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File: 1696965124146.png (380.59 KB, 1353x939, dream.png)


Dear professionals, how could I make this look more YN-like? Sincerely: Me


aw, whatever this is it's already pretty cool, it doesn't have to be more yn-like it's just as good as it is, although the angle kind of breaks away from the norm a bit, and if the graphics where pixelated it'd help assimilate it further


I dunno, looks like you already nailed it.


File: 1697105293839.png (357.65 KB, 1266x886, uboach.png)

Dear professional uboachan users, thank you for the comments. I don't want to be blamed for Advertising so I hid something on this image. Sincerely: Me


Dear anon, I am not a professional but I can try

The biggest thing that makes up something that is YN-like is atmosphere in my opinion. Stuff like the music and the lighting and the mad shit that happens, it’s what made LSD dream emu so great as well. What you have is really good, I love the look and the isometric style is something I’ve not seen too much of. If you want more YN-like vibes, it’s more in the music and the events. You’ll do great!


Dear not professional uboachan user, thank you I will focus on events and music. Sincerely, you know who (Me)


I've played this before, you didn't make this


File: 1697347350791.png (285.89 KB, 640x853, 14ff450dbeef5fc8.png)

That's correct, I only made the CSS theme and some other things/changes. Sorry for any confusion, never intended to imply I made the game itself. Sincerely: Me

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