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/o/ - Art / Oekaki

Oekaki is back!!!

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 No.4623[View All]

I've been struggling to get back into art lately. Finding the motivation to stay committed to it has been difficult in the past. I even put off making this thread. By having other people be aware of whether I am actually putting in effort or not, I hope that I can stay motivated. Any and all feedback is very welcome.
77 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Day 33
I started a drawing, but I want to catch up on some sleep.


Sweet dreams, sleep well.


Day 34
It's coming along, but there are some difficulties.


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Day 35:Mouse carrying Daruma


Day 36
I started something. Tomorrow's Saturday, so I will get it done.


Day 37
I underestimated it. Maybe i'll do two things tomorrow.


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Day 38: Snake netsuke
Here it is. I at least started the next one.


Day 39
The form is pretty complicated, but I think I nailed it. The hardest part is over.


Day 40
I worked a bit on it, but I had a busy day. I'm getting some real drawing pencils for the shading.


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Day 41:Mice netsuke
I struggled with controlling the pencil.


Day 42
I started something pretty unusual, but I had a hectic day.


Day 43
The form is much more complex than I thought it would be, but I made good progress today.


Day 44
This drawing is actually hellish. Every single part is a struggle, but I've gotten through the hardest part. I'll definitely have to do more stuff like this.


Day 45
I'm on the final stretch ofthe shading. It's too late to finish it.


I can do it man!
This one >>4751 looks pretty cool. I now want the snail figurine in >>4736


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*You can do it man!

Sorry about that.


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Day 46:Princess Maker 2 Mercenary ending
It's finished. I don't know what the fuck happened. I thought this would be easier than what I usually do, but no. Every single part except the shading was a massive struggle. I had to trace over my first shape form with lamplight because the amount of erasing made the page too dark. The face and head was probably the hardest part, but the legs definitely weren't easy either. I tried my best since I like this game a lot.


pretty good


Day 47
I've started another ending. Hopefully it wont take as long.


Day 48
I have a lot on my plate right now, but I got something done.


Day 49
It's coming along.


Day 50
It's gonna take one more day. I've been swamped lately.


Day 52
I'm sick again and feel lost like shit. Hopefully i'll get back on track during May.


sick looking forward to summer


It's the end of the year which means crunch time. Need sleep.






















Seriously just wait until you've actually made something like just look at all these posts made of absolutely nothing


Just trying to keep up the momentum. If I keep posting the day number every day, it'll be a bit easier to get back into it when I get more time. Besides, I always sage.


This whole thread is really a psychological experiment in motivation and time management.


hey your drawings are really nice and it is really cool to see a record of your improvement! looking forward to seeing more in the future.
I know it might be hard to pick up a pencil sometimes, but here is a thing I heard somewhere - think of drawing not as making a finished product, but as a record of a series of thoughtful decisions, like an exercise, it’s a pursued skill. always carry a sketchbook with you and draw everything.
Also the end of the semester can be a hectic time. You got this. but no matter what keep drawing!


How's your drawing going? You haven't made an update in a while.


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I'm back. The end of the year was tough and I was burnt out for a while. I'm going to start counting by the number of drawings because days clearly didn't work. Started this one two days ago and abandoned what I was working on a few months before. I only used a 4h and 4b, i'm done with number 2s.


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good job anon
you're doing great and i'm not going to say i am better
but maybe focus more on how you draw
start building shades out of shapes instead of lines
it will make your drawings more lively


I tried looking that up online, but I couldn't find anything. Could you be more specific?


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I still don't know what drawing shades with shapes means, but nevertheless, i'm happy with how something this elaborate turned out.


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The subject matter of this one is weird. I tried experimenting with charcoal.


These jade statues are tough choices for reference, because the material has a smooth surface, requiring a lot of gradients, while they also have these fine ink shadings, influencing tones and perception of shape.

I would recommend to use different materials, like charcoal or pencil for the actual statue and ink or a fine pen for the details, as if you would carve the object out of the blank sheet and then paint it, just like the original artist. This way you can reduce the thickness of your outlines, setting the darkest tones with shading and clean up the borders of strong contrast. This will make the object almost pop out of the picture.

Another thing I want to advice is the colorization of the background. In drawings it's just normal for the object to end up darker than the reference, as you continue to add shading. With a very dark background however you can enhance the foreground without removing anything well-done. Again charcoal or a soft pencil like 4B and up is ideal for that. Ink and pen can be used, but can even be too dark for the object in the foreground, creating an unsettling impression of undertow.

With charcoal better double the size of your picture and avoid smudging for gradients unless you are really experienced or choose to use it like paint and smudge the whole picture. See these bright dots in the center? They remain in every part when you draw with charcoal on paper or canvas, but disappear in the areas you smudged. One can utilize this to create blurry backgrounds or contrasts of roughness for example, but otherwise it distorts the impression of the surface on a single object.


So what you're saying is I should use a fine pen for the inner lines and make the background darker?

Also, I didn't intentionally smudge the 2nd picture, I put charcoal over a layer of of white charcoal and then went back and forth between black and white charcoal.


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Use a fine pen for details you want a focus on and to smooth out borders of high contrast. Pencil and charcoal apply color like a very dense spray. The higher the pressure, the more material sticks to the ground. Since the tip of either tool is usually rounded from use in differing angles, you end up with a tight double sided gradient with the darkest part in the middle instead of a line, making it hard to create strong contrasts. Borders look soft or dirty.

You can make nice and clean edges just with shading by holding the pencil in a very low angle with the tip pointing right at the border of the bright part. If you add outlines with a pen or ink, make sure the dark part next to it is just as pitch-black as the outline, otherwise you get that comic effect.

I edited pic 1 digitally, but you can do this just as well by hand.
ball1 = original
ball2 = fat black outline
ball3 = added shading of background
ball4 = increased background shading, so the outline vanishes and removed outline from bright part
ball5 = all changes


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The original artist already did, what I meant with coloring the background. The brighter and more outstanding the object in the foreground is, the darker should be the background behind it. I just wanted to highlight the outline problem. ball2 looks kinda awkward, but by approximating the shading behind one gets this clean shape. If you do this by hand, the effect will be even stronger, because you don't lose the texture of the paper, yet the outlined border will be dense enough to break the naturally underlying pattern.

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