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/rec/ - Ex-NEET / Recovery

Board for recovering NEETs and Ex-NEETs who are trying to reintegrate.

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Since it's sometimes difficult to have a conversation about trying to exit the NEET lifestyle in /hikki/ without it getting derailed, I have created this new board for such conversations.

If you are trying to go back to school or get a job, or if you've exited NEETdom a while ago but are still having problems, this is now the place to talk about it.

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Did anyone else escape NEET life and now just finds it even more lonely and isolating? I honestly haven't posted here or on any other chans in years. After nearly decade of being a NEET from 16 to 24, I did manage to get my life together. I have a job and am in a good university working towards my PHD, I'm what people would consider a "success" in that regards but its just lonely.

I can't relate to normal people, they don't have the same shared experience of growing up a NEET and being fucked in the head for so long. I can't make any connection with these people that has any meaning beyond the superficial. Meanwhile internet culture has completely left me behind and is weird and foreign to me, and honestly not interested in getting involved in most of whatever people are angry about.

I miss those days of feeling connected to others through the screen. At least I had others who understood back then.
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i feel it too, i hate modern memes the most these days. so much stupidity yet values itself so highly, you can tell the people that make them think very highly of themselves while being utter garbage. Social media created an entire generation of entitled brats who think they are the victim or more morally righteous person. I wish I could say they'd get a heavy dose of reality coming towards them, but it seems like reality is bending to their whims. We're dealing with baby boomers 2.0 with gen Z, and its just when we thought we were out of the woodwork. They will never know just how precious some things were to people, and just desecrate without care. I am so tired of gen Z, and I was born in-between gen z and millennials. I wish I could apologize for how my gen z side destroys, but I also wish I could apologize my millennial side for not doing enough to prevent that.


>i hate modern memes
>gen [a-zA-Z]*
please stop it


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I think your view is narrow minded, and involves you projecting a bit. I live in a big city, and with all the gen z people I've interacted with, whether extremely poor, suburbanite, wealthy, normie, neckbeard, violent, etc, I can say there is a strong sense of struggle resonating between all of them, besides maybe the wealthy ones. Have faith, the good ones out there I've noticed baarely use social media, or if they do stay on small independent sites/communities.


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I have no malice in my heart towards gen alpha and think they are shaping up to be a much better generation than gen z

I too live in a big city, and interact with gen z daily. have many friends who are gen z, as am I a member of gen z. That doesn't mean I don't see the issues that surround the generation. In fact, a lot of my views on the generation have to deal with my lived experience with them. Also how can you just go >projecting when you don't even know me? Is one post on an imageboard venting my frustration at the overall attitude of a generation from my point of view somehow means you know my whole life story and what behaviors I'm projecting on to others? I agree its narrowminded to generalize everyone in a whole generation but that doesn't mean you can't point out problems. I also agree you find much better representatives of quality people in a generation on smaller communities. I really don't get why people bend over backwards to defend gen z. There is a mutual sense of struggle within gen z, but covering up the inherent problems of a generation or flat out ignoring the problems exist isn't going to help us. There's always been a "This younger generation sucks" mentality for every generation too, but I think there are inherent problems to gen z that can't be handwaved with that.


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I don’t want anything getting in the way of my light, depressive brooding!

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Ex-NEET/Hiki general thread, how long has it been since you got out of it? What are you working on right now? Do you feel like going back to that life sometimes?

I got a job and started going outside 6 years ago, after 2 years of being isolated completely, sometimes I feel tempted of just staying at home playing videogames all day, or to stay in bed doing absolutely nothing, I am still depressed, recently something bad happened, and I felt the need of going back to those habits, close my social media and be a full time anon again.

An important part of my recovery was the people around me, and volunteering at hospitals and hostels for the bed, working still feels kind of weird though.

Now I work as a programmer and web designer, not the best job for someone like me, but it's what I learned to do.

