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File: 1520061209038.jpg (56.86 KB, 450x355, burrito.jpg)


If magically eating one random bean burrito would somehow make the world a better place, and you knew this for an absolute fact, would you make that choice? Would you choose differently depending on if the totally random burrito could be yours or not?


Is shitposting all you know how to do?


File: 1520463480160.png (282.29 KB, 510x581, 2ffa3128bb85bde2165aac75bf….png)

the world doesn't deserve it


After I reread and saw it said
>bean burrito
I'd maybe make the world better once or twice, rather than 3-4 times, and only because I miss burritos.


Because of this post I just now found out burritos are the same thing as wraps. Weird that mexicans decided to call them little donkeys.
Bean wraps sound disgusting. Maybe if it was ground into a soup I would try them.

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