnot).

It's like a fan product, where they have all these cool ideas, ride some naive high after playing recent indie games, where they genuinely think things like the mannequins are cool ideas, put them into a game, and it doesn't mix well.

The main problem is, it had a budget and a company behind it, so it's of course going to be scrutinized more than say a fangame would. I'm also sure Kadokawa rushed the release and wanted to see if they can make money off the YN fanbase (it was made in eight months and was rushed out the door full of bugs, probably to advertise at Comiket and have it out the door soon after), but I feel at least most of the staff behind it had a true love of the game.

I enjoyed the game for what it was, 20 dollars feels just a tad too much (15 would've been perfect) but I feel got my money out of it. Really good art design (especially monster/environment), good music, but the gameplay is basic, the horror doesn't have consequences to make it feel intimidating, and the narrative just feels like a collage of Yume Nikki elements as a skin for random gameplay elements, with some Monoe thing going on I guess.

tl;dr in my opinion it was a genuine attempt by actual fans and a good concept with good aesthetics but gameplay was misguided and executed the wrong way.


That Ao Oni bullshit was out of place and random, if it was an older game that could have inspired YN, I'd understand it, but this was just a cheap move just to include something popular.


Expected a low effort cash grab that completely missed the point of the source material, and that's what it was. Dunno why anyone got excited over it, it's just the YN name tacked onto a generic horror game. It's a fangame made by people who don't give a damn about the original. If you want a sequel, just play Yume 2kki


i wonder if it's possible to view the models used in the game somewhere.
just kinda curious to see how they look. i've seen Mado and Masada so far


I think you just need to open it with Unity.


A bit off topic but what happened to a thread made on this board around 3 hours ago about some dudes discussing yndd best value being the ost? Someone posted yndd’s ost there and I wanted to download it.

In relation to this thread, I still haven’t played it. 20€ is a lot for a fangame since I can get more promising games for less.


Guess op didn't like the response they got.


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Thank you!


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Cons and pros (according to me; not necessarily objective):

- Bugs, glitches, lack of optimisation. This is mostly fixed now, but the release was unplayable.

- Too much 2spooky generic horror tropes. I understand why they decided to put more emphasis on the horror elements with this new kind of gameplay, but aside of what comes from the original game, it's the wrong kind of horror. Where the original had surreal Lynchian stuff as well as body⁄sexual horror motifs that gave the impression they would fit in a Japanese, Mesoamerican or other circumpacific folklore story, this has Silent Hill schools, slaughterhouses and evil beacons. And that's without even counting the mannequins and that Slenderman-looking shit, which felt like they were randomly inserted from some other game.

- Platforming and action sequences are an abomination.

- Too short, too linear, too many invisible walls. A little bit of free roaming sections in which you could just walk around and maybe see a thing or two without gaining anything would be nice.

- Visuals, in the dream worlds at least, could really benefit from a bit of stylisation and a bit less realism.

+⁄- The game has a lot of nostalgia targeting packed in. Plenty of Yume Nikki stuff in it consisted of what was basically cameos and Easter eggs (Monoko, FACE, the secret "ending", Aztec Rave Monkey, etc.). On the one hand, the game would be less enjoyable for me if those things weren't present, on the other, I think the way they were included was somewhat unsatisfying. Feels like plain fanservice, although I'm almost sure this is not the case (see below).

+ Music and sound design are nearly flawless.

+ Madotsuki was handled lovely, both her visual design and the way she behaves. Her mannerisms, her slightly hunched posture and the feeble sounds she emits give her a subtle characterisation that goes beyond what was evident in the original game, yet don't contradict it.

+ Despite of what I said above in regards to realism and stylisation - those concerns aside, I really liked the visuals overall (with the exception of most of the new places, the Mall and the Docks). Mado's room and balcony, the Nexus, picrelated, the Pink Sea, the Sky Garden, the Train, the Barracks and most of the creatures (both the concept art and the ingame models) were close to perfect. I really enjoyed (re)visiting all those places in 3D.

+ Puzzles I think were a nice addition (again, considering the new gameplay). Although I would've made them more random and remove all the hints in order to make them more "dreamlike", if I was in the shoes of the game creators.

+ It's evident that there's a lot of heart put in the game and that the people who made it are Yume Nikki fans. Regardless of all the flaws and stuff inconsistent with the world of the original game, it still tries to maintain a kind of mood similar to it, and succeeds in a few places. Also, my impression is that the fanservice-like elements I mentioned are actually the result of an urge to include as much of the iconic moments of YN as possible while in the middle of a really rushed development process.

Overall, I'm not sure how I feel about this game. I wouldn't call it a good game, I wouldn't even call it a finished game, but I would lie if I said I didn't like it. Yet at the same time I realise it has very little merit on its own, and I certainly wouldn't have the patience to play it if it was not Yume Nikki-themed. It's still better that we have it instead of having nothing, and I don't understand the sentiment of people who say it has ruined the original game. The original Yume Nikki is still there, it won't change with that, just like it didn't change after that awful manga shizzle. All I want now is a decent mod that gets rid of the silly spoopiness and other non-YN elements, and maybe expand the game a little in accordance with the original (that's highly unlikely, though).

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