It's hard, but like an anon told me here, if I got out of that mentality once, I can do it again, and so can you.
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guessing its the edgy guy going around on fg making posts about uroqsuki or whatever it was for attention


>>hey anon, that's kind of mean
mean? it's the truth. seeing my cute little rabbits killed was one of my biggest childhood trauma




It's been 2 years but the last 6 months felt like I actually left the life. The reality is that it wasn't much better. I feel despair if friends don't respond to my texts, where as before I understood if it took a week to see a response in chans. Sometimes I wish I didn't meet people, because they didn't meet me in my desired state. I think I can say I'm liked at work but you know it's superficial and shallow like. Due to absorbing myself in the normie wage life I lost sight of my goals and actually lost progress. I observed how they talk bad about each other but will be friendly with you. It makes me uncomfortable, some of them will try to belittle you weirdly even though they are in worse state. I don't want to be full of deceit like them.


For me I realized that the outside is really just like the internet playground, just the realer place. I stopped being afraid of people, even low-lives don't scare me anymore(there is many in my country). And yeah, the computer is basically an escape, a petty one for me because it's really all the same here and there, both have clicks and underground scenes and all sorts of drama and you just learn to stop being afraid and deal with them. For any hikkis here, just go out and live your life, shine bright like a star.

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Hello lovely people, I just wanted to make this thread to remind you that it's all going to be OK.

Can you share some positive improvements that have happened in your life recently? Personally I am working on getting more professional help for my issues and it's working out well. I'd love to hear some positivity of you people.
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I've been employed for almost two years, which is the longest I've held a job, it's just a part time job with very little social interaction but I think that's the only reason I've stayed here. I was asked about a promotion but it also meant more hours so I declined, because I think I know myself enough to know it'd cause me problems sooner than later. I wish I was normal enough to accept it and make more money though.

I also self-harmed very frequently since my teens, and I'm probably about 90% better than I used to be. I went from doing it weekly to very rarely, and it's never nearly as bad as it was. Part of it is the fact I work, and I can't really go to work with cuts because it'd be hard hiding it.

That said, I sometimes miss when I self-harmed a lot and just stayed in my room all day every day, there's a weird comfort in just feeling hopeless and not looking forward to the future. Does anyone else have moments like this?


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I feel you, I am technically doing better for myself but I just feel tired and jaded and can't work full time to save my life. I actually made my availability less because working 5 days a week was just too much for me. I greatly miss the quiet life of waking up and not having to go to work or college every day. Work just feels draining and I haven't cleaned my room up in days because I just feel stressed from work and stressed about having to go to work again the next day.


>Does anyone else have moments like this?
It's as if time stops moving and I go back to a place where the future was far away, and I'm the only thing that matters.


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after years of job hunting, i landed myself a position at a fast food chain around a month ago and im genuinely happy.

the job is not anything spectacular, but i have much better perfecting my social interaction w/ others because that was something that needed a big improvement in my life. it comes with a lot of confidence too, which ive built up. i personally take anti-depressants and i still see a therapist but im pretty happy overall.


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I'm currently receiving professional help, been taking antidepressants and medication to treat my severe anxiety, trying to not going back into the self-harming cycle (1 month free from it!).
I feel so alienate from society, like i don't fit here at all, but thanks to having the help i need i make little efforts of going outside everyday. Sometimes i miss the quietness of waking up in my room, in my safe space, and not having to spend my time outside of my room, but i've never been this happy to be able to wake up and just be glad that i can see another day. I just wish my brain worked properly because it's too loud and noisy and it never shuts up

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i read through the recent thread about getting diagnosed and it resonated with me a lot, since i am unmedicated (talking to therapist, we both agree something is wrong with my brain) and currently just a complete failure in college due to my executive dysfunction. just bombed the first test of the course, and it dawned on me that staying like this is not sustainable in the slightest (not that i was ever under the impression it was), so i want to change this while i am still just starting out, before it's too late. i have tried sheer-willpower-ing and it has not worked well at all, my brain is shockingly easy to distract.
so i'd like to ask, what are some tips/tricks/methods/whatever you find useful that helps you get things done despite having executive dysfunction?


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Counting tends to help me. Very short countdowns that are constant. So like, if I’m procrastinating I shower, sometimes I count myself to stand up, then I count again to start walking, count to turn on the shower, etc. no real pressure, just ‘three two one’ and I stand up. Doing the steps towards the actual tasks like this makes it a bit easier for me to get to the task. It isn’t foolproof though, unfortunately.


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keeping track of things seems to really help me. if theres a way you can throw all of your to-do stuff in one (or several centralized) lists it makes it easier to know what it is that needs to be done and what can be prioritized. using a personal discord server for just that has helped a lot of people i know, and goblin.tools seems like a good place to start if youre stuck on where to start on a task. >>529 is very good advice too. ive also heard "just do 5 minutes" of a thing and you'll either get engrossed in the task and just do it, or you'll have 5 minutes of work done which is better than nothing


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hii, op here. a lot has happened since when i first made this post and i just wanted to give an update of some kind i guess
firstly, >>529 and >>530 are genuinely really great pieces of advice, and did help me be a bit more productive. but at the end of the day they ended up not being enough on its own lol

i did however manage to get properly diagnosed with adhd after pursuing it for a few months, and was also able to get on adhd meds for the first time!
and holy shit the difference is shocking lol. it feels surreal to actually be able to do things at all, and at least for me there's a sense of relief knowing that i'm not just lazy like my parents used to say all the time
it does make me wonder how i was able to get anything done before i was on meds lmao, it's kinda jarring seeing how differently my brain is actually supposed to work

overall, getting diagnosed was a huge game changer, and i'm honestly feeling a little bit more hopeful about the future, oddly enough

idk why i wanted to give an update on this, but yeah, here it is
hope whoever's reading this has a great day! :)

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Since I graduated from University in June I've been planning on going back to do a Master's or a PhD. For what it's worth, I graduated with (I think) the highest grade of my year from a pretty bad university, but I also did a community-related EC and was the recipient of a research scholarship in my second year.
I spent a few months putting together the best applications I could, but made the mistake of aiming too high and only applying for a few difficult to get in to universities. So far I've heard back from 2 of the places I applied, both were rejections, and I'm not feeling too confident about the other 3.
Right now I'm panicking, because it's become abundantly clear that I've wasted the last 8 months and several hundred dollars doing basically nothing. I told myself I'd get an article written but I've been completely unable to get anything done because of all the uncertainty.
In a last-ditch effort, I'm putting together a PhD application to send to places that are still accepting applicants and might be able to supervise it. But, again, I'm not too hopeful about this.
I really do not know what to do if this doesn't pan out. I can't find any jobs that I'm not either over or under qualified for.
Someone suggested I become an assistant language teacher, but I am not comfortable at all with living alone somewhere where I don't speak the language after being a recluse for over a year.
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I feel you too anon. I got into a top school but I just can't afford to go, no way for my broke ass to finance it. I should be applying to other more affordable places but I can't motivate myself to even get out of bed. All I do is browse the chans all day and try to ignore life. Just wish I could upload myself onto the internet and not deal with this shit.


>da office


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It's been another year so I may as well give another update.
After my contract ended in April 2023 I was a NEET again until last February. I somehow managed to get a bunch of interviews at some incredibly high-profile places but I think I was too autistic in the interview for all of them. Eventually I found another part-time research job in February, which has been pretty comfy (and way, way below the skillset they were asking for - a PhD was preferred for a role that has just been printing things off and proofing things for other people). So I can't really complain too much.
I've also been offered a spot on two doctoral programs. One is 4 years and offers a full scholarship with just enough of a stiped to live off but I'd have to move to Asia for it. I've not heard back on funding from the other one yet but it's only 3 years and has a (much) better reputation, so I'd prefer to go there. Either way I'm making progress. For the first time in a very long time I'm not worried about the future.


As someone who's considering doing a PhD, your post fills me with hope, anon


I'm glad you found this useful. If nothing else I want this thread to show that you can do stuff with enough ability, effort and patience.
Best of luck with your applications, and consider applying internationally, especially if you need the money. Anecdotally, I had two interviews for PhDs in the Netherlands last year and both paid very well. I understand Switzerland pays very well, too. The University of [spoler]Hong Kong[/spoiler] offers funding with every place but it's barely enough to live off, unless you get the big fellowship, in which case it pays very well.

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19 years old and i recently ditched the whole neet lifestyle and got myself a job. genuinely sucks so much and i thought it would change a lot for me but if anything it ruined my life.

my parents started making me pay rent a few months ago and since august my government income (which was around $400) has dropped down to $68 a month, absolutely nowhere near enough to pay rent.

she told me if i wanted to stay in the house i had to get a job. now i'm a cleaner at my old high school which is so embarrassing. and i feel like the kids at school stare at me and it's been pulling at my mental health

i stay up all night and play video games so i always sleep late. my shift starts at 3pm and ends at 6pm. by the time i get home it's already too late for me to want to eat, and since i've started working this has become a daily thing, where i only eat dinner on the weekends because i'm not away working

seriously want to quit this job and go back to the way i was living before, but i know it's not a healthy alternative at all… what do i do?


try and find a different job! that sounds like a fucking nightmare. there might be some programs for like welders or electricians who will train you and you can make decent money. you do have a lot of options right now and thats very scary. but sometimes you just gotta point yourself in a direction and see what happens. itll take a few tried to find a place that doesnt suck ass


Watch movies about janitors. I remember seeing this one about a girl who was Ivy league bound but ruined her life by drunk driving.


find a different job with more agreeable hours. already having a job actually makes getting a new one a lot easier. hell, you'll probably make more money too, it sounds like you only work three hours a day? seek elsewhere


have you thought of applying for NEETbux? (check the unle reimus guide).

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Just got a job today. I'm probably going to quit or get fired again, but, let's see how this goes

I will try to keep this thread up as a "journal" in hopes of helping or motivation another anon to do as I did today
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>Basically Ive mustered up the courage to ask for a job at a local computer store.
it's for the better, sales jobs are brutal unless you're a sociopath / psychopath since your job is literally to lie all day


you aren't letting us down. I'm very proud of you for challenging yourself and trying


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Thanks. I told the owner that I would prefer having a job in the back where I'd fix and build computers but I think he needed someone on the front desk. I'm not good at talking to people at all and obviously he picked up on that. I asked two other stores the day after I wrote 416 and both told me that they weren't hiring. I found 2 more stores (and one far away but seems promising. Might have to learn to take the bus for that but I'm willing) hope I update with good news next time!

Thank you, I really do appreciate still having this thread supporting me. On top of not being able to hold a convo for long I also didn't want to trick people and sell them junk. In a way I'm glad I didn't get hired over working to lie to people.

Have a good day guys. Slowly but surely we're making it.


I should mention, I was also really anxious on the first time I asked for a job at a computer store. Remember to collect yourselves before doing stuff like this, I got too excited and didn't think of it. Maybe I would've gotten the job perhaps? But that's not what I'll think of right now. I can't control everything and that's fine.

(also, correction I meant to reply to 424 on the second reply. to clear confusion)


>but we all get better with practice right?

Yes we do. I'm glad I know this first hand. I hope I've helped or motivated some of you to do so as well


Hope life is going well for you textile anon

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Every Hikki is secretly a cocoon. Some of our cocoons are bright yet brooding and just waiting to pop! Others are dark and gristled without much life left in them. Every cocoon can grow if left in peace long enough, though many are pushed and prodded in all the wrong ways and may never get the chance. I hope your cocoon pops uboaling, it's time to wake up if you can.
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good posts!


a hikki is a mans fingertips curled at the door



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i dropped out of highschool due to extreme stress.. im now finally trying to get my ged but i keep procrastinating making calls. how do i get motivation? im not the best at math and i know its going to be a dreadful process


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firstly, big boss posting realness

Secondly, procrastination is a huge bitch. I’m still flaking on making some calls for surgery honestly, so you’re not alone. I’d suggest just taking them one at a time. Easier to motivate yourself for one than for like, five. Taking things slowly and at one’s own pace is what Highschool usually prevents, they expect you to work at everyone else’s level. If you’re working to your own pace now, then you can take things one at a time. That should make motivation easier.

Don’t quote me on that though, lol


you need to light a fire under your ass and realize how easily shitty your life could get or how easily good your life could be


hello,op here i finally did it and i started my classes. thank u kangel…


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K-angel poster here! glad to hear it! Just keep at it, make sure you put your needs first if other shit gets in the way and you’ll do something! Still haven’t made my own calls but I’ll get to them eventually. Getting motivation is still a bitch…. 🙏BLESS🙏

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